Participant Info

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Auburn University
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Eighteenth-century, novel, history of reading, readers, history of fan fiction, manuscript fiction, perfume, history of smell, smell language, digital humanities, metadata
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Personal Info

About Me

Associate Professor of English, Auburn University.
Associate Director of, a major open-source peer-reviewed aggregator of materials on and about the eighteenth-century.

I’m a scholar and critic who wants to understand reading experiences from readers past, present, and future. This fascination has taken me to study the language of smell, the work of recovered women writers, and most recently never-published manuscript fiction. I believe that book history and digital scholarship work beautifully together, that librarians and archivists are invaluable collaborators, and that hands-on experience of research is an important component of student learning.

Recent Publications

Reading Smell in the Eighteenth-Century Novel (Bucknell University Press 2016)

Forthcoming/Recently Out:

“Must Anonymous Be a Woman? Gender and Anonymity in the Archives” (accepted to a Special Issue on “Women in Archives” for Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature Winter/Spring 2021)

“Amateur Manuscript Fiction in the Archive: An Introduction.” After Print, (Ed. Rachael King). University of Virginia Press.

“Becoming Catherine Morland: A Cautionary Tale of Manuscripts in the Archive” Persuasions 39 (2018).

“Considering Johnson’s ‘Nose of the Mind’ and Mind’s Nose: Olfaction Deployed and Suppressed in the Age of Johnson.” For Revision and Reappraisal: New Essays on Johnson and His Circle. Anthony Lee, Ed. University of Delaware Press.​

(With Chase Bringardner and Lindsey Doukoupolos)”Performing Frankenstein in the South: Sex, Race, and Science Across the Disciplines” for Adapting the Eighteenth Century: Pedagogies and Practices (Eds. Kirsten Saxton and Sharon Harrow)

Media Coverage
Qtd in Cosmopolitan (Oct 14)
Country Focus
Great Britain and North America
Expertise by Geography
England, North America, United Kingdom, United States
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century
Expertise by Topic
Book History, Gender, Higher Ed, Libraries & Archives, Material Culture, Pedagogy, Technology, Women