Total Records Found: 334
First NameLast NameAffiliationPhDCountry FocusKeywordsAvailability
Cynthia Aalders Regent College PhD Britain eighteenth-century religious history, women's and gender history, letters and diaries, children and religion Media Contact
Amy Ackerberg-Hastings Independent Scholar PhD History of Mathematics, History of Education, History of Science, History of Technology, History of Women in Mathematics/Science/Technology/Medicine, Historical Research Methods and Writing Media Contact
Cheryl Adams Rychkov Randolph College, Lynchburg College other credentials United States, England, Great Britain, Russia Atlantic World, Reputation and Refashioning, 17th Century Chesapeake, Virginia History, Prostitution History, Early Modern Western Europe,Long 19th century British literature, Russian History & Culture (Imperial/Soviet/Post-Soviet), Archives & Preservation, Ephemera, Western Art. 19th-20th century General Store culture. History of school bus transportation culture. Media Contact
Caterina Agostini Department of History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine, Indiana University Bloomington PhD Galilei, Newton, alchemy, manuscripts, digital humanities Media Contact
Esther Aillon Universidad Mayor de San Andres PhD Bolivia Bolivia, siglo XIX, sociedad, economia, cultura Media Contact
Maria Alambritis Birkbeck and National Gallery other credentials art writing, nineteenth-century British women writers and artists, the reception of the Renaissance, Victorians and Italy, women art historians, British nineteenth-century art and literature, aestheticism, the history of taste and collecting. Media Contact
Klára Andresová Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences PhD Czech Republic, Bohemia, Austria, Poland, Germany, Hungary Early modern period, Military history, 16th century, 17th century, Early modern military revolution, Thirty Years' War, Ottoman Wars, Military Handbooks, Book history, Military education, History of science, Cultural history of warfare Media Contact
Ada Arendt University of Warsaw / University of Bern PhD Poland, German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) early modern print culture, temporality, cultural history of time and synchronisation, early modern household encyclopaedias, astrological almanacs, care Media Contact
Ybeth Arias El Colegio de México PhD Perú Latin American History, Eclesiasticcal History, Religious History, Gender History, Cultural History Media Contact
Michelle Aroney (formerly Pfeffer) University of Oxford PhD Europe early modern, history of science, history of medicine, history of religion, history of heterodoxy, history of mortalism and materialism, history of astrology, history of universities, science and religion Media Contact
Susanna Ashton Department of English, Clemson University PhD United States American Literary History, North American Slave Narratives, Freedom Narratives, Dialect, South Carolina History, Charleston, John Andrew Jackson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Underground Railroad, Maroons, Abolitionism, Samuel Williams, James Matthews, 19th century black autobiographies, Fugitives from Slavery in New Brunswick Canada, Reconstruction, Memoirs, 19th Century Life writing, American Literary Realism, Authorship, African American Intellectual History, Charles W. Chesnutt, William Grimes, Samuel Aleckson (Williams), Slavery Studies, Representations of Slavery in Literature, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Dred, History of copyright, Antebellum United States, stenography, Jacob Stroyer, Irving Lowery, Black Experiences during the Civil War, Charleston SC, Fugitive Slaves in 19th century New England Media Contact
Ina Asim University of Oregon PhD China Chinese history, pre-modern China, archaeology, material culture, urban studies, garden culture, food studies, memory culture Media Contact
Elaine Ayers New York University PhD History of Science, Museums, Collecting, Botany, Plants, Natural History, Art, Aesthetics, Architecture, Material Culture, Animals, Colonialism, Anthropocene, Gender, Sexuality, Race, Technology Media Contact
Sydney Ayers Mercer The Prince's Foundation PhD Robert Adam, the Adam Style, the Global Adam Style, architectural history, global history, imperial history, material culture, reputation, reception, taste, tastemakers, national identity, memory, canonisation, historiography, architectural history writing Media Contact
Rosanne Baars Leiden University PhD France, the Netherlands Early modern News and Media, French Wars of Religion, Dutch Revolt, Dutch-Ottoman Diplomacy Media Contact
Anne Baillot Le Mans Université PhD Europe German History of Ideas (18th-early 19th century), German-French wars in the 19th century, digital methods, digital edition of egodocuments 1
Donna Baker Albert Gore Research Center, Middle Tennessee State University other credentials Media Contact
Colleen Baldwin University of Wisconsin- Madison other credentials 19th century US, American Civil War, genealogy, ancient Egypt, libraries and archives 1
Shelby Balik Metropolitan State University of Denver PhD Colonial North America and early United States early America, religion, family, New England, church and state, material culture, early republic, colonial era, education, history of the book, women and gender Media Contact
Mou Banerjee UW-Madison PhD India; Bangladesh; Pakistan; Afghanistan; Sri Lanka South Asia; India; Colonialism; British Imperial History; Religion; Politics; Intellectual History Media Contact
Sara Barker University of Leeds PhD Sixteenth-century France, seventeenth-century France, history of printing, books and news, international works and translation, the European Reformation Media Contact
Rhae Lynn Barnes Princeton University (Assistant Professor); U.S. History Scene (CEO & Editor) PhD United States American Pop Culture, New York City, Music History, Public History, Urban History, Ska, Two-Tone, California, Blackface, Racism, cultural history of white supremacy, World War II, Japanese Internment, Rosie the Riveters, White Supremacy, Social Movements, Civil Rights, Film, Music, Material Culture, Digital History, Documentary, History of the Book, Gender & Sexuality, Abortion Media Contact
Maria H Barrera-Agarwal Independent scholar other credentials Ecuador, India, United States Book History, Women's History, Latin America, Ecuador, India, Nineteenth Century, Literature, Art History Media Contact
Cristelle Baskins Tufts University PhD Italy, Tunis, Spain Italy, Renaissance, Baroque, Early Modern, Mediterranean, N. Africa, Maghreb, art history, visual culture 1
Catherine Bateson University of Kent, UK PhD United States, Ireland American Civil War, American Civil War Songs and Music, C19th Song and Music Culture, Irish American Civil War Songs, Irish American History, Irish America Transnational Culture, Diaspora Culture, Immigrant Identity, American History, C19th American Cultural History, Print Culture and Material Culture History, Ephemera, Military Culture and History Media Contact
Megan Baumhammer Princeton University other credentials 1
