Total Records Found: 5743
First NameLast NameAffiliationPhDCountry FocusKeywordsAvailability
Sunu Kodumthara Southwestern Oklahoma State University PhD Media Contact
Betty Koed United States Senate Historical Office PhD United States political, public, congress, senate 1
Shira Kohn The Dalton School PhD America postwar American history, Americans jewish history, American immigration history, history of gender in America, women's history, modern Jewish history, history of higher education Media Contact
Rabea Kohnen Medieval and Early Modern German Literature
Amy Kohout Colorado College PhD United States US West, environmental history, nineteenth-century US, American empire, museum studies, history of natural history, American soldiers Media Contact
Aleksandra Kolakovic Institute for Political Studies PhD intellectual history, history of ideas, cultural history, culture of remembrance, identities, cultural heritage, cultural diplomacy, cultural and educational policy, French history, French politics, Serbian history, Balkans, Western Balkans, soft power, First World War, Franco-Serbian relations . Media Contact
Kathleen Kole de Peralta Arizona State University
Laurie Koloski William & Mary
ELIZABETH KOLSKY Villanova University
Karolina Kołpak Yale University
Catherine Komisaruk University of Texas, San Antonio
Yuliya Komska Dartmouth College PhD 20th, 21st Cold War, occupation-era Germany, history of borders, broadcasting history, propaganda, population transfers, Germany and Eastern Europe/Russia, German-Jewish refugees, language and multilingualism, history of publishing, children's literature, German-American cultural relations, links between history, literature, and the arts Media Contact
Kristin Kondrlik West Chester University
Brintha Koneshachandra Univeristy of Montreal
Vivian Kong University of Bristol PhD Hong Kong History, Britishness, Asian networks, civil society, interwar Media Contact
Courtnay Konshuh University of Calgary PhD Anglo Saxon, Vikings, early medieval Europe, early medieval warfare, manuscripts Media Contact
Gina Konstantopoulos University of Helsinki PhD Iraq; the Levant Assyriology, Mesopotamia, Ancient Near East, Sumerian, Akkadian, Demons and Monsters, Magic and Ritual, Geography, Mesopotamian Literature, Religious History, Social History 1
Christine Kooi Louisiana State University PhD Reformation, early modern Low Countries Media Contact
Nadine Kopp Paterson Group
Allison Korinek Washington University in St. Louis PhD nineteenth-century France, empire, language, translation, governance 1
Genevra Kornbluth
Anne Kornhauser City College of New York and the CUNY Graduate Center PhD United States liberalism, democratization, legal history, history of the state, U.S. intervention, human rights, intellectual history, political history Media Contact
Nadia Kornioti UCLan Cyprus other credentials Cyprus Legal History, Public International Law, Migration and Asylum, Decolonisation, Armed Conflict, Memory, South-East Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, 1
Kallie Kosc Texas Christian University PhD United States Indigenous women, early America, Native America, borderlands, race and ethnicity, women and gender, comparative colonialism Media Contact
Stephanie Koscak Wake Forest University PhD Britain Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Britain, Media and Print Culture, Visual Culture, Political Culture and the Public Sphere, Royalism and the Royal Family, Gender Media Contact
Şölen Köseoğlu Karadeniz Technical University
Isabel Köster Assistant Professor
Daniella Kostroun IUPUI PhD Media Contact
Sarah Kovner Columbia University PhD Japan Modern Japanese history, East Asia, WWII, Gender Media Contact
Micaela Kowalski PhD Candidate at the University of Virginia PhD Europe; Germany Early modern Europe, global history, the Reformation, visual culture, print culture, material culture, religion, German history, the New World, the Americas, colonization Media Contact
Sara Kozameh Princeton University PhD Cuba Latin America, Revolutions, US-Latin American relations, Cold War, social history, agrarian history, economic history, Media Contact
Sue Kozel Kean and MCCC, retired 2020 other credentials USA Quaker abolition, Enslaved people, Wench Betty, Nj History, Violence against slaves, Human Rights. Difficult questions, Am. Rev. Liberty and who is left out, American and Atlanyic World slavery Media Contact
