Total Records Found: 313
First NameLast NameAffiliationPhDCountry FocusKeywordsAvailability
Amber H. Abbas Saint Joseph's University PhD India, Pakistan, Bangladesh South Asia, Pakistan, Oral History, Muslims, Partition of India, Identity, Bangladesh, India, South Asian Diaspora, Aligarh Muslim University, Memory Media Contact
Hannah R. Abrahamson College of the Holy Cross PhD Mexico Colonial Latin American History, Atlantic History, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History Media Contact
Caterina Agostini Department of History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine, Indiana University Bloomington PhD Galilei, Newton, alchemy, manuscripts, digital humanities Media Contact
Syeda Ali University of Cambridge PhD Modern, British, history of education,' history of schools, education policy, queer history, history of sexuality, section 28, history of history teaching, feminism, gender, 1980s Media Contact
Jill Anderson Georgia State University PhD girls' intellectual history, Seventeen magazine, junior novels, primary-source literacy Media Contact
Ellie Armon Azoulay School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University PhD Archives, collections, sound recordings, photography, folk music, race, gender, African American history, oral history, 19th 20th history, slavery, historiography Media Contact
Susanna Ashton Department of English, Clemson University PhD United States American Literary History, North American Slave Narratives, Freedom Narratives, Dialect, South Carolina History, Charleston, John Andrew Jackson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Underground Railroad, Maroons, Abolitionism, Samuel Williams, James Matthews, 19th century black autobiographies, Fugitives from Slavery in New Brunswick Canada, Reconstruction, Memoirs, 19th Century Life writing, American Literary Realism, Authorship, African American Intellectual History, Charles W. Chesnutt, William Grimes, Samuel Aleckson (Williams), Slavery Studies, Representations of Slavery in Literature, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Dred, History of copyright, Antebellum United States, stenography, Jacob Stroyer, Irving Lowery, Black Experiences during the Civil War, Charleston SC, Fugitive Slaves in 19th century New England Media Contact
Jennifer Atkins Florida State University PhD United States US Global South, Dance Studies, Popular Culture, Nineteen Century, Gender, Performance Media Contact
Paula Austin California State University, Sacramento PhD United States African American, urban, education, US race and gender 1
Dominique Françoise Aviñó McChesney Generalitat Valenciana and University of Murcia PhD Spain Medieval islamic history, landscape, agriculture, irrigation, archaeology Media Contact
Anne Bailey Dr. PhD United States race, asylum seekers, civil rights, Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Day, Gullah Geechee, human rights, immigrants, slave auction, slavery, The Weeping Time, public history and memory, African American history, colonialism, Caribbean, Jamaica, Con federate statues, Abolitionist history, monuments, protest movements, Abolition movement, civil rights movement, Mt. Rushmore, Atlantic Slave trade, Africa, mass incarceration, systemic racism, Truth and Reconciliation, NY Times Magazine 1619 Project Media Contact
Bella Joy Q. Bardollas Uppsala University other credentials Philippines and Japan Intellectual History, History of Ideas, Sociology of Education Media Contact
Sara Barker University of Leeds PhD Sixteenth-century France, seventeenth-century France, history of printing, books and news, international works and translation, the European Reformation Media Contact
Jenny Barker-Devine Illinois College PhD United States Rural women, civil defense, women's activism, agriculture, social movements, women's education, archives, teaching, pedagogy, digital history, public history Media Contact
Rhae Lynn Barnes Princeton University (Assistant Professor); U.S. History Scene (CEO & Editor) PhD United States American Pop Culture, New York City, Music History, Public History, Urban History, Ska, Two-Tone, California, Blackface, Racism, cultural history of white supremacy, World War II, Japanese Internment, Rosie the Riveters, White Supremacy, Social Movements, Civil Rights, Film, Music, Material Culture, Digital History, Documentary, History of the Book, Gender & Sexuality, Abortion Media Contact
Erin Bartram Contingent Magazine/The Mark Twain House & Museum PhD United States women, gender, religion, Catholicism, religious conversion, intellectual history, New England, antebellum United States, the self, pedagogy, Gilded Age, academic labor Media Contact
Nicole Belolan Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities, Rutgers University-Camden PhD United States material culture, disability history, museums, public history, medical history, publishing Media Contact
Karina Bénazech Wendling Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - PSL / GSRL-CNRS other credentials Ireland, United Kingdom British and Irish History; Religion and Politics; Religious conversion; Missions; Colonization and Nationalism; Protestant History and Sociology; Education; Famine; Humanitarianism. Media Contact
Lori Gemeiner Bihler Framingham State University PhD United States, Germany, UK German-Jewish History, Immigration History, Refugee History, History Education, Teaching History, Student Teaching Supervision, Social Studies Education, Nazi Germany Media Contact
Titaś Biswas Doctoral Candidate, UCD Sociology; Lecturer, Carlow College St Patrick's; Researcher, UCC School of Applied Social Studies PhD India, South Asia, Western and Continental Europe Pedagogy, Sociology of Education, Conflict Studies, Genocide, Fascist Studies, Memory Studies, Gender and Sexuality, Body Politics Media Contact
Zayna Bizri George Mason University PhD United States women, military, gender, sexuality, united states, twentieth century, digital teaching, digital pedagogy Media Contact
Chara Bohan Georgia State University PhD United States American educational history, race, gender, social studies/history education, curriculum and instruction Media Contact
Clara Bosak-Schroeder University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign PhD Ancient Mediterranean ancient greece, ancient rome, environmental history, ancient science and technology, gender, race, museum studies, reception studies, creative nonfiction 1
Ashley Bowen American Historical Association PhD United States Disability, Medicine, Masculinity, Museum, Public History, Digital History, Alt-Ac Media Contact
Madeleine Bracey Coventry University MA Early modern education, history of the book and book collecting, palaeography/handwriting, Shakespeare, early modern performance, history of music, archives Media Contact
Nicoli Braga Macêdo Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa; CICH - Centro de Investigação em Ciências Históricas; DHAH - Departamento de História, Artes e Humanidades other credentials History, History of Art, Education, Feminism, Women Media Contact