Emily Bell University of Leeds PhD United Kingdom authorship, Charles Dickens, digital humanities, life writing, literary networks, media history, nineteenth-century literature, newspapers, periodicals, publishing, reception history, scholarly editing Media Contact
Carrie Beneš New College of Florida PhD Italy medieval Italy (especially Rome and Genoa), classical tradition, foundation legends, collective identity/history & myth, urbanism and urban culture, book history and palaeography Media Contact
Sara Mariana Benitez Sierra Historia Chiquita other credentials historia, docencia, cultura, islam, fotografía, México, divulgación, difusión Media Contact
Carin Berkowitz Science History Institute PhD Britain history of science, history of medicine, art and science, history of anatomy 1
Cassandra Berman Georgetown University PhD colonial America, early United States print culture, women and gender, motherhood, pregnancy, early America, nineteenth century, archives and special collections Media Contact
Jeannine Berroteran Independent Scholar other credentials United States librarianship, history, Europe, European Union, genealogy, French, Italian Media Contact
Elizabeth Biggs PhD Medieval Westminster, Palace of Westminster, church and state, Houses of Parliament, Durham Cathedral, Reformation Media Contact
Ashleigh Blackwood Northumbria University PhD UK medicine, literature, eighteenth century, women's history, reproduction, childbirth, mental health, book history, reading practices, sleep, stress Media Contact
Daniela Bleichmar University of Southern California PhD colonial Latin America, history of science, art history, visual culture, history of the book, museums, history of collecting, indigenous history Media Contact
Mónica Bolufer Universitat de València PhD Spain, Europe Gender, Enlightenment, travel narratives, translation, Media Contact
Alice Borgna Università del Piemonte Orientale PhD Ancient History, Classics, Roman history, Universal History, Mediterranean History Media Contact
Shumi Bose Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, London other credentials architecture, architectural history, curation, exhibitions, housing, social housing, architectural publishing, magazines, print culture, discourse Media Contact
Madeleine Bracey Coventry University MA Early modern education, history of the book and book collecting, palaeography/handwriting, Shakespeare, early modern performance, history of music, archives Media Contact
Maria Bratischeva Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) PhD former Russian Empire Women's movement of the 19th century, Empire, Post-colonialism, unions, agency, Media Contact
Diliara Brileva Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient PhD Russia, Ukraine, Turkey history of Islam in Russia, Volga Tatars, the Old Tatar language Media Contact
Jennifer Brown Marymount Manhattan College PhD England medieval women, medieval England, medieval devotional and religious culture in western Europe, manuscript and book history Media Contact
Katie Bugyis University of Notre Dame PhD medieval nuns, liturgy, book history, literacies Media Contact
Jennifer Burek Pierce University of Iowa PhD history of reading, book history, history of US public libraries, Nerdfighteria, young adults, teens, adolescents, sex education, youth services in libraries, young adult novels, community engagement Media Contact
Lois Burke Edinburgh Napier University PhD UK Victorian literature, Romantic literature, Edwardian literature, gender theory, print and periodical culture, girlhood, girls' culture, life-writing, archives, museums, childhood. Media Contact
Lora Burnett Collin College PhD United States culture wars, higher education, education, intellectual history, American culture, historiography, American literature, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, U.S. intellectual history, political correctness, professoriate 1
Una Cadegan Department of History, University of Dayton PhD United States US Catholicism, US Catholic print culture, American Studies, censorship and Catholic print culture Media Contact
Mary Channen Caldwell University of Pennsylvania PhD music, musicology, medieval musicology, song, refrain, repetition, lyric, devotional music, liturgical music, ritual, dance, dance studies, hagiography, gender studies Media Contact
Regan Cameron California State University, Long Beach other credentials United States Americanist, History of Capitalism, Racial Capitalism, American Imperialism, Gender and Feminism in Latin America Media Contact
Gloria Camesasca Independent researcher PhD Archival studies, History of Archives and Libraries, Italian Philology, Paleography 1
Veronika Čapská Institute of Philosophy, Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague PhD Central Europe early modern history, transcultural history, history of mobility, translation history, women´s and gender history, cultural exchange and gift exchange, religious history, print culture, visual culture, Habsburg monarchy, Central Europe Media Contact
Susan Carlile California State University, Long Beach PhD England Eighteenth-Century British Women Writers, Charlotte Lennox, Shakespeare criticism in the eighteenth-century, early women's magazines Media Contact
Laura Carter University of Cambridge PhD United Kingdom social history, cultural history, twentieth-century Britain, education, women's history, gender history, popular culture, social change, post-1945 Britain Media Contact
Tori Champion University of St. Andrews other credentials France and Great Britain Art, Women Artists, France, Great Britain, Portraiture, Botanical Illustration, Natural History, Gender & Sexuality Media Contact
Leah Redmond Chang Author PhD Women's history, early modern Europe, queens, women writers, book history, women and power 1
Mehreen Chida-Razvi Nasser D Khalili Collection of Islamic Art PhD Pakistan, India, Central Asia, Iran Mughal Art, Mughal Architecture, Mughal History, Persianate Culture, Islamic Art, Islamic Architecture, Early Modern Era, Art History, Architectural History, Islamic Culture Media Contact
Melissa Chim Excelsior University other credentials France, United Kingdom, Germany, USA witch trials, intellectual history, books, manuscripts, French Resistance, revolutions, libraries, archives, Episcopal Church Media Contact
Karen Christensen Berkshire Publishing Group other credentials Valerie Eliot, Sophia Mumford, women and leadership, wives, mistresses, salonnieres, secretaries, , Chinese history, English literature, 20th-century literary women, women and power, women leading from the margins Media Contact
Katherine Churchill University of Virginia PhD England and France Medieval literature, Chaucer, Archives and Libraries, Gender and Sexuality, Uses of Medieval History in 19th Century America, Saints, Virginity, Cultural Heritage, Memory Media Contact
Victoria Clarke University of Leeds PhD UK labour history, chartism, print history, print culture, victorian, non-fiction, fashion, Media Contact
Elesha Coffman Baylor University PhD United States American religious history, 20th century, Margaret Mead, evangelicalism Media Contact
