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Washington University in St. Louis
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history education, social studies education, teaching, preparation and professional development of K-12 history teachers, museum education, history museums, historical memory, public history, popular history, historical portrayals in popular culture (film, video games, etc.)
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Recent Publications

Gilbert, L. (2019). “Assassin’s Creed reminds us history is human experience”: Students’ senses of empathy while playing a narrative video game. Theory & Research in Social Education, 47(1), 108-137.

Gilbert. L. (2018). Resistance within enslavement as a case study for personhood in American history. The History Teacher, 51(2), 221-246.

Gilbert, L. (2017). Notes on understanding and valuing the anger of students marginalized by the social studies curriculum. In P. Chandler & T. Hawley (Eds.), Race Lessons: Using Inquiry to Teach about Race in Social Studies (pp. 379-395). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Gilbert, L. (2016). Valuing critical inquiry skills in museum literacy. Social Studies Research and Practice, 11(3), 80-95.

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Expertise by Topic
Museums, Pedagogy, Public History