Total Records Found: 5818
First NameLast NameAffiliationPhDCountry FocusKeywordsAvailability
Darja Šterbenc Erker Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin PhD Latin literature and religion, gender, antiquarian literature, Ovid's Fasti, Roman satire 1
Alexandra Stern University of Michigan PhD history of medicine; history of science; gender, sexuality, health; race and inequality; U.S.; Latin America Media Contact
Alexandra E. Stern The City College of New York, CUNY PhD United States Nineteenth century, 19th century, Civil War, Reconstruction, American West, U.S. West, Greater Reconstruction, Native American history, Indigenous history, federal Indian policy, Indian Territory, sovereignty, colonialism, comparative Wests, history of violence, scalping Media Contact
Claudia Stern UBA PhD Chile Latin America, Chile, Middle Classes Media Contact
Shannon Stettner University of Waterloo PhD Canada abortion in Canada; reproductive health, reproductive activism, reproductive justice, media activism, public opinion on abortion Media Contact
Tijana Stevanovic University College London, The Bartlett School of Architecture PhD Media Contact
Kendall Stevens Pamunkey Indian Tribe
Kate Stevens University of Waikato PhD Fiji, New Zealand, Vanuatu, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis et Futuna Pacific history, New Zealand history, French empire, British empire, imperial and colonial history, marriage and intimacy, criminal justice, urban history, environmental history, whaling, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia Media Contact
Sandra Stevens Independant scholar MA Belgium, Netherlands, France, England social dance history, dance reconstruction, dance cartoons Media Contact Stevens Open University other credentials Railway, carriages, interior, design, twentieth century, interwar 1
Jane Stevens Crawshaw Oxford Brookes University
Emily Stevenson University of Oxford PhD early modern England travel writing, networks, Richard Hakluyt, Principal Navigations, early modern history, sixteenth century, seventeenth century, early modern women Media Contact
Ana Stevenson University of the Free State PhD United States, Australia, South Africa, Britain, New Zealand women, social movements, suffrage, rhetoric, transnational feminism, racism, print culture, digital culture, film and television, political women Media Contact
Louise Stevenson Emerita Professor, Franklin & Marshall College PhD Media Contact
Sierra Stewart University of Colorado Boulder
Hailey Stewart University of North Texas
Ciara Stewart Durham University PhD Irish history, British history, Political history, Women's history, Petitions, Petitioning, The history of petitioning, Women's Political History, Gender, Networking, Mobilization, Separate spheres, Conflicts of morality, Popular sovereignty, The long nineteenth century, The twentieth century, archives, libraries, Women's political movements, Suffrage, Temperance, Unionism, Nationalism, Bodily autonomy. Media Contact
Simone Stewart Johns Hopkins university
Whitney Stewart University of Texas at Dallas PhD United States American history, Atlantic world, African American history, race, material culture, public history Media Contact
Sierra Stewart other credentials United States United States, Cultural History, Modern American History, Popular Culture, North America, 21st Century, 20th Century, Technology, Science Media Contact
Pamela Stewart Eastern Michigan University PhD Italy Early modern art and visual culture, early modern Italy, Renaissance, Reformation, Catholic Reform, religion, confraternities, place and sacred landscape, Milan and Lombardy, Passion of Christ, Eucharist, ephemera Media Contact
Elizabeth Stewart Clark Independent researcher, presenter, author mid-19th century history other credentials United States mid-19th century material culture, western US settlement history, interpretive design, historic material culture replication Media Contact
Larissa Stiglich Young Harris College PhD East Germany, Germany Everyday life in East Germany and a united Germany, post-socialist transition in the former East Germany, local history of the socialist model-city Eisenhüttenstadt 1
Amy Stoch AMDA College and Conservatory for the Performing Arts PhD America's cultural image, Herbert Blau, general theatre history, female narrative throughout history, acting, film history Media Contact
Nancy L. Stockdale University of North Texas PhD Palestine Middle East, Palestine, Ottoman Empire, Women, Missionaries, Orientalism, British Empire, Postcolonialism, Freddie Mercury, Glam Rock Media Contact
Mary Stockwell Full time writer (retired Professor of History and Department Chair at Lourdes University) PhD United States American History, Native American History, American Revolution, Early American Republic, American Presidential History, Narrative History, Biography, Ohio History, Midwestern History Media Contact
Laurie Stoff Arizona State University
Laurie Stoff Arizona State University PhD Russia Russian and East European History and Studies, Women's and Gender History and Studies, War and Society Media Contact
