Total Records Found: 374
First NameLast NameAffiliationPhDCountry FocusKeywordsAvailability
Hannah R. Abrahamson College of the Holy Cross PhD Mexico Colonial Latin American History, Atlantic History, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History Media Contact
Desiree Abu-Odeh PhD United States public health, gender, sexuality, race, urban history, sexual violence, higher education, colleges and universities, social movements 1
Danna Agmon Virginia Tech PhD France, India France, India, Europe, Indian Ocean, Colonialism, Empire, Religion, Commerce, Law, Early Modern History Media Contact
Alvita Akiboh Yale University PhD United States U.S. empire, U.S. colonies, U.S. overseas territories, material culture, iconography, national identity, nation-building, nationalism, disasters, disaster relief, hurricane, volcano, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Hawai'i, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands Media Contact
Janna Aladdin PhD Media Contact
Sarah Albiez-Wieck University of Cologne, Germany PhD Mexico, Peru Latin American History, colonialism, Tarascans, belonging, migration, indigenous people, Mexico, Peru, Spanish empire, comparisons, ethnicity, social categorisations, 15-19th century Media Contact
Ruth Almy Temple University (adjunct), Gratz College (affiliate faculty), Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center PhD Great Britain, Canada Migration, British Empire, Great Britain, Canada, Immigration, Legal History, Global History, Asian American, South Asian Diaspora, Genocide, Memory and Memorialization Media Contact
Marnie Anderson Smith College PhD Japan modern Japanese history, women and gender in Japanese history, Japan in East Asia Media Contact
Bridie Andrews Bentley University PhD China and its trading partners. Sino-western scientific and medical exchanges. Medicine in China, Chinese medicine, missionary medicine, drugs trades, history of pharmacy, medicine and empire, imperial medicine, women and colonial medicine, colonial science, imperial science, science and society Media Contact
Noelani Arista Kanaka Maoli University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa PhD Hawaiʻi and the U.S. Hawaiian History, 19th century U.S., Indigenous research and translation, Colonial history and historiography. Media Contact
Evelyn Atkinson University of Chicago; American Bar Foundation PhD United States History of the corporation, legal history, history of capitalism, history of the long Nineteenth Century, history of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, tort law, constitutional law, corporate responsibility Media Contact
Claire E. Aubin University of Edinburgh other credentials holocaust studies, genocide studies, world war two, american history, contemporary history, cold war Media Contact
Julia Baldó-Alcoz Independent Researcher PhD Spain Medieval History, Medieval Art History, Social History, Attitudes towards death and funerary rites, Cultural Heritage, Military Orders and Crusades, Gender History, Palaeography. 1
Mou Banerjee UW-Madison PhD India; Bangladesh; Pakistan; Afghanistan; Sri Lanka South Asia; India; Colonialism; British Imperial History; Religion; Politics; Intellectual History Media Contact
Hannah Barker Arizona State University PhD Italy, Egypt, Ukraine, Russia Medieval history, slavery, trade, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Italy, Egypt 1
Yesenia Barragan Rutgers University PhD African Diaspora, Slavery, Emancipation and Abolition, Race and Ethnicity, Gender, Atlantic World, Pacific World, Colombia, Andes, Latin America and Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, US South Media Contact
Maria H Barrera-Agarwal Independent scholar other credentials Ecuador, India, United States Book History, Women's History, Latin America, Ecuador, India, Nineteenth Century, Literature, Art History Media Contact
Catherine Baylin Duryea St. John's University School of Law other credentials Morocco, Palestine, Kuwait, Egypt, Afghanistan, United States human rights, comparative constitutional development, administrative law Media Contact
Cordelia Beattie University of Edinburgh PhD England medieval England, medieval women, medieval gender Media Contact
Frances Bell The College of William & Mary other credentials United States; Haiti Early America; American Founding Era; Haitian Revolution; Atlantic History; Race; Slavery; Emancipation; Early Republic; US South; Law; Legal History 1
Kim Bender Heurich House Museum other credentials United States Washington DC, District of Columbia, urban history, brewing, labor, immigration, land use, entrepreneurship Media Contact
Emily Berg Paup College of St. Benedict and St. John's University PhD United States women, feminism, politics, history, rhetoric, law, discourse, argumentation 1
Julia Bernier University of North Alabama PhD US Slavery, Abolition, African American History, Early American History Media Contact
Michelle Bezark Northwestern University PhD United States American political development, public policy and administration, medicine and public health, women and gender, infant and maternal health, early childhood education Media Contact
Salonee Bhaman Yale University- Graduate Student other credentials United States 20th Century US History, rent control, rent regulation, housing, welfare, gender and feminism, reproductive justice, immigration, asian american history Media Contact
Mary Bilder Boston College Law School PhD Constitutional History, Women's History, Framing Period, Founders, American Legal History, Constitutional Convention and Ratification, Early American Republic, Constitution, Privy Council Appeals and Disallowance Media Contact
Jess Bird Mellon/ACLS Public Fellow PhD United States informal economy, New York City, policy, labor Media Contact
Jennifer Black Misericordia University PhD USA Visual culture, material culture, advertising, trademarks, fraud, business history, cultural history, Early America, citizenship, public history Media Contact
Cristina Blanco Sío-López University of Pittsburgh PhD European Union Member States, Spain, Germany, Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) European Integration History (Comparative EC/EU Enlargement, the Schengen Area and the EU Free Movement of Persons), Global History of the Present, Global Governance and Comparative Regional Integration, European Contemporary History, Critical Discourse Analysis, Oral History, Digital Humanities Media Contact
Anne M. Blaschke University of Massachusetts Boston, Associate Lecturer of American Studies PhD United States politics, diplomacy, culture, sports, race, gender, feminism, capitalism, Title IX, #MeToo Media Contact
