Elly |
Rostoum |
Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University |
Cassia |
Roth |
University of Georgia |
PhD |
Brazil |
Gender, history of law, history of medicine, women's health, slavery, abolition, Brazil, Latin America, twentieth-century feminism |
Media Contact |
Tanya |
Roth |
Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School |
PhD |
US |
women, military, US, Cold War, gender, womanpower, equality, equal pay |
Media Contact |
Anne |
Rothfeld |
Independent scholar |
Angela |
Rothman |
other credentials |
United States |
Historic preservation, archives, historical societies, architectural history, Western history, Oregon, California, section 106 |
Media Contact |
Tamar |
Rotman |
Independent scholar |
PhD |
Early Middle Ages, Late Antiquity, cult of saints, Hagiography, Merovingians, Gregory of Tours, identity |
Media Contact |
Wendy |
Rouse |
San Jose State Unversity |
PhD |
Women, Childhood, Gender, Sexuality, U.S. Progressive Era, History Education, Children & Youth, Immigration, Women's Self-Defense History. Suffrage History, LGBTQ Suffragists, Queer History |
Media Contact |
Corinna |
Röver |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm |
Frances |
Rowbottom |
University of Edinburgh |
Tara |
Rowe |
Independent historian |
other credentials |
United States |
Idaho history, Western U.S., influenza, archival techniques, congressional manuscript collections, Rep. Richard Stallings, Idaho political history, Ezra Pound, psychiatric hospitals, state hospitals |
Media Contact |
Suzanne |
Rowland |
University of Brighton |
Alison |
Rowley |
Concordia University |
Sarah |
Rowley |
DePauw University |
PhD |
Gender and party politics, post-1945 United States, women's history, 1970s abortion politics |
1 |
Haimanti |
Roy |
University of Dayton |
PhD |
South Asia-India, Pakistan, Bangladesh |
Partition of India, Migration, Citizenship, Documentary Identities, Colonialism, Post-Colonial South Asia |
Media Contact |
Sharmishtha |
Roy Chowdhury |
Queens College, CUNY |
PhD |
Modern World History, Modern France, Modern India, Modern Middle East, |
Media Contact |
Marion |
Roydhouse |
Thomas Jefferson University |
PhD |
United States |
Nineteenth Amendment, Women Suffrage, Southern women, Women and Labor history. |
Media Contact |
Briana Adline |
Royster |
The University of Alabama |
PhD |
African Diaspora History, 19th and 20th Century African American History, Women, Gender |
Media Contact |
Minna |
Rozen |
University of Haifa |
PhD |
Israel |
Mediterranean society, Jewish Community, Family history, Jews of Ottoman Empire, Jews of Modern Greece, Jews of Modern Turkey, Death Culture, Jewish cemeteries, Migration studies. |
Media Contact |
Helen |
Rozwadowski |
University of Connecticut, Professor of History and Maritime Studies |
PhD |
Ocean, U.S., Northern Europe, International |
history of oceanography, history of marine sciences, ocean history, maritime history, maritime studies, blue humanities, environmental humanities |
Media Contact |
Pernille |
Røge |
University of Pittsburgh |
PhD |
Early modern France, European empires, eighteenth-century political economy, Age of Revolutions, Slavery and Abolition, Capitalism |
Media Contact |
Nora |
Rubel |
University of Rochester |
PhD |
United States |
American Religion, American Jewish History, African American Religion, Religion and American Politics, Race and Ethnicity in America, Religion and Food |
Media Contact |
Anne Sarah |
Rubin |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
PhD |
United States |
Civil War, US South, US Nineteenth Century, Digital History |
Media Contact |
Ashley |
Rubin |
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa |
PhD |
United States |
prisons, prisoners, penal history, resistance, organizations, social control |
Media Contact |
Rebekkah |
Rubin |
other credentials |
Public history, women's suffrage, reform movements, 19th-century America, temperance, Ohio history, abolitionism |
Media Contact |
Karla Shepard |
Rubinger |
Mary Ann Liebert Inc. |
Alexandria |
Ruble |
University of Idaho |
PhD |
Germany |
Modern Germany, modern Europe, women's and gender history, family history, Cold War, comparative history, legal history, political history |
Media Contact |
Jennifer |
Ruch |
Middle Tennessee State University |
other credentials |
United States |
American music history, popular culture, 20th century American history, cultural history, material culture, museum studies. |
Media Contact |
Annie |
Rudd |
Assistant Professor, University of Calgary |
PhD |
Media history, history of photography, history of visual culture, history of journalism, material culture studies |
Media Contact |
Lisa |
Rude |
Normandale Community College |
PhD |
United States |
Women, Political, Presidential, First Lady, 19th Century, 20th Century, American, Suffrage, African American, Food, Minnesota |
Media Contact |
Anne |
Ruderman |
London School of Economics |
PhD |