Brooke Kathleen Brassard PhD Canada Canadian history, Western Canada, Alberta, religion, history of religion, Canadian religious history, Mormonism, new religious movements, architecture and art, library and information science 1
Michelle Brock Washington and Lee University PhD Scotland Early modern British History, Scotland, Witchcraft, Demonology, Early Modern Europe, Protestant Reformation, Puritanism, Atlantic World, Sermons, Digital Humanities Media Contact
Karida Brown UCLA PhD United States, Australia, South Africa Race, 20th Century, African Americans, African Diaspora, South Africa, Australia, Education, Migration Media Contact
Erika Bsumek University of Texas at Austin PhD United States Native American, U.S. West, Environment, Built Environment, Water, Infrastructure Media Contact
Maria Bucur Indiana University Bloomington PhD Romania gender, Europe, twentieth century, citizenship, memory, eugenics, film, feminism, communism, title IX, sexual misconduct Media Contact
Flannery Burke Saint Louis University PhD American West, Southwest, gender, race, environment, place, culture Media Contact
Zoe Burkholder Montclair State University PhD U.S. History of education, school desegregation in the North, black educational activism, social construction of race in schools, and antiracist education. Media Contact
Lora Burnett Collin College PhD United States culture wars, higher education, education, intellectual history, American culture, historiography, American literature, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, U.S. intellectual history, political correctness, professoriate 1
Valerie Burton Memorial University of Newfoundland PhD British British imperial maritime history, historical theory and practice, public history, gendering economics, household economies, census research, digital pedagogy Media Contact
Erin N Bush University of North Georgia PhD United States crime history, gender, women, forensic history, sensational trials, juvenile delinquency, progressive reform, historic homicides, jazzland murders, capital punishment, eugenics, domestic crime, nutshell studies of unexplained death Media Contact
Monica L. Butler Motlow State Community College PhD United States Indigenous, American Indian, African American, activism, representation, media, intersectionality, rebellion 1
Rachel Bynoth Bath Spa University PhD Emotions, anxiety, eighteenth century, nineteenth century, gender, family, relationships, lifecycle, letters, satirical prints, UK PM George Canning and his family, material culture, Media Contact
Megan Byrnes University of Minnesota, Twin Cities other credentials American-British transatlantic suffrage lecture tours; Progressive reform movements; WWII American home front; K-12 history curricula development; museum education; nonprofit education; crowdsourcing projects; oral history methodology; History Day research support 1
Meghan Callahan Syracuse University London PhD Italy Italian Renaissance art, Italian Renaissance history, Italian Renaissance art history, nuns, Italian Renaissance, women's patronage, bronzes, Giambologna, Sister Domenica da Paradiso, Renaissance Florence Media Contact
Ginetta Candelario Smith College PhD United States, Dominican Republic, Hispanic Caribbean Dominican, Dominican Republic, Latina, Latinos, Feminism, Hair, Beauty Culture, Blackness in the Americas, Community Based Learning and Research, Beauty Shops, Afro-Latinos, transnationalism Media Contact
Katie Carpenter Royal Holloway, University of London & Parliamentary Archives PhD UK nineteenth century, Victorian, Edwardian, politics, gender, women, Peterloo massacre, Newport Rising, science, material culture, kitchen, domesticity, food, technology, parliament, politics Media Contact
Laura Carter University of Cambridge PhD United Kingdom social history, cultural history, twentieth-century Britain, education, women's history, gender history, popular culture, social change, post-1945 Britain Media Contact
Sarah Carter Chipstone Foundation & UW-Madison PhD United States of America 19th-century US history, material culture, history of childhood, history of education, history of the home and family, history of museums and critical museum studies Media Contact
Elizabeth Castaldo Lundén University of Southern California PhD United States red-carpet, Academy Awards, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Hollywood history, 20th century fashion history, fashion newsfilms, costume design, 20th Century and globalization, celebrity culture, popular culture, media history. Media Contact
Ananya Chakravarti Georgetown University PhD India, Brazil Early modern South Asia; Portuguese empire; colonial Brazil; history of religions; history of emotions; digital archives; public humanities Media Contact
Swati Chawla Ph.D. student other credentials India, China, Tibet Modern South Asia, Postcolonial History, Citizenship and Identity, Nations and nationalism, Contemporary International Migration, Tibetan Studies, Tibetan History, Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhism and Himalayan Studies, Tibetan and Himalayan societies, Himalayan culture, identity and statehood. Digital Humanities, Geospatial Analysis Media Contact
Anne Chen Yale University PhD Late Antiquity, Roman art and archaeology, Sasanian art and archaeology, digital humanities, Roman Provinces, Southeast Europe Media Contact
Dijia Chen University of Melbourne PhD China, Germany, Italy, USA architectural history, architectural theory, visual culture, east asian studies, curatorial studies, urban history, transnational cultural studies, microhistory Media Contact
Elise Chenier Simon Fraser University PhD sexuality, oral history, same-sex marriage, sexual deviancy, sex offenders, LGBTQ life, lesbian history, butch and femme, gender, archives, oral history, Media Contact
Enma Chilig other credentials Media Contact
Emily Suzanne Clark Gonzaga University PhD USA American religious history, African American religious history, 19th-century American history, southern history, history of Spiritualism, the occult in America Media Contact
Cassandra Clark Salt Lake Community College/ Utah Department of Heritage and Arts PhD United States Environment, Race, Science, Medicine, Eugenics, American West, Public History, Digital Humanities, Whiteness, Metadata, Digital Archive, Mental Illness, Insane Asylums, Space, Place. Media Contact
Lori Clune California State University, Fresno PhD U.S. Foreign Relations, early Cold War, American communism, propaganda, espionage Media Contact
Susan M. Cogan Utah State University PhD England Medieval, Early Modern, England, Social history, Reformation, kinship, networks, patronage, gender, architecture, gardens, landscape, botany, environment, material culture, applied history, experiential learning. Media Contact
Natasha Constantinidou University of Cyprus PhD France, Italy, Low Countries, British Isles early modern intellectual history, book history, Italian Renaissance, French Renaissance, humanism, Greek humanism, early printed books in Greek, Reformation, wars of religion, history of political thought Media Contact
