Participant Info

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Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Modern Jewish history, Holocaust, transitional justice, reparations and restitution, migration, international organizations, international philanthropy, women
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About Me

I am a lawyer and a fellow at the Avraham Harman Research Institute of Contemporary Jewry in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. My research focuses on the consequences of the cataclysmic years of 1939 to 1945. I am now examining how Austria dealt with claims for restitution and compensation for former Jewish citizens and residents.

Recent Publications

“Refugees, Welfare Organisations and Compulsory Labour in Postwar Austria”, Journal of Contemporary History (Pending Publication).

Right to Reparations: The Claims Conference and Holocaust Survivors, 1951-1964 (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2021).
Constructing and Experiencing Jewish Identity, ed. by Rachel Blumenthal, Daniel Herskowitz and Kerstin Mayerhofer (Paderborn: Brill: Schöningh, 2022), ISBN: 978-3-657-70840-6.

“Rehabilitation through Labor: Welfare or Control of Refugees in a Postwar Austrian Internment Camp” in Gabriele Anderl, Linda Erker & Christoph Reinprecht (eds.) Internment Refugee Camps (Bielefeld: Transcript 2022): 59-72.

“Bad Gastein: A Site of Jewish Trauma and Healing,” Chilufim 29 (2022): 63-84.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Israel, Austria, Germany, United States
Expertise by Geography
Germany, Middle East, United States, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
20th century
Expertise by Topic
Diplomacy, Holocaust & Nazi Persecution, Law, Migration & Immigration, Women, World War II