Total Records Found: 219
First NameLast NameAffiliationPhDCountry FocusKeywordsAvailability
Desiree Abu-Odeh PhD United States public health, gender, sexuality, race, urban history, sexual violence, higher education, colleges and universities, social movements 1
Amy Ackerberg-Hastings Independent Scholar PhD History of Mathematics, History of Education, History of Science, History of Technology, History of Women in Mathematics/Science/Technology/Medicine, Historical Research Methods and Writing Media Contact
Cheryl Adams Rychkov Randolph College, Lynchburg College other credentials United States, England, Great Britain, Russia Atlantic World, Reputation and Refashioning, 17th Century Chesapeake, Virginia History, Prostitution History, Early Modern Western Europe,Long 19th century British literature, Russian History & Culture (Imperial/Soviet/Post-Soviet), Archives & Preservation, Ephemera, Western Art. 19th-20th century General Store culture. History of school bus transportation culture. Media Contact
Jamila Alaktif ISC Business School - Collaboration with France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. PhD United States of America - France Management - Gender equality - Ethnic minorities - Discrimination - Violence - Inclusion - Diversity policies Media Contact
Fran Allfrey University of York PhD England, Britain medieval literature, Old English literature, Old English poetry, medievalism, Old English medievalism, nationalism, ethno-nationalism, museum studies, museum history, history of archaeology, digitisation, heritage, coproduction Media Contact
Verenize Arceo University of Wisconsin, Madison other credentials United States/American West U.S.-Mexican Gendered Migrations, 20th Century U.S. Urban History, Chicanx Education in Urban America, Race and Ethnicity, Gender and Women's History Media Contact
Elif Armbruster Suffolk University PhD 19th and 20th century women writers, literary activism, and multi-ethnic literature Media Contact
Anne Bailey Dr. PhD United States race, asylum seekers, civil rights, Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Day, Gullah Geechee, human rights, immigrants, slave auction, slavery, The Weeping Time, public history and memory, African American history, colonialism, Caribbean, Jamaica, Con federate statues, Abolitionist history, monuments, protest movements, Abolition movement, civil rights movement, Mt. Rushmore, Atlantic Slave trade, Africa, mass incarceration, systemic racism, Truth and Reconciliation, NY Times Magazine 1619 Project Media Contact
Anne Baillot Le Mans Université PhD Europe German History of Ideas (18th-early 19th century), German-French wars in the 19th century, digital methods, digital edition of egodocuments 1
Donna Baker Albert Gore Research Center, Middle Tennessee State University other credentials Media Contact
Melinda Baldwin American Institute of Physics PhD History of science, history of physics, scientific communication, scientific journals, science funding Media Contact
Kate Ballantyne University of Edinburgh PhD United States US South, student activism, civil rights, US history, free speech, campus studies, 1960s Media Contact
Danielle Barefoot University of Arizona other credentials Chile Latin America, Chile, education, higher education, politics, youth, student activism, activism Media Contact
Jenny Barker-Devine Illinois College PhD United States Rural women, civil defense, women's activism, agriculture, social movements, women's education, archives, teaching, pedagogy, digital history, public history Media Contact
Amanda Behm University of York PhD Britain, United States, India, Australia, Canada, South Africa Britain, British empire, decolonization, international history, global history, intellectual history, race, United States, Pacific, South Asia Media Contact
Joanna Behrman University of Copenhagen PhD United States history of physics, gender, history of science, history of education, science education, women in science Media Contact
Amy Bix Iowa State University PhD women, gender, engineering, technology, science, medicine, STEM, engineers, education, universities Media Contact
Monica Blair Johns Hopkins University PhD United States History of Education, K-12 Education, Civil Rights Movement, School Segregation, School Desegregation, School Privatization, digital history, public history, US South Media Contact
Chara Bohan Georgia State University PhD United States American educational history, race, gender, social studies/history education, curriculum and instruction Media Contact
Karida Brown UCLA PhD United States, Australia, South Africa Race, 20th Century, African Americans, African Diaspora, South Africa, Australia, Education, Migration Media Contact
Tomiko Brown-Nagin Harvard PhD United States law, lawyers, civil rights, discrimination, civil rights movement, social movements, constitutional law Media Contact
Erika Bsumek University of Texas at Austin PhD United States Native American, U.S. West, Environment, Built Environment, Water, Infrastructure Media Contact
Maria Bucur Indiana University Bloomington PhD Romania gender, Europe, twentieth century, citizenship, memory, eugenics, film, feminism, communism, title IX, sexual misconduct Media Contact
Kate Burlingham CSU Fullerton PhD United States, Angola, Portugal Africa, United States Foreign Relations, Global, International, Angola, Religion, Missionaries, Colonialism, Anti-colonialism, War, Internationalism, League of Nations Media Contact
Lora Burnett Collin College PhD United States culture wars, higher education, education, intellectual history, American culture, historiography, American literature, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, U.S. intellectual history, political correctness, professoriate 1
Monica L. Butler Motlow State Community College PhD United States Indigenous, American Indian, African American, activism, representation, media, intersectionality, rebellion 1
Miranda Butler Assistant Professor, Snow College PhD England, Great Britain, Britain, Ireland Victorian, Victorian Literature, Victorian Women, Neo-Victorian, Victorian Crossover, Victorian Adaptation, Nineteenth Century, British, 19th Century, Science Fiction, Syfy, Sci Fi, Charles Darwin, Oscar Wilde, Mary Shelley, H.G. Wells, Victorian monsters, Vampires, Bram Stoker, Victorian vampire, Queer Vampire, LGBT Vampire, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle Media Contact
Charlotte Canning University of Texas PhD theatre, performance, feminism, USA, higher education, dramatic literature Media Contact
Elaine Carey Oakland University PhD Mexico and U.S.-Mexico borderlands Latin America, Mexico, Drug Trafficking, Crime, Social Movements, Human Rights Media Contact