Early Modern Europe & the Atlantic World |
Transatlantic slave trade, Early Modern Europe, Atlantic World, Venice, race and slavery, trading strategies, consumption, knowledge-construction, digital history |
Media Contact |
Nicole |
Rudolph |
Adelphi University |
PhD |
France |
20th century French cultural and social history, 20th century French housing and urbanism, history of domestic architecture in Western Europe |
Media Contact |
Rachel |
Ruisard |
University of Maryland, College Park |
other credentials |
trouvères, medieval court culture, women's and gender studies |
Media Contact |
Pamela |
Ruiter-Feenstra |
CHI Press |
Vicki L. |
Ruiz |
University of California, Irvine |
PhD |
United States |
Latinas in the United States, U.S. women's labor history, immigration history,
and the U.S. West |
Media Contact |
Marie |
Ruiz |
Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France |
PhD |
Migration, British history, emigration societies, emigrant letters, census, demography, |
Media Contact |
Dolores |
Ruiz-Berdún |
Associate professor in History of Science at the University of Alcalá (Alcalá de Henares, Spain) |
Theresa |
Runstedtler |
American University |
PhD |
African American History, Sports, Popular Culture |
Media Contact |
Brenda |
Rupar |
PhD |
Latin American Studies, maoism, Revolution, Argentinean History, Working class history, Third World, gender, urbanism, Cuban Revolution |
Media Contact |
Jill Sargent |
Russell |
Amy |
Russell |
Brown University |
PhD |
Roman history, Roman Republic, Roman empire, political history, political culture, space and spatial theory, public and private space, architecture, the imperial Senate, the Populus Romanus |
Media Contact |
Eleanor |
Russell |
University of Cambridge |
PhD |
Economic, early modern |
Media Contact |
Lynette |
Russell |
Monash University |
PhD |
Australia |
Australia, Indigenous, martime, women's histories |
Media Contact |
Stephanie |
Russo |
Macquarie University |
PhD |
England |
Anne Boleyn, Eighteenth-century literature, Jane Austen, Women's writing, Feminism and literature, Tudor history |
Media Contact |
Giusi |
Russo |
Montgomery County Community College |
Caroline |
Rusterholz |
Cambridge University |
PhD |
Royaume-Uni, Switzerland, France |
history of sexuality, gender studies, social history of medicine, historical demography |
Media Contact |
Nichole |
Rustin-Paschal |
PhD |
Media Contact |
Amy |
Rutenberg |
Iowa State University |
PhD |
United States |
U.S. women and gender history, war and society, U.S. military manpower policy, the draft, draft counseling, U.S. social movements, the Sixties, U.S. Veteran's history, U.S. sexualities, teacher education |
Media Contact |
Alexandra |
Rutherford |
York University |
PhD |
Canada and United States |
feminism, gender, psychology, human sciences |
1 |
Emily |
Rutherford |
Columbia University |
PhD |
United Kingdom |
modern British history, intellectual history, cultural history, women/gender/sexuality |
Media Contact |
Helen |
Rutherford |
Northumbria University |
PhD |
England |
Coroners and inquests, criminal trials, execution culture, images and the law, micro history, local history (North East England) |
Media Contact |
Maeve |
Ryan |
King's College London |
PhD |
History of the British Empire, slavery, slave trade, human rights, humanitarianism, grand strategy, British foreign policy, diplomacy |
1 |
Erica |
Ryan |
Rider University |
PhD |
United States |
Women and antiradicalism, modern American political culture, Red Scare, 1920s, the history of the family, culture wars, gender, sex and conservatism |
1 |
Kelly |
Ryan |
Indiana University Southeast |
Hannah |
Ryan |
University College London |
other credentials |
Colonial history, historical Anglo-American relations, the American Revolution, Founding era, women's history, medical history. |
Media Contact |
Hannah |
Ryan |
University College London |
Tina |
Ryan |
Albright-Knox Art Gallery |
Ann Marie |
Ryan |
University of Texas at San Antonio |
PhD |
United States |
Catholic Education, Curriculum, Educational Measurement, Eugenics, Accreditation, Standardization |
1 |
Georgina |
Rychner |
Monash University |
other credentials |
Australia |
Mental health, insanity, madness, criminality, capital trials, psychiatry, history of medicine, gender, women's history, nineteenth-century, legal history, insanity defence, infanticide, domestic violence, Victoria. |
1 |
Melissa |
Ryckman |
Martin Methodist College |
PhD |
medieval europe, heresy, history of Christianity, gender, witches, inquisition |
Media Contact |
Lise |
Rye |
PhD |
Norway |
History of European integration, EFTA, the EEA Agreement, euroscepticism, democracy, Norway and the EU |
1 |
Malgorzata J. |
Rymsza-Pawlowska |
Department of History, American University |
PhD |
United States |
Public History, Popular Culture, U.S. Cultural History, Museums, Media, Historiography, 1970s |
1 |
Karis |
Ryu |
Yale University |
other credentials |