Katie Coldiron Florida International University MA Cuba, Colombia, United States Cuba, South Florida, transnational Latin America and the Caribbean, the Cold War in Latin America Media Contact
Heather Cole John Hay Library, Brown University other credentials Book history, bibliography, primary source pedagogy, Theodore Roosevelt Media Contact
Muriel Collart Université libre de Bruxelles other credentials climate history, book history 1
Maria Vittoria Comacchi European University Institute PhD Renaissance, intellectual history, history of philosophy, intellectual networks, Neoplatonism, earliest Italian academies, Jewish-Christian relationships in Italy, Italian Jewry, Jewish thought, Latin perception of Islam, early Modern orientalism, Ottoman-European relationships, political ideologies, circulation of ideas, manuscripts, book history Media Contact
Kathleen Comerford Georgia Southern University PhD Italy Early Modern European history, religious history, history of education, history of the book, the Renaissance, Italian history, the Reformation, Roman Catholic history Media Contact
Natasha Constantinidou University of Cyprus PhD France, Italy, Low Countries, British Isles early modern intellectual history, book history, Italian Renaissance, French Renaissance, humanism, Greek humanism, early printed books in Greek, Reformation, wars of religion, history of political thought Media Contact
Bryony Coombs PhD Scotland, France, the Netherlands, Europe more broadly Art, history, architecture, material culture, Franco-Scottish, Scottish, French, Medieval, early-modern, patronage, self-fashioning, national identities, visual culture, manuscripts, Media Contact
Alix Cooper SUNY-Stony Brook PhD Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, plus Western & Central Europe more generally history of science & medicine, environmental history, history of natural history and geography, history of ideas of indigenous/native/exotic species, history of paperwork, bureaucracy, & administration, history of women, gender, and the family in science, early modern European history (1450-1750) 1
Dale J. Correa The University of Texas at Austin PhD Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey Islamic intellectual history, Central Asia, Transoxania, Epistemology, Philosophy of the mind 1
Susan Dalton Département d'histoire, Université de Montréal PhD Italy Gender, 18th century, Italy, France 1
Megan M. Daly University of Florida PhD Tacitus, Germanicus, Roman Germania, Roman imperial history and historiography, book banning and book burning in the ancient world, intellectual freedom in the ancient world, Classics collections in academic libraries, Latin and Greek rare books, text encoding, Media Contact
Ashlie Daniels other credentials Gender history, cultural studies, social history, Early America, Medieval Europe, North American Colonial History, literary history, Public History, museums, archival studies, collection management systems Media Contact
Nandini Das University of Liverpool PhD early modern England, early modern English global voyages and explorations, India early modern travel, migration, voyages and exploration, early modern literature and theatre including Shakespeare, concepts of race, migration and identity Media Contact
Marlene Daut University of Virginia PhD Haiti Haiti, Haitian Revolution, Haitian independence, nineteenth-century Haitian history, intellectual history, literary history, Caribbean history, early Caribbean studies, black sovereignty, postcolonialism, French colonialism, French Caribbean history, slavery, emancipation, slave narratives, black philosophy, digital humanities, print culture, newspaper studies, archival studies, digital archives, history of race and racism, abolitionist thought Media Contact
Surekha Davies from Sept 2018: John Carter Brown Library PhD Western Europe cultural history, history of science, history of art, Atlantic history, global history, early modern history, history of ideas, intellectual history, the Renaissance, monster studies, history of collecting, cultural encounters, visual culture, material culture. Media Contact
Hilde De Weerdt Leiden University PhD China Chinese history, Chinese political culture, digital history, comparative history, Media Contact
Lina Del Castillo University of Texas at Austin PhD Colombia Colombia, 19th Century, Age of Revolutions, Print Culture, Public Sphere, History of Science, History of Cartography 1
Lisa Demets Ghent University PhD Media Contact
Elizabeth DeWolfe University of New England PhD United States Shakers, Anti-Shaker activism, 19th-century sensational fiction, factory girls, textile factory operatives (19th c), Breach of Promise lawsuits, heart balm, Gilded Age women, women's history, 19th-century girlhood, mistress, archives, archival research Media Contact
Trude Dijkstra University of Amsterdam PhD Netherlands, China, France Bookhistory, Cultural History, Contacts between China and Europe 1500-1800, Early Modern Periodicals, Medical History, History of Religion and Philosophy Media Contact
Helen Dixon East Carolina University PhD Lebanon Phoenician history, Iron Age Levant, Polytheism in the Ancient World, First millennium BCE Mediterranean and Middle East, Antiquities Trade Media Contact
Laura Doak University of Dundee PhD Scotland and the British Isles seventeenth century, early modern, Scottish history, British history, political culture, print, proclamations, executions, performance, progresses, political participation, petitions, rebel declarations, crowds, protestations, James duke of York and Albany, Charles II, James VII, James II, Covenanters, ballads, progresses, psalms, communication, Bothwell Bridge, protest, intertextuality, multimedia, debate, Glorious Revolution, Union 1707, Scottish Privy Council Media Contact
Anna Dorofeeva University of Göttingen PhD Western Europe Palaeography, Digital Humanities, history of writing, scribes, book history, Caroline minuscule, Middle Ages, manuscripts, Carolingian, knowledge exchange, intellectual history Media Contact
Danielle Dumaine University of North Texas PhD history of women, gender, and sexuality; 20th century, celebrity, capitalism, racial formation, cultural history, artists & poets, queer theory, history of the family, feminism Media Contact
Serena Dyer University of Warwick PhD shopping, buy british, material culture, consumers, dress, fashion, eighteenth century, women, nationhood, patriotism, nationalism Media Contact
Allyson Edwards Bath Spa University PhD Militarism, Russia, youth, Militarisation, culture, society, Yeltsin, Putin, war, patriotic education, memory Media Contact
Theresa Embrey Pritzker Military Museum & Library other credentials United States and Canada World War I, World War I Music, World War II in the Pacific, American Civil War, Spanish American War, Women and the military 1
Nora Epstein University of St Andrews other credentials England & Scotland Printing, Book History, Bookbinding, Woodcuts, Metalcuts, Relief Printing, Reformation, Religious Print, Devotional Images. Media Contact
Immacolata Eramo Università degli Studi di Bari PhD Military history, Roman history, Greek history, Thucydides, Appianus, Syrianus Magister, stratagems, tactics, poliorcetics, military manuals 1
