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Yale University
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Late Antiquity, Ancient Christianity, Early Christian Art, Early Christian Archaeology, Asceticism, Monasticism, the Cult of the Saints, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Near Eastern Archaeology, Sensory Cultures, The Body, Pilgrimage
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About Me

Camille Leon Angelo’s work examines materiality, sexuality, and space in late antiquity through new materialist, feminist, and queer lenses. She is a field archaeologist and has excavated in the eastern Mediterranean and the Caucasus.

Her current research primarily engages with archaeological, papyrological, and epigraphic evidence, though she has also worked with Coptic manuscripts. Her past projects have analyzed the archaeological remains of several early Christian sites in the eastern Mediterranean and north Africa, most notably Dura-Europos, to elucidate sensory experiences in late antiquity.

“Monastic Materialities: Space, Subjectivity, and Sexuality in Late Antiquity,” Camille’s dissertation, teases out the often overlooked material dimensions of monastic formation in late antiquity through a critical analysis of ancient spaces in the eastern Mediterranean. In it, she argues that the spaces monks constructed in turn constructed monks’ sexual subjectivities. Her most recent article “A Souvenir from Syene?” appeared in the 2020-2022 issue of Eastern Christian Art.

Camille is currently the Chair of the Society of Biblical Literature’s Students in the Profession Committee (2022–2024). She has worked with the Yale Monastic Archaeology Project since 2019. In 2018, she launched the Late Antiquity Modeling Project (LAMP), a digital humanities collective dedicated to creating three-dimensional reconstructions of late antique ritual spaces.

Recent Publications

2022    “A Souvenir from Syene? An Unpublished Pilgrim’s Medallion from Christian Egypt,” Eastern Christian Art 12 (2020–2022), 1–14.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa
Expertise by Geography
Africa, Mediterranean, Middle East
Expertise by Chronology
Expertise by Topic
Art & Architectural History, Gender, Material Culture, Religion, Sexuality, Sexual Violence, Women