Laura Carter University of Cambridge PhD United Kingdom social history, cultural history, twentieth-century Britain, education, women's history, gender history, popular culture, social change, post-1945 Britain Media Contact
Anuradha Chatterjee Cracknell and Lonergan Architects PhD United Kingdom, Australia, India architectural history theory, nineteenth and twentieth century architectural urban history and theory; Asian and Indian architectural history and theory, 1
Melissa Chim Excelsior University other credentials France, United Kingdom, Germany, USA witch trials, intellectual history, books, manuscripts, French Resistance, revolutions, libraries, archives, Episcopal Church Media Contact
Alice Clifton Georgia Institute of Technology other credentials United States United States, 19th century, 20th century, Modern, Capitalism, Gender, Higher Ed, Race, Science, Technology 1
D'Maris Coffman University College London PhD UK and Western Europe Financial history, economic history, fiscal history, history of economic thought, infrastructure economics and finance, climate change economics and finance Media Contact
Susan M. Cogan Utah State University PhD England Medieval, Early Modern, England, Social history, Reformation, kinship, networks, patronage, gender, architecture, gardens, landscape, botany, environment, material culture, applied history, experiential learning. Media Contact
Alicia Colson The Explorers Club, US EC50 PhD archaeology, ethnohistory, Canada, hunter-gatherers of the Boreal Forest, digital humanities, archaeological theory, rock art, pictographs, history of archaeology, past, present and future of higher education in the US Media Contact
Natasha Constantinidou University of Cyprus PhD France, Italy, Low Countries, British Isles early modern intellectual history, book history, Italian Renaissance, French Renaissance, humanism, Greek humanism, early printed books in Greek, Reformation, wars of religion, history of political thought Media Contact
Pamela Curtin other credentials United States Public History, U.S. History, Environmental History, Landscape History, Cultural Landscapes, Natural Landscapes, Cultural History, Social History, Museums, Museum Education, Digital History, Digital Humanities, Pennsylvania, West Virginia Media Contact
Nandini Das University of Liverpool PhD early modern England, early modern English global voyages and explorations, India early modern travel, migration, voyages and exploration, early modern literature and theatre including Shakespeare, concepts of race, migration and identity Media Contact
Hilde De Weerdt Leiden University PhD China Chinese history, Chinese political culture, digital history, comparative history, Media Contact
Crystal deGregory Bethune-Cookman University PhD United States higher education, college student activism, historically black colleges and universities, civil rights, black greek-lettered organizations, hbcu, race, women and girls Media Contact
Dawn Dennis Cal State University, Los Angeles PhD United States public history, cultural preservation, curator, race, ethnicity, immigration, American history, colonialism, imperialism, project-based-learning, exhibitions, community, memory, identity, Media Contact
Andrea Ditkoff Rutgers University other credentials United States female physicians, history of science, history of medicine, women's history, gynecology, higher education, biology, gender, health, women doctors Media Contact
Heather Ellis University of Sheffield PhD Britain history of knowledge, history of higher education, history of science, gender history, history of academic mobilities Media Contact
Jenny Evans North Carolina State University other credentials United States Higher Education Media Contact
Diane Eynon University of Pennsylvania PhD U.S and South Africa gender, higher education, economic development and growth, globalization and internationalization, women's history 1
Elizabeth Fagan Truman State University PhD Armenia ancient Mediterranean history, Armenia, Roman history, archaeology, eastern Mediterranean, epigraphy, numismatics, South Caucasus Media Contact
Coré Ferrer-Alcantud Universitat Jaume I (Spain) PhD Ancient Mediterranean Ancient History, Ancient Mediterranean, Ancient Greece, Greek Philosophy, Ancient Rome, Ancient Politics, Roman Politics, Roman Literature, Roman Republic, Early Principate, Women in the Ancient World, Greek Women, Roman Women, Gender, Women's Studies, Identity, Ethnicity, Migration, Classical Reception, Cultural History, Virtual Archaeology, 3D, VR, AR, MR, Digital Humanities, History in Video Games Media Contact
Tanya Fitzgerald University of Western Australia PhD History of women's higher education, history of academic women, archival methodologies, prosopography 1
Hannah Forsyth Australian Catholic University PhD Modern Australian History, History of Capitalism, Higher Education, History of Professions, Class Race Gender in Capitalism, Labor History, Teaching History Media Contact
Maire Fox St. John's University, Queens PhD Ireland anatomy, anatomical pedagogy, history of anatomical knowledge, autopsy, medico-legal autopsy, medical education, medical pedagogy, autopsy theatre, sociomedical history, Ireland, Dublin, Royal College of Physicians Media Contact
Nichelle Frank Utah State University PhD United States US West, environment, historic preservation, mining history, architectural history, urban history, women's history Media Contact
Emily Friedman Auburn University PhD Great Britain and North America Eighteenth-century, novel, history of reading, readers, history of fan fiction, manuscript fiction, perfume, history of smell, smell language, digital humanities, metadata Media Contact
Antje Gamble Murray State University PhD Italy Fascism, Cold War, Art History, Sculpture, Italy, Modernism, Marshall Plan, Italian Fascism Media Contact
Mary K Gayne James Madison University PhD France 18th C French History, Old Regime, History of Work Practices, Masculinity, Wigmaking, 2/Global History of Immigration and Refugee Resettlement in Harrisonburg, Virginia, 1965-2020 Media Contact
Christina Gessler The Academic Life podcast series on New Books Network PhD United States Demystifying academia, rural America, diaries, women's private writings, women's letters, women's diaries, households, emotional labor, farms, gender, sexuality, 19th century America, 19th century New England, mentoring, 19th century American women authors, podcasts, teaching practices, Media Contact