Esther Liberman Cuenca University of Houston-Victoria PhD Britain medieval, medieval history, england, britain, medieval england, medieval britain, medievalism, popular culture, urban history, legal history, pedagogy, digital humanities Media Contact
Manu Dal Borgo University of Cambridge PhD Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Italy, Malta warfare, game theory, ancient history, archaeology, economics, economic history, finance, classics, behavioural economics, network Media Contact
Laura June Davis Southern Utah University PhD Civil War, military history, gender history, US history, naval history, maritime history, boat burners Media Contact
Christina de Bellaigue University of Oxford PhD history of women, history of childhood, class and social mobility, history of puberty, history of reading Media Contact
Chelsea Del Rio CUNY LaGuardia PhD 20th century US women, gender, and sexuality. Lesbian feminism, single womanhood, identity politics, politics of culture, space and place. Media Contact
Augusta Dell'Omo University of Texas at Austin other credentials United States U.S. Foreign Policy in the 20th Century, Cold War, Civil Rights History, Radical Right, Race and American International Relations Theory, U.S. – South African Relations, Religion and Culture, Public History, Historical Teaching Methods Media Contact
Jessica Dello Russo International Catacomb Society other credentials Late Antiquity, Italy, Rome, Funerary Archaeology, Topography, Classical Reception, Material Culture, History of Christianity (Roman Catholicism), Archives, Archives Management, Public History, Boston, Pedagogy (history) Media Contact
Dawn Dennis Cal State University, Los Angeles PhD United States public history, cultural preservation, curator, race, ethnicity, immigration, American history, colonialism, imperialism, project-based-learning, exhibitions, community, memory, identity, Media Contact
Jennifer deWinter Worcester Polytechnic Institute PhD US and Japan and increasingly China Video Games, Japanese Media Industries, Japanese games, games and violence, women in computer tech industries, game design, history of play Media Contact
Bailey Dick Ohio University PhD United States #MeToo, Journalism History, Women Journalists, Dorothy Day, Catholicism, Trauma, First-person writing, Feminism, Gender-based Violence Media Contact
Audra Diptee Carleton University PhD Caribbean, Africa, Colonialism, Imperialism, Critical Applied History, Slavery, Human Trafficking, Memory, Childhood & Youth. Media Contact
Corinne DORIA Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University and Sciences-Po Paris PhD France, US,Italy History of medicine; disability studies; European history; history of philosophy Media Contact
Abigail Dowling Mercer University PhD France Environmental History, Landscape History, History of healthscaping, disease, Black Death, gender, History pedagogy Media Contact
Elena Duce-Pastor Phd applicant PhD Greece, Spain, England Ancient Greece, Gender, Marriage, Dowry, Women studies, History, Reception Media Contact
Karen Dunak Muskingum University PhD United States women, gender, feminism, media, celebrity, First Ladies, weddings, romance, social movements, youth Media Contact
Olivia Durand Freie Universität Berlin / University of Oxford PhD colonial history, settler colonialism, port cities, ukraine, black sea, louisiana, mississippi, russian empire, united states, odessa, odesa, new orleans, immigration, diaspora, unfree labour Media Contact
Pinar Durgun The Metropolitan Museum of Art PhD ancient Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Mediterranean and Middle East Archaeology, Ancient Art, Death and Burial, Feasting and Foodways, Prehistory, Bronze Age, the Hittites, Ancient Materials and Technologies, Cultural Heritage, Museums. Media Contact
Averill Earls St. Olaf College PhD Ireland History of Sexuality, LGBTQ, Same-Sex Desire, Homosexuality, Policing, History of Policing, Ireland, Gender, Masculinity, Urban History, Dublin, Imperialism, Colonialism, Postcolonialism Media Contact
Munazza Ebtikar University of Oxford PhD History and historiography, memory, the middle east and Afghanistan Media Contact
Allyson Edwards Bath Spa University PhD Militarism, Russia, youth, Militarisation, culture, society, Yeltsin, Putin, war, patriotic education, memory Media Contact
Meral Ekincioglu scholar in architecture, MIT, Harvard, Columbia universities, former visiting scholar. PhD intersectional feminism and politics of gender in (postwar) architecture history, diversity, equity and inclusion in (the history of) architecture education and the profession, historical documentation practice on these subjects. 1
Heather Ellis University of Sheffield PhD Britain history of knowledge, history of higher education, history of science, gender history, history of academic mobilities Media Contact
Ansley Erickson Teachers College, Columbia University PhD United States 20th Century United States, Education, Urban, African American Media Contact
Elizabeth Fagan Truman State University PhD Armenia ancient Mediterranean history, Armenia, Roman history, archaeology, eastern Mediterranean, epigraphy, numismatics, South Caucasus Media Contact
Coré Ferrer-Alcantud Universitat Jaume I (Spain) PhD Ancient Mediterranean Ancient History, Ancient Mediterranean, Ancient Greece, Greek Philosophy, Ancient Rome, Ancient Politics, Roman Politics, Roman Literature, Roman Republic, Early Principate, Women in the Ancient World, Greek Women, Roman Women, Gender, Women's Studies, Identity, Ethnicity, Migration, Classical Reception, Cultural History, Virtual Archaeology, 3D, VR, AR, MR, Digital Humanities, History in Video Games Media Contact
Erin Fetterly Birkbeck, University of London PhD Britain British history, 17th-19th century, women's history, royal history, medicine, writing, science, crime Media Contact
Amanda Finn North Carolina State University PhD Public History, Transnational Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Tourism, Atlantic World, Early America, Early Modern Britain, Early Modern Europe, Women's Studies, Historic House Museums, Heritage Sites, Digital History, Videography, Digital Communications Media Contact
Cara Finnegan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign PhD United States history of photography, documentary, presidential photography, U.S. media history, New Deal arts and culture, politics of art, photojournalism, digital photography, social media photography, rhetoric, speech, visual communication Media Contact
Jennifer L Foray Purdue University PhD Netherlands, Indonesia European imperialism, decolonization, 20th century European history, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Nazism and anti-Nazi resistance, Anne Frank, the Holocaust, pedagogy and writing Media Contact
Elizabeth Ford PhD Scotland flute, Scotland, bagpipes, women, pubs, social history, pedagogy, performance practice, Oswald, McGibbon, Reid, Crathes Castle, cultural history, games for music theory, Gaelic, Margaret Fay Shaw Media Contact