Sharon Block University of California, Irvine PhD Colonial North America Media Contact
Rachel Blumenthal Hebrew University of Jerusalem PhD Israel, Austria, Germany, United States Modern Jewish history, Holocaust, transitional justice, reparations and restitution, migration, international organizations, international philanthropy, women Media Contact
Anna Boeles Rowland University of Leuven PhD England Late medieval, social history, law and society, marriage making, gift giving, material culture and the history of emotions Media Contact
Elizabeth Borgwardt Washington University in St Louis PhD Human Rights History, War Crimes, Nuremberg, History of International Law and U.S. Foreign Relations Media Contact
Eileen Boris University of California, Santa Barbara PhD USA, transnational work and labor, social policy, home, welfare, welfare state, Feminism, global labor Media Contact
Alyssa Bowen University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill other credentials Chile, Spain, France, Italy, UK, Netherlands, West German solidarity, Chile, Western Europe, human rights, the global 1970s, anti-colonialism, anti-fascism, labor solidarity, Spain, UK Media Contact
Kate Bradley University of Kent PhD Media Contact
Nicole Breault University of Texas at El Paso PhD United States law, governance, urban, social, cultural, local, material culture, policing, gender, space 1
Beatriz Breviglieri Oliveira Universidade de São Paulo/ University of Lisbon other credentials England, the United Kingdom Late Medieval English history, politics, culture and literature, theatre history, Shakespeare English Kings, mentalities and memory, Arthurian history and literature, King Richard III, Northern History, Families in the Middle Ages Media Contact
Rachel Bright Dr PhD South Africa, Australia, United Kingdom British Empire, Settler Colonialism, Race, Gender, Global History, Imperial History, Australia, South Africa Media Contact
Molly Brookfield Sewanee: University of the South PhD street harassment, sexual harassment, sexual violence, catcalls, ogling, public space, urban space Media Contact
Stephanie Brown University of Cambridge other credentials England; Wales Social history, legal history, gender, race, class, medieval England, fourteenth century, Black Death, gaol delivery, King's Bench, peasants, manor court, violence, homicide, history of crime and punishment, raptus, capital punishment, Edward III, conquest of Wales, family history, nineteenth century Wales, revolt and disorder. Media Contact
Hayley Brown London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine PhD history of the family, gender history, history of reproduction, history of health systems, transnational history, history of social medicine, New Zealand history, UK history Media Contact
Kate Brown Western Kentucky University PhD United States American Founding Era American Early Republic American Legal History Alexander Hamilton New York State's Court for the Correction of Errors 1
Tomiko Brown-Nagin Harvard PhD United States law, lawyers, civil rights, discrimination, civil rights movement, social movements, constitutional law Media Contact
Catherine Fleming Bruce Independent Scholar other credentials 1
Lolita Buckner Inniss SMU Dedman School of Law PhD USA, Canada legal history, slavery at universities, comparative constitutionalism, intersection of gender and race Media Contact
Maria Bucur Indiana University Bloomington PhD Romania gender, Europe, twentieth century, citizenship, memory, eugenics, film, feminism, communism, title IX, sexual misconduct Media Contact
Alice Bullard Bullard Esq. Law, formerly professor of history at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, U.C. Berkeley Ph.D. PhD Western Europe, France, French speaking lands (South Pacific, West Africa, North Africa), Washington D.C. Human Rights, Women's Rights, Trafficking, Contemporary Slavery, West Africa, Mauritania, Transcultural Psychiatry, Feminism, D.C. statehood, shari'a, blasphemy, apostasy, scapegoating, crowd psychology Media Contact
Victòria Burguera Universitat de les Illes Balears other credentials piracy; Late Middle Ages; Crown of Aragon; Mediterranean 1
Alex Burnett University of Michigan, Ann Arbor other credentials United States Twentieth century United States history; Transgender histories, carceral and surveillance studies, histories of psychiatry and medicine, histories of racial capitalism and labor, urban and suburban histories 1
Vanessa Burrows U.S. Food and Drug Administration PhD United States history of public health; history of medicine; history of science; federal regulation of drugs, foods, medical devices, tobacco and veterinary products; public policy; social reform movements; medical civil rights; health equity Media Contact
Erin N Bush University of North Georgia PhD United States crime history, gender, women, forensic history, sensational trials, juvenile delinquency, progressive reform, historic homicides, jazzland murders, capital punishment, eugenics, domestic crime, nutshell studies of unexplained death Media Contact
Sara Butler Ohio State University PhD England medieval England, legal history, women's history, history of marriage and divorce Media Contact
Claire Cage University of South Alabama PhD France 18th century, 19th century, France, gender, medicine, science Media Contact
Caylin Carbonell The College of William and Mary other credentials Colonial North America Early America, New England, Women and Gender, Slavery, Unfreedom, Dependence, Household, Family, Servitude, Labor, Law, Colonial Media Contact
Cassandra Casias Duke University PhD Roman history, Roman law, slavery, families, ancient sexuality, ancient medicine, late antiquity, early Christianity, North Africa. 1
Lauren Catterson University of Toronto other credentials United States 20th Century United States, migration, immigration policy, gender and sexuality, American state, policing 1
Matilde Cazzola Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory PhD Britain and the British Empire History of the British Empire, Social History, History of Political Thought 1
Adriana Chira Emory University PhD Cuba, Spanish Equatorial Guinea, Spain 1
Carolyn Conley Professor Emerita at UAB PhD Gender and violence, social history of criminal justice, UK, Ireland, British Empire, Homicide Media Contact
Angela Jill Cooley Minnesota State University, Mankato PhD United States U.S., American South, Constitutional History, Civil Rights, Food Media Contact
Mandy Cooper UNC-Greensboro PhD United States 19th century US history, US South, business history, legal history, the Civil War era, women's history, slavery, history of emotion, political history, cultural history, government institutions, state building, family history Media Contact