Hannah Gibson University of Kentucky other credentials United States Appalachia, U.S. South, Mountain South, Peri-Appalachian Region, Highland South, Mountains, Kentucky, Virginia, Southwest Virginia, West Virginia, 19th century, 20th century, Gilded Age, Progressive Era, Nadir, WWI, Interwar years, Great Depression, New Deal, National Youth Administration, Appalachian Women’s History and Activism, Race, Afro-Appalachian Women, Black Feminism, Infrastructure, Federal Relief, Public Health, Healthcare, the New South, War on Poverty, Rural Modernization, Transportation, Sojourner Truth, geography, gender, Intersectional Appalachia, Intersectionality and Essentialism, (Re-)periodization, temporality, World Systems Theory, Federal Intervention, Institutional resilience, LGBTQ+ History, Trans/Transgender History, Gay erasure, Queering Appalachia, Stereotypes, Visual Rhetoric, Environmental history, environmental rhetoric, documentary filmmaking, Extractive Industry, Commons, Enclosure, Multimodal historical analysis, historicity, construction of the archive, historiography and historiophoty, memory, R.G. Collingwood, Hayden White, Idealist History, Internal Colonization, Culture of Poverty, interdisciplinarity, articulate silences, digital humanities, ambient rhetorics, rhetorical theory, writing in history, writing in the disciplines, WID, WAC, value of history, disability, medicine, metaphysics, history of ideas, universities, University of Kentucky Media Contact
Rosemary Golding The Open University PhD Britain Britain, music, nineteenth century, culture, education, medicine, psychiatry, health, arts Media Contact
Leah Gordon Amherst College PhD United States race and class, inequality, twentieth century U.S. history, history of education, history of social thought, history of social science, 1
Julia M Gossard Utah State University PhD France, United States Childhood & Youth, Gender, Digital Humanities, Pedagogy, Teaching 1
Hilary Green The University of Alabama PhD Civil War, Civil War Memory, Reconstruction, African American Education, African American History, Southern Studies, History of Education Media Contact
Rachel L. Greenblatt Dartmouth College, Brandeis University PhD Jewish history, history & memory, collective memory, early modern Europe, early modern Ashkenaz, gender, women writers, cultural history, book history, librarianship Media Contact
Pip Gregory University of Kent PhD First World War, Cartoon, Humour, Artistic memory and reproduction, Victorian, and wider British history Media Contact
Cristina Groeger Assistant Professor of History, Lake Forest College PhD Political Economy, Labor, Work, Capitalism, Inequality, Education, Higher Education, Urban, Gender, Immigration Media Contact
Jo Guldi Southern Methodist University PhD Britain eviction, land rights, property law, British History, Britain, Ireland, Scotland, India, roads, highways, transport, cities, urbanism, digital history, digital humanities, net neutrality, participatory mapping, democracy, infrastructure, information Media Contact
Helen Gunter University of Manchester PhD UK Intellectual histories, Education policy, Media Contact
Caroline Hackett Doctoral Candidate other credentials France Napoleon, Modern Europe, Europe, French Revolution, Empires, Revolution, Revolutions, American Revolution, Early America, Atlantic World, Early Modern Europe, Gender, State Building, Political History, Legal History, Napoleonic Code, Implementation of Laws, German Unification, Italian Unification, Industrialization, Nationalism, history of the family Media Contact
Karen Hagemann University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PhD German, European and transatlantik History from the 18th to the 20th century; Cultural, Social and Political History, Women and Gender History, the History of Military and War. Media Contact
Amanda Joyce Hall Yale University other credentials United States, South Africa, Transnational Media Contact
Johanna Hanink Brown University PhD Greece Athens, Greece, ancient Greece, classical antiquity, archaeodiplomacy, Modern Greek Studies 1
Levke Harders Bielefeld University PhD Migration History, Gender History, 19th and 20th century European History, 20th century American History, History of Higher Education, Theory and Methods of History, Intersectionality, Biography Media Contact
Rebecca Harrison The Open University PhD Britain and USA Film, cinema, media, creative industries, arts, production, exhibition, distribution, film criticism, early cinema, technology, British cinema, Hollywood, Star Wars, war, military, empire, railways, gender, race, class, queer history, LGBT Media Contact
Caitlin Harvey University of Cambridge PhD Imperial history, settler colonialism, higher education, Indigenous history, migration, institutions, political development, British Empire Media Contact
Emily Hawk Columbia University other credentials United States Dance, modern dance, Black dance, ballet, United states, choreography, intellectual history, 1960s, 1970s, postwar period, New York City, urban history, U.S. presidents, performance, performing arts Media Contact
Rose Hayden-Smith University of California PhD USA agriculture,horticulture,Victory Gardens,school gardens, food, food and nutrition policy,WWI,WW2,American homefront,suffrage,land grants,Progressive Era,public history,digital history Media Contact
Sarah Hellawell University of Sunderland PhD United Kingdom Modern British History, Women's and Gender History, First World War, Interwar period, Peace Movements, Student Activism, Transnational Social Movements, Media Contact
Nicole Hemmer Miller Center/Washington Post PhD United States conservative media, conservatism, U.S. politics Media Contact
Marie (Mar) Hicks Illinois Institute of Technology PhD Britain and USA history of technology, computing, gender, labor, women, sexism, STEM, Britain, economics Media Contact
Eva Johanna Holmberg University of Helsinki & Queen Mary University of London PhD Cultural history, history of travel, cultural encounters, Renaissance culture, travel writing, life writing, autobiography, Renaissance ethnography, ethnic and racial stereotyping, history of race, Levant travel, Anglo-Ottoman encounter Media Contact
Aliz Horvath University of Chicago PhD Japan, China, and Korea Media Contact
Jaime Hough Independent Scholar PhD United States Virginity, Sexual Citizenship, Reproductive Rights, Legislating Sexuality, War on Terror, World War II, Gender History, History of Sexuality, American Studies, Rhetoric Media Contact
Jasmin C. Howard Michigan State University other credentials United States Student Activism, Oral History, African American, Black women, African American Women, Civil Rights Movement, Black Power Movement, the South, Commemoration, the Black South, Black rurality Media Contact
