Total Records Found: 279
First NameLast NameAffiliationPhDCountry FocusKeywordsAvailability
Hanan Abdellatif Johns Hopkins University other credentials United States United States, Race, Gender, Medicine, Medical Exploitation, Scientific Racism, Public Health 1
Hannah R. Abrahamson College of the Holy Cross PhD Mexico Colonial Latin American History, Atlantic History, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History Media Contact
Desiree Abu-Odeh PhD United States public health, gender, sexuality, race, urban history, sexual violence, higher education, colleges and universities, social movements 1
Cheryl Adams Rychkov Randolph College, Lynchburg College other credentials United States, England, Great Britain, Russia Atlantic World, Reputation and Refashioning, 17th Century Chesapeake, Virginia History, Prostitution History, Early Modern Western Europe,Long 19th century British literature, Russian History & Culture (Imperial/Soviet/Post-Soviet), Archives & Preservation, Ephemera, Western Art. 19th-20th century General Store culture. History of school bus transportation culture. Media Contact
Susan Amussen University of California, Merced PhD UK Early Modern England, Atlantic World, Gender, theater, class Media Contact
Kelly Andriamasindray Brandeis University other credentials United States African American History, criminalization of African Americans, African American women in prison, incarceration of African Americans, racial violence, policing, criminal justice system, carceral history, women and gender, California, Western History Media Contact
Camille Angelo Yale University other credentials Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa Late Antiquity, Ancient Christianity, Early Christian Art, Early Christian Archaeology, Asceticism, Monasticism, the Cult of the Saints, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Near Eastern Archaeology, Sensory Cultures, The Body, Pilgrimage Media Contact
Michelle Armstrong-Partida Emory University PhD Medieval Gender & Sexuality, Concubinage, Women's History, Social History, Late Medieval Mediterranean, Medieval Iberia, Clandestine Marriage, Illegitimate Children, Sexual Violence Media Contact
Evelyn Atkinson University of Chicago; American Bar Foundation PhD United States History of the corporation, legal history, history of capitalism, history of the long Nineteenth Century, history of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, tort law, constitutional law, corporate responsibility Media Contact
Princess O'Nika Auguste Independent Scholar other credentials gender, sexual violence, bible, ancient near east, ancient history, Greek, roman, church history, mental health, pop culture, feminism Media Contact
Varsha Ayyar PhD Dalit, Dalit Women, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, Bombay, Ex-Untouchables Media Contact
Daisy Bailey Monash University PhD Australia history of emotions, transnational history, political prisoners, protest, activism, exile Media Contact
Mou Banerjee UW-Madison PhD India; Bangladesh; Pakistan; Afghanistan; Sri Lanka South Asia; India; Colonialism; British Imperial History; Religion; Politics; Intellectual History Media Contact
Katie Barclay University of Adelaide PhD Scotland, Ireland, UK Gender History, history of emotions, history of family, Scotland, Ireland, methodologies Media Contact
Jennifer Barry University of Mary Washington PhD Early Christianity, episcopal exile, forced movement, late antiquity, gender violence, gender and sexuality studies, Religion Media Contact
Victoria Bates University of Bristol PhD sexuality, forensics, senses, hospital design, medical humanities Media Contact
Margot Beal PhD France Domestic labour, Paid Domestic Work, Feminism, Women's studies, Popular classes, Gender's studies, Labour History, Rural History Media Contact
Ruth Beecher Birkbeck, University of London PhD Race, gender, sexuality, sexual violence, child welfare, history of medicine, popular culture, oral history 1
Titaś Biswas Doctoral Candidate, UCD Sociology; Lecturer, Carlow College St Patrick's; Researcher, UCC School of Applied Social Studies PhD India, South Asia, Western and Continental Europe Pedagogy, Sociology of Education, Conflict Studies, Genocide, Fascist Studies, Memory Studies, Gender and Sexuality, Body Politics Media Contact
Anne M. Blaschke University of Massachusetts Boston, Associate Lecturer of American Studies PhD United States politics, diplomacy, culture, sports, race, gender, feminism, capitalism, Title IX, #MeToo Media Contact
Sharon Block University of California, Irvine PhD Colonial North America Media Contact
Susan Blumberg-Kason Author other credentials Hong Kong Hong Kong history, culture, politics, art, film, theater, activism Media Contact
Rachel Boyle Omnia History PhD United States Gender, urban history, violence, public history, Midwest Media Contact
Carolina Bracco University of Buenos Aires PhD Gender on Middle East gender, Arab cinema, feminism, Islam, contemporary Arab societies Media Contact
Sylvia Broeckx University of Sheffield other credentials American Civil War, Sexual Violence, Rape, wartime sexual violence Media Contact
Molly Brookfield Sewanee: University of the South PhD street harassment, sexual harassment, sexual violence, catcalls, ogling, public space, urban space Media Contact
Stephanie Brown University of Cambridge other credentials England; Wales Social history, legal history, gender, race, class, medieval England, fourteenth century, Black Death, gaol delivery, King's Bench, peasants, manor court, violence, homicide, history of crime and punishment, raptus, capital punishment, Edward III, conquest of Wales, family history, nineteenth century Wales, revolt and disorder. Media Contact
Maria Bucur Indiana University Bloomington PhD Romania gender, Europe, twentieth century, citizenship, memory, eugenics, film, feminism, communism, title IX, sexual misconduct Media Contact
Darcy Buerkle Smith College PhD Germany Modern Europe, History of Gender and Sexuality, German and German-Jewish, Histories of Refugees and Relief, Visual Culture Media Contact
Alice Bullard Bullard Esq. Law, formerly professor of history at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, U.C. Berkeley Ph.D. PhD Western Europe, France, French speaking lands (South Pacific, West Africa, North Africa), Washington D.C. Human Rights, Women's Rights, Trafficking, Contemporary Slavery, West Africa, Mauritania, Transcultural Psychiatry, Feminism, D.C. statehood, shari'a, blasphemy, apostasy, scapegoating, crowd psychology Media Contact