Dale J. Correa The University of Texas at Austin PhD Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey Islamic intellectual history, Central Asia, Transoxania, Epistemology, Philosophy of the mind 1
Margaret Crosby-Arnold Columbia University PhD Western and Central Europe and the Wider World Late-Early Modern Europe, Modern Europe, Globalization, Migration and Diversity, Law and Society, War and Society, Germany, France, Diplomacy and Strategy Media Contact
Esther Liberman Cuenca University of Houston-Victoria PhD Britain medieval, medieval history, england, britain, medieval england, medieval britain, medievalism, popular culture, urban history, legal history, pedagogy, digital humanities Media Contact
Paula R. Curtis University of California, Los Angeles PhD Japan medieval Japan, premodern Japan, forgery, documentary culture, economy, artisans, commerce, metal casters Media Contact
Anna Cusack Birkbeck, University of Oxford PhD Britain Early Modern, London, Death, Dead, Burial, Funerals, Cemeteries, Graveyard, Burial Grounds, Seventeenth Century, Eighteenth Century, Suicide, Execution, Criminals, Crime, Female Criminals, Burning, Quakers, Jews, Gibbeting, Anatomy, Hanged, Dissenters, London history. Media Contact
Laurel Daen University of Notre Dame PhD United States disability, gender, medicine, social welfare, poverty, law, government, state-building, early America, 18th century, 19th century Media Contact
Sara Damiano History Department, Texas State University PhD British North America and the United States early America, Atlantic world, women, gender, family, economic history, capitalism, finance, law, legal history, cities, urban history Media Contact
Sarah Danielsson CUNY-Queensborough PhD Intellectual History, Genocide, Human Rights, Historical Geography, Nationalism, Race, Fascism Media Contact
Jennifer Davis University of Oklahoma PhD France France, cooks, gender, work, women, Enlightenment, history of sexuality, law, empire, Atlantic Revolutions, libertines Media Contact
M. Cristina de la Escosura Balbas University of Zaragoza PhD Latin Epigraphy, Ancient History, Roman Republic, Classics, Digital Humanities, Reception, Onomastics Media Contact
Livi Dee Newcastle University PhD United Kingdom Abortion, reproductive rights, reproductive justice, modern Britain, gender history, women's history, political history. Media Contact
Diana Di Stefano Montana Historical Society PhD United States American West, Environment, Disasters, Gender Media Contact
Mariana Armond Dias Paes Max Planck Institute for European Legal History PhD Angola; Brazil Angola, Brazil, slavery, land, property, labor, law, contemporary slavery Media Contact
Maria Doerfler Yale University PhD late antiquity, ancient Christianity, death of children and migrants, gender and sexuality, law and justice in ancient Christian communities Media Contact
Sonja Dolinsek Universität Erfurt / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin other credentials Prostitution, Sex work, trafficking, Global history, Transnational history, Gender and Sexuality, Law, German History, Media Contact
Alejandra Dubcovsky University of California, Riverside PhD United States Early America, (North) America South, Native American History, War, Gender, Spanish Borderlabds Media Contact
Mary Dudziak Emory University School of Law PhD United States Law, War, Peace, Politics, Presidency, U.S. Constitution, Civil Rights Media Contact
Anastasia Dukova Griffith University PhD Australia, Ireland, Canada, Great Britain History of Crime and Policing, Irish History, Irish Police, Dublin Metropolitan Police, Colonial Policing, Australian Police History, Urban Police Media Contact
Lisa Durnian Griffith University other credentials Australia Historical criminology, criminal prosecution, history of the guilty plea, policing history, property offending Media Contact
Myisha Eatmon University of South Carolina - Columbia PhD United States of America Legal history, Jim Crow, African American, a United States, 19th Century, 20th Century Media Contact
Brittany Edmoundson New York University PhD US in the world, US-Latin American relations, capitalism and political economy, history of drugs and drug wars, history of development, history of policing and militarism, empire and indigenous politics, environmental history, transnational and global history Media Contact
Julia Eichenberg Humboldt Universität zu Berlin PhD Eastern and Western European History, World Wars, Peace and Conflict Media Contact
Christine Eisel The University of Memphis PhD United States colonial America, colonial Virginia, early American policy history, gender and law, gossip Media Contact
Lorren Eldridge University of Oxford other credentials legal history; law; medieval history Media Contact
Elizabeth Elsbach other credentials Legislative History, World War I, America's Entry into World War I, Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, Law, Suffrage, Immigration, Military History, Race Relations, Politics, Juvenile Law, The Spanish Influenza, World War I Espionage, Rationing, Russia Revolution, Media Contact
Kimberly Enderle University of Massachusetts Amherst MA Women, Women Veterans, Gender, Sexuality, Veteran, Military History, Social History, MST, PTSD, Trauma, Feminism, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan Media Contact
Silvia Escanilla Huerta University of Maryland Baltimore County PhD Andes, Peru, Bolivia Politics, Gender, Culture, and Society in Peru and the Andes, 1700-1850, Revolutions and Indigenous Rebellions, Independence Era, and the Transition from Empire to Republic, Political Legitimacy and Sovereignty in the Andes. Media Contact
Catherine Evans University of Toronto PhD British Empire Legal History, History of the British Empire, History of Medicine 1
Cindy Ewing University of Missouri PhD South Asia, Southeast Asia, India, Myanmar, Cambodia, United Nations, Human Rights, Self-Determination, Decolonization, Anticolonialism, International History, Global History 1
Simona Feci University of Palermo PhD Italy early modern italian history, history of women and law, history of justice and criminal law, history of violence against women, history of family Media Contact
Lauren Feldman Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy, University of Missouri PhD United States United States; intersectional histories of marriage and family; intimacy and intimate relationships; antebellum era; early republic; legal history of marriage; race, gender, and sexuality Media Contact
