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University of California, Berkeley
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Atlantic History, Caribbean, Latin America, Cuba, slavery, empire, African Diaspora, Black Atlantic, War, Age of Revolutions, Race, Ethnicity
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About Me

Elena Schneider is a historian of Latin America and the Atlantic World. Her research and teaching focus on Cuba and the Caribbean, comparative colonialism and slavery, and the Black Atlantic. Professor Schneider’s work explores the ways that war, trade, and slavery integrated the Atlantic world across regional and what would later become national boundaries. Her book The Occupation of Havana looks at the British invasion and occupation of Havana in 1762, a crucial episode of imperial rivalry during the Seven Years’ War. It focuses on the central but often overlooked role that people of African descent played in this event, as well as in the shaping and reshaping of empires during the lead-up to the Age of Revolutions.

Recent Publications

The Occupation of Havana: War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World (Omohundro Institute/University of North Carolina, 2018)

“Cuba,” Oxford Bibliographies Online: Atlantic History(link is external), ed. by Trevor Burnard, Oxford University Press (

“African Slavery and Spanish Empire: Imperial Imaginings and Bourbon Reform in Eighteenth-century Cuba and Beyond,” Journal of Early American History, 5:1 (2015): 3-29.

“Esclavitud y libertad en tiempos de guerra: Respuestas al sitio británico de La Habana, 1762-1763 [Slavery and Freedom in Times of War: Responses to the British Siege of Havana (1762-1763],” Revista de Indias (forthcoming).

“Routes into Eighteenth-century Cuban Slavery: African Diaspora and Geopolitics,” in From the Galleons to the Highlands: Slave Trade Routes in the Spanish Americas, edited by Alex Borucki, David Eltis, and David Wheat (University of New Mexico Press, forthcoming).

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, Caribbean, Latin America, Spain
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century, Early Modern
Expertise by Topic
Economic History, Emancipation, Material Culture, Military, Race, Rebellion & Revolution, Slavery