Participant Info

First Name
Last Name
McCabe Lashua
Website URL
British Empire, Colonial America, Children, Law, Migration, British Navy, Gender
Additional Contact Information

Personal Info

About Me

I received my MA and PhD from the University of Virginia. There, I completed comprehensive exams in the fields of Early Modern Britain, Early Modern Europe, the 18th Century, and the Atlantic World. My first monograph, Children at the Birth of Empire: Law, Liberty, and the Global Migration of Destitute Children, c. 1600-1760, is available through Routledge. I teach courses in European, World, and U.S. history as well as on historical research methodologies.  I have received teaching awards from the University of Virginia and from Amnesty International. I am always happy to collaborate on projects that help bring the excitement of history to modern audiences.

Recent Publications
Media Coverage
Country Focus
Britain, England, Colonial America
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, British Isles, England, North America, United States
Expertise by Chronology
17th century, 18th century, Early Modern
Expertise by Topic
Children & Youth, Colonialism, Family, Gender, Human Rights, Labor, Law, Migration & Immigration, Rebellion & Revolution