Christina Faraday University of Cambridge PhD England and Wales Tudor, Art, History, Tudor England, Tudor Art, English Art, Tudor Architecture, Sixteenth Century, Medieval History, Architecture, Painting, Portraits, Wall Paintings, Tapestry, Textiles, Art History, Art Writing, History of Ideas, Rhetoric, Tudor Music, Painters, Musicians, Poets, Book Illustrations, Print Culture, Early Modern, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Mary I, Edward VI, Henry VII, Tudor Palaces, Tudor Cambridge, History of Cambridge, Liveliness, Realism, Vividness, Material Culture, Tudor Science Media Contact
Louisiane Ferlier The Royal Society PhD Book History, History of Libraries and Archives, History of Knowledge, History of Science, Cryptanalysis Media Contact
Krista Ferrante MITRE Corporation other credentials Computer History, Cold war history, history of technology, Air Force History, declassification, early republic, Early American political history Media Contact
Erin Fetterly Birkbeck, University of London PhD Britain British history, 17th-19th century, women's history, royal history, medicine, writing, science, crime Media Contact
Agnieszka Ficek City University of New York (Graduate Center) other credentials France, Colonial Peru Pre-revolutionary France, Colonial Peru, Colonialism, Colonial Fantasy, Book Illustration, Art History, Material Culture, Exoticism, Transatlantic contact, History of Science Media Contact
Amanda Finn North Carolina State University PhD Public History, Transnational Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Tourism, Atlantic World, Early America, Early Modern Britain, Early Modern Europe, Women's Studies, Historic House Museums, Heritage Sites, Digital History, Videography, Digital Communications Media Contact
Kavita Finn Unaffiliated PhD medieval, early modern, historiography, literature, culture, queenship, gender studies Media Contact
Mary Fissell Johns Hopkins University PhD gender, history of medicine, sexuality, popular medicine, history of the body, books and reading Media Contact
Mary Flannery University of Oxford (as of September 2018) PhD England, Scotland Medieval English literature and culture, shame and honour, gender, obscenity, fame and celebrity, rumour and gossip, the history of emotions, The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Lydgate, Robert Henryson, William Dunbar. Media Contact
Elizabeth Ford PhD Scotland flute, Scotland, bagpipes, women, pubs, social history, pedagogy, performance practice, Oswald, McGibbon, Reid, Crathes Castle, cultural history, games for music theory, Gaelic, Margaret Fay Shaw Media Contact
Tania Franco UNAM other credentials 1
Mariana Françozo Leiden University PhD Brazil Media Contact
Britta Frede University of Bayreuth PhD Research on colonial and postcolonial Sufism in West Africa, French colonial policies in Africa, Mauritania since 1800, Islamic Manuscript Culture in Africa since 1800, Islamic education in postcolonial Mauritania, Kenya and South Africa, Women and Islamic Authority since 1800 Media Contact
Emily Friedman Auburn University PhD Great Britain and North America Eighteenth-century, novel, history of reading, readers, history of fan fiction, manuscript fiction, perfume, history of smell, smell language, digital humanities, metadata Media Contact
Hannah Frydman Harvard University PhD France modern France, women, gender, sexuality, reproduction, sex work, media, reading, press freedom, republican culture, print culture, capitalism, labor Media Contact
Ellen Garvey New Jersey City University PhD United States US media history, women's bicycling, scrapbooks, suffrage, anti-suffrage, African American scrapbooks, white supremacist propaganda, early 20th century immigrants Media Contact
Carole Gerson Professor, English Department, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada PhD Canada Canadian women writers; Canadian book and publishing history; Pauline Johnson Media Contact
Florence Eliza Glaze Professor of History, Coastal Carolina University PhD Italy medieval medicine, medieval pharmacy, Latin to Arabic scientific translations, Constantine the African, Salerno, medical education, palaeography Media Contact
Jessica Goethals University of Alabama PhD Italy Renaissance Italy, Baroque Italy, medieval Italy, early modern women, warfare, Sack of Rome, performance, spectacle, gender, prophecy, violence, rhetoric Media Contact
Lila Goldenberg University of Pennsylvania PhD Middle Ages, late Middle Ages, medieval, early modern, fifteenth century, sixteenth century, England, France, the Low Countries, the Netherlands, Belgium, book history, printing, manuscripts, hybrid books, early printing, incunabula, women, gender, craftsmanship, printing guilds, guilds, material history, North Sea, paleography, print culture, reading, literacy, books Media Contact
Thea Gomelauri University of Oxford PhD Worldwide History of Book, Jewish History, Georgian-Jewish History, Medieval History, Mediterranean Material Culture, Biblical history Media Contact
Andrea Gondos University of Rochester PhD Jewish intellectual and cultural history, History of Kabbalah, Jewish magic, Jewish medicine and women's healthcare, Jewish book history Media Contact
Helena Goodwyn Northumbria University PhD Anglo-American New Journalism, W. T. Stead, America, nineteenth-century journalism, Americanization, Transatlantic, periodicals, newspaper history, book history, women's writing, Victorian literature Media Contact
Charlotte Gordon Endicott college PhD United States Mary Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, Anne Bradstreet, early American women’s literature history, 18th and 19th century British women’s literature and history, women’s fiction, a vindication of the rights of woman, Frankenstein, women and religion, the Bible and women Media Contact
Gillian Gower UCLA PhD United Kingdom middle ages, music history, queenship, queens, medievalism, renaissance, women's history, gender studies, manuscripts, pop music, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, history of Christianity Media Contact
Freya Gowrley University of Edinburgh PhD Britain & North America art history, material culture studies, eighteenth-century studies, nineteenth-century studies, gender, sexuality, emotion, identity, collage Media Contact
Mariam Gracia-Mechbal PhD Candidate in Natural Sciences of al-Andalus at School of Arabic Studies from the Spanish National Research Council other credentials Spain and Morocco Al-Andalus History; Medieval Islamic History; Islamic Studies; Arabic Historiography; Hispano arabic Studies; Medieval Jewish-Islamic History of Science; History of Agriculture, Botany, Pharmacy and Medicine in al-Andalus; Andalusian Manuscripts; Andalusian Intellectual History; Andalusian Medieval Culture; Moriscos Science, Culture and Religion. Media Contact
Jacqui Grainger University of Westminster, Techne AHRC CDA/RUSI, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies other credentials United Kingdom Imperial history, women's history, post colonialism, museum studies, material culture, bibliography, women writers Media Contact