Marloes Hülsken oral history, history, gender, education PhD Netherlands oral history, social history, gender, history education, educational research Media Contact
Veronica Isaac New York University London and University of Brighton PhD United Kingdom, Europe Theatre Costume, Dress History, Ellen Terry, Aestheticism, Dress & Identity, Nineteenth Century, Theatre History, Museums Media Contact
Anya Jabour University of Montana PhD American South; Chicago; New York U.S. women's history 1800-1940, social reform, political activism, southern women, Civil War, antebellum South, childhood, adolescence, sexuality, Progressive Era, New Deal, woman suffrage Media Contact
Dr. Santha Kumari Jetty Columbus State University PhD India and United States Ethnography, Caste system, Upward social mobility, Social consciousness, culture change, educational and economic development. Media Contact
Aura Jirau Arroyo Eastern Illinois University PhD Puerto Rico, United States Puerto Rico, Latin America, Latino Studies, political identities, student activism, social movements Media Contact
Joan Marie Johnson Northwestern University PhD United States women's history, education history, reform, philanthropy, suffrage, birth control, lost cause, southern women, south, Media Contact
Claire G. Jones University of Liverpool, UK PhD United Kingdom Gender, Science, Victorian, Women Media Contact
Susan Kattwinkel College of Charleston PhD theatre, performance, music hall, vaudeville, nineteenth-century theatre, American theatre, dramatic literature, freak shows, contemporary variety theatre, higher education in the U.S. Media Contact
Amanda Katz Carnegie Mellon University PhD infrastructure, environment, science & technology, American West Media Contact
Agnes Katalin Kelemen Central European University other credentials Hungary, Austria, Germany, Italy, social history, Jewish Studies, Central European history, emigration, history of universities 1
Anna Kathryn Kendrick NYU Shanghai PhD Twentieth-century Spain, history of education, pedagogy, childhood, history of art and aesthetics, history and literature Media Contact
Elizabeth Keohane-Burbridge Footnoting History PhD United States, United Kingdom independent scholarship, middle ages, England, United States, 19th century, 20th century, religion, power, race, politics, gender, modern world, podcast, public history, local history, Atlanta, Georgia, motherhood, academia, cemeteries, independent scholars Media Contact
Zoé Kergomard German Historical Institute Paris PhD France; Germany; Switzerland contemporary history, political history, gender studies, democracy, participation, France, Switzerland, Germany Media Contact
Anna Kijas Boston College other credentials music criticism, performance reception, women musicians, 19th century music, 20th century music, historiography, bibliography, musicology, digital humanities, gender, social justice, open data, library and information science, data visualization, text encoding, music encoding, metadata, digital scholarship Media Contact
Jill Kirby University of Sussex PhD United Kingdom stress, cultural history, 20th century, Britain, self-help, work, Mass Observation, oral history, women Media Contact
Cora Beth Knowles The Open University PhD Rome, Roman Britain Ancient History, Roman History, Tacitus, Emperors, History-writing, Ancient Literature, 19th century Classical Reception Media Contact
Shira Kohn The Dalton School PhD America postwar American history, Americans jewish history, American immigration history, history of gender in America, women's history, modern Jewish history, history of higher education Media Contact
Jennifer Kreder Chase College of Law Northern Kentucky University other credentials United States, Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Russia, China, Guatemala WWII, Holocaust, Nazi, art, Russia, Revolution, Russian, American, History, Germany, Austria, German, Austrian, French, France, expropriation, theft, stolen, property, genocide, human rights, courts, claims, litigation, slavery, forced labor, duress, contracts, Nuremberg, Europe, WWI, El Salvador, Guatemala, antiquities, colonialism, colonial, antiquity, Greece, Italy, nationalization, nationalize, museum, museums, galleries, collectors, gallery, collector, ethics, war, monument, monuments, Monuments Men, Woman in Gold, criminal law, crime, crimes, Poland, Hungary, China Media Contact
Judy Kutuas St. Olaf College PhD 1970s, 1970s popular culture, gender relations, ACLU, television history, radical intellectuals of the 1930s Media Contact
Priya Lal Boston College PhD Tanzania, Zambia 20th century Africa, East Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, development, nationalism, decolonization, socialism, Cold War, gender, medicine, higher education, labor history Media Contact
Rebecca Lapham Wallisch Post Oak Preservation Solutions other credentials Texas, Architectural History, American History, Media Contact
Carol Lasser Emerita Professor of History, Oberlin College PhD 19th century women; antislavery women; activist women;, history of women's education/co-education; race and woman suffrage; temperance, gender and racial respectability; history of race in Oberlin, Ohio Media Contact
Jessica A. Lee Independent Scholar PhD United States feminism, social justice activism, economic development Media Contact
Elizabeth Lehfeldt Cleveland State University PhD Spain gender, convents, nuns, queens Media Contact
Victoria Leonard Royal Holloway, University London PhD United Kingdom Late Antiquity, Ancient History, Early Christianity, Roman History, Religion, Historiography, Gender Studies, Feminist Theory, Women Studies, The Body, Sexuality, Social Network Analysis, Digital Humanities, Media Contact
Emily Levine The University of North Carolina, Greensboro PhD Modern European intellectual and cultural history, German history, university history, transatlantic history, higher education, sociology of knowledge, history of ideas, German-Jewish emigres, Weimar Republic Media Contact
Aimee Loiselle Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) PhD U.S. in transnational context modern U.S. history, women's history, labor, global capitalism, gender and race, unions and worker organizing, working women, Puerto Rican needleworkers, feminism, women's liberation, popular culture, social movements, reproductive justice Media Contact
Devoney Looser Arizona State University PhD British, American, eighteenth, nineteenth, Romantic, Victorian, literature, history, literary, feminist, feminism, women, reception, class, gender, aging, old age, children, historiography, writing, authorship, books, theory, generations, pedagogy, teaching, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Jane Porter, Anna Maria Porter, Frances Burney, Hester Piozzi, theatre, poetry, novel, fiction, prose, drama, adaptation Media Contact