Emma Butcher University of Leicester PhD Britain Children, War, Empire, Women’s History, The Brontës, Juvenilia, Life Writing, Napoleonic Wars, Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture, Military Memoir, War Trauma, Napoleon, Thomas Hardy, Romanticism Media Contact
Monica L. Butler Motlow State Community College PhD United States Indigenous, American Indian, African American, activism, representation, media, intersectionality, rebellion 1
Katherine Bynum Texas Christian University other credentials United States African American history, Mexican American history, civil rights, Texas history, policing, carceral state, multiracial coalitions, oral history, public history Media Contact
Sara Casamayor Mancisidor Universidad de La Rioja PhD Roman Women, Gender History, History of Old Age, History of Disabilities Media Contact
Cassandra Casias Duke University PhD Roman history, Roman law, slavery, families, ancient sexuality, ancient medicine, late antiquity, early Christianity, North Africa. 1
Hannah Charnock University of Bristol PhD England modern Britain, gender, sexuality, youth culture, feminism Media Contact
Elise Chenier Simon Fraser University PhD sexuality, oral history, same-sex marriage, sexual deviancy, sex offenders, LGBTQ life, lesbian history, butch and femme, gender, archives, oral history, Media Contact
Mita Choudhury Vassar College PhD France French, European, Eighteenth-century, gender and sexuality, religion, politics, politics of religion and gender, sexual abuse in Catholic Church Media Contact
Adele Chynoweth The Australian National University PhD Australia Museum Studies, heritage, human rights, access to justice, public history, history of punitive welfarism, theatre and performance studies. Media Contact
Kyle Ciani Illinois State University PhD United States childcare, women's work, women's activism, social reform, reform in San Diego Media Contact
Victoria Clarke University of Leeds PhD UK labour history, chartism, print history, print culture, victorian, non-fiction, fashion, Media Contact
Rosa Alicia Clemente UMASS-Amherst W.E.B. DuBois Department of Afro-American Studies PhD United States Afro-Latinx, Hip Hop, Puerto Rico, Women of Color, Social Justice, Media, Independent Journalism, Organizing, Black Lives Matter, Third Party Politics, Electoral Politics Media Contact
Carolyn Conley Professor Emerita at UAB PhD Gender and violence, social history of criminal justice, UK, Ireland, British Empire, Homicide Media Contact
Kate Cooper Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London PhD Daily Life in the Ancient World - the Rise of Christianity - Martyrdom - Women, Family, and Household - Roman Empire - Ancient Mediterranean - Late Antiquity Media Contact
Elinor Cosgrave University of Leeds other credentials Ancient Rome, Captives, Disability, Sexual Violence, Slavery, Gender, Sexuality, First Jewish Revolt, Celebrity Culture Media Contact
Marlee Couling York University PhD Non-elite women, seventeenth-century, England, friendship, alliances, emotions, gender, crime Media Contact
Lynn Cowles Nicholls State University other credentials US Race, Women, Sexual Violence, US South, Family, Segregation 1
Mercedes Crisostomo University College London PhD Peru Gender and History and Gender and Politics Media Contact
Niamh Cullen Queen's University Belfast PhD modern Italian history, history of gender and sexuality in modern Europe, history of the family, romantic love, jealousy, honour crime Media Contact
Sarah Danielsson CUNY-Queensborough PhD Intellectual History, Genocide, Human Rights, Historical Geography, Nationalism, Race, Fascism Media Contact
Marlene Daut University of Virginia PhD Haiti Haiti, Haitian Revolution, Haitian independence, nineteenth-century Haitian history, intellectual history, literary history, Caribbean history, early Caribbean studies, black sovereignty, postcolonialism, French colonialism, French Caribbean history, slavery, emancipation, slave narratives, black philosophy, digital humanities, print culture, newspaper studies, archival studies, digital archives, history of race and racism, abolitionist thought Media Contact
Rebecca Davis University of Delaware PhD United States American marriage, American religion, 20th century U.S. history, gender, sexuality, LGBTQ, American Jewish history Media Contact
Alicia Decker The Pennsylvania State University PhD Uganda African history, African women's history, Uganda, militarism, political history, African feminism Media Contact
Livi Dee Newcastle University PhD United Kingdom Abortion, reproductive rights, reproductive justice, modern Britain, gender history, women's history, political history. Media Contact
Jennifer deWinter Worcester Polytechnic Institute PhD US and Japan and increasingly China Video Games, Japanese Media Industries, Japanese games, games and violence, women in computer tech industries, game design, history of play Media Contact
Bailey Dick Ohio University PhD United States #MeToo, Journalism History, Women Journalists, Dorothy Day, Catholicism, Trauma, First-person writing, Feminism, Gender-based Violence Media Contact
Abigail Doull Aberystwth University/Tufts University other credentials Media Contact
Alejandra Dubcovsky University of California, Riverside PhD United States Early America, (North) America South, Native American History, War, Gender, Spanish Borderlabds Media Contact
Elena Duce-Pastor Phd applicant PhD Greece, Spain, England Ancient Greece, Gender, Marriage, Dowry, Women studies, History, Reception Media Contact
Kristina DuRocher Kennesaw State University PhD Lynching, Racism, Women's history, US South, segregation, Jim Crow, Ida B. Wells Media Contact
Averill Earls St. Olaf College PhD Ireland History of Sexuality, LGBTQ, Same-Sex Desire, Homosexuality, Policing, History of Policing, Ireland, Gender, Masculinity, Urban History, Dublin, Imperialism, Colonialism, Postcolonialism Media Contact
Cagla Elektrikci Mrs other credentials Exclusion, Gender, Climate, Social movements, multimedia journalism Media Contact
Kimberly Enderle University of Massachusetts Amherst MA Women, Women Veterans, Gender, Sexuality, Veteran, Military History, Social History, MST, PTSD, Trauma, Feminism, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan Media Contact
Simona Feci University of Palermo PhD Italy early modern italian history, history of women and law, history of justice and criminal law, history of violence against women, history of family Media Contact