Sue Kozel Kean University other credentials United States and Atlantic World slavery, freedom, liberty, murder of slaves, slave rebellion, American Revolution, Human Rights, Liberty for all, Quaker Abolitionists, Thomas Jefferson, race relations, freedom Media Contact
Mara Kozelsky University of South Alabama PhD Russia, Ukraine Crimean War, Crimea, Military History (War and Society), War Economy / Food Policy, Civilians in War Media Contact
Liz Anna Kozik University of Wisconsin - Madison
Julia Kramer Portland State University other credentials Media Contact
Rachel Kranson University of Pittsburgh PhD religion, Jewish Studies, women, gender, reproductive rights, upward mobility 1
Louise Krasniewicz University of Pennsylvania PhD United States Victorian World's Fairs, women's pavilions at World's Fairs, worldbuilding, women's peace camps, communities, gender Media Contact
Lindsay Sarah Krasnoff Research Associate, Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, SOAS, University of London PhD France France, Global Sport, Diplomacy, Sports Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, International Affairs, Basketball, Soccer, Women's Soccer, French Sports, U.S. Diplomatic History, World War I, French-American Relations, History of Sports Medicine, U.S. Diplomats in France Media Contact
Kathy Krause University of Missouri-Kansas City PhD France, Flanders Medieval elite women, medieval French female lordship, medieval women’s literary patronage, women and medieval manuscripts, Old French literature and women, Arthurian literature and women, medieval women’s inheritance, medieval women and power Media Contact
Barbara Krauthamer University of Massachusetts Amherst PhD US Slavery, African American women, African American photography, Emancipation, Slave resistance, runaway slaves, Native American slavery Media Contact
Melissa Kravetz Longwood University PhD Germany Modern Germany, Holocaust, women and gender, science and medicine, eugenics Media Contact
Pamela Krayenbuhl University of Washington Tacoma PhD United States, Europe film history, television history, media history, dance history, history of dance on screen, 20th century U.S. history, history of race/gender/sexuality in media, history of media representation, history of media performance Media Contact
Jennifer Kreder Chase College of Law Northern Kentucky University other credentials United States, Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Russia, China, Guatemala WWII, Holocaust, Nazi, art, Russia, Revolution, Russian, American, History, Germany, Austria, German, Austrian, French, France, expropriation, theft, stolen, property, genocide, human rights, courts, claims, litigation, slavery, forced labor, duress, contracts, Nuremberg, Europe, WWI, El Salvador, Guatemala, antiquities, colonialism, colonial, antiquity, Greece, Italy, nationalization, nationalize, museum, museums, galleries, collectors, gallery, collector, ethics, war, monument, monuments, Monuments Men, Woman in Gold, criminal law, crime, crimes, Poland, Hungary, China Media Contact
Vanda Krefft Author / independent scholar
Alyssa Kreikemeier Boston University
Suzanna Krivulskaya California State University San Marcos PhD United States U.S. history, religion, gender, sexuality, scandal Media Contact
Reka Krizmanics Akademische Rätin a.Z./Assistant Professor, Profile Area Global and Entangled History, Bielefeld University PhD Hungary, GDR, Vietnam, Cuba Second World-Global South encounters, women in state socialism, socialist solidarities Media Contact
Courtney Krolikoski McGill University other credentials Italy Medieval History, Medieval Medicine, History of Medicine, Medieval Leprosy, Media Contact
Adrienne Krone Allegheny College
Ilana Krug York College of Pennsylvania PhD England Medieval military history, late medieval England, military logistics, military medicine, late medieval complaint literature Media Contact
Jessica Krug George Washington University
Oenone Kubie University of Oxford PhD United States History of Childhood, US History, Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Urban History, Children and Youth, Progressivism, Welfare, Segregation, Race and Ethnicity Media Contact
Katherine Kuehler Walters Texas State Historical Association PhD United States Race, gender, 1880-1930, African American history, grassroots civil rights activism, voting rights, Ku Klux Klan, white primary, NAACP Texas, structural racism, Progressive Era, kinship, migration, Waco, Wharton, Fort Bend, New Braunfels Media Contact
Linnea Kuglitsch University of Manchester PhD United States archaeology, material culture, institutional life, history of medicine, history of psychiatry, landscape Media Contact
