Participant Info
- First Name
- Jenifer
- Last Name
- Ishee Hoffman
- Country
- United States
- State
- MS Mississippi
- Affiliation
- Mississippi State University
- Website URL
- Keywords
- 18th century, Pennsylvania, American History, Women's history, suffrage, archivist
- Availability
- Media Contact
- Additional Contact Information
- PhD
- other credentials
Personal Info
- Photo
- About Me
I am the Digital Archivist and Coordinator of the Digital Preservation and Access Unit at Mississippi State University. I am also a PhD student in history at MSU. I hold an M.A. in history from the University of Nebraska and a MLIS from Kent State University. I have an undergraduate degree in Paralegal Studies from the University of Southern Mississippi. My research is focused on women’s history and my dissertation centers on the Seven Years War in Pennsylvania.
- Recent Publications
2020 Hoffman, Jenifer Ishee, and David S. Nolen. “The Museum as an Extension of the Library: Embracing John Cotton Dana’s Vision in a Modern Academic Library.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 46 Issue 2, January 1, 2020.
2020 Repercussions of the Married Women’s Property Act: A review of 19th century American notarial oaths designed to protect women from their husbands. Conference Publication for UNTAMED Women and the Law Symposium, Jamestown Settlement, Williamsburg, Virginia.
February, 2019 Biography of Alma Dorsey Birdsall, for Online Biographical Dictionary of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the United States, Tom Dublin, ed. Alexander Street Publishing.
March, 2020 “No fear of hell:” The career and activism of early 20th century civil servant, Margaret Valiant. Accepted paper for Global Conference on Women and Gender, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia
March, 2020 “An Ounce of Mississippi was Worth a Pound of Massachusetts:” Chronicling the Mississippi Suffrage Movement through the Local Press. Mississippi Historical Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Mississippi
February, 2020 “I would not comply:” Recasting the Narrative of Captivity in Colonial Pennsylvania. Presentation for panel, “Transformative Interactions in the Eighteenth Century,” Southeastern American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Conference, Macon, Georgia
January, 2020 “No God, No Master:” Religious Rhetoric in the American Radical Feminist Movement for Women’s Suffrage. Presentation for panel, “Negotiating Race and Space: Re-centering Women’s Participation from Medieval to Modern,” American Society of Church History Annual Conference, New York, New York
September, 2019 Using a Learning Management System to Restructure ETD Submission. Presentation for United States Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Association (USETDA), (Teri Robinson, Lara Threet, co-presenters)
September, 2019 Repercussions of the Married Women’s Property Act: A review of 19th century American notarial oaths designed to protect women from their husbands. Presentation for UNTAMED Women and the Law Symposium, Jamestown Settlement, Williamsburg, Virginia.
June, 2019 Researching Military Genealogy. Presentation for E.O. Templeton, Jr. History and Genealogy Fair.
April, 2019 The Museum as an Extension of the Library: Embracing John Cotton Dana’s Vision in a Modern Academic Library. Presentation for American College of Research Libraries (ACRL) Annual Conference (David Nolen, Co-Presenter).
April, 2019 The Museum as an Extension of the Library: Embracing John Cotton Dana’s Vision in a Modern Academic Library. Presentation for Society of Mississippi Archivists Annual Meeting (David Nolen, Co-Presenter).
April, 2019 Chronicling the Mississippi Women’s Suffrage Movement through the Local Press; Poster Presentation for Society of Mississippi Archivists Annual Meeting.
October, 2018 Digital Humanities Dissertations. Presentation for Digitorium Conference, University of Alabama.
October, 2018 The Museum as an Extension of the Library: Embracing John Cotton Dana’s Vision in a Modern Academic Library. Presentation for Mississippi Library Association Annual Conference (David Nolen, Co-Presenter).
April-June, 2020 Votes for Women: A Centennial Celebration of the Women’s Suffrage Movement in America. Curated exhibit (11 posters) for display at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, MS.
February, 2020 Votes for Women: A Centennial Celebration of the Women’s Suffrage Movement in America. Curated exhibit (11 posters) for display at the MSU Library Ragtime and Jazz Festival.
October, 2019 Votes for Women: A Centennial Celebration of the Women’s Suffrage Movement in America. Curated exhibit (11 posters) for display in Old Main Academic Center Gallery, Mississippi State University.
March, 2019 Margaret Valiant Collection/Women’s History Month. MSU television programming interview for Cultural Conversations.
- Media Coverage
- Social Media
- Country Focus
- United States
- Expertise by Geography
- England, Ireland, North America, United Kingdom
- Expertise by Chronology
- 18th century
- Expertise by Topic
- American Revolution, American Founding Era, Book History, Colonialism, Gender, Law, Libraries & Archives, Museums, Public History, Religion, Women