Hannah Forsyth Australian Catholic University PhD Modern Australian History, History of Capitalism, Higher Education, History of Professions, Class Race Gender in Capitalism, Labor History, Teaching History Media Contact
Meg Foster University of Technology, Sydney PhD bushranging history; banditry; outlawry; settler colonial history; imperial history; cultural history; ethnographic history; crime history; Australian history Media Contact
Ellery Foutch Middlebury College PhD USA American art, material culture, history of science, history of natural history, scientific models, optical devices, ballot boxes, wearable technology, mass culture, history of bodybuilding Media Contact
Sandra Fox New York University PhD United States American Jewish history, History of Childhood and Youth, Modern Jewish history, Yiddish Studies Media Contact
Maire Fox St. John's University, Queens PhD Ireland anatomy, anatomical pedagogy, history of anatomical knowledge, autopsy, medico-legal autopsy, medical education, medical pedagogy, autopsy theatre, sociomedical history, Ireland, Dublin, Royal College of Physicians Media Contact
Nichelle Frank Utah State University PhD United States US West, environment, historic preservation, mining history, architectural history, urban history, women's history Media Contact
Emily Friedman Auburn University PhD Great Britain and North America Eighteenth-century, novel, history of reading, readers, history of fan fiction, manuscript fiction, perfume, history of smell, smell language, digital humanities, metadata Media Contact
Emily Fritchman-Mahaney Boise State University other credentials United States Idaho, Public, American West, Architectural Media Contact
Marjorie Galelli Kansas State University PhD United States US military, counterinsurgency, Operation Iraqi Freedom, civil-military relations, military-media relations Media Contact
Alexandra Garnhart-Bushakra Carnegie Mellon University PhD France High Middle Ages, Western Europe, Mediterranean, Latin East, crusades, Christianity, twelfth century, historiography, medieval 1
Ellen Garvey New Jersey City University PhD United States US media history, women's bicycling, scrapbooks, suffrage, anti-suffrage, African American scrapbooks, white supremacist propaganda, early 20th century immigrants Media Contact
Diana Garvin University of Oregon PhD Italy, Brazil, East Africa Fascism, Neo-Fascism, Italian Fascism, Italian Neo-Fascism, abortion, food history, coffee, espresso, pasta, gastronomy, Italian food, Italian food history Media Contact
Eliza Gettel Villanova University PhD Greece ancient history; ancient federalism; ancient Greek history; Roman Empire; Roman Greece; Greek epigraphy; numismatics; displacement in the Ancient Mediterranean Media Contact
Lisa Gilbert Washington University in St. Louis PhD history education, social studies education, teaching, preparation and professional development of K-12 history teachers, museum education, history museums, historical memory, public history, popular history, historical portrayals in popular culture (film, video games, etc.) Media Contact
Liz Gloyn Royal Holloway, University of London PhD Latin literature, Roman history, Roman social history, ancient philosophy, Roman philosophy, Classics, Latin, Rome, gender history, classical reception, classics on film, classical monsters Media Contact
Sarah Gold McBride Lecturer, Program in American Studies | University of California, Berkeley PhD United States 19th century, United States, cultural history, social history, hair, facial hair, beards, bodies, freak shows, wigs, fake hair, popular entertainment, pop culture, popular science Media Contact
Abby Gondek Florida International University PhD Brazil; South Africa; U.K.; Jewish women's history, South African history, Jewish-Black relations; Black Jewish women's experiences; Brazilian history; anti-semitism and racism; West Indian/Caribbean migration to the U.K., black women's sexuality Media Contact
Jamie L.H. Goodall The U.S. Army Center of Military History PhD Caribbean, America Maritime, Maritime history, Pirates, Piracy, Naval history, Material Culture, Archaeology, Alcohol, Commerce, Networks, Taverns, Illicit Commerce, Atlantic History, Caribbean, Military history Media Contact
Anna Goodman Portland State University PhD USA community design, urban history, design education, design-build Media Contact
Helena Goodwyn Northumbria University PhD Anglo-American New Journalism, W. T. Stead, America, nineteenth-century journalism, Americanization, Transatlantic, periodicals, newspaper history, book history, women's writing, Victorian literature Media Contact
Julia M Gossard Utah State University PhD France, United States Childhood & Youth, Gender, Digital Humanities, Pedagogy, Teaching 1
Jennifer Gosselin Independent Scholar MA Media Contact
Jacqui Grainger University of Westminster, Techne AHRC CDA/RUSI, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies other credentials United Kingdom Imperial history, women's history, post colonialism, museum studies, material culture, bibliography, women writers Media Contact
Jennifer Grant QMUL - Postgraduate Researcher PhD Poland and the UK Polish, Military, History, 20th Century, Armies-In-Exile Media Contact
Kerry Jo Green Brandeis University other credentials 1
Monica H. Green Independent Scholar PhD Europe, Eurasia, Africa, global history of medicine, infectious diseases, medieval history, pre-modern global history, Black Death, women in science and medicine, women's healthcare, global health, plague, leprosy, tuberculosis, manuscript studies, historical epidemiology, pandemics Media Contact
Caroline Grego Queens University of Charlotte PhD USA Environmental History, U.S. History, Disaster History, History of Race & Racism, Southern History, Labor History Media Contact
Pip Gregory University of Kent PhD First World War, Cartoon, Humour, Artistic memory and reproduction, Victorian, and wider British history Media Contact
Krista Grensavitch University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee other credentials Pedagogy, Feminist Pedagogy, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Material Culture Studies, Object Lessons Media Contact
Cristina Groeger Assistant Professor of History, Lake Forest College PhD Political Economy, Labor, Work, Capitalism, Inequality, Education, Higher Education, Urban, Gender, Immigration Media Contact
Jo Guldi Southern Methodist University PhD Britain eviction, land rights, property law, British History, Britain, Ireland, Scotland, India, roads, highways, transport, cities, urbanism, digital history, digital humanities, net neutrality, participatory mapping, democracy, infrastructure, information Media Contact
Marta Gutman Spitzer School of Architecture @ CCNY | CUNY PhD United States public architecture for children, US Media Contact
Doris Gutsmiedl-Schuemann Freie Universität Berlin other credentials Germany prehistoric archaeology, gender archaeology, first millenium AD, iron age scandinavia, burial archaeology, visual repesentations of the past, the justinianic plague, lifeworlds, gender roles, and identity, methods of didactics and higher education in current archaeological study programs Media Contact