Coré Ferrer-Alcantud Universitat Jaume I (Spain) PhD Ancient Mediterranean Ancient History, Ancient Mediterranean, Ancient Greece, Greek Philosophy, Ancient Rome, Ancient Politics, Roman Politics, Roman Literature, Roman Republic, Early Principate, Women in the Ancient World, Greek Women, Roman Women, Gender, Women's Studies, Identity, Ethnicity, Migration, Classical Reception, Cultural History, Virtual Archaeology, 3D, VR, AR, MR, Digital Humanities, History in Video Games Media Contact
Erin Fetterly Birkbeck, University of London PhD Britain British history, early modern, women, royal history, medicine, writing, science, crime Media Contact
Laura Flannigan University of Oxford PhD England England, Law, Justice, Tudors, monarchy, kingship, early modern, late medieval, state, society, litigation, poverty Media Contact
Kelly Fleming Kenyon College PhD the long eighteenth century, British literature, gender and sexuality, women's property rights, political fashion, imperialism, women writers. Media Contact
Anne Fleming Professor of Law, Georgetown University PhD United States Legal history, history of capitalism, business, 20th century United States, consumer credit, consumer bankruptcy, small-dollar loans, federalism Media Contact
Jillian Foley University of Chicago other credentials USA cryptography, cryptology, intelligence, computer science, technology, computers, computing, encryption, mathematics, hacking, cyber Media Contact
Lisa Ford UNSW PhD Legal History, settler colonialism, Early National US History, British Empire, New South Wales, sovereignty Media Contact
Meg Foster University of Technology, Sydney PhD bushranging history; banditry; outlawry; settler colonial history; imperial history; cultural history; ethnographic history; crime history; Australian history Media Contact
Maire Fox St. John's University, Queens PhD Ireland anatomy, anatomical pedagogy, history of anatomical knowledge, autopsy, medico-legal autopsy, medical education, medical pedagogy, autopsy theatre, sociomedical history, Ireland, Dublin, Royal College of Physicians Media Contact
Nichelle Frank Utah State University PhD United States US West, environment, historic preservation, mining history, architectural history, urban history, women's history Media Contact
Julia Gaffield William & Mary PhD Haiti Haiti, Age of Revolutions, Haitian Revolution, independence, sovereignty, international law Media Contact
Sarah Gandee University of Leeds PhD India colonial, postcolonial, India, criminality, law, empire Media Contact
Allie Goodman Ph.D. Candidate other credentials United States Legal History, History of childhood and Youth, History of the Carceral State, Progressive Era 1
Annette Gordon-Reed Harvard University other credentials United States Slavery, American founding, Jefferson,Law, Legal History, Monticello, Media Contact
Erika Graham-Goering Ghent University PhD France lordship, power, power-sharing, medieval history, France, Brittany, Languedoc, Normandy, reputation, state-building, gender, succession, comparative history, archives Media Contact
Karen Graubart University of Notre Dame PhD Peru (Andes), Spain, Circum-Caribbean Colonial Latin America, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Slavery, Law, Medieval Iberia, GIS, Andes Media Contact
Anne Gray Fischer University of Texas at Dallas PhD United States Women, police, law enforcement, sex work, prostitution, intersectionality, critical race theory, feminist activisms, Boston, Los Angeles, broken windows Media Contact
Sara Gregg University of Kansas PhD environmental history, U.S. land policy, agricultural history, homesteading Media Contact
Chelsea Griffis University of Toledo PhD United States Modern United States Conservatism, Equal Rights Amendment, Modern US Women's History, Political History, Intellectual Gender History Media Contact
Cerian Griffiths Lancaster University, UK PhD UK Legal history, history of financial crime and fraud, crime history, 18th century naval history (administrative) Media Contact
Michelle Grisé PhD Pakistan Media Contact
Joanna Grisinger Northwestern University PhD US American legal history, American political history, administrative state, bureaucracy, statebuilding 1
Ariela Gross University of Southern California PhD Slavery, Race, Law, Civil Rights, United States, 19th century, 20th century Media Contact
Geraldine Gudefin American University PhD modern Jewish history, French history, American history, gender and religion, history of the familly, immigration, law and society, legal pluralism Media Contact
Jo Guldi Southern Methodist University PhD Britain eviction, land rights, property law, British History, Britain, Ireland, Scotland, India, roads, highways, transport, cities, urbanism, digital history, digital humanities, net neutrality, participatory mapping, democracy, infrastructure, information Media Contact
Jackie Gulland University Of Edinburgh PhD Social Security, 20th century, Social Policy, Gender History, Socio-legal history, Welfare state history Media Contact
Rachel Gunter a community college in North Texas PhD 20th Woman Suffrage, Voting Rights, Women's Rights, Texas, U.S. South, Women and Gender, WWI, Military & veteran voting, Absentee Balloting, Declarant Immigrant (non-citizen) voting, Media Contact
Alicia Gutierrez-Romine California State University, San Bernardino PhD United States Abortion, Gender and Sexuality, Law, History of Medicine, California, Borderlands, US West Media Contact
Caroline Hackett Doctoral Candidate other credentials France Napoleon, Modern Europe, Europe, French Revolution, Empires, Revolution, Revolutions, American Revolution, Early America, Atlantic World, Early Modern Europe, Gender, State Building, Political History, Legal History, Napoleonic Code, Implementation of Laws, German Unification, Italian Unification, Industrialization, Nationalism, history of the family Media Contact
Sally Hadden Western Michigan University PhD United States Legal, constitutional, slavery, early America, lawyers, attorneys, judges Media Contact
Heather Haley Naval History and Heritage Command PhD United States women's studies, masculinity, race, gender, sexuality, public history, oral history, citizenship studies, military history, labor history Media Contact
Rebecca Hall Independent PhD American, Atlantic World, African American Women, Slave Trade, Race and American Law 1
Mahel Hamroun University of California, Berkeley PhD Medieval European History, Medieval Law, Sin and Penance, Canon Law, Northern Europe, Scandinavian Studies, Vikings, Popular Religion, Belief, Emotions History, Manuscripts, Diplomatics Media Contact
Julie Hardwick University of Texas-Austin PhD Gender, family, capitalism, law, France, early modern, economy, state formation, Atlantic, sexuality, women's reproductive health, Media Contact
