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University of Bonn
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Slavery and Dependency Studies Gender History, Children's History History of Emotion
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About Me

My interest in history focuses on agency, on change and continuity, and on questions such as how to make longstanding categories of history writing more inclusive. I specialized in Early Modern History and later on extended my expertise to the history of emotions across cultures and also across times. More and more I became interested in Global History, more particularly in how early modern history can be understood as an alternative to modern global history and draft for future problem solving. With my interest in polycentric  approaches grew my interest in Slavery and Dependency Studies as an emerging field for cooperative research, with a shared interest in how people  lived in strong asymmetrical dependencies. This kind of research contributes, hopefully, to a more differentiated understanding of today’s fundamental social, political, and also economical conflicts, including the connection of slavery based capitalism and climate change.

Recent Publications


  • With Antje Flüchter and Cornelia Aust„Entrechtete Körper. Disenfranchised Bodies. Comparing, Standardizing, Judging, Living: 1450-1850”, 2021.
  • With Daniela Hacke and Hannes: Ziegler Matters of Engagement. Cultural Encounters and Emotions in Early Modern History. New York/London 2020.
  • With Thomas M. Safley: Childhood and Emotion across cultures, 1400-1750. Routledge: Oxford/New York 2014, 2014.
  • Children. Towards a World History. In: Benzaquen, Adriana (Hg.): A Cultural History of Youth in the Age of Enlightenment. London/New York, 2021.
  • Youth and Emotion in World History, 1450-1600. In: Olsen, Stephanie (Hg.): Towards a World History of Youth. London/New York, 2021
  • „[…] Will we ever meet again?“ Children travelling the world in 17th and 18th century. In: Broomhall, Susan (ed.): Destroying Order, Structuring Disorder: Gender and emotions in medieval and early modern Europe. Ashgate Farnham/Burlington, S. 215-231, 2015.
  • The Meaning of Love. Incest Discourses in 16th Century Europe. In: Luebke, David/Lindemann, Mary (eds.): Mixed Matches. Transgressive Union in Germany from Reformation to Enlightenment. Berghan Books: New York, S. 166-184, 2014.
  • Kindheit und Emotion. Kinder und ihre Lebenswelten in der europäischen Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin/De Gruyter 2018.


Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
East Asia, Germany, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
Pre-17th century, 17th century, 18th century, Early Modern
Expertise by Topic
Children & Youth, Family, Gender, Labor, Sexual Violence, Slavery, Women