united states, korea, transpacific, asian american studies, 20th century, 21st century, religion, race, cultural history, art, performance, literature, music, gender, military |
Media Contact |
Joan |
Saab |
University of Rochester |
Mariana |
Sabino-Salazar |
the University of Texas at Austin |
PhD |
México & Brasil |
Romani History and the Gypsy Sterotype in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America, Mexican and Brazilian Visual Culture, Migration Narratives, Modern Mexican Cultural History |
Media Contact |
Mariam |
Sabri |
UC Berkeley |
Miranda |
Sachs |
Texas State University |
PhD |
France |
childhood, youth culture, girlhood, Paris, immigration |
Media Contact |
Honor |
Sachs |
University of Colorado Boulder |
PhD |
United States |
Early America, founding era, genealogy, slavery, law. |
Media Contact |
Emily |
Sackett |
University of Virginia |
other credentials |
early America, women, gender, plantation societies, Virginia, Barbados, Carolina, Jamestown, 17th century, seventeenth century, early modern, race, slavery, |
Media Contact |
Nicole |
Sackley |
University of Richmond |
Emma |
Sadera |
University of Auckland |
other credentials |
Gender, sexuality, transgressive sexuality, women, plebeian women, infanticide, London, street literature, long eighteenth century |
Media Contact |
Nilab |
Saeedi |
Research Associate |
PhD |
Persinate World- Ottoman Empire |
Ottoman History, Persian Historiography, Intellectual History, Manuscripts, Islamic History |
Media Contact |
Linda |
Safran |
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies |
PhD |
Byzantine and medieval art history, southern Italy (especially Salento region of Apulia), Byzantine diagrams |
Media Contact |
Anna |
Safronova |
Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University |
Naira |
Sahakyan |
University of Amsterdam |
Esther |
Sahle |
University of Münster, Germany |
PhD |
Economic History, Quakers, Trade, Institutions, Religion, Women & Economic Development, Early Modern Britain, Atlantic History, Early American Legal History |
Media Contact |
Victoria |
Sainsbury |
Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, University of Oxford |
PhD |
Early Medieval Glass, Anglo-Saxon, Roman, Roman Glass, Copper Alloys, Bronze Age, Vessel Glass, Glass Beads |
Media Contact |
Kim |
Sajet |
Smithsonian Institution |
Nora |
Salas |
Grand Valley State University |
Monica |
Salas Landa |
Lafayette College |
PhD |
Mexico |
Mexico, Latin America, nation and state-building, visual culture, history of anthropology, petrocultures, history of science and technology, patrimony |
Media Contact |
Heather |
Salazar |
Congressional Research Service and Ohio University |
other credentials |
United States, Grenada |
U.S. military, U.S - Caribbean foreign policy, Cold War, Caribbean, Grenada, military interventions, political-social dynamics of war, global interconnectedness, |
Media Contact |
Flor |
Salazar Mendoza |
Facultad de ciencias sociales y humanidades de la Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi |
PhD |
19th and 20th Century Mexico |
Media Contact |
Feryal |
Salem |
American Islamic College |
Estrella |
Salgado |
University of Delaware, Winterthur Program in American Material Culture |
MA |
Media Contact |
María Laura |
Salinas |
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Conicet |
Arrow (they/them) |
Salkeld |
Independent |
other credentials |
United States |
Sports, soccer, parks |
Media Contact |
Carolyn |
Salomons |
St Mary's University |
PhD |
Spain |
Early Modern Spain, Inquisition, Religion, Conversion, Reformation, Toleration, Jews, popular history, |
1 |
Sabrina |
Samaniego Pardo |
Universidad de Alicante |
other credentials |
Spain |
last middle ages, pauper, poverty, marginalization, society, social mobility |
1 |
Patricia |
Sampaio |
Universidade Federal do Amazonas |
Sofia |
Samper Carro |
Australian. National University |
Leah |
Samples |
University of Pennsylvania |
Kate |
Sampsell |
Unaffiliated at present |
Karen |
Samuels |
Www.lehighvalleyhistory.com |
Shirley |
Samuels |
Cornell University |
Danielle |
Sanchez |
Assistant Professor, Muhlenberg College |
Kyra |
Sanchez Clapper |
University of Memphis |
PhD |
France |
Romanticism, Revolutionary Era, modern France, garden and landscape history, exploration |
Media Contact |
Elena H. |
Sánchez López |
Universidad de Granada |
PhD |
Roman Archaeology, Roman Hispania, Water History, Water Management, Uses of Water, Crafts in the Ancient Roman World, Urbanism |
Media Contact |
Pilar |
Sánchez-Beltrán |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
Arlene |
Sanchez-Walsh |
Azusa Pacific University |
PhD |
Latino/a religion, Pentecostalism, American religious history. |
Media Contact |
Jane |
Sancinito |
Oberlin College |
PhD |
Roman History, Roman economy, numismatics, Ancient History, social history, Merchants, Parthia, 3rd century CE |
Media Contact |
Vicky |
Sanderlin-McLoughlin |
