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Independant scholar
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social dance history, dance reconstruction, dance cartoons
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Personal Info

About Me

Sandra Stevens is an independant scholar focusing on social dance history, from 16th to 20th century.

On the one hand, it seeks to raise public awareness of early dance by analysing contemporary works (movies, shows) in the light of current historical knowledge.

On the other, she seeks to deepen this knowledge by studying works from the period (caricatures, books, poems, etc.). She is also working on reconstructing dances, particularly those published in England (John Playford’s Dancing Master), the early Netherlands (Belgium/Netherlands during 18th century) and France during the Belle Epoque (1885-1914).

Recent Publications
Media Coverage
Country Focus
Belgium, Netherlands, France, England
Expertise by Geography
British Isles, England, France, Ireland, Netherlands, North America, United Kingdom, United States, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
Pre-17th century, 17th century, 18th century, 19th century, Early Modern, Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Art & Architectural History, Gender, Libraries & Archives, Literary History, Local & Regional, Urban History, Women, World War I