Rachel L. Greenblatt Dartmouth College, Brandeis University PhD Jewish history, history & memory, collective memory, early modern Europe, early modern Ashkenaz, gender, women writers, cultural history, book history, librarianship Media Contact
Annie Greene College of William and Mary PhD Iraq, Ottoman Empire Iraqi history, late Ottoman History, cultural history, multilingualism, nationalism, citizenship, Mizrahim 1
Peta Greenfield Macquarie University and Sydney University PhD Italy Ancient Roman History, Women in the Ancient World, Roman Politics, The Roman Republic, The Early Imperial Period of Ancient Rome, The Augustan Principate Media Contact
Matilda Greig Cardiff University PhD Veterans, soldiers, memory, memoirs, life writing, autobiography, book history, Napoleonic Wars, Peninsular War, publishing, authorship, nineteenth century, 19th century, Napoleon, Atlantic World, guerrillas, irregular warfare Media Contact
Julia Gruman Martins PhD England, Italy, France Early Modern Europe, Gender History, History of Women, History of Medicine, History of the Book, Translation, Print, Material History, History of the Body, Cultural History, Sex and Reproduction, 16th century, 17th century, Italy, France, England. Media Contact
Julia Guarneri University of Cambridge PhD United States media history, newspapers, popular culture, United States history, American history, Chicago, New York, Milwaukee, urban history Media Contact
Helen Gunter University of Manchester PhD UK Intellectual histories, Education policy, Media Contact
Rebecca Hall Independent PhD American, Atlantic World, African American Women, Slave Trade, Race and American Law 1
Ann-Marie Hansen Radboud University PhD France, Low Countries History of Reading, Book History, 18th century print culture, 16th century French print, Marginalia, Republic of Letters Media Contact
Molly Hardy Cape Ann Museum PhD United States, England, Ireland archives, libraries, digital humanities, eighteenth-century Anglophone transatlantic Media Contact
Erika Harlitz-Kern Florida International University PhD Sweden Europe, Scandinavia, Sweden, Vikings, medieval, early modern, gender, women, urbanization, maritime history, book history, public history. Media Contact
Evelien Hauwaerts Bruges Public Library PhD medieval manuscripts, codicology, palaeography, literature, linguistics, manuscript illumination, incunabula, Burgundian Netherlands, Cistercian manuscripts, catalography, digitisation, librarianship, exhibitions, book history Media Contact
Elizabeth Haven Hawley University of Florida PhD Media Contact
Marieke M.A. Hendriksen Utrecht University PhD Netherlands, Germany, Scotland, England, early United States history of knowledge, art, science, medicine, anatomy, alchemy, early modern, eighteenth century, intellectual history, materiality, sensory perception, reconstruction research, DH, intersections of art and science Media Contact
Leah Henrickson Loughborough University PhD book history; print culture; natural language generation; human-computer interaction; empirical literary studies; authorship; digital humanities Media Contact
Heather Hess Independent Scholar PhD England, Germany, Central Europe food history, meat carving, napkin folding, porcelain, manners and etiquette, animal studies Media Contact
Tracey Hill Bath Spa University, UK PhD Early modern London, theatre history, civic governance and culture in the early modern period, pageantry. Media Contact
Renske Hoff Utrecht University, The Netherlands PhD History of reading, Early Modern history, religious studies, the Netherlands, paratext, reformation, Bibles, psalters, devotion, Early Modern printing, book ownership, material culture. Media Contact
Ellen Holmes Pearson University of North Carolina Asheville PhD United States legal culture, early American law, law and identity, early national, digital history, distance pedagogy, digital pedagogy 1
Simone Horst Eastern Mennonite University other credentials United States Anabaptist history, Mennonite history, Shenandoah Valley 1
Ann Hughes Keele University PhD England English Revolution, political culture, religion,gender, preacing Media Contact
Jenni Hyde Lancaster University, University of Southampton, Historical Association PhD UK Tudor England, Stuart England, ballads Media Contact
Jenifer Ishee Hoffman Mississippi State University other credentials United States 18th century, Pennsylvania, American History, Women's history, suffrage, archivist Media Contact
Cailah Jackson University of Oxford PhD Islamic art history, arts of the book, manuscript illumination, calligraphy, late medieval, Seljuk/Ottoman, Anatolia, Mongol Middle East, Mevlevis 1
Anna Jagos University of Luxembourg PhD Central and Western Europe Gender and women´s history, medieval studies, diplomatics and paleography 1
Saarah Jappie Social Science Research Council PhD South Africa, Indonesia, Indian Ocean world Media Contact
Stacey Jocoy Texas Tech University PhD British Isles English Civil War, Long 17th-century, Musicology, Shakespearean Stage, Media studies Media Contact
Melissa Johnson PhD Media Contact
Katarzyna Anna Kapitan Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, Frederiksborg Slot PhD Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway manuscript studies, book history, Scandinavian Studies, Norse studies, digital humanities, history of historiography, Media Contact
S.C. Kaplan Independent Scholar PhD France women's libraries, medieval, pedagogy, Burgundy, Bourbonnais, manuscripts, paper, literature, Christine de Pizan, Antoine de La Sale, Melusine, fifteenth century, Agnes of Burgundy Media Contact
Suzanne Karr Schmidt Newberry Library PhD Continental Europe pop-up-books, Renaissance, art, sundials, printing, interactive Media Contact
Harpreet Kaur University of St Thomas MA India, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asian states Media Contact
Sarah Kernan Independent Scholar PhD England food history, culinary history, cookbooks, medieval England, early modern England, history of the book, material culture Media Contact
Anna Kijas Boston College other credentials music criticism, performance reception, women musicians, 19th century music, 20th century music, historiography, bibliography, musicology, digital humanities, gender, social justice, open data, library and information science, data visualization, text encoding, music encoding, metadata, digital scholarship Media Contact
Dan Kimberly Independent Scholar PhD USA Media Contact
Tanya Kirk British Library other credentials book history, English literature Media Contact
Jessica Kirzane University of Chicago PhD Yiddish Studies, American Jewish History, Women's History Media Contact
Aleksandra Kolakovic Institute for Political Studies PhD intellectual history, history of ideas, cultural history, culture of remembrance, identities, cultural heritage, cultural diplomacy, cultural and educational policy, French history, French politics, Serbian history, Balkans, Western Balkans, soft power, First World War, Franco-Serbian relations . Media Contact