Coré Ferrer-Alcantud Universitat Jaume I (Spain) PhD Ancient Mediterranean Ancient History, Ancient Mediterranean, Ancient Greece, Greek Philosophy, Ancient Rome, Ancient Politics, Roman Politics, Roman Literature, Roman Republic, Early Principate, Women in the Ancient World, Greek Women, Roman Women, Gender, Women's Studies, Identity, Ethnicity, Migration, Classical Reception, Cultural History, Virtual Archaeology, 3D, VR, AR, MR, Digital Humanities, History in Video Games Media Contact
Mary Flannery University of Oxford (as of September 2018) PhD England, Scotland Medieval English literature and culture, shame and honour, gender, obscenity, fame and celebrity, rumour and gossip, the history of emotions, The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Lydgate, Robert Henryson, William Dunbar. Media Contact
Charlene J. Fletcher Butler University PhD United States, Italy African American, U.S. South, Women and Gender, Carceral Studies, Immigration, Labor, Trauma Media Contact
Tania Franco UNAM other credentials 1
Diana Paola Garcés Amaya Universidad de Granada PhD gender-based violence, asylum law, otherness construction, racialization, refugees Media Contact
Alison Garden Queen's University Belfast PhD Ireland, Northern Ireland Ireland, Northern Ireland, 'The Troubles', Gender History, Sexuality Studies, Roger Casement, Easter Rising, Women's Writing, Girlhood, Love & Marriage, Queer History, Postcolonial Studies, Atlantic Studies, Diaspora & Migration Media Contact
Emily J. Gathergood University of Nottingham PhD Mediterranean, Middle East Ancient Judaism, Early Christianity, women, gender, midwifery Media Contact
Kathryn Gehred University of Virginia (UVA) other credentials United States Women's History, Slavery, Early America, Martha Washington, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Martha Jefferson Randolph Media Contact
Jamie Gianoutsos Mount St. Mary's University PhD United Kingdom Early Modern Europe, especially Britain, Intellectual and Gender History, Anglo-American Tradition of Political Thought, Renaissance Literature, Medieval History and Literature, Great Books: Classical to Contemporary Media Contact
Emily Gioielli Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena PhD Hungary World War One, revolution and counterrevolution, history of mass violence, non-violence and peace movements, history of socialism, transitology Media Contact
Jessica Goethals University of Alabama PhD Italy Renaissance Italy, Baroque Italy, medieval Italy, early modern women, warfare, Sack of Rome, performance, spectacle, gender, prophecy, violence, rhetoric Media Contact
Abby Gondek Florida International University PhD Brazil; South Africa; U.K.; Jewish women's history, South African history, Jewish-Black relations; Black Jewish women's experiences; Brazilian history; anti-semitism and racism; West Indian/Caribbean migration to the U.K., black women's sexuality Media Contact
Rachel Goossen Washburn University PhD United States Women, Gender, Sexuality, Sexual Violence, Peace History, World War II, Religion, Mennonite History, Anabaptism, Family History, Children Media Contact
Charlotte Gordon Endicott college PhD United States Mary Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, Anne Bradstreet, early American women’s literature history, 18th and 19th century British women’s literature and history, women’s fiction, a vindication of the rights of woman, Frankenstein, women and religion, the Bible and women Media Contact
Anne Gray Fischer University of Texas at Dallas PhD United States Women, police, law enforcement, sex work, prostitution, intersectionality, critical race theory, feminist activisms, Boston, Los Angeles, broken windows Media Contact
Kerry Jo Green Brandeis University other credentials 1
Jennifer Gunter University of South Carolina PhD United States of America US South, Women, Gender, Race, Medicine, Activism Media Contact
Alicia Gutierrez-Romine California State University, San Bernardino PhD United States Abortion, Gender and Sexuality, Law, History of Medicine, California, Borderlands, US West Media Contact
Anna Hajkova University of Warwick PhD Holocaust, Jewish history, history of sexuality, queer history, everyday life Media Contact
Heather Haley Naval History and Heritage Command PhD United States women's studies, masculinity, race, gender, sexuality, public history, oral history, citizenship studies, military history, labor history Media Contact
Amanda Joyce Hall Yale University other credentials United States, South Africa, Transnational Media Contact
Julie Hardwick University of Texas-Austin PhD Gender, family, capitalism, law, France, early modern, economy, state formation, Atlantic, sexuality, women's reproductive health, Media Contact
Misti Harper Gustavus Adolphus College PhD United States African American history and women's history; gender and sexuality studies; intersectional feminism; tribalism; imperialism, resistance and decolonization Media Contact
LaShawn Harris Michigan State University PhD United States 20th Century, African American Women, Labor, Crime Media Contact
Rebecca Harrison The Open University PhD Britain and USA Film, cinema, media, creative industries, arts, production, exhibition, distribution, film criticism, early cinema, technology, British cinema, Hollywood, Star Wars, war, military, empire, railways, gender, race, class, queer history, LGBT Media Contact
Karen Harvey University of Birmingham, UK PhD Body, gender, women, masculinity, Britain, letters, eighteenth century, early modern, material culture, Mary Toft Media Contact
Peggy Heffington Instructional Professor, University of Chicago PhD Human Rights, War, Gender, Atrocity, Genocide Media Contact
Maggie Hennefeld University of Minnesota PhD North America and Europe Comedy, feminism, media, silent cinema, film studies, film theory, gender politics, laughter, humor, culture. Media Contact
Louise Heren Oxford Brookes University PhD Scotland, Great Britain Scotland, England, Britain, sexual violence history, history of interpersonal violence, history of masculinities, gender history, women's history, crime and justice, nineteenth century, twentieth century Media Contact
Alani Hicks-Bartlett Brown University PhD France, Italy, Portugal, Spain medieval and early modern French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese literary history, Occitan, medieval Latin, gender and violence, race, classical exemplarity, literary representations of art, disability studies, complaint tradition, digital humanities, global middle ages Media Contact