(The Rev.Dr.) Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook Claremont School of Theology, Historical Society of the Episcopal Church (Anglican and Episcopal History), Historiographer of the Episcopal Church PhD United States Anglican and Episcopal History Media Contact
Orysia Kulick Assistant Professor, German and Slavic Studies, Political Studies PhD Russia, Ukraine, Soviet Union, Eastern Europe Russian Politics, Soviet and Post-Soviet Ukraine, Modern European History, Regionalism, Empire, Human Rights, Rebellion & Revolution Media Contact
Elena Kunadt Technical University of Berlin other credentials Germany, USA History of Technology, History of Agriculture, History of Pesticides, History of Environment Media Contact
Savitri Maya Kunze University of Chicago other credentials United States America in the World, Migration, Human Rights, Statelessness, Deportation, Twentieth Century, Legal Borderlands, Diplomacy Media Contact
Mariah Kupfner Penn State Harrisburg PhD United States Needlework, antislavery textiles, suffrage, material culture, gender history, abolitionist movement, property, first wave, race, gender, craftivism Media Contact
Marianne Kupin-Lisbin University of Rochester other credentials Bosnia and Herzegovina early, modern, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Balkans, Southeastern Europe, sacred, sharing, popular, religion, Congregatio, Propaganda, Fide, lived, religion, local, culture, Catholicism, Islam, Orthodox Christianity, Sephardim, Romani Media Contact
Olivia Kurajian McGill University other credentials Canada , United States of America Canadian History pre-1867, Canadian History post-1867, American History, World History, International Relations, Scottish-Canadian History, Immigration, Linguistics, Anthropology Media Contact
Jayme Kurland George Mason University other credentials United States Music, Musical Instruments, Museums, Decolonization Media Contact
Nina Kushner Clark University
Ada Kuskowski University of Pennsylvania
Judy Kutuas St. Olaf College PhD 1970s, 1970s popular culture, gender relations, ACLU, television history, radical intellectuals of the 1930s Media Contact
Lara Kuykendall Ball State University
FATHIMA RAJILA KV PhD Research Scholar PhD India Ancient Indian History, Social History of Food, Gender, Menstruation, Religion and Rituals Media Contact
Ingrid Kvangraven Other: Non-U.S. Institution
Kesia Kvill University of Guelph other credentials Canada Canada, Food, First World War, Women, Gender, Culture, Identity, Museums, Tourism, The West Media Contact
Elzbieta Kwiecinska European University Institute
Angel Kwolek-Folland University of Florida PhD United States business, gender, local history, women, 19th century US women Media Contact
Andrea L'Hommedieu University of South Carolina other credentials United States oral history, interviews, women's history, Southern Studies Media Contact
Gabriëlle La Croix The University of Copenhagen other credentials Lesser Antilles Slavery, privateering, colonialism, Suriname, Caribbean Media Contact
Alessandra La Rocca Link Indiana University-Southeast PhD Native America, American West, Public History, culture and environment in the United States Media Contact
Jessica Lacher-Feldman University of Rochester other credentials United States, France, England archives, exhibits, publishers' bindings, book history, 19th c., cultural history, material culture, Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, women's suffrage, Gilbert and Sullivan, popular culture, Southern history, Alabama history, New York State history, Louisiana history, food history, Alabama authors 1
Samantha Lack Texas Tech University
Robin LaCorte Arizona Jewish Historical Society
Elizabeth LaCouture University of Hong Kong PhD China China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Asia, gender, sexuality, race, beauty, cosmetics, architecture, domesticity, middle class, property, material culture Media Contact
Alison LaCroix University of Chicago PhD U.S. U.S. legal history, constitutional law, U.S. intellectual history of the 18th-19th centuries, federalism Media Contact
Courtney Lacy Southern Methodist University
Robyn Lacy Golder Associates Ltd. other credentials Canada archaeology, historical archaeology, landscape, burial ground, gravestone, cemetery, Newfoundland, New England, 17th century, colonial, settlement, graveyard, graves, burial, lime kiln, excavation, built heritage, cultural heritage Media Contact