Ruxandra-Iulia Stoica The University of Edinburgh PhD urban conservation, history and theory of architecture, cultural heritage Media Contact
Carla-Jean Stokes Independent Scholar other credentials Canada war photography Media Contact
Sally Stokes Catholic University of America
Lauren Stokes Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
Carolien Stolte Leiden University PhD India South Asia, Decolonization, Anti-Imperialism, Cold War, Global History Media Contact
Nora Stone Birmingham-Southern College
Michelle Stonis Glendale Community College
Patricia Stoop Universiteit Antwerpen PhD Female authorship, literacy and learning; women writers; women's participation in the intellectual, religious, cultural and literary field of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period; gender studies; literary history; intellectual networks; commercial book production; book history; sermon studies; memoria (both as a rhetorical tool and as an instrument for the commemoration of the dead); religious culture. Media Contact
Margaret Storey DePaul University
Gabrielle Storey PhD England, France, Spain Queenship, Sexuality, Gender, Medieval England and France, Royal Families Media Contact
Melanie Storie East Tennessee State University other credentials United States American Civil War, 19th century America, Appalachia Media Contact
Emily Story Salisbury University
Kendra Strand University of Iowa PhD Japan premodern Japan, medieval Japan, literary history, book history, geography, landscape, travel, pilgrimage, waka poetry, text-image, calligraphy, paper decoration Media Contact
Karla Strand University of Wisconsin PhD Wisconsin, United States, South Africa US women's history, white supremacy, racism, whiteness, Indigenous women's history, missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG), Wisconsin women, libraries, library history, book reviews, BIWOC writers, women writers. Media Contact
Helle Strandgaard Jensen Aarhus University
Katalin Straner University of Manchester PhD Hungary, Habsburg Empire history of science, urban history, translation, migration, Central Europe, Habsburg Empire, Hungary Media Contact
Eleanor Strangways Loughborough University
Kate Strasdin Falmouth University PhD 19th and early 20th century dress historian. Material culture, object based research, Royal dress, clothing as communication, hidden women Media Contact
Susan Strasser University of Delaware PhD United States consumer culture, housework, marketing, trash, medicinal herbs Media Contact
Bly Straube Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
Tara Strauch Centre College PhD American Revolution, Early American Republic, Religion, Culture, Identity, Holidays Media Contact
Elizabeth Strauss Mount St. Mary’s University
Amanda Strauss Founding Executive Director, Gather RI
Carrie Streeter UC San Diego other credentials United States History of Mind-Body Medicine and Yoga, U.S. History, 1800-1960s, Cultural History of Health, Gender, and Race, History of Dance and Physical Education; History of the New Woman Media Contact
Megan Streit University of Connecticut
Rose Stremlau Davidson College PhD United States American Indian history, US-Indian relations, federal Indian policy, Native South, Cherokee history, history of sexuality, history of rape, family history Media Contact
Patricia Striar Rohner LICSW
Katie Stringer Clary Coastal Carolina University PhD public history, museums, accessibility, access, inclusion, human remains, cultural heritage, museum history, museum ethics, south carolina, ancient world, egypt Media Contact
Sharon Strocchia Emory University PhD Italy Italian Renaissance, gender, history of medicine, healthcare, pharmacy, nuns, women's work, female religiosity, history of sexuaity, history of prostitution, early modern Europe, Atlantic world medicine, women in medicine, Renaissance Catholicism, women's networks Media Contact
Margaret Strolle Independent Scholar other credentials United States Public History, Women's History, Early American History, Slavery, 1
Claire Strom Rollins College PhD agriculture and rural life, disease, women, South, 20th century. Media Contact
Jessica R. Strom University of Connecticut PhD Italy Italy, Risorgimento, Italian Unification, Mazzini, Revolution, nationalism, Lemmi, Garibaldi, transnational, Mediterranean, radical Media Contact
Anise Strong Western Michigan University PhD Italy Ancient history, Roman history, gender and sexuality, prostitution, divorce, Roman slavery Media Contact
Johanna Strong University of Winchester PhD England early modern England, queenship, Mary I, gender, religion, national identity, identity, historiography, legacy, memory, literary studies Media Contact
Anise Strong 1977
Evelyn Strope University of Cambridge PhD United States consumerism, material culture, consumer citizenship, consumer society, early American republic 1
Jean Stuntz West Texas A&M University PhD United States Texas, Women, Spanish Empire, Spanish Borderlands Media Contact