C. Ryan Hilliard Clemson University PhD History, Women, Gender, Sexuality, Early Modern France, European History, Early Modern Europe, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Gender Studies, Singleness Studies, Sexuality Studies Media Contact
Hillary Hiner Universidad Diego Portales PhD Chile Latin American Recent History, Latin American Feminist History, History of Gender and Sexualities, Gender Violence, Memory Studies, Oral History Media Contact
Maya Hislop Clemson University PhD United States African American literature, critical race theory, critical rape studies, history of social justice movements Media Contact
Allyson Hobbs Stanford University PhD Media Contact
Natasha Hodgson Nottingham Trent University UK PhD Medieval History, Religion and Conflict, Crusades, Latin East, Medieval Women and Gender, Medieval Masculinities, Domesday, Normans, Medievalism, Wars of the Roses, Genealogies, Digital Humanities Media Contact
Vanessa Holden University of Kentucky PhD United States slavery, women, gender, sexuality, children, resistance, rebellion, Virginia, antebellum, southern, south, sex, sexuality, lgbtq, queer, same-gender loving Media Contact
Vicky Holmes Queen Mary University of London PhD UK Victorian, working class, domestic life, accidents, marriage, motherhood, coroners, death, old age, childbirth, landladies and lodgers, nocturnal life Media Contact
Jaime Hough Independent Scholar PhD United States Virginity, Sexual Citizenship, Reproductive Rights, Legislating Sexuality, War on Terror, World War II, Gender History, History of Sexuality, American Studies, Rhetoric Media Contact
Dr. Sabah Hussain (Khan) Ph.D. in Political Science PhD India Gender Politics, Gender & Development, Women's Movements & Historiography, Political Behaviour, Gendered Institutionalism, Gender- based Violence, Democatisation, Minority Politics, South Asian Politics Media Contact
Nere Jone Intxaustegi Jauregi University of Deusto PhD Nere Jone’s research areas concerns Basque and Spanish society and legal history from the Medieval period to Early Modern times with a special focus on: women, kinship, divorce, and dowries Media Contact
Carla Ionescu York University, Toronto, Canada PhD Greece Artemis, Ephesus, goddesses, ritual, religion, ancient, history, Greece, Roman, archaeology, women, worship, spirituality, culture, temples, bees, travel, Media Contact
Jillian Jacklin University of Wisconsin-Green Bay PhD race, ethnicity, labor, gender, sexuality, criminality, and comparative and transnational history Media Contact
Joanne Jahnke Wegner University of Minnesota other credentials United States captivity, colonial New England, Native American history, U.S. Women's history, African American history, history of slavery, politics of reproduction, captive trade networks, northeastern borderlands, Early America 1
Claudia Jarzebowski University of Bonn PhD Slavery and Dependency Studies Gender History, Children's History History of Emotion Media Contact
Erin Jessee University of Glasgow PhD Rwanda genocide, mass atrocities, transitional justice, cultural heritage, memory studies, oral history, Rwanda, Bosnia, Media Contact
Melissa Johnson PhD Media Contact
Jessica Marie Johnson Johns Hopkins University PhD history, slavery, gender, social justice, new orleans, caribbean, united states, african diaspora, afrolatinidad, colonialism, digital media, digital humanities, social media Media Contact
Allison Johnson Wichita State University MA Early America, American West, Eighteenth Century, Women, Crime, Homicide, Trans-Appalachia Media Contact
Stephanie Jones-Rogers University of California, Berkeley PhD United States African-American, American Slavery, Slavery and the Law, Southern Women, Women and Early American Law Media Contact
Alison Joseph Jewish Theological Seminary PhD Hebrew Bible, Ancient Israel, Deuteronomistic History, Women in the Bible, Religious Studies, Jewish Studies Media Contact
Maeve Kane University at Albany PhD United States Haudenosaunee, Iroquois, Native American, Indigenous, women, gender religion, education, family, fur trade, economic history, consumerism, clothing, archaeology, digital history, digital humanities, social network analysis Media Contact
Mara Keire University of Oxford PhD United Staes Rape, sexual assault, prostitution, red light districts, vice, addiction, United States, Progressive Era, Prohibition Media Contact
Rebecca Futo Kennedy Denison University PhD Greece, Italy, United States ancient history, classics, ancient race and ethnicity, classical reception, gender and law, Ancient Greece, Classical Athens, Greek tragedy Media Contact
Bridget Keown University of Pittsburgh PhD Ireland, Great Britain, United States Gender, Trauma, First World War, Violence, Memory, Britain and British Empire, Ireland, Epidemics, HIV/AIDS activism, History of Medicine, History of Psychology Media Contact
Urvi Khaitan Harvard University PhD India Gender, labour, colonial India, Second World War, Bengal Famine, women's work, feminist economics Media Contact
Shenila Khoja-Moolji Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, Bowdoin College PhD Pakistan and US girlhood, Muslims, masculinities, Pakistan, state power, feminist theory, postcolonial theory Media Contact
Jeanna Kinnebrew American Academy of Arts and Sciences PhD United States philanthropy, history of science, public health, gender, urban life, sex education, reproductive health, sexual health Media Contact
Michaela Kleber Northwestern University PhD Native American, Gender and Sexuality, French imperialism, Early America Media Contact
Renee Lafferty-Salhany Brock University PhD Canada, United States Religion, Gender, War of 1812, Drinking, Alcohol, Medicine, Masculinity Media Contact
Brooke Lansing Johns Hopkins University other credentials Abortion, contraception, New York City, nineteenth-century America, gender and sexuality, history of medicine 1
Ruth Lawlor University of Cambridge PhD United States U.S. history, U.S. foreign relations, military history, WWII, gender, race, sexual violence, transnational history, European history Media Contact
Tracy (T. M.) Lemos Huron University College, Western University PhD Ancient Israel, Ancient West Asia, Hebrew Bible, Early Judaism, History of Violence Media Contact