Misti Harper Gustavus Adolphus College PhD United States African American history and women's history; gender and sexuality studies; intersectional feminism; tribalism; imperialism, resistance and decolonization Media Contact
Casey Hedstrom Princeton University PhD United States Media Contact
Peggy Heffington Instructional Professor, University of Chicago PhD Human Rights, War, Gender, Atrocity, Genocide Media Contact
Kellen Heniford Columbia University other credentials United States slavery, freedom, emancipation, politics, the press, media, racism, race, sectionalism, American North, American South, mid-Atlantic, newspapers, abolition, abolitionists, antislavery, manumission, African-American history, Media Contact
Idolina Hernandez Saint Louis University other credentials British American Colonies, United States Early America, American Revolution, Founding Era, Atlantic History, Legal History, refugees, migration, settler colonialism, Media Contact
Philippa Hetherington University College London PhD Russia Russia, Soviet Union, law, gender, sexuality, migration, revolution Media Contact
Mary Hicks Amherst College PhD Brazil Slavery, Transatlantic Slave Trade, African Diaspora, Colonial Brazil, Imperial Brazil, Pre-colonial West Africa, Atlantic World, Cultural History, History of Capitalism, Labor History, Maritime History, Gender, Race Media Contact
Kelly Hignett Leeds Beckett University PhD Central/Eastern Europe generally and Czechoslovakia particularly Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Czechoslovakia, Communism, Cold War, Cold War Europe, History, Twentieth Century History, Communist Terror, Show Trials, Repression, Incarceration, Forced Labour, Political Prisoners, Women's History, Crime, Dissent and Social Deviance in Communist Eastern Europe. Media Contact
C. Ryan Hilliard Clemson University PhD History, Women, Gender, Sexuality, Early Modern France, European History, Early Modern Europe, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Gender Studies, Singleness Studies, Sexuality Studies Media Contact
Susan Hinely History Department PhD Britain and late British Empire gender, suffrage, international law, US constitutional law, global history, big history Media Contact
Steph Hinnershitz Institute for the Study of War and Democracy at The National WWII Museum in New Orleans PhD US World War II, Civil-Military Relations, Japanese American Incarceration, Logistics Media Contact
Maya Hislop Clemson University PhD United States African American literature, critical race theory, critical rape studies, history of social justice movements Media Contact
Courtney Hobson University of Maryland, Baltimore County other credentials 1
Ellen Holmes Pearson University of North Carolina Asheville PhD United States legal culture, early American law, law and identity, early national, digital history, distance pedagogy, digital pedagogy 1
Myra Houser Ouachita Baptist University PhD South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Angola Southern Africa, Law, Political Change, South-South Solidarity, Apartheid, Decolonization, Intellectual Biographies, Media Contact
Amanda Hughett Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, SUNY-Buffalo PhD United States legal history, prisons, law, North Carolina, social movements Media Contact
Sonali Huria Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi PhD India human rights, anti-nuclear and other social movements, democracy, dissent, environment, STS (Science & Technology Studies), postcoloniality Media Contact
Tammy Ingram College of Charleston PhD United States crime and punishment, U.S. South, African American history, political history Media Contact
Jenifer Ishee Hoffman Mississippi State University other credentials United States 18th century, Pennsylvania, American History, Women's history, suffrage, archivist Media Contact
Katrina Jagodinsky University of Nebraska Lincoln PhD North American and Pacific West North American West American Legal History Histories of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Histories of Race & Ethnicity Comparative Colonialism and Empires Media Contact
Berthe Jansen Leiden University PhD Tibet, Himalayas Buddhist Studies, Tibetan Studies, Social History of Tibet, Buddhism and Social Justice, Tibetan History Media Contact
Lauren Jean University of Notre Dame other credentials Gaelic-Speaking Medieval Ireland, Medieval Social History, Postcolonial Medieval, Medieval Cultural History, Irish History, Ireland 1913 - 1923, Integrated History of the Atlantic Archipelago Media Contact
Diana Jeater University of Liverpool PhD Zimbabwe Zimbabwe, southern Africa, Africa, gender, sexuality, moral discourse, urban history, customary law, law, language, translation, colonial administration, settler colonialism, knowledge construction, spirit beliefs, traditional religion, peace building, reconciliation Media Contact
Mónica Jiménez University of Texas at Austin PhD Puerto Rico Puerto Rico-U.S. Legal history, Caribbean and Latin American history, African Diaspora, race and the law, U.S. empire, human rights in Latin American and the Caribbean, 20th Century nationalist movements Media Contact
Mary Jiyani University of Kent PhD Legal History, British Empire, Africa, Media Contact
Martha S. Jones Johns Hopkins University PhD United States African American, law, race, race and citizenship, African American women. Media Contact
Tanya Josev Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne PhD Australian Legal History - High Court, US Legal History - Supreme Court, Judicial biography, Use of history in judicial decision-making, Intellectual history, ‘Culture wars’ and the courts Media Contact
Louise Nyholm Kallestrup Associate Professor of Early Modern History PhD Early Modern History, Witchcraft, Magic, Reformation, Early Modern Danish History, Catholic Reformation and Counter Reformation, The Roman Inquisition Media Contact
Elizabeth Papp Kamali Harvard Law School PhD England English Legal History, Criminal Law, Medieval England, Felony, Law and Emotions, Medieval Law Media Contact
S. Deborah Kang University of Virginia PhD USA immigration, immigration policy, immigration law, US-Mexico border, Border Patrol, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Immigration and Naturalization Service, legal history, borderlands history, western history, Chicano/a history, Latino/a history, Asian American history, European migration, refugee law and policy, border wall, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Remain in Mexico, interior enforcement, 287(g) Media Contact
Katarzyna Anna Kapitan Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot PhD Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway manuscript studies, book history, Scandinavian Studies, Norse studies, digital humanities, history of historiography, Media Contact