Heather Stur University of Southern Mississippi PhD US and the world, especially the Asia-Pacific region diplomatic history, US and the world, military history, war and society, gender, women, Vietnam War, Cold War, contemporary military and international relations issues Media Contact
Anna Su University of Toronto Faculty of Law PhD North America, Europe law and religion, international human rights law, freedom of speech Media Contact
Sandra Suárez García University of Granada
Deborah Sugg Ryan University of Portsmouth PhD United Kingdom home, ideal home, Ideal Home Exhibition, Ideal Home Show, history of home, housing, history of housing, house history, home of the future, house of the future, suburbia, history of suburbia, kitchens, kitchen history, smart kitchens, food history, domestic design, interior design, pageants, pageantry, historical pageants, local pageants, national pageants, trade exhibitions, trade shows, commercial exhibitions, vintage fashion, vintage style, vintage brands, vintage subcultures, retro, retro fashion, retro style Media Contact
Muqarramah Sulaiman Kurdi University of Groningen PhD Indonesia 1
Marin R. Sullivan Independent Scholar and Curator PhD United States, Italy sculpture, modernism, contemporary art, architecture, midcentury modernism, postwar, cold war, built environment, design, materiality, twentieth century, Chicago, United States, Europe, Media Contact
Sady Sullivan Oral History / Public History / Archives consultant other credentials United States oral history, public history, public humanities, feminisms, women, gender, queer, sexuality, critical race, racial justice, whiteness, mixed heritage, neurodiversity Media Contact
Frances Sullivan Simmons College PhD Cuba Latin American history, Global History, Commodities, migration, Caribbean history, African Diaspora History, Cuban History, transnational activism, labor history. Media Contact
Elaine Sullivan Department of History, University of California, Santa Cruz
Carol Summers University of Richmond PhD Uganda, Zimbabwe Uganda, Colonial Zimbabwe, Colonial Development in Africa, 1940s-1950s Political Activism, History of Education in Africa, History of Medicine in Colonial Africa Media Contact
Miranda Summers Lowe Smithsonian Institution
Virginia Summey Independent Scholar PhD The American South, Legal History, Women’s History, African-American History, Twentieth Century Political History, Civil Rights Media Contact
Traci Sumner American Public University
Jaclyn Sumner Presbyterian College
Peidong Sun Stanford University PhD China Social history, Cultural History, Chinese Cultural Revolution Media Contact
Sara Sundberg University of Central Missouri emerita
Libi Sundermann UW Tacoma PhD Media Contact
Marcella Sutcliffe Chapelgarth - Great Broughton TS9 7ET
Riley Sutherland Harvard University other credentials U.S. history, women's history, Revolutionary War, archival studies, memory studies, material culture, 19th century, social history Media Contact
Katie Sutrina-Haney Indiana State university
Sarah Sutton Boston College
Angela Sutton Vanderbilt University PhD Atlantic History, African history, Atlantic Slave Trade, Slavery, Africans in the Americas, Caribbean history, Dutch Atlantic, public history, digital history, digital humanities Media Contact
Terese Svoboda other credentials US Lola Ridge, modernist poetry, 20th century literature,New Zealand lit, female journalists in WWII, 1920 anarchist in NY, postwar Japan Media Contact
Greta Swain Southern Methodist University PhD United States Colonial America, American Revolution, Early American Republic, 18th Century Chesapeake, Virginia History, Founders, George Mason IV, African American History, Slavery, Atlantic World, Women's History, Economic History, Public History, Museums, Digital History, Computational Analysis, Spatial History, Social Networks, Mapping, GIS Media Contact
Robbyn Swan
Kara Swanson Northeastern University PhD USA law, assisted reproduction, gender, women, United States, medicine, technology, science, patents, blood, milk banks, invention, race, 19th century, 20th century Media Contact
Rebecca Swartz University of Stellenbosch PhD South Africa colonialism, British empire, South Africa, nineteenth century, Australia, race and racism, history of education, Empire, imperialism Media Contact
Ramya Swayamprakash Graduate Student, Michigan State University other credentials United States and Canada Environmental History, Borderlands History, U.S. history, Canadian history, Progressive Era, Infrastructure studies, History of Technology Media Contact
Sarah Swedberg Colorado Mesa University PhD United States Early American republic, women, history of medicine Media Contact
Laura Sweeney Colleges - History Professor
Julia Sweig LBJ School of Public Affairs
Pamela Swett McMaster University PhD 20th century Germany, Weimar Republic, daily life, Nazi Germany, commercial culture, advertising Media Contact
Sara Swetzoff Howard University
