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Bath Spa University
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Emotions, anxiety, eighteenth century, nineteenth century, gender, family, relationships, lifecycle, letters, satirical prints, UK PM George Canning and his family, material culture,
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About Me

I have completed my PhD on Anxious Expressions: Remote Relationships in the Canning Family Correspondence, 1760-1830. This looks at anxiety in the long eighteenth century and what it can tell us about its relationship with love, grief and anger and what it can tell us about anxiety today. This is especially in relation to well-being, health, identity and communications My expertise is in social, cultural, political and gender history, especially looking at emotions, families, relationships, lifecycle, letter writing and rhetoric. I am also working on teaching history pedagogy using emotions and I co-run a module on consumption history looking at the complexities of the past to understand the present climate change emergency through consumption to think about changing the future.

Recent Publications

BYNOTH, R. (2021), A Mother Educating her Daughter Remotely through Familial Correspondence: The Letter as a Form of Female Distance Education in the Eighteenth Century. History, 106: 727-750

Bynoth, R. and Smith, E. (2024) Distant communications: beyond death. Cultural and Social History, pp.1-14.

Bates, D., Prochaska, A., Hitchcock, T., Wilcox, K., Smith, E., Bynoth, R. and Langhamer, C. (2024) The IHR’s seminar culture: past, present and f uture–a round-t able discussion. Talking History, p.243.

Bynoth, R. (2024) Anxious expressions: remote relationships in the Canning correspondence network 1760-1830 (Doctoral dissertation, Bath Spa University).

Media Coverage
Expert Talking Head for Mayhem!: The Secret Lives of the Georgian Kings. Written for The Conversation UK and also had coverage by History First (Journalist Mark Bridges)
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
British Isles, England, United Kingdom, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Children & Youth, Family, Gender, Material Culture, Medicine, Pedagogy, Politics, Public History, Sports, Technology, Women