Alysha Ladha
ALYSHA LADHA Brunel University
Renee Lafferty-Salhany Brock University PhD Canada, United States Religion, Gender, War of 1812, Drinking, Alcohol, Medicine, Masculinity Media Contact
Christina Laffin University of British Columbia PhD Japan Medieval Japanese women, literary history Media Contact
Marcel LaFollette Independent Scholar; Research Associate affiliation with Smithsonian Institution
Leah LaGrone Ochoa Texas Christian University PhD United States Labor, Progressive Era, Texas, Women, Gender, Sexuality, Borderlands, Mexico, Urban, South Media Contact
Joanna Lahey Texas A&M University PhD economic history, demography, fertility, abortion, 19th century, demographic transition, health, longevity Media Contact
Lori Ann Lahlum Minnesota State University, Mankato
Zoe Laidlaw Royal Holloway University of London PhD Media Contact
Louise Lainesse Université de Montréal
Kate Laing La Trobe University
Jessica Lake Australian Catholic University PhD United States, Australia, Britain Legal History, Gender History, Cultural History, Common law, Privacy, Defamation, Photography, Cinema, Women's History, Nineteenth Century, Twentieth Century, History of Medicine Media Contact
Meredith Lake University of Sydney
Priya Lal Boston College PhD Tanzania, Zambia 20th century Africa, East Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, development, nationalism, decolonization, socialism, Cold War, gender, medicine, higher education, labor history Media Contact
Nina Lamal University of Antwerp, Belgium PhD Early modern media, handwritten news, newspapers, history of printing, books and translation, early modern Italy, Revolt in the Low Countries, Habsburg empire Media Contact
Covadonga Lamar Prieto University of California Riverside PhD Mexico, US California, Mexico, Language and power, Colonial Studies, XVI-XIX Media Contact
Christine Lamberson Angelo State University PhD United States Violence, United States, American History, Twentieth Century, Politics, Policing, Public history, war and society, Urban History Media Contact
Cornelia Lambert University of North Georgia PhD History of Science, History of Medicine, History of Childhood, History of Education, Teaching Higher Education Media Contact
Maude-Emmanuelle Lambert Independent researcher PhD Canada Canadian History, Environmental History, 20th Century, Tourism History, Women and Gender History Media Contact
Keri Lambert Yale University other credentials Ghana Agricultural history, environmental history, labor, development, oral history, African socialism, commodities, Ghana 1
Anna Mae Lamentillo London School of Economics other credentials Philippines City Design, Walkability, Transit-oriented Development, Complete Streets, Sustainable Urban Mobility, Public Space Design, Multi-Modal Transportation, Carbon Financing, Philippines, Bicycle Lanes, Pedestrian Friendly Cities, Public Transportation Media Contact
Laura Lammasniemi University Of Warwick
Kathryn Lamontagne Boston University PhD Britain, England Royal history, monarchy, British monarchy, 19th, 20th, and 21st c British history, British Catholic Social History, 19th & 20th century Im/migration (especially Southern New England), Micro-Genealogy, Atlantic World, LGBTQ+ Catholic history, London Media Contact
Sara Lampert University of South Dakota PhD celebrity, theater, popular culture, actresses, family, performers, 19th century entertainment, Fanny Kemble, Fanny Elssler, Elizabeth Greenfield, Media Contact
Lisa Lamson University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Cheryl Lancaster University of Durham PhD Britain, Germany history of science, history of biology, history of the life sciences, history of biomedical science, history of cell biology, history of stem cells, history of embryology, nineteenth century, twentieth century, twenty-first century, history and philosophy of biology, history of tissue culture Media Contact
Katherine Sharp Landdeck Texas Woman's University PhD United States focus but knowledge of global World War II Women Airforce Service Pilots, women in military, war and society, World War II, aviation history, veterans, aviation in 1930s, remembering war, Coronavirus Covid19 Journaling, public history, 20th century Media Contact
Julia Landweber Montclair State University PhD France Early modern Europe, eighteenth-century France, France and the Ottoman Empire, coffee, turquerie, women's history, gender history Media Contact