Amanda Joyce Hall Yale University other credentials United States, South Africa, Transnational Media Contact
Mahel Hamroun University of California, Berkeley PhD Medieval European History, Medieval Law, Sin and Penance, Canon Law, Northern Europe, Scandinavian Studies, Vikings, Popular Religion, Belief, Emotions History, Manuscripts, Diplomatics Media Contact
Kristyn Harman University of Tasmania PhD Australia, New Zealand Convict transportation, Media Contact
Lauren Harris Arizona State University PhD History Education, Pedagogy, World History Historiography, K-12, Curriculum, Standards Media Contact
Ellen Hartigan-O'Connor University of California, Davis PhD United States women, gender, economy, early America, Atlantic World, American Revolution, marketplaces, auctions, Nineteenth Amendment Media Contact
Kristin Hay University of Glasgow PhD history, oral history, gender, reproduction, sex, contraception, abortion, birth control, Scotland Media Contact
Meghan Healy-Clancy Bridgewater State University PhD South Africa South Africa (19th and 20th century), gender, politics, education, colonialism, apartheid, anti-apartheid movement Media Contact
Annelise Heinz University of Oregon PhD United States women, gender, race, ethnicity, consumerism, sexuality, transpacific, modern American 1
Rachel Herrmann Cardiff University PhD Hunger, food history, Native American History, the American Revolution, cannibalism, slavery Media Contact
Marie (Mar) Hicks Illinois Institute of Technology PhD Britain and USA history of technology, computing, gender, labor, women, sexism, STEM, Britain, economics Media Contact
C. Ryan Hilliard Clemson University PhD History, Women, Gender, Sexuality, Early Modern France, European History, Early Modern Europe, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Gender Studies, Singleness Studies, Sexuality Studies Media Contact
Ellen Holmes Pearson University of North Carolina Asheville PhD United States legal culture, early American law, law and identity, early national, digital history, distance pedagogy, digital pedagogy 1
Stephanie Huezo Mount Holyoke College; Indiana University-Bloomington other credentials El Salvador, Latinx U.S.A. Community organizing in twentieth-century Latin America, popular education, critical pedagogy, oral history, memory and commemoration, museums, and U.S. Central American history. 1
Marie-Céline Isaïa University Jean-Moulin Lyon3 PhD Early and High Middle Ages, social and intellectual history, hagiography, historiography, manuscripts, bishops, comparative studies, Mediterranean studies Media Contact
Jessica Barbata Jackson Colorado State University PhD United States, US South, Italy Immigration, Italian/Sicilian Immigrants, US South, Jim Crow South (lynching, miscegenation, disenfranchisement, segregation), New Orleans, Louisiana, Modern Italy, Race, Ethnicity, Citizenship, Social Studies Teaching and Education Media Contact
Dr. Santha Kumari Jetty Columbus State University PhD India and United States Ethnography, Caste system, Upward social mobility, Social consciousness, culture change, educational and economic development. Media Contact
Stacey Jocoy Texas Tech University PhD British Isles English Civil War, Long 17th-century, Musicology, Shakespearean Stage, Media studies Media Contact
Erica Johnson Francis Marion University PhD Haiti, France, French Guiana Atlantic World, Haitian Revolution, Slavery, Abolition, Religion, Colonialism Media Contact
Nadia Jones-Gailani Central European University PhD Iraq; Canada; America Migration; History; Transnationalism; Diaspora; Gender; Islamic Feminism; Sociology of Religion Media Contact
Robin Judd The Ohio State University PhD Jewish History, European Jews, Holocaust, Gender, Transnational Jewish history, Military History, Warbrides, Rituals, History of Religion Media Contact
Kirsten Kamphuis University of Münster PhD Netherlands, Indonesia Netherlands, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, colonialism, women's history, history of education, history of childhood Media Contact
Divya Kannan Assistant Professor, Department of History and Archaeology, Shiv Nadar University Delhi-NCR PhD India Modern History, South Asia, Colonialism, Education, Childhoods, Gender, Labour, Mobility, Contemporary History Media Contact
Rachel Kantrowitz Brown University PhD Senegal, Benin, France West Africa, Senegal, Benin, France, education, Catholic education, colonialism, 20th century, decolonization, oral history, digital tools for historians, youth, social change, Race and religion in post colonial France, history of development, missionaries Media Contact
S.C. Kaplan Independent Scholar PhD France women's libraries, medieval, pedagogy, Burgundy, Bourbonnais, manuscripts, paper, literature, Christine de Pizan, Antoine de La Sale, Melusine, fifteenth century, Agnes of Burgundy Media Contact
Lindsay Keiter Penn State Altoona PhD British North America, United States Early America, Gender, Women, Marriage, Family, Capitalism, Law Media Contact
Anna Kathryn Kendrick NYU Shanghai PhD Twentieth-century Spain, history of education, pedagogy, childhood, history of art and aesthetics, history and literature Media Contact
Elizabeth Keohane-Burbridge Footnoting History PhD United States, United Kingdom independent scholarship, middle ages, England, United States, 19th century, 20th century, religion, power, race, politics, gender, modern world, podcast, public history, local history, Atlanta, Georgia, motherhood, academia, cemeteries, independent scholars Media Contact
Bridget Keown University of Pittsburgh PhD Ireland, Great Britain, United States Gender, Trauma, First World War, Violence, Memory, Britain and British Empire, Ireland, Epidemics, HIV/AIDS activism, History of Medicine, History of Psychology Media Contact
Rohma Khan UC Davis PhD USA Immigration, Labor, Social History, Urban History, Oral History, Asian American History, South Asian American Studies Media Contact
Jessica Kirzane University of Chicago PhD Yiddish Studies, American Jewish History, Women's History Media Contact
Erika Kitzmiller Teachers College, Columbia University PhD United States Educational inequality, school segregation, racial injustice, urban history Media Contact
Cora Beth Knowles The Open University PhD Rome, Roman Britain Ancient History, Roman History, Tacitus, Emperors, History-writing, Ancient Literature, 19th century Classical Reception Media Contact
Shira Kohn The Dalton School PhD America postwar American history, Americans jewish history, American immigration history, history of gender in America, women's history, modern Jewish history, history of higher education Media Contact
Jennifer Kreder Chase College of Law Northern Kentucky University other credentials United States, Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Russia, China, Guatemala WWII, Holocaust, Nazi, art, Russia, Revolution, Russian, American, History, Germany, Austria, German, Austrian, French, France, expropriation, theft, stolen, property, genocide, human rights, courts, claims, litigation, slavery, forced labor, duress, contracts, Nuremberg, Europe, WWI, El Salvador, Guatemala, antiquities, colonialism, colonial, antiquity, Greece, Italy, nationalization, nationalize, museum, museums, galleries, collectors, gallery, collector, ethics, war, monument, monuments, Monuments Men, Woman in Gold, criminal law, crime, crimes, Poland, Hungary, China Media Contact