Jayne Swift PhD United States sexuality, gender, commercial sexual economies and cultures, labor and urban history, modern U.S. Media Contact
Abigail Swingen Texas Tech University PhD Britain early modern Britain, empire, labor, political economy, Financial Revolution, popular politics Media Contact
Kirsten Swinth Fordham University PhD United States work and family, women and work, work-life balance, feminism, gender history, labor history, America since 1945, US cultural history Media Contact
Ruth Sykes Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London other credentials UK graphic design, women, Britain, Central Saint Martins Media Contact
Riva Symko University of Alaska Anchorage PhD Canada, United States appropriation, art criticism, contemporary art, copyright in the visual arts, cultural appropriation, exhibitions, fair use, fair dealing, intertextuality, women in art history Media Contact
Shannon Symonds The Strong National Museum of Play
Jade Symons UNE
Mallory Szymanski Alfred University
Julie Taddeo Universityof Maryland, College Park PhD UK & US Victorian gender & sexuality, British popular culture, period drama/TV studies, masculinity, Steampunk , Royal family, Regency England; WWII Media Contact
Halima Tahiri PhD researcher PhD Media Contact
Emilie Takayama Harvard Business School PhD Japan 1
Andrea Talaber
Siobhan Talbott Keele University PhD Britain, Scotland, France, North America Business history, commercial history, economic and social history, merchant networks, news, information Media Contact
Vera Tallian
Gina Tam Trinity university PhD China History of Language, dialect, race and ethnicity, twentieth century, China, protest, activism, gender history, Hong Kong Media Contact
Elvira Tamus University of Cambridge PhD France, Hungary, Ottoman Empire Late medieval and early modern European political, diplomatic and religious history; Christian-Muslim encounters in Central Europe and the Mediterranean; the later crusades; the history of France, Hungary and the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. 1
Marilou Tanguay Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) PhD Canada Women, medias, gender, history, Quebec, Canada, newspapers, communication, mass medias, 20th century Media Contact
Karen Tani University of California, Berkeley PhD United States legal history, social welfare, poverty policy, disability, public assistance, welfare state, modern American state, administrative state, regulation 1
Paula Tarankow PhD United States animal welfare reform, African American reform, American Civil War, emancipation, slavery, nineteenth century, animals in history Media Contact
Caroline Taranto
Stacie Taranto Ramapo College of New Jersey PhD USA Women and American politics, New Right, family values politics, abortion politics, Catholic women, conservative women Media Contact
Carolyn Taratko Vanderbilt University PhD Germany German history, Environmental history, Modern European history, food, agriculture, history of science Media Contact
Derya Tarbuck Bahcesehir University, Turkey. PhD Europe, Ottoman Empire Intellectual History, History of Science, Eighteenth Century, Science and Religion. Media Contact
Esra Tasdelen North Central College PhD Turkey Middle Eastern Studies, Ottoman history, Turkish Literature, Arabic Literature Media Contact
Angela Tate Northwestern University MA United States, Caribbean, UK & Europe, West Africa Public history, digital humanities, digital history, oral history, historic preservation, African American history, African diaspora, Performance studies, literature, women's history, Atlantic world, Afro-European Media Contact
Elizabeth Tavares University of Alabama PhD United Kingdom Repertory Studies, Playing Companies, Theatre History, Shakespeare, Digital Humanities, English Renaissance Literature, Early Modern Drama, Practice-based Research, EcoDrama, Ecocriticism, Critical Race Theory, Textual Editing & Criticism Media Contact
Roberta Conceição Tavares Soares Universidade Federal do Pará/ Amazônia
Randa Tawil Assistant Professor of Women and Gender Studies, Texas Christian University
Victoria Taylor SpitfireFilly Aviation/King's College London PhD Germany, Britain Military, history, aviation, airpower, British, German, modern, twentieth, century, political, cultural, RAF, Luftwaffe, war, flight, the third Reich, Weimar, propaganda Media Contact
Samantha Taylor Air Command and Staff College/Johns Hopkins University SAIS PhD United States World War I, World War II, Cold War history, Cold War diplomacy, Post-Cold War history, post-Cold War diplomacy, US military history, US diplomatic history, US cultural history, and national security studies. Media Contact
Melanie Taylor University of Kent, Canterbury, UK other credentials Medieval western Europe and England Religious symbolism, medieval royal iconography, Levina Teerlinc, Nicholas Hilliard, Tudor portrait miniatures, Media Contact
Elizabeth Taylor PhD military history, World War II, Camp Forrest, Tennessee Maneuvers, Tullahoma, Tennessee Media Contact
Emily Paige Taylor Loyola University Chicago