Patricia Loughlin University of Central Oklahoma PhD United States Women’s and gender history, American Indian history, North American West Media Contact
Lucy Lu other credentials Britain 1
Kacie Lucchini Butcher University of Wisconsin-Madison other credentials United States Public historian, 20th century United States, racism, housing discrimination, post-war freeway construction, post-war housing, architectural history, institutional histories, higher education in America, Mid-century design, gender and labor histories Media Contact
Sarah Lynch Angelo State University PhD Medieval Education, Medieval Schools, Medieval Teachers & Pupils, Education in Medieval Societies, The Medieval Year Media Contact
Alexandra M. Macdonald William & Mary other credentials Britain, United States Material Culture, Art & Print Culture, Time & Temporality, Atlantic World, Vast Early America, Digital Humanities Media Contact
Jessica Mack Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University PhD Mexico Latin America, Mexico, Mexico City, UNAM, urban history, public history, university, higher education, memory, archives, digital history Media Contact
Jen Manion Amherst College PhD United States LGBTQ issues, transgender history, incarceration, women in prison, criminalization of African Americans, histories of social change, early america Media Contact
Kristin Mapel Bloomberg Hamline University PhD United States women's rights, woman suffrage, nineteenth century social movement, Midwestern history, rural women's history, Great Plains, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Clara Bewick Colby, gender history, women's history, sexual violence, Title IX, coeducation, college women Media Contact
Kelly Marino Central CT State University PhD United States Women's History, Women's Suffrage, Social Movements Media Contact
Alena Marková Charles University, Prague PhD Central and Eastern Europe (Belarus, Russia, Czech Republic) nation and nationalism, nation-building, nation-formation, national identity, national emancipation, historical consciousness, historical memory, contemporary history of Central and Eastern Europe, history of SSSR, BSSR/Belarus, Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, nationality policy, propaganda, communism, socialism, totalitarianism, everyday life under socialism, post-soviet history of the Soviet bloc, 1990s, language planning in post-soviet countries Media Contact
Emily Masghati University of Chicago PhD Social Science, Foundation Philanthropy, African American History, American Intellectual History, Higher Education 1
Erica McCarthy other credentials United States American Revolution, political history, Early America, colonial America, Revolutionary War, Constitution Media Contact
Jillian McClure University of North Florida PhD United States 20th Century U.S. History, African American History, Chicano/a History, History Of Higher Education, Oral History, Political and Social History, Women's History 1
Kenja McCray Atlanta Metropolitan State College PhD United States African American history, women & gender, black power, Pan-Africanism Media Contact
Marie McDaniel Southern Connecticut State University PhD Early America, Religion, Gender, Ethnicity 1
Anne Ladyem McDivitt University of Alabama PhD United States Video Games, Gaming, Video Games, Gender, Arcades, Video Game History, Women in Games, Game History, Technology, History of Technology, Public History, Digital History, Digital Humanities, Libraries Media Contact
Monica Mercado Colgate University PhD USA women's history, gender, sexuality, public history, archives, museums, American religion, Catholicism, girlhood, local history, campus history Media Contact
Ashton Merck North Carolina State University PhD Food safety, Food inspection, Consumer protection, Trade, Administrative Law, Business History, Legal History, Regulation Media Contact
Tobie Meyer-Fong Johns Hopkins University PhD China, 1600-present, Taiping Civil War (19th century), national identity, publishing culture, history and memory, cultural heritage, gender, food, graduate education (US), Chinese language education, East Asian Studies as field Media Contact
Elise Meyers Walker Author and Speaker other credentials United States Ohio, True Crime, Prisons, Lazarus, Kahiki, Tiki, Coal Mining, Black Hand, Columbus State Community College, Lynching, Mob Violence, Organized Crime, Women, Murder Media Contact
Devon Mihesuah University of Kansas PhD United States, Latin America American Indian, Native American, food history, indigenous health, food sovereignty, activism, stereotypes, Indian Territory, research methods, women Media Contact
Ismay Milford Freie Universität Berlin PhD Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia Decolonization, Cold War, East Africa, Central African Federation, information and communication, international organisations, internationalism, youth, students, transnational networks, solidarity networks, Afro-Asian movement, non-alignment, anti-colonial activism, pamphlets, radio, information, librarians, resources, environment, satellites Media Contact
Dr Sarah-Louise Miller University of Oxford, Faculty of History PhD Women's Military History, Women in the Second World War, Naval History, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, RAF History, British Intelligence, Intelligence History, Special Operations Executive, SOE, Women's Auxiliary Air Force, WAAF, Women's Royal Naval Service, WRNS, Auxiliary Territorial Service, ATS, Air Transport Auxiliary, ATA, Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service, WAVES, History of Codebreaking, Radar, Chain Home, Ground Controlled Interception, Pacific History, Pacific War, Battle of Britain, Battle of the Atlantic, Dowding System, America in the Second World War, Britain in the Second World War, Photographic Intelligence, Dambusters, Bomber Command, Fighter Command, Enigma, Ultra, Bletchley Park, Government Code and Cypher School, GCHQ, Thousand Bomber Raids, Emotional Response to Warfare, Propaganda, Secrecy, Espionage, Naval War, Naval Communications, OP-20-G, Submarine Warfare WWII, British Pacific Fleet, Second World War in Hawaii, Fourteenth Naval District, Pearl Harbor, Admiral Chester Nimitz, Joe Rochefort, Agnes Driscoll, Genevieve Grotjan, Joan Clarke, Mavis Batey, Cryptanalysis, Cryptography, Codebreaking, Midway, Coral Sea, Ultra, Enigma, Japanese Codes, Purple, JN-25 Media Contact