Yuliya Komska Dartmouth College PhD 20th, 21st Cold War, occupation-era Germany, history of borders, broadcasting history, propaganda, population transfers, Germany and Eastern Europe/Russia, German-Jewish refugees, language and multilingualism, history of publishing, children's literature, German-American cultural relations, links between history, literature, and the arts Media Contact
Courtnay Konshuh University of Calgary PhD Anglo Saxon, Vikings, early medieval Europe, early medieval warfare, manuscripts Media Contact
Stephanie Koscak Wake Forest University PhD Britain Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Britain, Media and Print Culture, Visual Culture, Political Culture and the Public Sphere, Royalism and the Royal Family, Gender Media Contact
Kathy Krause University of Missouri-Kansas City PhD France, Flanders Medieval elite women, medieval French female lordship, medieval women’s literary patronage, women and medieval manuscripts, Old French literature and women, Arthurian literature and women, medieval women’s inheritance, medieval women and power Media Contact
Jessica Lacher-Feldman University of Rochester other credentials United States, France, England archives, exhibits, publishers' bindings, book history, 19th c., cultural history, material culture, Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, women's suffrage, Gilbert and Sullivan, popular culture, Southern history, Alabama history, New York State history, Louisiana history, food history, Alabama authors 1
Christina Laffin University of British Columbia PhD Japan Medieval Japanese women, literary history Media Contact
Nina Lamal University of Antwerp, Belgium PhD Early modern media, handwritten news, newspapers, history of printing, books and translation, early modern Italy, Revolt in the Low Countries, Habsburg empire Media Contact
Sarah Lang Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz other credentials Österreich Digital Humanities, Classics, Latin, Neo-Latin, History of Science, Alchemy, Knowledge Organization Systems, Digital Scholarly Editing, Computational Humanities, Digital Classics Media Contact
Amanda Lanzillo Princeton University PhD India, Pakistan, Afghanistan Artisanship, South Asia, Islam, Labor, Colonialism, Industrial Change, Technology History, Social History, Urdu, Persian Media Contact
Amanda Lastoria Simon Fraser University PhD England, America, Canada Book design, Publishing history, Book history, Print culture, Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll Media Contact
Katy Layton-Jones University of Leicester and Open University PhD United Kingdom Victorian, Georgian, British, urban, parks, public parks, gardens, world's fairs, expos, exhibitions, print culture, popular culture, nineteenth century, eighteenth century, engraving, visual histories, topography, landscape, landscape architecture, art history Media Contact
Alice Leonard University of Warwick, UK PhD England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Germany early modern culture, book history, error, correction, early science, medicine, Shakespeare, drama, metaphor Media Contact
Elizabeth Lhost Dartmouth College PhD India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka Legal history, Islamic law, paperwork, documentation, identification, data, privacy, marriage, family, critical finance studies, food studies Media Contact
Lena Liapi Keele University PhD England early modern history, print culture, history of crime, rogues and highwaymen Media Contact
Felice Lifshitz University of Alberta PhD Histories of: Europe, Christianity, Women, Gender. Politics/controversies around: History/"the Past" (representations/uses of) and/or Religions (not confined to Europe or Christianity). Historical Films/History on Film Feminisms/Womanism and Religions The Middle Ages/Medievalism Saints, Relics, Miracles, Shrines, Pilgrimage (primarily but not solely Christian) Media Contact
Sarah Lindenbaum Illinois Wesleyan University other credentials Frances Wolfreston; early modern women's book ownership; provenance studies; book history Media Contact
Jessica Linker Northeastern University PhD United States Early America, Early Modern Europe, Nineteenth-Century America, Book History, History of Science, Women, Gender, Digital Scholarship, Digital Humanities, Women in Science, 3D Technology, Virtual Reality, Pedagogy Media Contact
Devoney Looser Arizona State University PhD British, American, eighteenth, nineteenth, Romantic, Victorian, literature, history, literary, feminist, feminism, women, reception, class, gender, aging, old age, children, historiography, writing, authorship, books, theory, generations, pedagogy, teaching, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Jane Porter, Anna Maria Porter, Frances Burney, Hester Piozzi, theatre, poetry, novel, fiction, prose, drama, adaptation Media Contact
Weiwei Luo Grinnell College PhD China, East Asia, Early Modern, Modern, Legal, Economic, Political Media Contact
Virginia Luque Gallegos Independent researcher. Member of the Spanish Society of Arab Studies (SEEA). Member of network of Experts in Cultural Heritage of the Andalusian Universities. Member. Association of Cultural Managers of Andalusia. Honorary collaborator Department of Huma PhD Material and intangible heritage about Al Andalus and Maghreb, Transfers and cultural exchanges al-Andalus and Magreb, Legacy and survivals. Cultural heritage, Analysis of Culture, Museology, Heritage Interpretation, cultural tourism. Media Contact
Laura A. Macaluso Independent Scholar / Author PhD United States Public Art, Public History, Cultural Heritage, Monuments, Museums, Murals, Material Culture, Historic Houses, Local History, Identity, Historic Landscapes Media Contact
Dr Kirsteen M MacKenzie Professional Historian PhD Britain, Ireland, Scotland Early Modern British and Irish History 1603-1746. The Wars of the Three Kingdoms 1638-1660, Jacobites, Oliver Cromwell, Commonwealth and Protectorate 1649-1660. Media Contact
Isabella Magni Rutgers University PhD Italy, France Digital Humanities, Medieval and Early Modern Italian Literature, Comparative Literature, Medieval History, Digital Philology, Digital Paleography, History of the Book, Manuscript Studies, Public Humanities Media Contact
Gaby Mahlberg Historian and Journalist, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, Newcastle University PhD Great Britain early modern British history, seventeenth-century English republicanism, utopianism, print, translation, exile Media Contact
Martina Mampieri Georg-August-Universität Göttingen PhD Italy Early modern and modern Jewish history and culture, historiography, early modern books, book history, Italian Jewry, material culture, Hebrew palaeography, manuscripts Media Contact
Lauren Mancia Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York PhD Medieval western Europe, France, Normandy Medieval Christianity; medieval monasticism; history of emotions; embodied devotional practices; performance studies; religious history Media Contact
Elisa Marazzi Newcastle University PhD Western Europe Book history, children’s books, popular literature, cheap print, textbooks, Italy Media Contact
Amy Bliss Marshall Florida International University PhD Japan Japan, East Asia, Social & Cultural, Media, Mass Culture Media Contact
