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York University
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Identity, South Asia, Tamil, Eelam, Canada, empire, imperialism, diaspora, oral history, colonialism, nationalism, freedom fighters, LTTE
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About Me

Pronouns: she/her

Faith Rajasingham is a historian of the Tamil diaspora, specializing in empire-building, nationalism, and identity politics. Her Master’s Major Research Paper uses oral histories to interrogate how the family is remembered, understood, conceptualized, and disseminated between two generations of Toronto-Tamil families. She is currently exploring gendered Tamil labour in Toronto’s food industry.

Currently working at a local museum, Faith Rajasingham incorporates her knowledge of immigration/diasporic studies to teach history with an equity-based model.

She is the co-founder of TamilReads – a (digital) space dedicated to breaking down accessibility barriers in education and academia for Tamil students, as well as other BIPOC. She was also the Executive Producer of “Fragments of Memory,” an exhibit at York University in partnership with Brazilian artist Pablo Parra. This exhibit presents the biographies and testimonies of five individuals of the African diaspora and transatlantic slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries through graphic art.

Recent Publications
Media Coverage
Country Focus
Canada, Sri Lanka, Eelam, England
Expertise by Geography
Asia, England, North America, Southeast Asia
Expertise by Chronology
Modern, 20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Family, Gender, Genocide, Human Rights, Migration & Immigration, Politics, Race, Sexual Violence