Allison Millward Rowan College at Burlington County other credentials nurses in war; military medicine; war and society; conflict and change 1
Laura J. MItchell UC Irvine PhD South Africa Africa, South Africa, world history, labor, environment, gender, material culture, empire, imperialism, Dutch East India Company, Indian Ocean, global history, globalization, pedagogy, graduate education, SoTL, Media Contact
Maria E. Montoya NYU and NYU Shanghai PhD United States China and Higher Education, American West, Labor History, History of Water, Environmental History, Gender and Women Media Contact
Alison M. Downham Moore Western Sydney University PhD France, Germany History of medicine; women's history; global history; historical theory; history of sexuality; history of European psychiatry; long history of the sexes; history of digestive health; governance and management Media Contact
Isabela Morales Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum PhD United States 19th century, American South, American West, Emancipation, Family, Higher Education, Museums, Public History, Race, Slavery Media Contact
María del Carmen Moreno Escobar Visiting researcher, University of Southampton (United Kingdom) PhD Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany Roman history, Roman archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, landscape archaeology, Spain, Italy, France, geographic information systems, Roman Empire, Roman republic, Iron Age, navigation, territory, settlement patterns Media Contact
Bonnie Morris UC Berkeley PhD U.S. lesbians, women's music, feminism, Judaica, sports Media Contact
Anne Moseley Director of Engagement and Curator for Sangamon Experience/ Acting Director of the Center for Lincoln Studies at the University of Illinois Springfield other credentials United States Abraham Lincoln, 19th Century Social History, Illinois History, Women's History, Archival Management, Public History, Museum Design, Manuscript Conservation Media Contact
Margaret (Meg) Mulrooney James Madison University PhD United States Public History, collective memory, Southern women's higher education, Wilmington NC, Wilmington 1898 race riot, 19thC US social and cultural, Irish America Media Contact
Franziska Naether Leipzig University, DE/Stellenbosch University, ZA/Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities PhD Egypt Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Roman Egypt, Hieroglyphs, Demotic, Papyri/Papyrology, Egyptian Religion, Rituals, Divination, Magic, Museums, Digital Humanities, Ancient Games Media Contact
Jessamyn Neuhaus State University of New York Plattsburgh PhD USA pedagogy, popular culture, gender studies, housework, food, history of sexuality Media Contact
Caryn E. Neumann Miami University of Ohio PhD Comic and Cartoon Studies; U.S. Women's Political History; Modern U.S. Political History Media Contact
Jessica Nickrand University of Minnesota-Twin Cities / American Academy of Neurology PhD United States Detroit, racism in medicine, medical education, urban health, urban renewal, social determinants of heath, deindustrialization, 20th century history of medicine Media Contact
Emily Norweg University of Pennsylvania PhD United States Modern US History, Higher in Education in Prison, Mass Incarceration, Carceral State, Civil Rights, 20th Century US History, US History Media Contact
Margaret O'Mara University of Washington PhD United States political, technology, business, capitalism, urban Media Contact
Jiya Pandya Princeton University PhD India, United States Gender, Sexual Violence, Legal history, 20th and 21st century U.S. History, Postcolonial Studies, Indian History, Queer theory, Diaspora studies, Disability studies, Critical Race Theory 1
Eve Paquette-Bigras Université de Montréal PhD Canada history of science, history of information technologies, scholarly collections, impact of digitization on academic libraries, role of academic librarians, 19th-20th century Media Contact
Donna Patterson Delaware State Univeristy PhD Senegal, Ethiopia, Chad, France, United States, Congo/Zaire, Regional: Sahel, Horn of Africa, Americas West Africa, Sahel, Horn of Africa, Francophone Africa, History of Medicine and Pharmacy, global health, epidemics, COVID-19, Ebola, Senegal, Ethiopia, Chad, African diaspora, gender Media Contact
Ginger Pedersen Florida Atlantic University PhD United States Florida History, Forgotten Women, Florida Pioneer History, Palm Beach County History, Roadside Attractions, Women Pioneers, Women Physicians, Misogyny Media Contact
Morgan Pierce University of Pittsburgh other credentials Media Contact
Caroline Propersi-Grossman Stony Brook University other credentials United States labor, work, gender, masculinity, theater, dance, unions, New York City, social history of art Media Contact
Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas British School of Fashion, Glasgow Caledonian University London PhD UK, China including Hong Kong marketing, sustainable fashion, creativity, intangible cultural heritage, tailoring, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai Media Contact
Sonya Ramsey University of North Carolina at Charlotte PhD United States African American Gender History, History of Education, Teachers, Youth Culture, Urban Southern History Media Contact
Anne-Isabelle Richard Leiden University PhD Global History, European history, Decolonization, Eurafrica Media Contact
Angela Riotto Defense Security Cooperation University PhD United States American Civil War, Memory Studies, Prisoners of War, Narrative, Literary Studies, Environmental History, Hard War, Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Reunion, Commemoration, Remembrance, Memorial, World War I, The Great War, Veterans, Veteran Reintergration, POWs, Imprisonment, Captivity, Capture, Memory, Memoirs, Reminiscences, Gender, Security Cooperation, Security Assistance Media Contact
Bridgette Robinson Prince George’s Community College PhD eugenics, race, uplift politics, science Media Contact
Helen Roche University of Durham PhD Germany, Austria, Italy National Socialism, fascism, Nazi Germany, Third Reich, elite schools, oral history, education history, classical reception, philhellenism, Napola, Prussia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sparta Media Contact
Chelsea Rodriguez The University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) other credentials United States History of Education, Media and Education, American Education Media Contact
Alexa Rodríguez University of Virginia PhD Dominican Republic, USA history of education, citizenship, schools, education Media Contact
