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Universitat de València
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Gender, Enlightenment, travel narratives, translation,
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Personal Info

About Me
I specialize in sociocultural history and women’s and gender history in the eighteenth century.  , more specifically,  on gender representations, women’s intellectual practices, notions of the self and of intimacy, codes of politeness, and cultural transfers (travel, translations).  My work pays attention to the circulation of debates on gender in Europe (particularly between Spain, Italy, France, Portugal and Britain) and across the Atlantic.
I am presently coordinator of the projhect CIRGEN: Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment. Ideas, Networks, Agencies, funded by the European Research Council under Horizon 2020 (AdG-2017/787015).
See more about this project here:
Recent Publications

-The Routledge Companion to the Hispanic Enlightenment (2020; coedited with Elizabeth Lewis and Catherine Jaffe).

-Art and Artifice of Life in Comon (Arte y artificio de la vida en común. Los modelos de comportamiento y sus tensiones en el Siglo de las Luces, 2019; award of the Spanish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies for best monograph)

I have published also several other books in Spanish: Mujeres y hombres en la Historia. Una propuesta pedagógica y docente (2018),La vida y la escritura en el siglo XVIII (Life and Writing in the Eighteenth Century, 2008), Mujeres e Ilustración (Women and Enlightenment, 1998), Amor, matrimonio y familia (Love, marriage and the family, 1998; with Isabel Morant).

I coedited Historia de las mujeres en España y América Latina (A History of Women in Spain and Latin America, 2005-2006), and  other essay-collections (Historia y cine. La construcción del pasado a través de la ficción, 2015; Educar las costumbres y los sentimientos. Una mirada desde la Historia, 2014).

My essays in academic journals and books in English, French and Italian include contributions to  Knott and Taylor’s Women, Gender and Enlightenment (2005), Jaffe and Lewis’s Eve’s Enlightenment (2009) and Lehner’s Women, Enlightenment and Catholicism: A Transnational Biographical History (2017), among others.

For open access publications, see:ónicaBoluferPeruga


Media Coverage
Country Focus
Spain, Europe
Expertise by Geography
France, Latin America, Spain
Expertise by Chronology
18th century
Expertise by Topic
Book History, Family, Gender, Literary History, Women