Participant Info

First Name
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UNC Charlotte
Website URL
History of Women and Gender, Religious History, History of the Netherlands, the Low Countries, the Dutch Revolt, History of Sexuality
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Recent Publications


Rape in the Dutch Republic, 1609-1725: Formulating Dutch Identity. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2013.

 Dissenting Daughters: Reformed Women’s Religious and Political Activism, 1550-1700 (in progress).

Edited Volume:

Women and Gender in the Early Modern Low Countries, 1500-1750, book co-edited with Sarah Moran (forthcoming Brill).

Article and Chapters:

“Women’s Writing in the Dutch Revolt: The Religious Authority and Political Agenda of the Devout Teellinck Women in Zierikzee, 1554-1625,” forthcoming in Women and Gender in the Early Modern Low Countries.

“‘They were not humans, but devils in human bodies’: Depictions of Sexual Violence and Spanish Tyranny as a Means of Fostering Identity in the Dutch Republic,” Journal of Early Modern History 13 (2009): 229-264.

“Every Woman’s Fear: Stories of Rape and Dutch Identity in the Golden Age,” Tijdschrijft voor Geschiedenis 122 (2009): 290-305.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
England, France, Germany, Netherlands
Expertise by Chronology
Pre-17th century, 17th century, Early Modern
Expertise by Topic
Book History, Gender, Libraries & Archives, Politics, Religion, Sexuality, Sexual Violence, Women