The Open University, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire UK |
Nichole |
Sanders |
University of Lynchburg (Lynchburg College until 7/1) |
PhD |
Mexico |
Mexico, Latin America, women, gender, sexuality, economic development, Cold War, Catholic Church |
Media Contact |
Crystal |
Sanders |
Pennsylvania State University |
PhD |
United States |
African American, civil rights, HBCUs, education, black women |
Media Contact |
Daniela |
Sandler |
University of Minnesota |
PhD |
Brazil, Germany |
grassroots urbanism, historical preservation, participatory design, social justice, memorials, Latin America, Europe, modern and contemporary |
Media Contact |
Rhiannon |
Sandy |
Swansea University |
PhD |
England |
Apprentices, apprenticeship indentures, common law, legal history, economic history, social history, medieval England, urban history, London, guilds, craft guilds, reputation, public performance, diplomatic, debt, false imprisonment, Court of Common Pleas, youth and adolescence, education, gender. |
Media Contact |
Pamela |
Sanfilippo |
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, and Boyhood Home |
other credentials |
Julia Dent Grant, Mamie Eisenhower, museum education and interpretation. |
1 |
Laura |
Sangha |
University of Exeter |
PhD |
England |
reformation, England, religion, protestantism, angels, ghosts, life-writing |
Media Contact |
Nina |
Sankovitch |
independent scholar |
other credentials |
United States |
American history, 17th through early 20th centuries, special focus on Revolutionary Era, women's history, history of gender and sexual identity in United States, social history, rebellion, revolution |
Media Contact |
Yulonda |
Sano |
Alcorn State University |
PhD |
United States |
1 |
Sandrine |
Sanos |
Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi |
Sandrine |
Sanos |
Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi |
PhD |
France |
gender & sexuality, 20th c France, intellectual & cultural history, feminist & queer theory, violence, war, and genocide, fascism & far-right, race & antisemitism |
Media Contact |
Maureen |
Santelli |
Northern Virginia Community College |
PhD |
United States |
Early Republic, American history, Early America, US in the world, American diplomatic history, American-Ottoman Relations, American reform movements, nineteenth century |
Media Contact |
Myrna |
Santiago |
Saint Mary’s College of Californis |
Kathryn |
Santner |
Denver Art Museum |
PhD |
Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and the Philippines |
Art History, Colonial Latin America, Peru, the Andes, the Philippines, Nuns, Religious Culture, Material Culture, Gender, Convents |
Media Contact |
Lucy Jane |
Santos |
Independent Scholar |
other credentials |
United Kingdom |
science, cosmetics, beauty, radium, uranium, electricity, health, leisure |
Media Contact |
Vanicléia |
Santos |
University of Pennsylvania |
PhD |
African History, African Diasporas, Guinea, African Religions |
Media Contact |
Halina |
Sapeha |
University of Victoria, Centre for Global Studies, Borders in Globalization (BiG) Lab |
PhD |
Border disputes; international law; great power competition |
Media Contact |
Virginia |
Sapiro |
Boston University, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
PhD |
American Political Development, Higher Education, Gender |
Media Contact |
Samira |
Saramo |
Migration Institute of Finland |
PhD |
Canada, United States, Finland, Russia |
History of Death and Mourning, History of Everyday Life, History of Migration & Ethnicity, Canadian History, Finnish Migrations, Life Writing, Early North American Socialisms; Historical Methodologies |
Media Contact |
Aprajita |
Sarcar |
PhD, Queen's University |
Aprajita |
Sarcar |
Queen's University |
Jennifer |
Sarha |
Independent scholar |
PhD |
Assyria |
Sardanapalus |
Media Contact |
Jayita |
Sarkar |
Boston University |
Jayita |
Sarkar |
PhD |
Countries in South Asia; United States |
• Global South Asia
• Connected partitions
• Global histories of capitalism
• Nuclear technologies |
Media Contact |
Nastasha |
Sartore |
University of Toronto |
PhD |
Britain |
Britain, gender, sexuality, labour, emotions, intimacy, class, senses, culture, London, digital humanities, urban history |
Media Contact |
Tehila |
Sasson |
Emory University |
PhD |
Britain, US, India, Nigeria, Kenya |
Empire and Decolonization, Human Rights and Humanitarianism, Capitalism, International History, Labour History, Environmental History |
Media Contact |
Samantha |
Sauer |
other credentials |
Museums, Public History, Archives and Special Collections, Community Engagement, Academic Museums and Galleries |
Media Contact |
Martine |
Sauret |
Macalester College |
PhD |
France, Italy and the New World |
France. Cartography, explorers in Sixteenth Century France. Literature and Art of French Italian 16th century |
Media Contact |
Elizabeth |
Savage |
Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London |