Maria Marsilli John Carroll University PhD Chile Chile, Peru, race, native peoples, historiography, mestizaje, social discourse. 1
Rachel Matthews Coventry University PhD United Kingdom English provincial press, local newspapers, journalism, 18th century, 19th century, 20th century, oral history. Media Contact
Kathryn Maude American University of Beirut PhD United Kingdom Medieval, Gender, Women's Writing, Women, Nuns, Religious History, Norman Conquest, Royalty, Monasticism, Sermons, Migration, Early Medieval, Middle Ages Media Contact
Charlotte May PhD UK Literature, Poetry, Nineteenth Century, Romanticism, Romantic, Workhouses, Lord Byron, Samuel Rogers, Correspondence, Letter Writing, East Midlands, London, Poor Law, Eighteenth Century, Literary canon Media Contact
Karen McAulay Royal Conservatoire of Scotland PhD United Kingdom Music, legal deposit, Scottish song collecting, cultural history Media Contact
Erin A. McCarthy National University of Ireland Galway PhD early modern British literature, Shakespeare, Donne, poetry and poetics, women’s writing, bibliography and the history of the book, palaeography and manuscript studies, the history of reading, scholarly editing, digital humanities Media Contact
Sheryl McDonald Independent PhD Iceland Old Norse, Old Icelandic, book history, digital humanities, translating Old Norse, Old Norse/Icelandic manuscripts, Old Norse literature, medieval literature, women and gender in literature Media Contact
Ciaran McDonough University College Dublin PhD Ireland Nineteenth-century Irish antiquarianism, Irish Studies, Intellectual History, nineteenth-century European antiquarianism, and Cultural Nationalism. Media Contact
Katherine McKenna Vanderbilt University other credentials Italy early modern Venice, women's writing, gender, civics, epic, querelle des femmes, feminism Media Contact
Jennifer Powell McNutt Wheaton College PhD Geneva; France Reformation, John Calvin, Geneva, Reformed Tradition, Reformation Theology, Church History, Early Modern Refugees, Science and Christianity, Enlightenment, history of the Bible, history of the French Bible Media Contact
Monica Mercado Colgate University PhD USA women's history, gender, sexuality, public history, archives, museums, American religion, Catholicism, girlhood, local history, campus history Media Contact
Abigail H. Meyer Independent Scholar other credentials Judaica, art history, material culture, visual arts, decorative arts, fine art, textiles, rare books, illuminated manuscripts, synagogue architecture, provenance research, maps, photography, cultural ethnography, Jewish history, Jewish studies, Holocaust Media Contact
Tobie Meyer-Fong Johns Hopkins University PhD China, 1600-present, Taiping Civil War (19th century), national identity, publishing culture, history and memory, cultural heritage, gender, food, graduate education (US), Chinese language education, East Asian Studies as field Media Contact
Elise Meyers Walker Author and Speaker other credentials United States Ohio, True Crime, Prisons, Lazarus, Kahiki, Tiki, Coal Mining, Black Hand, Columbus State Community College, Lynching, Mob Violence, Organized Crime, Women, Murder Media Contact
Sharon Michalove Program in Medieval Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig PhD England, Turkey, Italy, Belgium cultural history, fifteenth century, early modern trade networks, women book collectors Media Contact
Rachel Midura Virginia Tech PhD Italy & Central Europe early modern, digital history, digital humanities, italy, habsburg, espionage, surveillance, intelligence, communications, information, postal history Media Contact
Martyna Miernecka University of Warsaw, Institute of Polish Culture other credentials Poland literary history, 20th century, Central and Eastern Europe, Poland, literary institutions Media Contact
Laura Miller University of West Georgia PhD Eighteenth-Century Culture Eighteenth-Century Science Newton and Newtonianism Print History Library History Media Contact
Bénédicte Miyamoto Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 PhD Britain British Eighteenth-Century History, Art Market Studies, Art History, Book History, Auction & Catalogues, Professions, Migrations, Art & Science, Artists' Manuals, Colours, History of Knowledge, Architecture and Military Drawings Media Contact
Renáta Modráková National Library of the Czech Republic other credentials Czech Republic, Bohemia (Middle Europe) Benedictine nunneries, medieval libraries, paleography, codicology, medieval convents, history of the book, Gothic Script, medieval manuscripts Media Contact
Alison M. Downham Moore Western Sydney University PhD France, Germany History of medicine; women's history; global history; historical theory; history of sexuality; history of European psychiatry; long history of the sexes; history of digestive health; governance and management Media Contact
Mary Morrissey University of Reading PhD Reformation history, English sermons, early modern preaching, early modern women's devotional writing 1
Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg Harvard PhD Europe Jewish History, Early Modern, Sixteenth Century, Print History, Book History, Jewish Law, Jewish Scholarship, Intellectual and Cultural History, Religious Law, History of Knowledge Media Contact
Clare Mullaney Clemson University PhD U.S. nineteenth-century and twentieth-century U.S. literature and culture, disability history, book history, studies of material culture Media Contact
Allison Murray Emmanuel College, University of Toronto other credentials Canada, United States American evangelicalism, gender history, complementarianism, anti-feminism, 20th century, anti-feminist organizing, Christian print culture, Christian book industry Media Contact
Maha Nassar University of Arizona PhD Palestine-Israel Modern Arab History, cultural history, transnational history, nationalism, minorities, pluralism, decolonization, Third World solidarity, global solidarity, Arab women, Muslim women, Media Contact
Jennifer Nelson School of the Art Institute of Chicago PhD 1
Holly Nelson Johns Hopkins University other credentials United States Black History, Women's History, 20th Century, Modernism, Literary Criticism, Performance Studies, Dance, Cultural History, Interwar Europe, The Cold War 1
Emma Nelson University of Manchester MA England Medieval history, religious history, library history, history of the book, twelfth century, Lincoln, secular clergy, monastic conflict, historical re-enactment 1
Caryn E. Neumann Miami University of Ohio PhD Comic and Cartoon Studies; U.S. Women's Political History; Modern U.S. Political History Media Contact
Caoilfhionn Ní Bheacháin University of Limerick PhD Ireland Cultural History, Women's Writing, Intellectual and Literary Networks, (Proto)diplomacy, Postcolonialism, Communications, Print Culture 1
Marissa Nicosia The Pennsylvania State University - Abington College PhD England early modern studies, food history, critical bibliography, Renaissance literature 1
Celia Nijdam Roosevelt Institute for American Studies/Leiden University Graduate Student other credentials United States American Communism, American Theatre, New Deal, Culture, Art, Politics, American Literature, African American Literature, Jewish Literature, American Left, Federal Theatre Project, Media History 1