Elizabeth Katz Associate Professor of Law, Washington University in St. Louis PhD United States Law, Legal History, Family Law, Criminal Law, Legal Profession, Courts, Judges, Civil Rights, Law & Religion, Women & Gender History Media Contact
Theresa Keeley University of Louisville PhD United States U.S. foreign relations, human rights, U.S.-Central America relations, religion, Catholicism, gender Media Contact
Mara Keire University of Oxford PhD United Staes Rape, sexual assault, prostitution, red light districts, vice, addiction, United States, Progressive Era, Prohibition Media Contact
Lindsay Keiter Penn State Altoona PhD British North America, United States Early America, Gender, Women, Marriage, Family, Capitalism, Law Media Contact
Betsy Golden Kellem Independent Scholar other credentials Barnum, Circus, Media Studies, Law, Intellectual Property, Oddities, Museums, Public History Media Contact
Blair Kelley North Carolina State University--History/Interdisciplinary Studies PhD African American History, black women's history, black working class, the Civil Rights Movement, the history of segregation, the history of blackface minstrelsy, Black twitter Media Contact
Rebecca Futo Kennedy Denison University PhD Greece, Italy, United States ancient history, classics, ancient race and ethnicity, classical reception, gender and law, Ancient Greece, Classical Athens, Greek tragedy Media Contact
Kelly Kennington Auburn University PhD United States Slavery, Legal history, Southern history, Antebellum South, legal culture 1
Morag Kersel DePaul University PhD Greece, Israel, Jordan, Palestine archaeology, prehistory, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, museums, tourism, antiquities trade, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Early Bronze Age, artifacts, material culture, exhibits, cultural heritage law Media Contact
Krista Kesselring Dalhousie University PhD England; Britain crime and the courts, homicide, Star Chamber, law Media Contact
Banafsheh Keynoush Independent Scholar PhD Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Turkey, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine History of the Middle East; Saudi Arabia and Iran; the Persian Gulf region; the Levant; World Powers, Middle Powers and Small Powers in the Middle East Media Contact
Julie Kimber Swinburne University of Technology PhD Australia Labour and political history; biography; Vagrancy laws; histories of policing and punishment; Cold War. 1
Eri Kitada Rutgers University-New Brunswick PhD The Philippines, U.S. empire, Japanese empire Media Contact
Anne Kornhauser City College of New York and the CUNY Graduate Center PhD United States liberalism, democratization, legal history, history of the state, U.S. intervention, human rights, intellectual history, political history Media Contact
Nadia Kornioti UCLan Cyprus other credentials Cyprus Legal History, Public International Law, Migration and Asylum, Decolonisation, Armed Conflict, Memory, South-East Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, 1
Jennifer Kreder Chase College of Law Northern Kentucky University other credentials United States, Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Russia, China, Guatemala WWII, Holocaust, Nazi, art, Russia, Revolution, Russian, American, History, Germany, Austria, German, Austrian, French, France, expropriation, theft, stolen, property, genocide, human rights, courts, claims, litigation, slavery, forced labor, duress, contracts, Nuremberg, Europe, WWI, El Salvador, Guatemala, antiquities, colonialism, colonial, antiquity, Greece, Italy, nationalization, nationalize, museum, museums, galleries, collectors, gallery, collector, ethics, war, monument, monuments, Monuments Men, Woman in Gold, criminal law, crime, crimes, Poland, Hungary, China Media Contact
Savitri Maya Kunze University of Chicago other credentials United States America in the World, Migration, Human Rights, Statelessness, Deportation, Twentieth Century, Legal Borderlands, Diplomacy Media Contact
Olivia Kurajian McGill University other credentials Canada , United States of America Canadian History pre-1867, Canadian History post-1867, American History, World History, International Relations, Scottish-Canadian History, Immigration, Linguistics, Anthropology Media Contact
Alison LaCroix University of Chicago PhD U.S. U.S. legal history, constitutional law, U.S. intellectual history of the 18th-19th centuries, federalism Media Contact
Jessica Lake Australian Catholic University PhD United States, Australia, Britain Legal History, Gender History, Cultural History, Common law, Privacy, Defamation, Photography, Cinema, Women's History, Nineteenth Century, Twentieth Century, History of Medicine Media Contact
Christine Lamberson Angelo State University PhD United States Violence, United States, American History, Twentieth Century, Politics, Policing, Public history, war and society, Urban History Media Contact
Anna Mae Lamentillo London School of Economics other credentials Philippines City Design, Walkability, Transit-oriented Development, Complete Streets, Sustainable Urban Mobility, Public Space Design, Multi-Modal Transportation, Carbon Financing, Philippines, Bicycle Lanes, Pedestrian Friendly Cities, Public Transportation Media Contact
Janine Lanza Wayne State University PhD France, legal history, gender, early modern period, work Media Contact
Chelsea Larsson University of Guelph PhD Scotland crime, gender, homicide, violence, Scotland, legal culture, conflict resolution, feud Media Contact
Caroline Laske University of Louvain (UCLouvain) PhD legal history, legal linguistics, gender Media Contact
Amanda Laury Kleintop Elon University PhD United States US Civil War, slavery, emancipation, Reconstruction, legal history, Atlantic World Media Contact
Alison Lefkovitz New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers University-Newark PhD United States gender, law, sexuality, feminism, marriage, men's rights activism, welfare, family, class Media Contact
Julia Leikin Royal Holloway College, University of London PhD Russia, Eurasia, Eastern Europe Russian empire, international law, Eurasia, global and maritime history, Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, Russia and the West Media Contact
Alice Leonard University of Warwick, UK PhD England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Germany early modern culture, book history, error, correction, early science, medicine, Shakespeare, drama, metaphor Media Contact
Beth Lew-Williams Princeton University PhD USA Migration, Immigration, U.S. West, 19th century, Race, Ethnicity, Asian American, Chinese America, Exclusion, Borders, Border Control Media Contact