(The Rev.Dr.) Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook Claremont School of Theology, Historical Society of the Episcopal Church (Anglican and Episcopal History), Historiographer of the Episcopal Church PhD United States Anglican and Episcopal History Media Contact
Elizabeth LaCouture University of Hong Kong PhD China China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Asia, gender, sexuality, race, beauty, cosmetics, architecture, domesticity, middle class, property, material culture Media Contact
Christina Laffin University of British Columbia PhD Japan Medieval Japanese women, literary history Media Contact
Cornelia Lambert University of North Georgia PhD History of Science, History of Medicine, History of Childhood, History of Education, Teaching Higher Education Media Contact
Catherine Larochelle Université de Montréal PhD Canada, Québec colonialism, representations, orientalism, missions, imperialism, education, Canada, Quebec, 19th century, race, emotions, children and youth, iconography 1
Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz Eastern Illinois University PhD United States Civil War, women, antislavery, reform, United States, women's rights, antebellum, history wars, memory, abolitionism Media Contact
Amanda Laury Kleintop Elon University PhD United States US Civil War, slavery, emancipation, Reconstruction, legal history, Atlantic World Media Contact
Adrea Lawrence University of Montana PhD education history, American Indian history, colonialism, intellectual history, history of the American West Media Contact
Sarah Lawrence University of New England PhD exemplarity, Valerius Maximus, declamation, Stoicism, Seneca the Elder, Race, blood, externality, pedagogy Media Contact
Lynton Lees Columbia University PhD Britain education, democracy, liberalism, citizenship, migration, Britain, British empire, modern Europe, 1914-1945, Britain since 1945, political history, intellectual history Media Contact
Katharina Lenski University of Jena PhD Socialist States, GDR, Bureaucracies, Space, East Europe, Culture History, Dissidence, Intelligence, Education, Science History, Borders, Methods, Oral History, History of Universities Media Contact
Jennifer Lieberman University of North Florida PhD literary history, history of technology, electricity, American culture, gender, race Media Contact
Leigh Lieberman Digital Project Specialist, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University PhD Italy Roman Archaeology (particularly in urban settlements of the Italian peninsula, Sicily, and Sardinia), Material Culture, Memory & Identity, Digital Humanities, Database Development, Legacy Data Curation, Collaboration & Communication in Fieldwork & Research Media Contact
Rachel Lindsey Saint Louis University PhD United States American religion, American Christian history, material and visual histories of American religion, religion and media history, US religion and politics, local religion and culture, religion and digital humanities Media Contact
Treva Lindsey The Ohio State University PhD United States African American women, gender, feminism, sexuality/sexual politics, cultural history, hip hop, popular culture, violence, contemporary social movements Media Contact
Jessica Linker Northeastern University PhD United States Early America, Early Modern Europe, Nineteenth-Century America, Book History, History of Science, Women, Gender, Digital Scholarship, Digital Humanities, Women in Science, 3D Technology, Virtual Reality, Pedagogy Media Contact
Kristina Llewellyn University of Waterloo PhD Canada Oral History; History Education; History of Education; and Gender History Media Contact
Anneli Loepp Thiessen University of Ottawa other credentials Canada, United States of America Feminist musicology, church music, contemporary worship music, popular music, music pedagogy, Mennonite music, decolonizing music Media Contact
Lucy Lu other credentials Britain 1
Weiwei Luo Grinnell College PhD China, East Asia, Early Modern, Modern, Legal, Economic, Political Media Contact
Alexandra M. Macdonald William & Mary other credentials Britain, United States Material Culture, Art & Print Culture, Time & Temporality, Atlantic World, Vast Early America, Digital Humanities Media Contact
Jessica Mack Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University PhD Mexico Latin America, Mexico, Mexico City, UNAM, urban history, public history, university, higher education, memory, archives, digital history Media Contact
Isabella Magni Rutgers University PhD Italy, France Digital Humanities, Medieval and Early Modern Italian Literature, Comparative Literature, Medieval History, Digital Philology, Digital Paleography, History of the Book, Manuscript Studies, Public Humanities Media Contact
Lauren Mancia Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York PhD Medieval western Europe, France, Normandy Medieval Christianity; medieval monasticism; history of emotions; embodied devotional practices; performance studies; religious history Media Contact
Elisa Marazzi Newcastle University PhD Western Europe Book history, children’s books, popular literature, cheap print, textbooks, Italy Media Contact
Roberta Marcaccio Ms other credentials Postwar, Italy, Milan, Museum, history, architecture, interior design, exhibition, Media Contact
Emily Marker Rutgers University-Camden - Dept of History PhD French Empire Europe, Africa, decolonization, race, religion, youth, global history Media Contact
Lindsay Marshall University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign PhD United States American Indian history, education history, public memory, environmental history, equine history, American West Media Contact
April Masten Stony Brook University PhD North America Nineteenth Century, art and labor, working-class culture, dance, Black-Irish, visual art, women artists, artists' models, music, cultural theory Media Contact
Kathryn Maude American University of Beirut PhD United Kingdom Medieval, Gender, Women's Writing, Women, Nuns, Religious History, Norman Conquest, Royalty, Monasticism, Sermons, Migration, Early Medieval, Middle Ages Media Contact
Sarah McCook Gwinnett School of Science, Mathematics, and Technology PhD Britain Learning in war, Lessons-learned processes, technology from war, civil-military technological interaction, history of medicine in war, British Army, Second World War, oral history, secondary/ high school pedagogy Media Contact
Patricia McCourt Mississippi State University other credentials United States Medicine, Substance Use and Addiction, Alcohol, Gender, Women's History, United States, Opium, Gilded Age and Progressive Era Media Contact
Kathryn McDaniel Marietta College PhD Britain British History, Travel Literature, Dark Tourism, History of Race-Sex-Gender, History and Harry Potter 1
