Participant Info

First Name
Diana Miryong
Last Name
University of Hamburg
Website URL
Post-colonial theories, colonial history, whiteness studies, gender studies, visual history, genocide studies, global history, restitution
Additional Contact Information

Personal Info

About Me

As an historian, my intellectual interests lie on the mid 19th to early 21st centuries with a focus on cultural and political history, (post)colonial theories and global orders. I pay special attention to modern European and African contexts. My expertise includes global history, biographical research, visual history, gender, whiteness studies, memory studies and the interplay between culture and politics within Europe and decolonised states. The latter involves current debates on European identity/ies concerning restitution, museum and heritage-related policies. When teaching, my goal is to communicate to students the value of owning their craft, trusting their own voices and thinking critically. Furthermore, I enjoy being on the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal LawArt.

Recent Publications


  • Pursuing Whiteness in the Colonies. Private Memories from the Congo Free State and German East Africa (1884-1914), Historische Belgienforschung, Sebastian Bischoff, Christoph Jahr, Tatjana Mrowka, Jens Thiel (eds.), Vol. 3, Waxmann Verlag, Münster 2018. (open access)

Book Chapters

  • Colonial Masculinity Through Time. One Man’s Story of Monarchy, the Military, Colonialism, Fascism, and Decolonisation, in: Laura Almagor, Haakon Ikonomou, Gunvor Simonsen (eds.), Global Biographies. Lived History as Method, Manchester University Press, 2022, 62-81.
  • Frieda von Bülow and Bibi Titi Mohammed: (De)Colonized Feminism in Tanzania, in: The Politics of Biography in Africa. Border, Margins, and Alternative Histories of Power, Anaïs Angelo (ed), Routledge Studies on Gender and Sexuality in Africa, 2021, 139-157. Peer reviewed.
  • Hamburg und die Visualisierung Afrikas: Ein verstörender Nachlass im Kollektivgedächtnis der Stadt?, Kim Sebastian Todzi and Jürgen Zimmerer (eds), Hamburg: Deutschlands Tor zur kolonialen Welt, Wallstein, Göttingen 2021, 229-246.
  • “The White Bibi”- Female Memories from the Congo Free State and German East Africa (1884-1914), in: Belgica – terra incognita? Resultate & Perspektiven der Historischen Belgienforschung, Sebastian Bischoff, Christoph Jahr, Tatjana Mrowka, Jens Thiel (Eds.), Vol. 1, Waxmann Verlag, Münster 2016, 68-76.


  • On the longevity of visual colonial stereotyping and its influence on twenty-first-century societal and identity debates, Antíteses, Londrina, v. 16, n. 31 (2023), 58-81. Peer reviewed. (open access)
  • To Maintain or Adjust? On the Whiteness of Swedish Men in the Congo Free State (1884 – 1914), Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51:3 (2023), 464-486. DOI: 1080/03086534.2023.2205746. Peer reviewed.
  • Constructing a White Self. The Photographic Depiction of White Dining Culture in Colonial Central Africa, LawArt Journal of Law, Art and History, 3 (2022), 219-250. Peer reviewed.
  • Weißes (Nicht-)Essen im Kongofreistaat und Deutsch-Ostafrika (1884­­–1914), in: Nicht-Essen: Gesundheit und Ernährung seit 1850, Norman Aselmeyer & Veronika Settele (Eds.), Special Issue: Historische Zeitschrift, Oldenburg 2018, 237-264. Peer reviewed.
  • Weiße Männlichkeit(en) zur Zeit des Maji-Maji-Kriegs. Deutsch-tansanische Kolonialfotografie im postkolonialen Sinne diskutiert, zeitgeschichte, 2/45, 2018, 131-154.

Blog / Outreach

Book reviews

  • Jos van Beurden, Ongemakkelijk Erfgoed. Koloniale collecties en terruggave in de lage landen, Zutphen, Walburg Pers 2021. Review from June 2023 on
  • Matthew Stanard, The Leopard, the Lion, and the Cock. Colonial Memories and Monuments in Belgium, Leuven University Press 2019; review in Historische Zeitschrift, de Gruyter, 315/3, 2022.
  • Visions of African Unity: New Perspectives on the History of Pan-Africanism and African Unification Projects, Frank Gerits and Matteo Grilli (eds), Palgrave Macmillan 2021; review published in Afronomicslaw, April 2022.

Assisted with

  • Georg Solmssen – ein deutscher Bankier. Briefe aus einem halben Jahrhundert 1900-1956. Harold James,Martin L. Müller (Eds.), C.H. Beck, Munich

Forthcoming Articles, Chapters and Book Reviews

  • Emancipation Through Nursing. White Frieda in German East Africa, Special Issue, Social History of Medicine, Oxford University Press, 2023. Peer reviewed.
  • Stereotyping, colonial rule-making and the Herero Nama Wars of 1904-1908, in: Jochen von Bernstorff and Rotem Giladi, The Laws and Customs of Colonial War, The Theory and History of International Law, Oxford University Press, 2024.
  • Daniel Tödt, The Lumumba Generation. African Bourgeoisie and Colonial Distinction in the Belgian Congo (Africa in Global History, Vol. 5.) Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter 2021. VI; review in Historische Zeitschrift, 2024.
Media Coverage
Country Focus
Belgium, Congo, Germany, Namibia, Netherlands, South Africa, Tanzania
Expertise by Geography
Africa, Germany, Netherlands
Expertise by Chronology
Modern, 20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Food History, Gender, Genocide, Law, Race, Women