Gail |
Savage |
St. Mary's College of Maryland |
PhD |
British, Victorian, twentieth century, women, family, law |
Media Contact |
Laura |
Savarese |
Michigan State University College of Law |
Maude |
Savaria |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
other credentials |
Canada, Québec |
Women, Journalists, Media, Journalism, 1900-1950, Québec, Canada, Montréal, Gender, Feminism |
Media Contact |
Elizabeth |
Sawchuk |
Stony Brook University |
PhD |
Kenya, Tanzania |
archaeology, bioarchaeology, anthropology, eastern africa, pastoralism, food production, Holocene, climate change, biological distance, population studies |
Media Contact |
Anisha |
Saxena |
SUNY, Onondaga Community College |
PhD |
India |
South Asia, Gender, Violence, Art History, Sacred Geography, Early Medieval Temples, Jainism |
Media Contact |
Antoinette |
Saxer |
University of York |
Rachel |
Sayers |
Independent Scholar |
Rachel |
Sayers |
Independent Scholar |
other credentials |
Ireland / United Kingdom |
Domesticity, Feminity, Social History, Domestic History, Ireland, 20th Century Ireland, Dress History, Fashion History, Irish History, Irish Dress History, Nostalgia, Memory. |
Media Contact |
Dana |
Saylor |
Architectural/social Historian, Artist and Advisor to the National Trust for Historic Preservation |
other credentials |
United States of America |
Buffalo, Upstate New York, Architecture, Erie Canal, Genealogy, Family History, social history |
Media Contact |
Nadya |
Sbaiti |
American University of Beirut |
Rebecca |
Scales |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
PhD |
France |
cultural and social history of 20th-century France; radio and sound studies; media history; disability and medical history; disabled veterans; colonialism; global history |
Media Contact |
Helen |
Scanlon |
University of Cape Town |
PhD |
South African History, Personal Narratives, Women and Politics, Gender and Transitional Justice |
Media Contact |
Sandra |
Scanlon |
University College Dublin |
Jennifer |
Scappettone |
University of Chicago |
Claire |
Scarborough |
Independent Scholar |
other credentials |
Eastern Europe and the United States |
Early and Modern, Russia, Crimes Against Humanity, Women, Gender, American History, Russian Revolution, Diplomacy, International Relations, Newspapers, Suffrage, Jewish Resistance, Sports, World War II, Cold War |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Scaturro |
Bard Graduate Center |
other credentials |
North America, Italy, Great Britain |
textiles, fashion, costume, cultural heritage, conservation, preservation, historic preservation, synthetic materials, technology |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Scaturro |
Metropolitan Museum of Art and Bard Graduate Center |
Yael |
Schacher |
Refugees International |
PhD |
Immigration history, asylum and refugee policy |
Media Contact |
Elizabeth |
Schafer |
Royal Holloway, University of London |
PhD |
UK |
theatre history, Shakespeare performance history, women's history |
Media Contact |
Lindsay |
Schakenbach Regele |
Miami University |
PhD |
United States |
early republic United States, political economy, capitalism, business, military |
Media Contact |
Virginia |
Scharff |
University of New Mexico |
PhD |
United States |
Women, American West, environmental, mobility, Jefferson |
Media Contact |
Patricia |
Schechter |
Portland State University |
PhD |
women's history, spanish history, public history, transnational history, anti-racism |
1 |
Erin K. |
Scheopner |
PhD |
England, Ireland |
Anglo-Irish, newspapers, British politics, empires and colonisalism |
1 |
Karin |
Scheper |
Conservation specialist and book historian |
Amanda |
Scheuerman |
University of Utah |
Jutta |
Schickore |
Indiana University |
Chelsea |
Schields |
University of California, Irvine |
PhD |
Netherlands, Dutch Caribbean |
Caribbean, Europe, sexuality, race, colonialism and decolonization, oil |
Media Contact |
Stacy |
Schiff |
author (published by Little, Brown) |
Meghan |
Schill |
Case Western Reserve University |
Betsy |
Schlabach |
PhD |
United States |
African American History, Urban History, Women's History |
Media Contact |
Simone |
Schleper |
Maastricht University |
Kara |
Schlichting |
Queens College, CUNY |
PhD |
urban history, the history of city planning, environmental history, New York City history, New York City government and politics, the history of Long Island Sound, the history of New York State, beaches, coastal access, and public space, nineteenth and twentieth centuries |
Media Contact |
Veta |
Schlimgen |
Gonzaga University |
PhD |
United States history, world history, race, gender, citizenship, the Constitution, imperialism, immigration, Pacific history, Asian American history |
Media Contact |
Abby Cohen |
Schmelling |
Independent; Jewish Genealogy Society of Illinois |
Marion |
Schmidt |
Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Goettingen |
PhD |
Media Contact |