Lisa Rude Normandale Community College PhD United States Women, Political, Presidential, First Lady, 19th Century, 20th Century, American, Suffrage, African American, Food, Minnesota Media Contact
Marie Ruiz Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France PhD Migration, British history, emigration societies, emigrant letters, census, demography, Media Contact
Emily Rutherford Columbia University PhD United Kingdom modern British history, intellectual history, cultural history, women/gender/sexuality Media Contact
Melissa Ryckman Martin Methodist College PhD medieval europe, heresy, history of Christianity, gender, witches, inquisition Media Contact
Crystal Sanders Pennsylvania State University PhD United States African American, civil rights, HBCUs, education, black women Media Contact
Laura Sangha University of Exeter PhD England reformation, England, religion, protestantism, angels, ghosts, life-writing Media Contact
Yulonda Sano Alcorn State University PhD United States 1
Virginia Sapiro Boston University, University of Wisconsin - Madison PhD American Political Development, Higher Education, Gender Media Contact
Kelly Schmidt Loyola University Chicago PhD United States History slavery, enslaved peoples, race, abolition, memory, public history, digital humanities Media Contact
Ellen Schrecker Yeshiva University retired PhD Higher Education, Academic Freedom, McCarthyism, 1960s Media Contact
Susan Schulten University of Denver PhD United States/America Geography, maps, historic maps, American history, United States history, political history, cultural history, intellectual history, history of the presidency, Civil War history Media Contact
Katrin Schultheiss George Washington University PhD France France, modern Europe, women, medicine, psychology, nineteenth century Europe Media Contact
Margaret Scull Syracuse University London PhD Ireland, Britain Northern Ireland, Peace, Catholic Church, Ireland, The 'Troubles', Conflict Societies, Contemporary British History Media Contact
Kasey Sease The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum PhD Modern United States, American Capitalism, History of Science, History of Technology, Public Science Education, STEM, Women in Science, Class and Education, Science and Race, Museums and Displays, Virginia History, Revolutionary America, Loyalists, Intellectual History Media Contact
Stefanie Shackleton University of Texas at Austin other credentials United Kingdom Modern British Society and Culture, Victorian Society, Class and Labor, British Empire, Working Class Women, Nineteenth-Century Radicalism, Public History, Knowledge and Identity Media Contact
Mary L. Shannon University of Roehampton, London PhD United Kingdom Victorian, Regency, monarchy, radicalism, Dickens, London, art, theatre, race, disability, popular culture, fiction, cities, newspapers, Christmas, childhood, Navy Media Contact
Helen Shears Duke University PhD Britain, Western Europe, the United States early modern world, early modern Europe, Western empire, global British empire, British monarchy and colonization, diplomacy, international law, treaty-making, global politics, European colonization, Meghan Markle. Media Contact
Lauren Lassabe Shepherd University of New Orleans PhD United States higher education, conservatism Media Contact
Elizabeth Shermer Loyola University Chicago PhD capitalism, labor, inequality, policy, capital mobility, debt, student loans Media Contact
Karen Sieber McGillicuddy Humanities Center, University of Maine; Theodore Roosevelt Center and Digital Library other credentials United States Red Summer, race riots, Urban History, Black History, Women's History, travel history, Gilded Age, Progressive Era, Theodore Roosevelt, community development, civil rights, labor history, hobos, Southern history, Chicago history, historic preservation, archives, museums, digital humanities, public history Media Contact
Natasha Simonova University of Oxford PhD Great Britain 18th-century, aristocratic women, correspondence, letters, material texts, literature, reading Media Contact
Vineeta Singh College of William & Mary PhD United States of America Ethnic Studies; Black Studies; Black history; Twentieth century U.S. history; Twentieth-Century Black Feminist Thought; Post-Civil War U.S. History; Critical University Studies; Black Feminist Epistemology 1
Kriti Singh Sharda University (India) & Altruist Centre for Research, Training and Development (ACRTD) PhD India Indian Media- Military, Media & Conflict, Information warfare, Social media, Narratives, Qualitative research Media Contact
Nora Slonimsky Gardiner assistant professor of history, Iona College/Institute for Thomas Paine Studies PhD copyright, early America, political economy, maps, cartography, intellectual property, digital humanities, commerce, book history, legal history, political history, media and communication, print culture. Media Contact
Sharon C. Smith, Ph.D. Arizona State University PhD Middle East; North Africa; Italy material and visual culture, cultural destruction and preservation, pan-Mediterranean studies, Early Modern Florence, Mamluk, documentation, sustainability, dissemination of knowledge Media Contact
Tomoe I.M. Steineck University of Zurich & Tuebingen other credentials Japan, Switzerland, Germany, Europe-Asia relations in history History of culture and art, visual culture, material culture of religion, Japan, Imperialism, Colonialism, Est-West discourse, 19th century, Shingon Buddhism, Buddhism 1
Muqarramah Sulaiman Kurdi University of Groningen PhD Indonesia 1
Esra Tasdelen North Central College PhD Turkey Middle Eastern Studies, Ottoman history, Turkish Literature, Arabic Literature Media Contact
Anoush F. Terjanian Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa PhD France, France in global context, Canada, Turtle Island, History of political thought, history of political economy, history of economics, history of economic thought, history of empire, cosmopolitanism, capitalism, democracy, Indigenous rights, human rights, higher education. Media Contact
Alexandra Thelin Blackowski Drew University, Madison, NJ other credentials United States of America fashion history, victorian history, graphic novels, popular culture, doll history, social media, web design, knitting history, material culture, visual culture, dress history, clothing, museum studies, fashion conservation Media Contact
Lisa Thompson Lindenwood University and The Modern Classic Society; Founder, Independent researcher, curator & fashion Historian other credentials United States & Caribbean Fashion & textile history, Clothing & textiles, Women & gender history, Women entrepreneurship history, Oral histories, Curator & archivist, Women higher education history/leadership, History of African American women social clubs Media Contact