Victoria Leonard Royal Holloway, University London PhD United Kingdom Late Antiquity, Ancient History, Early Christianity, Roman History, Religion, Historiography, Gender Studies, Feminist Theory, Women Studies, The Body, Sexuality, Social Network Analysis, Digital Humanities, Media Contact
Alice Leonard University of Warwick, UK PhD England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Germany early modern culture, book history, error, correction, early science, medicine, Shakespeare, drama, metaphor Media Contact
Lisa Levenstein University of North Carolina Greensboro PhD United States US feminism, multiracial feminism, black feminism, recent US history, social movements, online feminism, global feminism, women and public policy, feminism and economic justice. Media Contact
Carolyn Levy The Pennsylvania State University other credentials United States of America US 19th Century, Early America, Antebellum America, Incarceration, Respectability, Criminality, Prisons, Reform Media Contact
Amy Licence independent other credentials England Tudor, late medieval, queenship, maternity, sexuality, gender, renaissance, Henry VIII, Edward IV, women's lives, cultural social and material history, biography, childbirth, childrearing, adultery, courtship, fornication, modernism, bohemianism, Bloomsbury Group, Woolf Media Contact
Treva Lindsey The Ohio State University PhD United States African American women, gender, feminism, sexuality/sexual politics, cultural history, hip hop, popular culture, violence, contemporary social movements Media Contact
Suzannah Lipscomb University of Roehampton PhD Tudors, Henry VIII, women, gender, reformation, France, sixteenth century, seventeenth century, early modern, Huguenot, Anne Boleyn, witchcraft Media Contact
Ann Little Colorado State University PhD U.S., Canada women, gender, sexuality, borderlands, religion, Catholicism, Early America, Early Canada, Colonial North America, material culture, clothing, dress, historic costume, United States Media Contact
Andrea Livesey Liverpool John Moores University PhD United States Slavery, gender history, nineteenth-century U.S., New Deal, Federal Writers' Project, Interviews with formerly enslaved people, Louisiana history, sexual violence Media Contact
Emily Lobenstein University of Wisconsin - Madison other credentials Soviet Union Soviet Union, Gender, Media, Visual Culture, Material Culture, Eastern Bloc, Late Soviet Union, Perestroika 1
Ana Paola López Dietz Universidad Central de Chile PhD Género, feminismos, mujeres, gender, feminism, gender, movimientos sociales, social movements Media Contact
Maren Lorenz Ruhr University Bochum PhD Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (1495-1806) body, gender, violence, theory, Media Contact
Deborah Madden Lancaster University PhD Spain Iberian feminisms, socialist women, socialist feminisms, sexual violence, feminist legislation, women and the law, politics of reproduction, famine, hunger memory, women's writing Media Contact
Laura Mammina University of Houston-Victoria PhD United States of America U.S History, Civil War, Nineteenth-Century, History of Gender and Sexuality, History of Race and Ethnicity, Citizenship 1
Kristin Mapel Bloomberg Hamline University PhD United States women's rights, woman suffrage, nineteenth century social movement, Midwestern history, rural women's history, Great Plains, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Clara Bewick Colby, gender history, women's history, sexual violence, Title IX, coeducation, college women Media Contact
Katherine Marino UCLA, History Department PhD United States feminisms, human rights, transnational women's movements, Pan-Americanism, U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean Media Contact
Karen Marrero Wayne State University PhD U.S. and Canada Early North American History, Indigenous History, Early Detroit History, Transnational & Borderlands History, Women and Gender History, Early Midwestern History, Indigenous-French North American History Media Contact
Rachel Louise Martin Freelance writer and researcher PhD United States of America Civil rights, educational inequality, oral history, women's and gender history, Southern history, Appalachian history, Tennessee history, Nashville history, Southern foodways, memory theory Media Contact
Vincenza Mazzeo Johns Hopkins University PhD South Africa 1
Mary McAuliffe University College Dublin PhD Ireland Gender, Modern Ireland, Social History, Irish Revolutionary histories, Gender, War and Violence, Histories of Irish feminisms and feminist activism, feminist biography, History of sexuality, Public History. Media Contact
Patricia McCourt Mississippi State University other credentials United States Medicine, Substance Use and Addiction, Alcohol, Gender, Women's History, United States, Opium, Gilded Age and Progressive Era Media Contact
Marie McDaniel Southern Connecticut State University PhD Early America, Religion, Gender, Ethnicity 1
Sara McDougall John Jay College & Graduate Center, City University of New York PhD medieval, legal, France, gender, women, crime, religion, Europe, law, marriage, sexuality, Christianity Media Contact
Danielle McGuire Independent Scholar PhD United States Civil Rights Movement, Sexual Violence, Racial violence, Rape, Resistance, African American Freedom Struggle, African American women, police brutality Media Contact
Una McIlvenna Australian National University PhD Balladry, early modern history, early modern cultural history, history of sex, court studies, capital punishment, public execution, history of torture Media Contact
Stephanie McKellop University of Pennsylvania other credentials America, United States Early America, Antebellum United States, the South & "backcountry," gender, culture, marriage & family, divorce, slavery, poverty & poor culture, "white trash," immigrants & immigration, rituals Media Contact
Celeste McNamara Dublin City University PhD Italy Early modern Italy, Catholic Church, Catholic Reform, religious culture, Venice, Veneto Media Contact
Natalia Mehlman Petrzela The New School (New York, NY, US) [86627] PhD United States gender, sexuality, US history, United States, politics, culture, education, the body, wellness, fitness, capitalism, feminism, women, California Media Contact
Keri Leigh Merritt Independent PhD United States poverty, class, race, inequality, labor, working class, slavery, emancipation, Civil War, violence, incarceration, criminal justice Media Contact