Stephanie McKellop University of Pennsylvania other credentials America, United States Early America, Antebellum United States, the South & "backcountry," gender, culture, marriage & family, divorce, slavery, poverty & poor culture, "white trash," immigrants & immigration, rituals Media Contact
Sheila McManus Professor of History, University of Lethbridge PhD Canada/United States borderlands; North American West; gender; race Media Contact
Lauren McQuistion University of Virginia, Wentworth Institute of Technology other credentials architectural history, art history, history of American cultural institutions with expertise in art museums Media Contact
Samira Mehta Albright College PhD United States interfaith families, religion and contraception, birth control, American Judaism, American religions, religion in the US, American Christianity, religion and politics, religion and the family, 20th century, Chrismukkah, religion and popular culture, religion and material culture Media Contact
Natalie Mendoza University of Colorado Boulder PhD United States Mexican American/Chicano/a history, Latinos/as in the US, civil rights in the US, history of race and racism, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in History, history pedagogy 1
April Merleaux Hampshire College PhD United States empire, sugar, food, agriculture, trade policy, environment, environmental policy, drug policy, capitalism, race and racism, immigration, environmental health, nutrition Media Contact
Sharon Michalove Program in Medieval Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig PhD England, Turkey, Italy, Belgium cultural history, fifteenth century, early modern trade networks, women book collectors Media Contact
Devon Mihesuah University of Kansas PhD United States, Latin America American Indian, Native American, food history, indigenous health, food sovereignty, activism, stereotypes, Indian Territory, research methods, women Media Contact
Koritha Mitchell Ohio State University PhD United States African American history, cultural history, literary history, Black women, Black feminism, LGBTQ, violence, literature, art, drama, performance Media Contact
Laura J. MItchell UC Irvine PhD South Africa Africa, South Africa, world history, labor, environment, gender, material culture, empire, imperialism, Dutch East India Company, Indian Ocean, global history, globalization, pedagogy, graduate education, SoTL, Media Contact
Tianna Mobley Yale University MA Latin America & The Caribbean slavery, race, Latin America, Caribbean, Iberian world, Spanish Atlantic, Atlantic world, comparative, early modern Media Contact
Jyoti Mohan University of Maryland system PhD India South Asian history, World history, Asian American History, South Asian Diaspora Media Contact
Caitlin Monroe Northwestern University other credentials Intellectual history, East Africa, gender history, historiography, oral history 1
Alexandra F. Morris University of Nottingham PhD Ancient Egypt and Greece Ancient Egypt, Disability, Disability History, Ptolemaic Egypt, Alexander the Great, Hellenistic Period, Museums, Heritage, Museum Education, Art, Cerebral Palsy, Physical Disability Media Contact
Jacqueline Murray University of Guelph PhD Middle Ages, sex and gender, masculinity and male sexuality, marriage and family in the Middle Ages, pedagogy, student engagement Media Contact
PREMILLA NADASEN Barnard College PhD U.S. feminism, working-class women, social policy, welfare, labor rights, care work, domestic work, women of color, poverty Media Contact
Kristen D. Nawrotzki University of Education (Pädagogische Hochschule) Heidelberg, Germany PhD comparative history of education, childhood, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Froebel, early childhood education, childcare, sociology of education Media Contact
Rebecca Nedostup Brown University PhD China, Taiwan Displacement, war, refugees, forced migration, mass violence, decolonization, state-building, law, memory, transitional justice, sovereignty, ritual, death, revolution, religion, archives, historiography, historic preservation, digital history, China, Taiwan Media Contact
Jessamyn Neuhaus State University of New York Plattsburgh PhD USA pedagogy, popular culture, gender studies, housework, food, history of sexuality Media Contact
Noa Nikolsky University of Pennsylvania PhD England, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Low Countries medieval literature, medieval history, history of medicine, preventative medicine, history of emotions, mental health Media Contact
Elizabeth Nix University of Baltimore PhD Baltimore, structural racism, Public History, Baltimore 1968, Baltimore Uprising, education Media Contact
Stephanie Olsen Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences, Tampere University PhD Britain and (former) Empire, Global history of experiences, history of emotions, history of childhood and youth, modern history of Britain and Empire, global history Media Contact
Michelle Orihel Southern Utah University PhD United States American Revolution, Early American Republic, Print Culture, Political History Media Contact
Erin Pack Independent other credentials United States Education, history of education, western women, suffrage, school history, western United States, rural communities, history of psychology, psychology, pedagogical history, early 20th century Media Contact
Maia Pal Oxford Brookes University PhD early modern overseas consuls, early modern extraterritoriality, Mediterranean, transition to capitalism, origins of capitalism, mercantilism, French empire, English empire, Spanish empire, Dutch empire, imperialism, digital capitalism Media Contact
Jennifer Palmer University of Georgia PhD France, Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique family, race, gender, France, Caribbean, Atlantic World Media Contact
Jiya Pandya Princeton University PhD India, United States Gender, Sexual Violence, Legal history, 20th and 21st century U.S. History, Postcolonial Studies, Indian History, Queer theory, Diaspora studies, Disability studies, Critical Race Theory 1
Leah Parker University of Wisconsin-Madison other credentials England medieval, disability, literature, Old English, Anglo-Saxon, Middle Ages Media Contact
Rebecca Parmer University of Connecticut Archives and Special Collections other credentials Archives, Special Collections, Pedagogy, Media Literacy 1
Megan Peiser Oakland University PhD Britain book reviews, women writers, eighteenth-century, novelists, book history, history of the book, bibliography, manuscript culture, printing history, digital humanities, periodical culture Media Contact
Abigail Perkiss Kean University PhD United States Oral history, public humanities, African American history, urban history, 20th century US history Media Contact
Antonia Perna Durham University PhD France; Italy French Revolution, Napoleonic Empire, history of childhood, cultural history, children's literature, education Media Contact
Claire Perrott Marian University PhD Mexico Latin America, Mexico, Twentieth Century, Modern, Indigenous, Purépecha, Landscape, Environment, Volcano, Visual Culture, Photography, Film, National Identity, Culture, Art Media Contact