Saskia |
Schmidt |
Universität Leipzig |
PhD |
Germany |
Early Modern History, Reformation, gender history, history of mentalities, monastic life, death in Early Modern Europe |
Media Contact |
Kelly |
Schmidt |
Loyola University Chicago |
PhD |
United States History |
slavery, enslaved peoples, race, abolition, memory, public history, digital humanities |
Media Contact |
Christine |
Schmidt |
The Wiener Holocaust Library |
Elizabeth |
Schmidt |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
other credentials |
British Empire |
Cuisine, Atlantic World, British Empire, National Identity, Gender |
1 |
Cora |
Schmidt-Ott |
University of Tübingen, Germany |
Inken |
Schmidt-Voges |
Marburg University |
PhD |
Early modern Europe, Household and Family, Gender, Peace and Conflict, Noble women of the Reformation era, Digital humanities, Female correspondence |
Media Contact |
Casey |
Schmitt |
The College of William and Mary / McNeil Center for Early American Studies |
PhD |
Caribbean, early America, piracy, slavery |
1 |
Elena |
Schneider |
University of California, Berkeley |
PhD |
Atlantic History, Caribbean, Latin America, Cuba, slavery, empire, African Diaspora, Black Atlantic, War, Age of Revolutions, Race, Ethnicity |
Media Contact |
Birgit |
Schneider |
University of Navarra |
PhD |
Germany, Japan |
Post-Second World War, Twentieth-Century, Japan, Germany, World History,
Transnational History, War and Peace, Occupation, Democracy and Totalitarianism, Ideology, Cultural Identity, Memory |
Media Contact |
Carlise |
Schneiders |
Aimee |
Schofield |
University of Leicester |
PhD |
ancient warfare, greek warfare, roman warfare, catapults, ballistae, ballistas, history of science and technology, women and war, siege warfare |
Media Contact |
Nicole |
Scholet |
The Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society |
Jordan |
Schoonover |
The Ohio State University |
other credentials |
England |
Medieval history, medieval women |
1 |
Margaret |
Schotte |
York University, Dept. of History |
PhD |
England, France, Netherlands, Atlantic World, New France |
Book History, Maritime History, Sailors, Pirates, Early Modern, History of Science, History of Technology, Mathematics Education, Rare Books |
Media Contact |
Abby |
Schrader |
Franklin and Marshall College |
Ellen |
Schrecker |
Yeshiva University retired |
PhD |
Higher Education, Academic Freedom, McCarthyism, 1960s |
Media Contact |
Abby |
Schreiber |
William & Mary |
PhD |
United States |
Public History, Early US, Slavery, Trade, Early Republic, Colonial Era, Museums, Culture |
Media Contact |
Maxie |
Schreiber |
Independent Scholar |
PhD |
Germany, United States |
Library Architecture, Public Libraries, Library History, Citizen Participation, Modern German Architecture, Reception of Ancient Egyptian Architecture |
Media Contact |
Caroline |
Schroeder |
University of the Pacific |
PhD |
late antiquity, Christianity, monasticism, asceticism, women, gender, sexuality, Coptic, Egypt, digital humanities, children |
Media Contact |
Joy |
Schroeder |
Capital University |
PhD |
women in church history, Reformation, Martin Luther, church history, Middle Ages, sexual violence, rape, domestic violence, biblical interpretation |
Media Contact |
Nicole |
Schroeder |
University of Virginia |
other credentials |
North America |
disability studies, welfare, poverty |
Media Contact |
Marlou |
Schrover |
leiden university |
PhD |
Netherlands |
migration, integration, immigration, gender, intersectionality |
Media Contact |
Donna |
Schuele |
California State University, Los Angeles |
Larissa |
Schulte Nordholt |
Leiden University Institute for History |
other credentials |
African historiography, theory of history, historiography, history of the humanities, history of academia |
Media Contact |
Susan |
Schulten |
University of Denver |
PhD |
United States/America |
Geography, maps, historic maps, American history, United States history, political history, cultural history, intellectual history, history of the presidency, Civil War history |
Media Contact |
Katrin |
Schultheiss |
George Washington University |
PhD |
France |
France, modern Europe, women, medicine, psychology, nineteenth century Europe |
Media Contact |
Jaime |
Schultz |
Pennsylvania State University |
PhD |
sport, women's sport, feminist theory, cultural studies, cultural memory |
Media Contact |
Kirsten |
Schultz |
Seton Hall University, Department of History |
PhD |
Brazil |
Brazil, Portuguese Empire. Political Culture, Political Economy |
1 |
Kathryn |
Schumaker |
University of Oklahoma |
Ana Carolina |
Schveitzer |
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin |
other credentials |
Togo, Cameroon, Namibia, Tanzania, Germany |
African History, German colonial History, History of Photography, Visual History |
Media Contact |
Elizabeth |
Schwall |
University of California, Berkeley |
PhD |
Cuba |
Race, Gender, Politics, Dance in Cuba |
Media Contact |