Melissa Milewski University of Sussex PhD United States race and the law in US History, race, law, civil cases, African American history, US South, court, lawyer, social justice, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, Civil Rights Movement, criminal cases Media Contact
Alexandria Miller Brown University other credentials Jamaica, USA, Anglophone Caribbean and Diaspora Women's History, Caribbean, Popular Culture, Black Feminisms, Digital Humanities, Black Entrepreneurship, African Diaspora, Cultural Studies, Gender, Identity Media Contact
Diane Miller Sommerville Binghamton University, SUNY PhD United States Civil War, women and gender, 19th-century South, slavery and race, sexuality and rape, PTSD, suicide Media Contact
Jessica Millward University of California, Irvine PhD United States Early African American history, African Diaspora, African American women, African American families, African American genealogy, domestic violence, slavery and freedom, Maryland, 18th and 19th century US history, Digital Humanities, contemporary popular culture, comedy and celebrity news. Media Contact
Jessica Minieri Binghamton University other credentials Iberia, Italy, and Southern France Medieval, Mediterranean, gender, political history, history of violence, Crown of Aragon, Italy Media Contact
Vanesa Miseres University of Notre Dame PhD Nineteenth century, women’s cultural history, war, feminism, gender studies, travel writing, food history, Latin America Media Contact
Koritha Mitchell Ohio State University PhD United States African American history, cultural history, literary history, Black women, Black feminism, LGBTQ, violence, literature, art, drama, performance Media Contact
Alison M. Downham Moore Western Sydney University PhD France, Germany History of medicine; women's history; global history; historical theory; history of sexuality; history of European psychiatry; long history of the sexes; history of digestive health; governance and management Media Contact
J.E. Morgan PhD Slavery, Race, Gender, Sexual Violence, Law, 18th-century British Colonialism 1
Bonnie Morris UC Berkeley PhD U.S. lesbians, women's music, feminism, Judaica, sports Media Contact
Pauline Mortas Cermes3 (Centre de recherche médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société) PhD France sexuality, gender, heterosexuality, 19th century, 20th century, France, history of virginity, history of contraception, sex market, market of sexual medication Media Contact
Emily Moses Kentucky Historical Society other credentials United States American South, Southern Prisons, Southern Industry, Carceral History, Material Culture, Public Historian, Sloss Furnace National Historic Landmark, Kentucky Historical Society, Civil War Governors of Kentucky, Media Contact
Kaitlyn Muchnok University of Florida other credentials United States Juvenile Justice, Gender & Sexuality, Crime & Punishment, Childhood & the State, United States South, Twentieth-Century America. Media Contact
Regina Mühlhäuser Hamburg Foundation for the Advancement of Research and Culture PhD World War II in Europa and Asia; Holocaust; war, gender and sexuality; history of sexuality; sexual violence; memory politics in Germany and Japan; Free radio Media Contact
Angela Muir University of Leicester PhD United Kingdom (England and Wales) Eighteenth-century history, early modern history, British history, Welsh history, social and cultural history, women's history, gender, crime, deviance, illegitimacy, courtship, childbirth, midwifery. Media Contact
María Engracia Muñoz-Santos Universidad de Valencia other credentials Archaeology, Ancient History, Ancient Rome History, Animals in antiquity Media Contact
Amrita Myers Indiana University PhD United States African American History, Women's History, Slavery, Southern History, Black Women, Interracial Sex, The Old South, 19th Century History, Media Contact
Vicky Nagy University of Tasmania PhD Historical Criminology, Women's Offending and Criminality (Past and Present), Violent Offending, Poisoning Crimes, Incarceration, Older Women and Crime Media Contact
Ariel Natalo-Lifton Temple University other credentials United States, women, gender, military, war and society, 20th century, Vietnam War, All-Volunteer Force, Gulf War Media Contact
Hayley Negrin Assistant Professor PhD Native American, Women and Gender, Early America, Slavery Media Contact
Nina Neuscheler Leibniz-Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam MA gender, history of technology, computing history, German Democratic Republic, German Federal Republic, contemporary German history, 1990s Media Contact
Brooke Newman Virginia Commonwealth University PhD Britain, British Atlantic, British Caribbean, British Empire, Jamaica British Monarchy, Royal Family, Race, Slavery, Sexuality, Gender, Atlantic World, British Empire, Caribbean, Abolition, Colonialism, Reparations Media Contact
Hayley Noble Latah County Historical Society other credentials Military History, Gender History, WWII, Women in Combat, Gender and Violence, Public History Media Contact
Elizabeth O'Brien Johns Hopkins University PhD Mexico The history of medicine, science, and surgery; Mexico, Latin America, and the World; gender, race, and cultural studies; reproductive politics; the Catholic Enlightenment, political philosophy in history. Media Contact
Grace O'Duffy University of Oxford PhD Iceland Old Norse, sexual violence, women Media Contact
Uxía Otero-González Universidade de Santiago de Compostela other credentials Media Contact
Stéphanie Pache Harvard University PhD USA, Switzerland, France Health, history, feminism, violence, pyschology Media Contact
Jiya Pandya Princeton University PhD India, United States Gender, Sexual Violence, Legal history, 20th and 21st century U.S. History, Postcolonial Studies, Indian History, Queer theory, Diaspora studies, Disability studies, Critical Race Theory 1
Shriya Patnaik PhD Candidate at The Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (IHEID), Swiss National Science Foundation Doctoral Fellow, Swiss Government Excellence Scholar PhD International History, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Human Rights, Minority Rights, Oral Histories, Social and Cultural History, Imperial History, Postcolonial Studies, British Colonial History, South Asian Studies Media Contact
Julie Peakman BirkbeckCollege, University of London PhD Britain and Greece Specialist in history of sexuality, women, pornography, erotica, prostitution, social, medical eighteenth-century and Victorian. Expert on History of Leros, Greece. Media Contact
