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Brandeis University
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African American History, criminalization of African Americans, African American women in prison, incarceration of African Americans, racial violence, policing, criminal justice system, carceral history, women and gender, California, Western History
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About Me

I am a PhD candidate (ABD) at Brandeis University. My dissertation is tentatively entitled “The Greatest State for the Negro”? African-American Women and the Criminal Justice System in California, 1890-1950s.

My research examines the patterns of disproportionate incarceration of African-Americans in the first half of the 20th century and focuses specifically on those incarcerated in San Quentin’s female department and in its subsequent all-female prison of Tehachapi. It is guided by seven major lines of inquiry: (1) who these incarcerated women were and where they came from; (2) on what charges they were arrested and imprisoned; (3) where racism came into play in the arrest, condemnation, carceral detention, and post-prison treatment of black women; (4) in what measure these black women resisted this situation and attempted to redefine respectability in their own terms; (5) how white conceptions of black female criminality fluctuated with the growth of the black population in California and what local and national phenomena can explain these changes; (6) in what ways some parts of the black community–black elite or other members of the lower class–contributed to the construction and deconstruction of black female criminalization; and (7) to what extent the particular racial landscape and interracial dynamics of California had some influence on black female incarceration. 

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Country Focus
United States
Expertise by Geography
United States
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Gender, Local & Regional, Migration & Immigration, Race, Sexual Violence, Urban History, Women