Leslie |
Schwalm |
University of Iowa |
PhD |
U.S. |
U.S. slavery, emancipation, Civil War, U.S. women, 19th century African American history, race and medicine |
Media Contact |
Cindy |
Schwartz |
Kaila Knight |
Schwartz |
College of William & Mary |
other credentials |
United States |
Early America, colonial America, early American Republic, 19th century America, children and family, New England, Massachusetts, naming patterns |
Media Contact |
Gabrielle |
Schwarzmann |
Queen Mary University of London |
Katherine |
Scott |
U.S. Senate Historical Office |
PhD |
United States |
U.S. politics; women in politics; U.S. Senate; 20th century social movements; policy history; public history |
Media Contact |
Moira |
Scott |
York University |
other credentials |
World Wars One and Two |
1 |
Terry Anne |
Scott |
Hood College |
PhD |
United States |
Sports, African American, lynching, Race, Civil Rights, Texas, Freedman's Cemetery, Dallas, residential segregation |
Media Contact |
Eleanor |
Scott |
Retired |
Savannah |
Scott |
George Mason University |
other credentials |
United States |
20th century U.S., digital history, women's history |
1 |
Patricia Lyn |
Scott |
Jefferson County Historical Society and Farnsworth TV & Pioneer Museum |
Amanda |
Scott |
Penn State University |
PhD |
Early modern Spain, Golden Age Spain, early modern Europe, women and religion, Basque Country, Reformation, Counter Reformation, witch-hunts, nuns, clergy, Spanish Empire, gender history, women's history, religious history |
Media Contact |
Katherine |
Scott Sturdevant |
Pikes Peak Community College |
other credentials |
US History, women's history, how to do family history, American Indian history, American environmental history, American social & ethnic history, western history, Colorado history, local history, historical editing |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Scripps |
University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point |
PhD |
United States |
public history, museum studies, modern American history, history of science and technology |
Media Contact |
Margaret |
Scull |
Syracuse University London |
PhD |
Ireland, Britain |
Northern Ireland, Peace, Catholic Church, Ireland, The 'Troubles', Conflict Societies, Contemporary British History |
Media Contact |
Pamela |
Scully |
Emory University |
PhD |
South Africa, Liberia |
Slave emancipation, biography, transnational history, Atlantic World, sexual violence, settler colonialism, post conflict, truth and reconciliation commissions |
Media Contact |
Beatrice |
Scutaru |
Dublin City University |
PhD |
Romania, France, Italy |
Migration, Post-1945 Europe, Childhood and Youth, Cold War, Identity and Belonging, Communism, Exile, Romania, Eastern Europe, Oral History, Life course, International relations, |
Media Contact |
Joanna |
Scutts |
Independent |
PhD |
Women's history, New York City, 20th Century, cultural history, feminism, literature |
Media Contact |
Gwen |
Seabourne |
University of Bristol Law School |
PhD |
England and Wales |
Legal History, Medieval Legal History, Common Law, England, Wales, Hanes Cyfraith |
1 |
Morgan |
Seag |
University of Cambridge |
PhD |
History of science, history of exploration, gender, women in science, women explorers, feminist history, institutional change, environmental history, frontier history, Antarctica, polar regions |
Media Contact |
Yvonne |
Seale |
SUNY Geneseo |
PhD |
France |
book history, religious history, monastic history, nuns, women's history, medieval, France, Premonstratensian Order, Picardy, Middle Ages |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Sears |
University of California, Berkeley |
MA |
Mexico |
environmental history, colonization projects, US-Mexico border, agrarian reform, water, energy history, Chihuahua, Sonora, Mormon history, Indigenous history |
1 |
Kasey |
Sease |
The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum |
PhD |
Modern United States, American Capitalism, History of Science, History of Technology, Public Science Education, STEM, Women in Science, Class and Education, Science and Race, Museums and Displays, Virginia History, Revolutionary America, Loyalists, Intellectual History |
Media Contact |
Keara |
Sebold |
Boston University |
Lise |
Sedrez |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Donna |
Seger |
Salem State University |
Magali |
Segovia |
Universidad Nacional del Sur |
Teresa |
Segura-Garcia |
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona |
PhD |
India |
India, South Asia, British empire, imperialism, colonialism, anticolonialism, decolonisation, gender, masculinity, Indian princely states, Indian kingship, Baroda, the body, visual culture, South Asian diasporas |
Media Contact |
Rhona |
Seidelman |
The University of Oklahoma |
Rachel |
Seidman |
University of North Carolina, Southern Oral History Program |
PhD |
United States |
Oral History, U.S. Women's History, U.S. South, |