Donna Taylor
Joanna Taylor University of Manchester PhD spatial humanities, nineteenth-century literature, nature writing, landscape, digital humanities, environmental humanities, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Hartley Coleridge, Sara Coleridge, Literary GIS, William Wordsworth, Dorothy Wordsworth, Romanticism, poetry, Victorian Literature, Lake District Media Contact
Joan Taylor King's College London
Jennifer Taylor Duquesne University PhD public history, oral history, commemoration, Reconstruction memory, civil rights movements, digital history, monuments Media Contact
Emily Taylor PhD Candidate, UNC Chapel Hill other credentials Guatemala Media Contact
Lauren Taylor The Pennsylvania State University
Heidi Taylor-Caudill John James Audubon State Park other credentials United States, Panama John James Audubon, Lucy Green Bakewell Audubon, Birds of America, Civilian Conservation Corps, Kentucky history, archives, museums, public history, nineteenth century, American, wildlife art, Catholic history, religious history, Panama Canal Zone, Reverend Paul Joseph Volk Media Contact
Chelsea Teale Humboldt State University
Jo Teeuwisse Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten other credentials Netherlands. 1930s, 1940s, WW2, daily life, medieval, middle ages, thirties, fourties, crime Media Contact
Laurence Teillet Nottingham Trent University PhD piracy, governance of the seas, activism at sea, Spanish contemporary civilisation, British contemporary civilisation, environmentalism Media Contact
Katy Telling College of William and Mary other credentials United States Gender, religion, and power in the colonial American South (Virginia +Carolinas). Quakerism, early American women's history, early American gender history, religious identity in early America, U.S. South Media Contact
Esther Tello University of Valencia PhD Medieval History, Crown of Aragon, Medieval Accounts, Economic History. Papacy Media Contact
Dorothy Tembo University of Malawi PhD Malawi Colonial and Mission History, Ethnic Identities, Gender, Ethnicity. 1
Svetlana Ter-Grigoryan The Ohio State University other credentials Russia; USSR Soviet, Russian, Perestroika, Glasnost, gender, sexuality, women, identity Media Contact
Anoush F. Terjanian Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa PhD France, France in global context, Canada, Turtle Island, History of political thought, history of political economy, history of economics, history of economic thought, history of empire, cosmopolitanism, capitalism, democracy, Indigenous rights, human rights, higher education. Media Contact
Auriane Terki-Mignot University of Cambridge other credentials France, Britain Women's work, Industrialisation, Economic history, France, Quantification, Labour, Gender Media Contact
Jennifer Robin Terry PhD United States 19th - 20th century US, World War II internment, childhood, child agricultural labor, American West, popular culture, Media Contact
test test PhD 1
Kristan Tetens University of London PhD Britain, India, British Empire Victorian, nineteenth century, 19th century, 1800s, fiction, drama, poetry, reading, performance, literary history, theatre history, religious history, theatre, religion, Islam, India, British Empire, imperialism, colonialism, orientalism, opera, music hall, pantomime, melodrama, novelist, poet, playwright, censorship, biography, autobiography, bestseller Media Contact
Magda Teter Fordham University
Lisa Tetrault Carnegie Mellon University
Britt Tevis Deakin Law School PhD USA Modern US history, Jewish history, American legal history, immigration, labor, anti-Semitism Media Contact
Aybike Seyma Tezel Indiana University
Andrea Thabet Historian PhD United States Urban history, Los Angeles history, public history, historic preservation, cultural policy, urban renewal, urban policy, cultural institution building, environmental activism Media Contact
Molly Thacker Georgetown University PhD United States Unaccompanied immigrant children, history of childhood, ethnic cultures in the United States, formations of race and racism, American Civil War Media Contact
Hannah Theaker University of Oxford
Alexandra Thelin Blackowski Drew University, Madison, NJ other credentials United States of America fashion history, victorian history, graphic novels, popular culture, doll history, social media, web design, knitting history, material culture, visual culture, dress history, clothing, museum studies, fashion conservation Media Contact
Brianna Theobald University of Rochester PhD United States U.S. women and gender, reproduction, colonialism, Native American 1
Jeanne Theoharis Brooklyn College of CUNY PhD US Civil Rights History, 20th century African American History (particularly in the North), Rosa Parks, Black Power, Urban History, Welfare Reform, School Desegregation, Post-Civil Rights History Media Contact
Madina Thiam New York University PhD Mali, Sahel Sahel, Islam, Race, Gender, African Women, Migrations, French Colonialism, Slavery, Freedom Media Contact