Julia Lewandoski University of Southern California PhD Indigenous North America, United States, Canada indigenous, Native American, Atlantic, legal, California, Quebec, Louisiana, borderlands, cartography, STS Media Contact
Mary Lewis Harvard University PhD France France and the World, Comparative Empires, Colonialism, North Africa, Atlantic World, Modern Europe, Immigration, Citizenship, Social History, Legal History, Economic History, Modern Europe Media Contact
Elizabeth Lhost Dartmouth College PhD India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka Legal history, Islamic law, paperwork, documentation, identification, data, privacy, marriage, family, critical finance studies, food studies Media Contact
Lena Liapi Keele University PhD England early modern history, print culture, history of crime, rogues and highwaymen Media Contact
Nancy Locklin-Sofer Maryville College PhD France Early Modern Europe, France, Brittany, eighteenth-century, women and gender, work identity, history of law, inheritance, criminal justice Media Contact
Jennifer Lodine-Chaffey Montana State University Billings PhD Early Modern Literature, Early Modern History, Women and Crime, Executions, Animal Studies Media Contact
Samantha Lomb Vyatka State University PhD Russia and the USSR Soviet Union, Stalinism, Peasantry, Collective Farms, Constitution, Rural life Media Contact
Arendse Lund University College London PhD Museums, manuscripts, Anglo-Saxon law, Early Middle Ages, King Cnut, Alfred the Great, Vikings, Middle Ages, medieval law, medieval literature, Old English, Old Norse Media Contact
Weiwei Luo Grinnell College PhD China, East Asia, Early Modern, Modern, Legal, Economic, Political Media Contact
Lauren MacIvor Thompson Georgia State University PhD United States birth control, medicine, public health, law, women's rights, reproduction, pregnancy, eugenics, women's health, gender Media Contact
Allison Madar University of Oregon PhD Early America Servitude, Slavery, Unfreedom, Legal history/Legal culture, Early America, Atlantic World, Early Virginia, 18th century Media Contact
Deborah Madden Lancaster University PhD Spain Iberian feminisms, socialist women, socialist feminisms, sexual violence, feminist legislation, women and the law, politics of reproduction, famine, hunger memory, women's writing Media Contact
Caitlin Mahar Swinburne University of Technology PhD Australia, United Kingdom euthanasia, assisted dying, histories of dying and pain, medical history, palliative care, eugenics, R v. Adams Media Contact
Laura Mammina University of Houston-Victoria PhD United States of America U.S History, Civil War, Nineteenth-Century, History of Gender and Sexuality, History of Race and Ethnicity, Citizenship 1
Jen Manion Amherst College PhD United States LGBTQ issues, transgender history, incarceration, women in prison, criminalization of African Americans, histories of social change, early america Media Contact
Jane Manners Columbia Law School PhD legal history, US history, 19th century history, disaster history, Congress Media Contact
Charmian Mansell University of Cambridge PhD United Kingdom Early modern, social history, economic history, gender, women, servants, community, travel, mobility, space, family, life cycle, migration Media Contact
Katherine Marino UCLA, History Department PhD United States feminisms, human rights, transnational women's movements, Pan-Americanism, U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean Media Contact
Angelina Martínez University of Texas at El Paso other credentials United States Public Education, segregation, ethnic Mexican, students, Bilingual education, school-to-prison pipeline, alternative schooling, at-risk youth, U.S.-Mexico, Texas, El Paso, oral history, public history, community engagement. Media Contact
Cristina S. Martinez University of Ottawa; Summer Institute on the Cultural Study of Law, Osnabrück PhD Eighteenth-century British art, Women printsellers, Jane Hogarth, copyright law 1
Susana Martinez-Rodriguez Universidad de Murcia PhD Spain business history, law & economics, Spanish economic history, gender business history, corporations Media Contact
Rebecca Mason Institute of Historical Research, University of London, and University of Glasgow PhD Scotland Gender history, early modern history, Scottish history, legal history, economic history Media Contact
Sara Mayeux Vanderbilt University PhD United States criminal law, criminal procedure, constitutional law, public defenders, indigent defense, criminal trials, bill of rights, legal history, American legal history, U.S. Constitution, rights, law, due process, mass incarceration, history of prisons, crime, punishment Media Contact
Linda Maynard Independent PhD United Kingdom First World War, families, siblings, legitimacy, emotions, community museums, museums Media Contact
María Laura Mazzoni Centro de Estudios Históricos-Facultad de Humanidades-Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata PhD Argentina Social and political history of Argentina, Argentina XIXth century, Social history of the Church Media Contact
Kristen McCabe Lashua PhD British Empire, Colonial America, Children, Law, Migration, British Navy, Gender Media Contact
Briony McDonagh University of Hull, UK PhD Great Britain British rural landscape; women’s & gender histories; enclosure & the commons; riot & protest; property; litigation & the law courts; country house landscapes; female landowners; settlement patterns; churches; wetland landscapes Media Contact
Sara McDougall John Jay College & Graduate Center, City University of New York PhD medieval, legal, France, gender, women, crime, religion, Europe, canon law, marriage, sexuality, Christianity Media Contact
Stephanie McKellop University of Pennsylvania other credentials America, United States Early America, Antebellum United States, the South & "backcountry," gender, culture, marriage & family, divorce, slavery, poverty & poor culture, "white trash," immigrants & immigration, rituals Media Contact
Jennifer McNabb Western Illinois University PhD Early Modern England early modern England, courtship and marriage, family, ecclesiastical courts, Reformation, social history Media Contact
Mariana Meneses Muñoz Universidade Nova de Lisboa PhD Iberian and AmericanIberian territories Early Modern History, Iberian History, Social History, Latin American History, History of sexuality, Women's History, History of the Holy Office, Cultural History of Law Media Contact
Jennifer Merchant Université Paris II PhD France, United States, Europe History of and contemporary comparative public policy, gender, bioethics, gene editing, new reproductive technologies Media Contact
