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ISC Business School - Collaboration with France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.
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Management - Gender equality - Ethnic minorities - Discrimination - Violence - Inclusion - Diversity policies
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About Me

Jamila Alaktif is a professor at ISC Paris Business School of Management in France. She is collaborating with the France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at Stanford University.  Over the past few decades, diversity has become a key political concern resulting in a proliferation of management standards. She explores the mechanism of these standards and their effects on diverse teams including ethnic minorities and gender equality. Her research brings to point the organizational issues in a multi-level approach: the top executive managers, the middle management, and the employees. She conducted numerous researches with international scholars in France, the UK, Canada now the United States of America. She was a visiting scholar at the Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Canada and the San Diego State University. Jamila developed partnerships with worldwide companies and institutions to reflect on diversity challenges at the political and organizational levels. Her book (in press) explains the role of migration issues in climate change through a historical perspective and current companies’ commitments to achieving sustainable development goals including justice, reduced inequalities, and decent work efforts.

Recent Publications

Ackrill R., Caven V. & Alaktif J. (2017). Black Boxes’ and ‘fracture points’: The regulation of gender equality in the UK and French construction industries, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2017, 28 (21), 3027-3046.

Alaktif, J. & Callens S. Migration and climate change: from the emergence of human cultures to contemporary management in organizations. Wiley, ISTE Publisher, 280 p.

Alaktif J. & Callens S. (Forthcoming). “From individual to organizational transformation. A Foucauldian perspective on leadership.” In Neal, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation, New-York: Springer, 2020.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
United States of America - France
Expertise by Geography
North America, United States, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
21st century
Expertise by Topic
Gender, Higher Ed, Human Rights, Labor, Migration & Immigration, Politics, Race, Women