Janis Thiessen University of Winnipeg PhD Canada labour history, business history, food history, oral history, Mennonite history Media Contact
Danielle Thom Museum of London PhD art, sculpture, print, decorative arts, ceramics, satire, London, material culture, 18th century, craft, contemporary, design, jewellery Media Contact
Sarah Thomas The Lemon Project, College of William and Mary PhD United States material culture, architectural history, backcountry, vernacular architectural history; history of slavery in Virginia Media Contact
Zoe Thomas University of Birmingham PhD British history Media Contact
Connie Thomas Queen Mary, University of London PhD United States migration, federalism, sectionalism, citizenship, constitutionalism, partisanship, nationalism, legal history, nation-building, regional identity, 18th Century Media Contact
Kylie Thomas Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam PhD South Africa apartheid, violence, war, transitional justice, photography, visual activism, resistance Media Contact
Julia Adeney Thomas University of Notre Dame
Tracy Thomas University of Akron School of Law
Sabrina Thomas Wabash College History Department
Mary Augusta Thomas Smithsonian Institution
Kristen Thomas-McGill Wake Forest University PhD British Empire, United Kingdom, Scotland, Ceylon/Sri Lanka British Empire, Scotland, Highlands, Indian Ocean world, South Asia, Ceylon, gender, masculinity, military, imperialism, sex, sexuality, queer history, LGBTQ+ history, education, boarding schools, child sexual abuse, pederasty, archives, scandal, gossip and rumor, celebrity, newspapers, Victorian, Edwardian, decadence, aestheticism, japonsime, fin de siècle, turn of the century Media Contact
Angela Thompsell The College at Brockport, State University of New York
Lisa Thompson Lindenwood University and The Modern Classic Society; Founder, Independent researcher, curator & fashion Historian other credentials United States & Caribbean Fashion & textile history, Clothing & textiles, Women & gender history, Women entrepreneurship history, Oral histories, Curator & archivist, Women higher education history/leadership, History of African American women social clubs Media Contact
Kori Thompson New Mexico Junior College other credentials United States Social and gender history, WWI Media Contact
Margaret Susan Thompson Syracuse University PhD United States U.S. Politics (Congress, Presidency), Religion & Politics, Women & Religion, Catholicism Media Contact
Jenny Thompson Evanston History Center PhD United States 20th and 21st-Century American History, World War I and postwar period, History of the Civil Rights Movement, 1960s Student Activism, Higher Education History, Ethnography and Oral History, and Living History and War Reenacting. Media Contact
Courtney E. Thompson Mississippi State University PhD United States History of medicine, history of science, visual culture, phrenology, history of emotions, history of women, gender, and sexuality, precocity Media Contact
Heather Ann Thompson University of Michigan PhD United States prisons, policing, crime, labor, civil rights, human rights, African American history, incarceration, riots, rebellions, Media Contact
Sharon Thompson Cardiff University
Katrina Thompson Moore Saint Louis University PhD United States African American History, Slavery, Popular Culture, Entertainment History, Music and Dance, Atlantic Slave Trade, African American women, race Media Contact
Jennifer Thomson Bedford Museum & Genealogical Library, Liberty University
Sarah Thomson University of Edinburgh other credentials Twentieth century American history, presidential history, Ronald Reagan's presidency Media Contact
Jennifer Thomson Bedford Museum & Genealogical Library
Elizabeth Thornberry Johns Hopkins University PhD South Africa, gender, sexuality, law, citizenship, colonialism, empire, rape, sexual violence, domestic violence, custom, customary law, crime, punishment, traditional authority Media Contact
Amara Thornton Honorary Research Associate, UCL Institute of Archaeology PhD UK; Middle East history of archaeology, history of British empire, 19th century, 20th century, women's history, history of tourism Media Contact
Christy Thornton New York University PhD Mexico Mexico, Latin America, Development, Political Economy, Democracy, Economics Media Contact
Audrey Thorstad Bangor University PhD Britain Medieval, the Tudors, castles, power, space, gender, masculinity, war, military. Media Contact
Megan Threlkeld Denison University PhD United States US women's history, women's international/transnational activism, US foreign relations, international cooperation, world citizenship, world government, legal history, military draft, Vietnam, conscientious objection Media Contact
Susanna Throop Ursinus College PhD Crusades, violence, religious violence, Christianity, Christian violence, history of ideas, history of emotions, cultural history, historiography, Europe, Mediterranean, medieval, Middle Ages, twelfth century Media Contact
Kira Thurman University of Michigan