Elizabeth M. Perego Shepherd University PhD Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, France cultural history, visual history, modern North Africa, social movements, memory, 20th century, gender history Media Contact
Liliana Pérez Miguel Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PhD Peru colonial Latin America, Peru, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History, Social History, History of Religion, Catholic Church History, Religious Studies, Law History, Early Modern History, Cultural History, History of Art, Colonialism, conquest, Indigenous, 16th-century, 17th-century, 18th-century Media Contact
Jimena Perry Eastern Carolina University PhD Memory, trauma, museums, violence, Latin America, digital humanities, public history, Spanish Media Contact
Cheyenne Pettit University of Michigan PhD Canada History of Medicine, Syphilis, Canada, British Empire, First World War Media Contact
Amanda Pipkin UNC Charlotte PhD Netherlands History of Women and Gender, Religious History, History of the Netherlands, the Low Countries, the Dutch Revolt, History of Sexuality Media Contact
Roslyn Potter University of Glasgow PhD Scotland Early modern women's history, Scottish history, Scottish literature, manuscript culture, song culture, music, gender history, herbalism, Media Contact
Claire Potter The New School PhD United States politics, media, sex, gender Media Contact
Bianca Premo Florida International University PhD Peru; Mexico; Spain Latin America; Enlightenment; law; childhood; girlhood Media Contact
Caroline Radesky University of Iowa PhD United States U.S. history (19th and 20th century), queer history, history of sexuality, gender history, disability history, queer studies, women's and gender studies, critical race studies Media Contact
Faith Rajasingham York University other credentials Canada, Sri Lanka, Eelam, England Identity, South Asia, Tamil, Eelam, Canada, empire, imperialism, diaspora, oral history, colonialism, nationalism, freedom fighters, LTTE Media Contact
Louise Raw PhD Women; work; sex; class; protest; unions; Victorian London; Suffragettes; Matchwomen’s Strike 1888; feminism; sexism; Eleanor Marx Media Contact
Ashley E. Remer Girl Museum, Australian National University other credentials girls history, museum studies, girls in art history, 19th century art Media Contact
Jessica Reuther Ball State University PhD Benin West Africa, Benin, Dahomey, African girlhood, gender and sexuality in Africa, legal history, French empire Media Contact
Elizabeth Rhodes Boston College PhD early modern texts and history, theology and gender, gender history, Inquisition studies, representation of sexual violence in literature, politics of higher education, human migration Media Contact
Nik Ribianszky Queen's University Belfast PhD African American history, slavery, free people of color, race relations, women and gender, sexuality, 18th and 19th century history, Atlantic history, comparative slavery Media Contact
Leah Richier PhD United States Death, Disability, Gender, Race, Sexuality, US South, Military History, American Civil War, Reconstruction, Lunatic Asylums, Cemeteries 1
Joanna Rickert-Hall Public Scholar other credentials Canada Social history, public history, witchcraft, occult healing,folk medicine, Braucherei, folklore, folk beliefs, Pennsylvania German diaspora in Waterloo County, gender, marginalization, early Waterloo County settlement history Media Contact
Brianna Robertson-Kirkland Royal Conservatoire of Scotland PhD Britain, Scotland, and Australia music history, opera, education, eighteenth-century studies, nineteenth-century studies, gender, sexuality, Georgian history, Scottish music, Allan Ramsay, Robert Burns. Media Contact
Marie Robin Columbia University other credentials France; French Empire French Empire; Colonialism; Gender and Sexuality; Military History; Maghreb; Southeast Asia Media Contact
Halee Robinson Princeton University other credentials United States incarceration, African American history, US history, 19th century, 20th century, Reconstruction, Black women, gender Media Contact
Marie Rodet SOAS, University of London PhD West Africa, Mali, migration, gender, law, slavery Media Contact
Mar Rodriguez PhD candidate Complutense University of Madrid other credentials Greece Sparta, gender studies, women, Greek religion, landscape Media Contact
Emily Rollie Central Washington University, Department of Theatre Arts PhD USA theatre history, American theatre, Canadian theatre, feminist theatre, pedagogy, theatre directing, Media Contact
Martha Elisa Romero Quintero Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro other credentials Mexico Crime, justice, Mexico, XIXth century, gender, porfiriato, women Media Contact
Diana Roselly Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas UNAM PhD Colonial Latin America Women History Borderlans Colonial Historiography Media Contact
Sarah Rosenthal Georgetown University other credentials Russia Historical Activism, LGBTQ, Queer Studies & Theory, Russian Studies, Theories of Nationalism, Securitization Theory, Gender Studies & Theory, Transnational Studies, Intersectionality, Terrorism & Security Studies, Human Rights, International Relations, Political Science, Historiography, Foreign Languages, Cultural Studies, Revolutions, Theories of Power Media Contact
Cassia Roth University of Georgia PhD Brazil Gender, history of law, history of medicine, women's health, slavery, abolition, Brazil, Latin America, twentieth-century feminism Media Contact
Wendy Rouse San Jose State Unversity PhD Women, Childhood, Gender, Sexuality, U.S. Progressive Era, History Education, Children & Youth, Immigration, Women's Self-Defense History. Suffrage History, LGBTQ Suffragists, Queer History Media Contact
Lisa Rude Normandale Community College PhD United States Women, Political, Presidential, First Lady, 19th Century, 20th Century, American, Suffrage, African American, Food, Minnesota Media Contact
Marie Ruiz Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France PhD Migration, British history, emigration societies, emigrant letters, census, demography, Media Contact
Alexandra Rutherford York University PhD Canada and United States feminism, gender, psychology, human sciences 1
Georgina Rychner Monash University other credentials Australia Mental health, insanity, madness, criminality, capital trials, psychiatry, history of medicine, gender, women's history, nineteenth-century, legal history, insanity defence, infanticide, domestic violence, Victoria. 1
