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Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences
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Early modern period, Military history, 16th century, 17th century, Early modern military revolution, Thirty Years' War, Ottoman Wars, Military Handbooks, Book history, Military education, History of science, Cultural history of warfare
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Recent Publications

How to build a military camp: Simon Stevin’s Castrametatio of 1617 and other period military handbooks. In: The archaeology of conflicts: Early modern military encampments and material culture = L’archéologie des conflits: Campements militaires et culture matérielle aux temps modernes. Oxford: BAR, 2022, pp. 31–42.

A Bestseller Among Artillery Handbooks of the 16th Century: Printed Editons of the Late Medieval Feuerwerkbuch. In: International Journal of Military History and Historiography. 2022, pp. 1–27.

Ordinary Soldiers of the Estates’ Army: Overlooked Participants in the First Phase of the Thirty Years’ War. In: BŮŽEK, Václav (ed.). Der Böhmische Ständeaufstand 1618–1620. Akteure, Gegner und Verbündete. Münster: Aschendorff, 2021, pp. 201–220.

How to build a redoubt? Instructions from military manuals of the Thirty Years’ War, in: Archaeology of Conflicts. Hradec Králové: Mervart, 2020, pp. 83-98.

Women and Children in the Military Camps of the Thirty Years’ War, in: Historická demografie 43, No. 2, 2019, pp. 21–46.

Military Camps in Military Manuals, in: Negotiating conflict and controversy. Leiden: Brill, 2019, pp. 163–177.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Czech Republic, Bohemia, Austria, Poland, Germany, Hungary
Expertise by Geography
Eastern Europe, Germany, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
Pre-17th century, 17th century
Expertise by Topic
Book History, Military, Science, Women