Annie Thwaite University of Cambridge PhD England history of medicine, material culture, early modern history, history of healing, history of protection, museums, amulets Media Contact
Erika Tiburcio Moreno University Carlos III of Madrid PhD Cultural Studies, Horror Culture, Late Modern History, 20th Century Media Contact
Sonja Tiernan Royal Irish Academy PhD Ireland Ireland, women, gender, sexuality, revolution and rebellion in Ireland Media Contact
Margarete Tiessen University of Technology Chemnitz PhD Europe, Germany History of Freedom; Liberalism in Modern Germany and Europe; Intellectual History; Liberal Democratic Thought in Germany; The Question of Democracy in Imperial Germany and in the Weimar Republic Media Contact
Tanya Tiffany University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Patricia Tilburg Davidson College PhD France France, gender, urban history, Paris, garment trades, strikes, labor history, 19th century, 20th century, Colette, women, secularization, World War I. Media Contact
Erin Tilley University of Sussex other credentials United Kingdom, Australia, France 19th century, victorian, lunacy, lunatic asylum, pauper, pauper lunatic Media Contact
Kacy Tillman University of Tampa PhD United States loyalist women, loyalists, letters, journals, life-writing, American Revolution, sentimental fiction, Grace Growden Galloway, Anna Rawle, Rebecca Shoemaker, Elizabeth Drinker, Deborah Norris Logan, loyalty, pacifism, neutralism, disaffected, Quakers, rape and war, print culture, epistolarity, letter-writing, eighteenth century, eighteenth-century Media Contact
Ellen Tillman Texas State University
Karin Tilmans Professor early modern history EUROPEAN University institute
Liz Timbs Michigan State University PhD South Africa South Africa, Zulu, ethnicity, race, gender, masculinity, martial history 1
Annette Timm Department of History, University of Calgary
Wendy Tippett Landscape Institute
Laura Tisdall Queen Mary University of London PhD Britain childhood, adolescence, ageing, medicine, psychology, psychoanalysis, oral history, modern British history, education, schools, schooling, gender, sexuality Media Contact
Cynthia Tobar Bronx Community College other credentials United States, Ecuador, Colombia community-based oral history and archiving, communication of memory, archives, libraries, museums, socially-engaged art, public art, oral history, public history and memory, monuments, monument culture, protest movements, social movements, civil rights movement, student activism, activism, anti-racism, gender, higher education, social arts activism in Ecuador and Colombia, access and equity in higher education, gentrification, housing justice, teaching and learning, metadata, digital humanities. Media Contact
Anna Leigh Todd University of Pennsylvania other credentials British North America Early America, Colonial North America, Long 17th Century, Illegitimacy, Women, Gender, Sexuality, Culture, Subjectivity, Race, Atlantic World, Law, Sexual Recidivism, Print Culture, History of the Body, Record Linkage, Historical Genealogy, Family History Media Contact
Mary Todd The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi / independent scholar PhD US history, Holocaust studies, women and gender, American religious history Media Contact
Anna Toledano Stanford University other credentials history of science, natural history, museums, collections, collecting, material culture, Spanish Empire, New Spain 1
Marian Toledo Candelaria University of Guelph PhD Scotland kingship, medieval Scotland, Scottish Studies, Malcolm III, Macbeth, identity, sovereignty, historiography, chronicles Media Contact
Pamela Toler independent scholar PhD women warriors, comparative history, women's history, military history, Media Contact
Julia Tomas Open University PhD Classical Archaeology, Greek and Roman History and Material Culture, Epigraphy. Asia Minor Media Contact
Kathryn Tomasek Wheaton College, Massachusetts PhD digital history, TEI, digital scholarly edition of accounts 1
Valentina Tomassetti University of Warwick
Adele Tomlin other credentials Women in Buddhism, Vajrayana, Secret Mantra, Female Lineages, Tibetan Buddhist translation, Gender in Vajrayana, Female Principle, Karmapas, Media Contact
Charlotte Tomlinson University of Leeds other credentials UK Second World War, Women, Volunteers, Propaganda, War, Public History, Archives, The Blitz, 20th Century Britain, War, WVS, Women's Voluntary Services, Britain, World War Two, Home Front, Gender. Media Contact
Dr Charlotte Tomlinson University of Lincoln PhD Public History, Creative History, Heritage, Community Heritage, Women's History, Modern British History, Second World War, Women, Volunteering, The Blitz, Place, Contemporary History, Placemaking, Identity, Hull, Northern England. Media Contact
Tabatha Toney Douglass
M Tong Fordham University other credentials Ancient Mediterranean patristics, early christianity, rabbinics, christianity, judaism, postcolonial theory, theory, midrash, talmud, new testament, second temple judaism, gender theory, queer theory, feminist theory, feminism, race, critical race theory 1