Ashton Merck North Carolina State University PhD Food safety, Food inspection, Consumer protection, Trade, Administrative Law, Business History, Legal History, Regulation Media Contact
Keri Leigh Merritt Independent PhD United States poverty, class, race, inequality, labor, working class, slavery, emancipation, Civil War, violence, incarceration, criminal justice Media Contact
Francine Michaud University of Calgary PhD France Medieval France, Marseille, Black Death, labour, spirituality, gender, children, testaments 1
Mary Michelmore Washington and Lee University PhD United States taxes, welfare state, 20th century U.S. History, political history, social policy, fiscal policy Media Contact
Nara Milanich Barnard College, Columbia University PhD Chile, Brazil, Argentina, comparative transatlantic history (Latin America, North America, Europe) Latin America, family, children, childhood, gender, paternity, law, reproduction, reproductive technologies, genetic technologies, DNA, immigration, child migration, family detention, children and families on U.S.-Mexico border Media Contact
Melissa Milewski University of Sussex PhD United States race and the law in US History, race, law, civil cases, African American history, US South, court, lawyer, social justice, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, Civil Rights Movement, criminal cases Media Contact
Judith MILLER Emory University PhD France French Revolution, French History, Enlightenment, Music and Politics, Economic History, Capitalism Media Contact
Sarah Milov Assistant Professor, University of Virginia PhD Tobacco, Social Activism, Interest Group Politics, Tobacco, Eugenics, Food and Agriculture, Whistleblowing Media Contact
Mary Mitchell Purdue University PhD United States in the World Cold War, Pacific, science, technology, environment, empire, law, nuclear energy and weapons Media Contact
Tianna Mobley Yale University MA Latin America & The Caribbean slavery, race, Latin America, Caribbean, Iberian world, Spanish Atlantic, Atlantic world, comparative, early modern Media Contact
Christina Lysbjerg Mogensen Museum of National History, Denmark PhD Denmark, Scandinavia, Netherlands Early Modern Cultural History, Danish Legal History, Northern Europe, Dutch Influence on Denmark, Early Modern Architecture Media Contact
Doris Morgan Rueda University of Nevada Las Vegas other credentials 19th & 20th Legal history, history of childhood and youth, juvenile justice & delinquency history, transnational and borderlands history, history of the American southwest, Chicano/Latinx history, Public history, Art, Digital history and humanities. Media Contact
Narrelle Morris Curtin Law School, Curtin University PhD Australia Australian legal history and judicial biography, Second World War war crimes investigations and prosecutions, the Australian Military Tribunal war crimes trials of the Japanese (1945-51), United Nations War Crimes Commission (1943-48), International Military Tribunal for the Far East (1946-48) Media Contact
Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg Harvard PhD Europe Jewish History, Early Modern, Sixteenth Century, Print History, Book History, Jewish Law, Jewish Scholarship, Intellectual and Cultural History, Religious Law, History of Knowledge Media Contact
Kaitlyn Muchnok University of Florida other credentials United States Juvenile Justice, Gender & Sexuality, Crime & Punishment, Childhood & the State, United States South, Twentieth-Century America. Media Contact
Angela Muir University of Leicester PhD United Kingdom (England and Wales) Eighteenth-century history, early modern history, British history, Welsh history, social and cultural history, women's history, gender, crime, deviance, illegitimacy, courtship, childbirth, midwifery. Media Contact
Mithi Mukherjee University of Colorado, Boulder PhD India Modern India, Indian Legal History, Indian Political History, Indian Constitutional History, Gandhian Thought, History of Indian foreign policy, History of British Empire in India, colonialism and nationalism, law and empire, human rights, history of international law. Media Contact
Zülâl Muslu Tilburg University PhD Turkey, Ottoman Empire Legal history, History of international law, Late Ottoman Empire, Turkey, semi-colonies, Global South, emotions, resistance Media Contact
Vicky Nagy University of Tasmania PhD Historical Criminology, Women's Offending and Criminality (Past and Present), Violent Offending, Poisoning Crimes, Incarceration, Older Women and Crime Media Contact
Neeti Nair University of Virginia PhD India Pakistan Bangladesh South Asian History, International History, Partition Studies, Legal History, Nationalism, Colonialism Media Contact
Diana Miryong Natermann University of Hamburg PhD Belgium, Congo, Germany, Namibia, Netherlands, South Africa, Tanzania Post-colonial theories, colonial history, whiteness studies, gender studies, visual history, genocide studies, global history, restitution Media Contact
Rebecca Nedostup Brown University PhD China, Taiwan Displacement, war, refugees, forced migration, mass violence, decolonization, state-building, law, memory, transitional justice, sovereignty, ritual, death, revolution, religion, archives, historiography, historic preservation, digital history, China, Taiwan Media Contact
Hayley Negrin Assistant Professor PhD Native American, Women and Gender, Early America, Slavery Media Contact
Rafael Rachel Neis University of Michigan PhD ancient history, Jewish history, late antiquity, ancient law, ancient science, gender, sexuality, reproduction, animality, visual culture Media Contact
Caroline Newhall Oberlin College & Conservatory PhD United States United States Colored Troops, Prisoners of War, Civil War, Law, Laws of War, Race, Slavery Media Contact
Brooke Newman Virginia Commonwealth University PhD Britain, British Atlantic, British Caribbean, British Empire, Jamaica British Monarchy, Royal Family, Race, Slavery, Sexuality, Gender, Atlantic World, British Empire, Caribbean, Abolition, Colonialism, Reparations Media Contact
Melanie Newport University of Connecticut PhD United States jails, mass incarceration, money bail, pre-trial incarceration, jail deaths, jail suicide, sheriffs, urban incarceration, jail and prison construction Media Contact
Jessica Nickrand University of Minnesota-Twin Cities / American Academy of Neurology PhD United States Detroit, racism in medicine, medical education, urban health, urban renewal, social determinants of heath, deindustrialization, 20th century history of medicine Media Contact
Arti Nirmal Banaras Hindu University PhD Postcolonial and Decolonial studies, Diaspora and Migration Studies, Law and Literature, Gender Studies, and Folk Studies 1