Participant Info
- First Name
- Zoé
- Last Name
- Kergomard
- Country
- France
- State
- Affiliation
- German Historical Institute Paris
- Website URL
- Keywords
- contemporary history, political history, gender studies, democracy, participation, France, Switzerland, Germany
- Availability
- Media Contact
- Additional Contact Information
- PhD
- PhD
Personal Info
- Photo
- About Me
I am a contemporary historian with a research focus on the transnational history of democracy, focusing on Western Europe. My current position is at the German Historical Institute Paris.
- Recent Publications
- Wahlen ohne Kampf? Schweizer Parteien auf Stimmenfang, 1947–1983 [Consensual elections? Swiss political parties in front of their voters, 1947–1983], Zurich: Schwabe, March 2020, 350 p., Open Access:
- with Olivesi, Aurélie: “Just as Orwell said”: The Emergence of a “Dystopian Framing” in French Conservative Media in the 2010s, in: SFRA Review 50 (4), 2020, S. 119–127.
- Knowledge on a Democratic “Silence”: Conflicting Expertise on the Decline in Voter Turnout in Postwar Switzerland (1940s–1980s), in: KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge 4 (2), 2020, pp. 232–261. Preprint:
- Entre invisibilité et ubiquité : l’émergence paradoxale des professionnels de la communication politique dans les campagnes électorales suisses des années 1940 aux années 1980 [Between Invisibility and Ubiquity : The Paradoxical Emergence of Political Communication Professionals in Swiss Election Campaigns From the 1940s to the 1980s], in: Les Enjeux de l’information et de la communication 21 (2), 2020, pp. 27-39. Online:
- “Mehr Freiheit, weniger Staat”. Zum Neoliberalismus als Patentrezept gegen die Krise der Schweizer Parteien um 1980 [“More freedom, less State”? Neoliberalism as a miracle recipe to the crisis of Swiss political parties at the turn of the 1980s], in: Ludi, Regula; Ruoss, Matthias; Schmitter, Leena (dir.): Krise und Neoliberalismus in der Schweiz [Crisis and neoliberalism in Switzerland], Zurich: Chronos, 2018, pp. 111-136. Pre-print :
- De la représentation-mandat à la représentation-figuration ? Les processus de sélection des candidat.e.s aux élections fédérales des années 1940 aux années 1980 [From trustee to descriptive representation? Candidate selection processes for federal elections from the 1940s to the 1980s], in: Traverse : Zeitschrift für Geschichte = Revue d’histoire 3, 2018, pp. 89-100. Online:
- An die Urnen, Schweizerinnen! Die Erfindung der Wählerin im eidgenössischen Wahlkampf von 1971 [Swiss women to the polls! The invention of the female voter in the Swiss election campaign of 1971], in: Richter, Hedwig; Buchstein, Hubertus (dir.), Kultur und Praxis der Wahlen. Eine Geschichte der modernen Demokratie, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2017, pp. 237-265. Pre-print:
- Media Coverage
- Social Media
- Country Focus
- France; Germany; Switzerland
- Expertise by Geography
- France, Germany, Western Europe
- Expertise by Chronology
- 19th century, 20th century, 21st century
- Expertise by Topic
- Environment, Gender, Higher Ed, Migration & Immigration, Politics, Religion, Rural & Agrarian History, Urban History, Women