Jenna Tonn Boston College PhD history of science, history of biology, women and gender in science, US gender history, nineteenth-century US history, sexuality and science, science and pop culture, animal studies, museum studies, history of medicine Media Contact
Wendy Toole Warburg Institute, University of London other credentials United Kingdom early modern period, intellectual history, visual history, cultural history, poetry, art, literature 1
Joana Topa ISMAI/CCIEG-ISCSP ULisboa PhD Portugal Gender, Migrations, Human Rights, Social Psychology, gender violence, intersectionality Media Contact
Oya Topcuoglu Northwestern University PhD Iraq, Syria, Turkey Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian art and archaeology, Anatolian archaeology, looting and illegal trafficking of antiquities, archaeology and politics in the Middle East, archaeology and politics in Turkey Media Contact
Alisha Topete Cromwell Albany State University PhD Atlantic World Africa, African Diaspora, African American, Atlantic World, Capitalism, Digital History, Public History, Slavery, US History, US South, World Civilizations, Women’s History Media Contact
Alisha Topete-Cromwell Coastal Carolina University PhD Africa, African Diaspora, African American, Atlantic World, Capitalism, Digital History, Public History, Slavery, US History, US South, World Civilizations, Women’s History Media Contact
Carolyn Torres Association of Raza Educators-High School History Teacher
Laura Torres Munar International Humanitarian Action (NOHA) University of Groningen
Chiara Torrisi University of Turin MA Italy, Germany, Ancient Mediterranean, Ancient Near East, Roman Empire Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Ancient Persia, Mesopotamia, Germanic tribes, Early Middle Ages, Archaeology, Classical literature, Ancient Greek, Latin, Nazi regime, Weimar Republic, WWII, History of archaeology, Public History, Historical Fiction Media Contact
Laurence Totelin Cardiff University PhD History of Science, History of Medicine, History of Technology, Greek history, Roman History, Classics, History of gynaecology, History of pharmacology, History of botany, Gender history Media Contact
Olga Touloumi Bard College
Stephanie Townrow University of Delaware other credentials United States vast early America, Pennsylvania whiskey, The Whiskey Rebellion, political crowd action, mob violence, the American frontier, President James Buchanan, the American presidency, Harriet Lane Johnston, Lancaster County history, Pennsylvania history, public history, material culture, food studies, museum education Media Contact
Dominique Townsend Bard College PhD Tibet Buddhism, Tibet, Religion, Cultural Production, Aesthetics, Poetry Media Contact
Nicole Townsend The University of New South Wales other credentials Australia Australia and the Second World War, Italian Australians in the Second World War, Mediterranean theatre (WWII), race relations, oil and the wartime economy, protection of shipping Media Contact
Rebecca Capobianco Toy College of William & Mary, National Park Service PhD United States memory, U.S. Civil War, Reconstruction, memorialization, public history, National Park Service, reform, race, prison reform, historic sites, monuments Media Contact
Annie Tracy Samuel The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga PhD Iran Iran, Middle East, U.S. Foreign Policy Media Contact
Janet Tran The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute
Nhung Tuyet Tran University of Toronto PhD Vietnam Christianity, gender, law, property, Vietnam, early modern, historiography, public history, book history Media Contact
Trysh Travis University of Florida PhD US 20th century, US, cultural history, self-help, history of medicine, alcohol, drugs, therapy, addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, feminism, popular culture, populism, media studies, print culture Media Contact
Elaine Treharne Stanford University PhD Medieval British literary history, manuscript studies, history of human communication Media Contact
Flor Trejo Rivera Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia PhD Mexico Maritime History, Underwater archaeology, Media Contact
Tania Trejo-Mendez University of Florida, Center for Latin American Studies
Sarah Trembanis University of Delaware PhD Sports history, Baseball history, Negro Leagues, Eugenics, 1950s Television, Race & adoption Media Contact
Donna Trembinski St. Francis Xavier Univeristy
Marlene Trestman Independent scholar other credentials United States Supreme Court, supreme court women, New Deal women, Fair Labor Standards Act history, Equal Pay Act history, Bessie Margolin, Southern Jewish History, Nuremberg trials, women lawyers; orphans, orphanages, Jewish orphanages Media Contact
ToniAnn Treviño Texas Lutheran University
Petra Trnkova Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Art History, Prague
Lizeth Daniela Troche Guzmán aut{onoma