Cynthia Tobar Bronx Community College other credentials United States, Ecuador, Colombia community-based oral history and archiving, communication of memory, archives, libraries, museums, socially-engaged art, public art, oral history, public history and memory, monuments, monument culture, protest movements, social movements, civil rights movement, student activism, activism, anti-racism, gender, higher education, social arts activism in Ecuador and Colombia, access and equity in higher education, gentrification, housing justice, teaching and learning, metadata, digital humanities. Media Contact
Mary Todd The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi / independent scholar PhD US history, Holocaust studies, women and gender, American religious history Media Contact
Jenna Tonn Boston College PhD history of science, history of biology, women and gender in science, US gender history, nineteenth-century US history, sexuality and science, science and pop culture, animal studies, museum studies, history of medicine Media Contact
Francena F.L. Turner Fayetteville State University PhD United States Black women's studies, Higher education history, oral history, ethnography, student activism, HBCUs, African American Studies, Black feminism(s) Media Contact
Andrea Turpin Associate Professor of History, Baylor University PhD United States women, gender, religion, Christianity, Protestantism, evangelicalism, mainline, higher education, college, university, nineteenth century, twentieth century, United States, American Media Contact
Heidi Tworek University of British Columbia and Harvard University PhD Germany, Europe, United States, UK, Poland, Canada communications, media, news, technology, democracy, infrastructure, international history, international organizations, United Nations, League of Nations, policy Media Contact
Karen Uslin Rowan University PhD Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus Musicology, Holocaust and Genocide, Central and Eastern European Studies, Religion (Jewish-Catholic relations), Genealogy Media Contact
Adriana María Valobra UNLP-CONICET PhD women political rights - women in political parties - communist, radical, socialist and peronist women - international organization - problems of political modernization- women professionalization - methodology - Argentina - Latin America Media Contact
Kelli Vaughn-Johnson Independent, Psychology's Feminist Voices, York University other credentials United States and Canada History of Psychology, History of Human Science, Public History, Women, First Generation, Activism, Gender, Higher Edu, Applied Geropsychology, Multi-Media Archives Media Contact
Lavanya Vemsani Shawnee State University PhD India History; Asian Studies; Asian American Studies; World History; History of Religions; Asian Religions; Hinduism and Jainism; History of India; Gender Studies; Gandhi and Modern India Media Contact
Melissa Walker Emerita prof of history, Converse College PhD Usa Rural south, rural women, southern labor history, oral history, medical history, women’s history, agricultural history, history of aging, race relations, Media Contact
Shayna Weiss Brandeis University PhD Israel Jewish Studies, Gender, Israel-Palestinian Conflict, Israel Studies, Israeli popular culture, Israel, Orthodox Jews, Haredi Jews, Religious Zionism, Ultra Orthodoxy, Israeli television, Israeli cinema Media Contact
Sarah West Notre Dame College PhD USA Catholic school history, Cleveland Catholic school history, teaching nuns/Sisters life histories, general education history, education policy history, school law history and policy, autism and giftedness in higher ed Media Contact
Anne Whisnant Primary Source History Services, Chapel Hill, NC PhD United States Public history, National Parks, Blue Ridge Parkway, higher education, North Carolina, digital history Media Contact
Kelly Whitford Independent Art Historian and Education, Art, and Culture Consultant PhD Italy art history, public sculpture, public space, gender, material culture, visual literacy, media literacy, history of print, history of the book, early modern, 17th century, Baroque, Rome, Italy Media Contact
Sarah Whitwell McMaster University PhD United States African American history, women's and gender history, violence and resistance Media Contact
Lindsey Wieck St. Mary's University PhD United States Urban, Latinx, Public History, Digital History, Race & Ethnicity, American history, 20th-Century U.S., U.S. West, San Francisco & California, Borderlands, Teaching & Pedagogy Media Contact
Hope Williard Utrecht University PhD France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland Late Antiquity, Early Middle Ages, Post-Roman World, Merovingian Kingdoms, letter writing, Latin poetry, literary culture, early medieval Europe, Dark Ages Media Contact
Danielle Willkens Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology PhD United States architecture, architectural design, architectural history, historic preservation, cultural heritage, sustainability, design research, museums, architectural photography, historical interpretation, women in architecture Media Contact
Joanna Wood University of Oxford other credentials United States History of ideas, women's history, disciplinary history, US History, Intellectual history, history of political thought Media Contact
Carly Woods University of Maryland PhD United States debate, argumentation, gender, women in politics, public speaking, communication, education Media Contact
Yidi Wu Elon University PhD China modern China, PRC history, student activism, Chinese higher education Media Contact
Caitlin Wylie University of Virginia PhD science, technology, engineering, laboratories, museums, paleontology, higher education, science education Media Contact
Pearl Young University of Houston--Clear Lake PhD United States Civil War, the Confederacy, secession, women and gender, religion, Christianity, evangelicalism, theology, family Media Contact
Emily Zarka Arizona State University | PBS PhD literature, British Romanticism, Gothic literature, 19th century literature, monsters, film and media, zombies, the undead Media Contact
Gerda Zinner The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga other credentials United States Academic Advising, Activism, Alabama History, American Cultural Politics, Gender, Higher Education, Historical Commemoration, HIV/AIDS, Intersectionality, Legal History, LGBTQ History, Queer History, Social Justice, Southern US, Student Organizing Media Contact