Heather Perry University of North Carolina at Charlotte PhD Germany German History, First World War, WWI, War and Society, Medical History, Disability History, Military History, Military Medicine, Media Contact
Janelle Peters PhD Ancient Judaism, Early Christianity, Ancient Greek Religion, Ancient Roman Religion, Roman Catholicism Media Contact
Annalise Pforr University of Central Florida other credentials Turkey archaeology, anthropology, religion, material culture, cultural heritage, language, maritime archaeology, maritime history, ancient near east Media Contact
Danielle Picard Vanderbilt University PhD Great Britain, England, Germany, United States History of science, robots, Artificial Intelligence, automation, history of psychology, work, health, disability, history of medicine, eugenics Media Contact
Kathleen Pierce Smith College PhD French Empire Art history, visual culture, art and medicine, visual and material culture of science and medicine, medical humanities, history of medicine, history of public health, modernist painting, cubism, skin and surface, gender, race, history of syphilis, nineteenth-century France, French empire. Media Contact
Morgan Pierce University of Pittsburgh other credentials Media Contact
Lydia Plath University of Warwick PhD United States, slavery, race relations, racism, lynching, violence, film, anti-racist pedagogy Media Contact
Pallavi Podapati Princeton University PhD medicine, technology, disability, the body, sports, labor, gender, race Media Contact
Charlotte Pollet National Chiao Tung University PhD China, India history of sciences, mathematics (algebra, combinatorics, geometry), history of sciences education, historiography, translation of texts written in classical Chinese or Sanskrit. Media Contact
Kathleen Powers Conti Florida State University PhD United States, Russia, Kazakhstan Historic Preservation, Architecture, Soviet Union, Environmental History, American History, Slavery, Memorials, Memory, Virginia, Cold War, Texas, Race, Landscapes, Urban Environment, Material Culture Media Contact
Emily Prifogle University of Michigan Law School PhD United States Law & Legal History, Rural Communities, Midwest, Gender & Sexuality, Lawyers, Schools, Local Governance, Rural Zoning, Property Law Media Contact
Isabelle Prof. Dr. Deflers Universität der Bundeswehr München other credentials History of law Reformation and history of education Cultural transfer und transfer of knowledge between France and Germany/Prussia and especially imagology and functionality of images in political discourses Cultural history of violence and esp. "Military Enlightenment" Social history of women in the early modern period Media Contact
Sarah Purcell Grinnell College PhD United States Monuments, American Revolution, Mourning, Funerals, Heroism, Military History, Political History, Newspapers, Nineteenth Century, Eighteenth Century, Early Republic, Antebellum, Memory, Digital Humanities, Virtual Reality, Civil War, American Revolution, Early Republic Media Contact
Mezna Qato University of Cambridge PhD Palestine; Jordan; Haiti Social histories of Palestine; refugees; education; development; class; pedagogy; colonialism; decolonisation; archives; schools and teachers; diasporas and exile communities Media Contact
Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas British School of Fashion, Glasgow Caledonian University London PhD UK, China including Hong Kong marketing, sustainable fashion, creativity, intangible cultural heritage, tailoring, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai Media Contact
Karen Rader Virginia Commonwealth University PhD Unites States science, biology, popular science, genetics, museums, science education Media Contact
Michaela Crawford Reaves California Lutheran University PhD History of the United States, Social and Cultural History, Women in History, Cold War, Oral History Media Contact
Christine Rizzi Florida State University PhD Florida, U.S. South, Native South, Native American History, African American History, 19th century U.S., mobility Media Contact
Beth Robertson Carleton University PhD Canada history of technology, disability, gender, body, the senses Media Contact
Brianna Robertson-Kirkland Royal Conservatoire of Scotland PhD Britain, Scotland, and Australia music history, opera, education, eighteenth-century studies, nineteenth-century studies, gender, sexuality, Georgian history, Scottish music, Allan Ramsay, Robert Burns. Media Contact
Helen Roche University of Durham PhD Germany, Austria, Italy National Socialism, fascism, Nazi Germany, Third Reich, elite schools, oral history, education history, classical reception, philhellenism, Napola, Prussia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sparta Media Contact
Elissa Rodkey Crandall University PhD history of psychology, women in the history of psychology, history of developmental psychology, history of religion and psychology, history of science, psychology, religion, gender, Catholicism, science Media Contact
Chelsea Rodriguez The University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) other credentials United States History of Education, Media and Education, American Education Media Contact
Emily Rollie Central Washington University, Department of Theatre Arts PhD USA theatre history, American theatre, Canadian theatre, feminist theatre, pedagogy, theatre directing, Media Contact
Sara Ronis St. Mary's University, TX PhD Rabbinic literature, Babylonian Talmud, Sasanian Babylonia, Demonology, Gender and Sex in Late Antiquity, Late Antiquity, Cultural Interaction in Late Antiquity, non-normative rituals, rabbinic hermeneutics and jurisprudence. Media Contact
Elena Marie Rosario University of Michigan and Harvard University MA United States United States History; Public History; Public Humanities; Puerto Rican Studies; Social and Cultural History; Labor History; Urban History 1
Shelley Rose Cleveland State University PhD Gender, protest, peace, world history, transnational, Germany 1
Sarah Rosenthal Georgetown University other credentials Russia Historical Activism, LGBTQ, Queer Studies & Theory, Russian Studies, Theories of Nationalism, Securitization Theory, Gender Studies & Theory, Transnational Studies, Intersectionality, Terrorism & Security Studies, Human Rights, International Relations, Political Science, Historiography, Foreign Languages, Cultural Studies, Revolutions, Theories of Power Media Contact
Marion Roydhouse Thomas Jefferson University PhD United States Nineteenth Amendment, Women Suffrage, Southern women, Women and Labor history. Media Contact
Lisa Rude Normandale Community College PhD United States Women, Political, Presidential, First Lady, 19th Century, 20th Century, American, Suffrage, African American, Food, Minnesota Media Contact
Amy Rutenberg Iowa State University PhD United States U.S. women and gender history, war and society, U.S. military manpower policy, the draft, draft counseling, U.S. social movements, the Sixties, U.S. Veteran's history, U.S. sexualities, teacher education Media Contact