Media Contact |
Tatiana |
Seijas |
Rutgers University (as of July 1) |
Sharon |
Sekhon |
the Studio for Southern California History |
Dubravka |
Sekulic |
Institute for Contemporary Art, Graz Techincal University |
Ana |
Sekulic |
European University Institute |
PhD |
Ottoman Empire, Southeast Europe, Interreligious relations, Cultural history of the environment |
Media Contact |
Yael |
Sela (Teichler) |
Goethe University Frankfurt |
PhD |
Germany |
Jewish Enlightenment, Moses Mendelssohn, 18th-century German aesthetics, German and Jewish Bible translation and exegesis; German Jewish history, modern Jewish history, Jewish historiography; liberal German Jewish thought; biblical poetry, German Enlightenment, modern Bible scholarship, cultural history of music, early modern manuscript culture, women and music in the early modern period, English ecclesiastic history, female domesticity. |
1 |
Amanda |
Seligman |
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
PhD |
United States |
urban, community organizing, Milwaukee, Chicago, race, housing, real estate, schools, public policy, riots, urban renewal, block clubs, graduate school |
Media Contact |
Sylvia |
Sellers-García |
Boston College |
PhD |
Guatemala |
Guatemala, Central America, Spanish empire, colonialism, criminality, gender, race, urban history, cultural history, social history, archive studies |
Media Contact |
Jeannie |
Sellick |
University of Virginia/Creighton University |
Lorelle |
Semley |
College of the Holy Cross |
Elizabeth |
Semmelhack |
The Bata Shoe Museum |
other credentials |
My focus has been footwear in Western fashion but I am familiar with footwear and footwear history internationally |
Footwear, sneakers, sneaker culture, high heels, gender, cultural history, |
Media Contact |
Saffron |
Sener |
Harvard University |
Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center --City University of New York |
Alyssa Goldstein |
Sepinwall |
California State University - San Marcos |
PhD |
Haiti, France |
Haitian history (17th - 21st C), French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, Atlantic Revolutions, comparative revolutions, Enlightenment and slavery, history of race, French-Jewish history, colonialism in film, slavery in film, history and video games |
Media Contact |
Caroline |
Sequin |
Lafayette College |
PhD |
France |
modern France, French Empire, gender, sexuality, race, Atlantic world, prostitution, colonialism, cultural history, social history, nineteenth century, twentieth century |
Media Contact |
Franziska |
Seraphim |
Boston College |
PhD |
Japan |
historical memory, public culture, social movements, thinking history globally, legacies of World War II in Asia, postwar Japan, East Asian relations, Japan-Germany comparisons |
1 |
Ina |
Serif |
University of Basel |
PhD |
Germany, Switzerland, Europe |
history of knowledge, book history, digital methods, (urban) historiography, late medieval history, early modern history |
1 |
Laura Isabel |
Serna |
University of Southern California |
Laura Isabel |
Serna |
University of Southern California |
PhD |
transnational, culture, cinema, U.S.-Mexico, race, ethnicity, silent film, gender, consumer culture |
Media Contact |
Jennifer |
Sessions |
University of Virginia |
PhD |
France, Algeria |
Modern France, Algeria, North Africa, Europe, colonialism, settler colonialism, racism in Europe, Islam, political cultures, art, monuments |
Media Contact |
Catriona |
Seth |
University of Oxford |
PhD |
France, Eighteenth Century, Marie Antoinette, Enlightenment, Literature, Inoculation, Smallpox. |
Media Contact |
Megan |
Sethi |
Southern New Hampshire University |
PhD |
United States |
Cold War, nuclear history, political and social movements, history of science and technology, atomic culture, World War II diplomacy, Manhattan Project |
Media Contact |
Namita |
Sethi |
Associate Prof, JDMC,University of Delhi |
Eunike |
Setiadarma |
Northwestern University |
other credentials |
Indonesia |
Global Intellectual History, Gender History, Development, Cultural History |
1 |
Stephanie |
Seul |
University of Bremen, Germany |
PhD |
Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, France, Italy, United States |
Media History, Communication History, Journalism History, First World War, Second World War, Weimar Republic, Interwar Years, Women War Correspondents, Propaganda, Antisemitism, German-Jewish Press, Transnational History, Appeasement, BBC History, The Holocaust and the Media |
Media Contact |
Katinka |
Sewing |
Heidelberg University |
PhD |
Archaeology; Late Antiquity; Byzantium; Architecture; Iconography; Eastern Mediterranean; Ephesus; Doliche (Turkey); Pilgrimage; Early Christianity |
1 |
Dawn |
Seymour Klos |
Trinity College Dublin |
PhD |
England, Ireland |
Medieval, Women, Gender, Law, Ireland, England, Identity Construction, English Common Law, Thirteenth Century, Medievalism |
Media Contact |
Anita Viola |
Sganzerla |
Independent |