Emma Sadera University of Auckland other credentials Gender, sexuality, transgressive sexuality, women, plebeian women, infanticide, London, street literature, long eighteenth century Media Contact
Nastasha Sartore University of Toronto PhD Britain Britain, gender, sexuality, labour, unions, intimacy, class, culture, London, cities, digital humanities Media Contact
Anisha Saxena SUNY, Onondaga Community College PhD India South Asia, Gender, Violence, Art History, Sacred Geography, Early Medieval Temples, Jainism Media Contact
Inken Schmidt-Voges Marburg University PhD Early modern Europe, Household and Family, Gender, Peace and Conflict, Noble women of the Reformation era, Digital humanities, Female correspondence Media Contact
Aimee Schofield University of Leicester PhD ancient warfare, greek warfare, roman warfare, catapults, ballistae, ballistas, history of science and technology, women and war, siege warfare Media Contact
Joy Schroeder Capital University PhD women in church history, Reformation, Martin Luther, church history, Middle Ages, sexual violence, rape, domestic violence, biblical interpretation Media Contact
Amanda Scott Penn State University PhD Early modern Spain, Golden Age Spain, early modern Europe, women and religion, Basque Country, Reformation, Counter Reformation, witch-hunts, nuns, clergy, Spanish Empire, gender history, women's history, religious history Media Contact
Pamela Scully Emory University PhD South Africa, Liberia Slave emancipation, biography, transnational history, Atlantic World, sexual violence, settler colonialism, post conflict, truth and reconciliation commissions Media Contact
Gwen Seabourne University of Bristol Law School PhD England and Wales Legal History, Medieval Legal History, Common Law, England, Wales, Hanes Cyfraith 1
Sylvia Sellers-García Boston College PhD Guatemala Guatemala, Central America, Spanish empire, colonialism, criminality, gender, race, urban history, cultural history, social history, archive studies Media Contact
Jenny Shaw University of Alabama PhD Barbados; Anglophone Caribbean; England Early Modern Caribbean, Atlantic World, Black Britain, Race, Slavery, Gender, Family, Labor, Everyday Life, Archives. Media Contact
Skye Shirley University College London other credentials Italy Latin, Women's History, Early Modern History, Italian History, Latin Literature, Neo-Latin, Poetry, Feminism 1
Tina Shull UNC Charlotte PhD United States immigration, carceral studies, borders, race, empire, climate change, climate migration, Cold War, detention, deportation Media Contact
Twisha Singh McGill University PhD Media Contact
Alyssa Smith University of Chicago PhD United States United States, twentieth century, violence, crime, social movements, mass culture, visual culture, pop culture, race, racism, gender, sexuality Media Contact
Samantha Smith Michigan State University other credentials Gender and sexuality, LGBTQ, material and visual culture, urban history, working-class history, libraries and archives, public history, Chicago, Las Vegas 1
Taylor Starr York University PhD Canada Canada; intellectual and cultural; state, politics, and law; gender. Media Contact
Alexandra Stern University of Michigan PhD history of medicine; history of science; gender, sexuality, health; race and inequality; U.S.; Latin America Media Contact
Claudia Stern UBA PhD Chile Latin America, Chile, Middle Classes Media Contact
Kate Stevens University of Waikato PhD Fiji, New Zealand, Vanuatu, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis et Futuna Pacific history, New Zealand history, French empire, British empire, imperial and colonial history, marriage and intimacy, criminal justice, urban history, environmental history, whaling, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia Media Contact
Ana Stevenson University of the Free State PhD United States, Australia, South Africa, Britain, New Zealand women, social movements, suffrage, rhetoric, transnational feminism, racism, print culture, digital culture, film and television, political women Media Contact
Rose Stremlau Davidson College PhD United States American Indian history, US-Indian relations, federal Indian policy, Native South, Cherokee history, history of sexuality, history of rape, family history Media Contact
Claire Strom Rollins College PhD agriculture and rural life, disease, women, South, 20th century. Media Contact
Terese Svoboda other credentials US Lola Ridge, modernist poetry, 20th century literature,New Zealand lit, female journalists in WWII, 1920 anarchist in NY, postwar Japan Media Contact
Jayne Swift PhD United States sexuality, gender, commercial sexual economies and cultures, labor and urban history, modern U.S. Media Contact
Julie Taddeo Universityof Maryland, College Park PhD UK & US Victorian gender & sexuality, British popular culture, period drama/TV studies, masculinity, Steampunk , Royal family, Regency England; WWII Media Contact
Halima Tahiri PhD researcher PhD Media Contact
Jennifer Taylor Duquesne University PhD public history, oral history, commemoration, Reconstruction memory, civil rights movements, digital history, monuments Media Contact
Svetlana Ter-Grigoryan The Ohio State University other credentials Russia; USSR Soviet, Russian, Perestroika, Glasnost, gender, sexuality, women, identity Media Contact
Kylie Thomas Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam PhD South Africa apartheid, violence, war, transitional justice, photography, visual activism, resistance Media Contact
Kristen Thomas-McGill Wake Forest University PhD British Empire, United Kingdom, Scotland, Ceylon/Sri Lanka British Empire, Scotland, Highlands, Indian Ocean world, South Asia, Ceylon, gender, masculinity, military, imperialism, sex, sexuality, queer history, LGBTQ+ history, education, boarding schools, child sexual abuse, pederasty, archives, scandal, gossip and rumor, celebrity, newspapers, Victorian, Edwardian, decadence, aestheticism, japonsime, fin de siècle, turn of the century Media Contact
Courtney E. Thompson Mississippi State University PhD United States History of medicine, history of science, visual culture, phrenology, history of emotions, history of women, gender, and sexuality, precocity Media Contact
Elizabeth Thornberry Johns Hopkins University PhD South Africa, gender, sexuality, law, citizenship, colonialism, empire, rape, sexual violence, domestic violence, custom, customary law, crime, punishment, traditional authority Media Contact