Noa Nikolsky University of Pennsylvania PhD England, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Low Countries medieval literature, medieval history, history of medicine, preventative medicine, history of emotions, mental health Media Contact
Tara Nummedal Brown University PhD Germany, Czech Republic history of science, women and gender, alchemy, the body, Holy Roman Empire, Reformation, court culture, patronage, trials Media Contact
Catherine O'Donnell Arizona State University PhD United States Catholicism, anti-Catholicism, religious liberty, early American literature Media Contact
Maria H. Oen Lund University PhD Italy Art history, medieval studies, 13th- 16th centuries, female saints, cult of saints, female authorship, manuscript studies, book illumination, portraiture, theory and method art history, Media Contact
Emilie Oleron Evans Queen Mary, University of London PhD France art history, cultural history, historiography, translation, cultural transfers Media Contact
Camila Ordorica Bracamontes University of Texas at Austin PhD Mexico Mexican history, archival studies, trauma studies, memory studies, women and gender history, conceptual history. Media Contact
Michelle Orihel Southern Utah University PhD United States American Revolution, Early American Republic, Print Culture, Political History Media Contact
Nil Palabiyik Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität PhD Book history, printing culture, European intellectual history, history of Orientalism, Turkish learning in Europe, Ottoman manuscripts, Renaissance collections of Oriental texts, scholarly libraries Media Contact
Agata Paluch Freie Universität Berlin PhD East-Central Europe early modern Europe, intellectual history, history of knowledge, Jewish history, Hebrew manuscripts, book history, codicology, palaeography, kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, Jewish magic Media Contact
Ahona Panda University of Chicago PhD India, Bangladesh South Asia, Philology, Bengal, Politics, Book History/Literary History. Media Contact
Eve Paquette-Bigras Université de Montréal PhD Canada history of science, history of information technologies, scholarly collections, impact of digitization on academic libraries, role of academic librarians, 19th-20th century Media Contact
Rachel Parikh Worcester Art Museum PhD India, Iran, Turkey History of Art, South Asian Art History, Islamic Art History, South Asian Arms and Armor, Islamic Arms and Armor Media Contact
Katherine Parker Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc. PhD Pacific, Britain, France, Spain history of the book, history of cartography, history of maps and mapping, Pacific history, maritime history, history of exploration, history of empire, British Empire, naval history Media Contact
Rebecca Parmer University of Connecticut Archives and Special Collections other credentials Archives, Special Collections, Pedagogy, Media Literacy 1
Julie Peakman BirkbeckCollege, University of London PhD Britain and Greece Specialist in history of sexuality, women, pornography, erotica, prostitution, social, medical eighteenth-century and Victorian. Expert on History of Leros, Greece. Media Contact
Joanna Pearce York University, Toronto, Canada other credentials disability, Canada, Ontario, blind, blindness, braille, raised-print text, reading Media Contact
Megan Peiser Oakland University PhD Britain book reviews, women writers, eighteenth-century, novelists, book history, history of the book, bibliography, manuscript culture, printing history, digital humanities, periodical culture Media Contact
Madeleine Pelling University of York PhD United Kingdom Eighteenth Century, Women's History, Material Culture, Antiquarianism, History of Collecting, Historiography, Feminism, Gender, Museums, Georgian, Art History, Archaeology, Historiography, TV, film, adaptation, History onscreen Media Contact
Marie Pellissier The College of William & Mary other credentials Early America, Public History, Digital Humanities, Women's History, Intellectual history, Cookbooks, Print culture, Food history Media Contact
Raquel Pérez National School of Anthropology and History other credentials México Archaeology, Mesoamerica, Classical and Posclassical period, Oaxaca, Mesoamerican sexuality, Maya area, Codex, Ethnohistory Media Contact
Antonia Perna Durham University PhD France; Italy French Revolution, Napoleonic Empire, history of childhood, cultural history, children's literature, education Media Contact
Hazel Perry other credentials Britain Protest History, Trade Unions, Trades Union Councils, New Towns. 1
Sarah Peverley University of Liverpool PhD England, Britain, United Kingdom medieval culture, Wars of the Roses, medieval art, politics, John Hardyng, kings, queens, Margaret of Anjou, Elizabeth Woodville, Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, Edward IV, King Arthur, Chaucer, mythology, Shakespeare, Game of Thrones, mermaids, merfolk Media Contact
Amanda Pipkin UNC Charlotte PhD Netherlands History of Women and Gender, Religious History, History of the Netherlands, the Low Countries, the Dutch Revolt, History of Sexuality Media Contact
Alexandra Plante Rutgers University, Hudson County Community College other credentials Media Contact
Gillian Polack Australian National University PhD Middle Ages, historiography, historical fiction, culture, narratives, time travel, epic legends, Medieval history, cultural history, narrative history, history/fiction interface Media Contact
Maddalena Poli University of Pennsylvania PhD Ancient Chinese History, Chinese studies, Intellectual History, Paleography, Old Chinese Language, Ancient Manuscripts, Ancient Writings Media Contact
Roslyn Potter University of Glasgow PhD Scotland Early modern women's history, Scottish history, Scottish literature, manuscript culture, song culture, music, gender history, herbalism, Media Contact
Amber Pouliot PhD UK Brontes, Victorian literature and culture, literary tourism, women's writing, biographical fiction, neo-Victorian literature, Henry Siddons Media Contact
Julia Prakofjewa Ca' Foscari University of Venice PhD Poland, Lithuania, Belarus Environmental History, Ethnobotany, Ethnomedicine, Wild Food Plants, Environmental Knowledge, Indigenous and Local Ecological Knowledge, Coloniality, Border Studies, Temporality, Narratives, Resilience, Complexity, Systems Thinking Media Contact
Sarah Purcell Grinnell College PhD United States Monuments, American Revolution, Mourning, Funerals, Heroism, Military History, Political History, Newspapers, Nineteenth Century, Eighteenth Century, Early Republic, Antebellum, Memory, Digital Humanities, Virtual Reality, Civil War, American Revolution, Early Republic Media Contact
Jessica Purdy Manchester Metropolitan University PhD England book history, Tudor history, religious history, English Reformation, history of libraries, history of reading, marginalia Media Contact
Robyn Dora Radway Central European University PhD Holy Roman Empire Habsburg, Central Europe, Ottoman Hungary, Early Modern Eurasia, Empires 1