Christina Lane University of Miami PhD United States Women and Film, Gender and Media, Classical Hollywood Cinema, Silent Film, Studio System, Independent Film, Women Directors, Screenwriters, Television, World War II and Media Media Contact
Sonya Laney Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum
Sarah Lang Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz other credentials Österreich Digital Humanities, Classics, Latin, Neo-Latin, History of Science, Alchemy, Knowledge Organization Systems, Digital Scholarly Editing, Computational Humanities, Digital Classics Media Contact
Stephanie Lang Kentucky Historical Society PhD United States Appalachian history, broad form deed, twentieth century Kentucky, journal editor 1
Ruth Lang Senior lecturer, Central Saint Martins other credentials UK practice, agency, networks, LCC, history, semiotics Media Contact
Allison Lange Wentworth Institute of Technology PhD United States History of women's rights and suffrage movements, visual culture, propaganda and political images, gender, power, memory Media Contact
Stephanie Langin-Hooper Southern Methodist University PhD Iraq Art History, Ancient Near East, Middle East, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Classics, Hellenistic Greek world, Alexander the Great, figurines, miniatures, miniaturization, toys, cultural interaction, multicultural, identity, Orientalism, colonialism and archaeology, antiquities trafficking, antiquities trade, cultural heritage, repatriation Media Contact
Nancy Langston Michigan Tech PhD United States and Canada environmental, ecological, environmental health, pollution, mining, toxics, climate, health, body, forest, conservation, Lake Superior, wildlife, water Media Contact
Virginia Langum Umeå University
Brooke Lansing Johns Hopkins University other credentials Abortion, contraception, New York City, nineteenth-century America, gender and sexuality, history of medicine 1
Janine Lanza Wayne State University PhD France, legal history, gender, early modern period, work Media Contact
Tess Lanzarotta University of Toronto PhD US in the World Indigenous health, history of American medicine and public health, history of Global Health, history of biology and biotechnology, the history of American imperialism, Indigenous studies, feminist science and technology studies Media Contact
Amanda Lanzillo Princeton University PhD India, Pakistan, Afghanistan Artisanship, South Asia, Islam, Labor, Colonialism, Industrial Change, Technology History, Social History, Urdu, Persian Media Contact
Rebecca Lapham Wallisch Post Oak Preservation Solutions other credentials Texas, Architectural History, American History, Media Contact
Florence Largillière Queen Mary, University of London PhD France Modern European History, Modern European Jewish History, Modern French History, Modern Italian History, Modern British History, Modern German History, Interwar period, Holocaust, WWI, WWII Media Contact
Cleary Larkin University of Florida
Juliet Larkin-Gilmore University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign PhD United States history of medicine and public health, American Indian history, Native studies, 19th-20th C US history 1
Christina Larocco Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Catherine Larochelle Université de Montréal PhD Canada, Québec colonialism, representations, orientalism, missions, imperialism, education, Canada, Quebec, 19th century, race, emotions, children and youth, iconography 1
Amy Larrabee Cotz Fellow in the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University other credentials United States African-American History, Slavery, Emancipation, First Ladies, Women's History, Gender Studies, Presidential History, Plantation History, White House History, Early Washington City 1
Ruth Larsen University of Derby PhD Britain British History, gender history, material culture, country house, family, aristocracy, eighteenth century, letters, home Media Contact
Stephanie Larson Bucknell University
Kate Clifford Larson Independent Scholar PhD United States 19th and 20th Century, Women's History, African American History, Slavery, Underground Railroad, Abolition, Chesapeake, Maryland, Kennedy, Lincoln, Civil Rights, Biography, Harriet Tubman, Harriet movie, Rosemary Kennedy, Mary Surratt, Public History, Consultant, Film, Museum, Exhibit, Script Writing, Interpretive Planning. Media Contact
Mary Larson Oklahoma State University PhD United States, Canada Oral history, rural women's history, Dust Bowl, public history, ethnographic interviewing, ethics in oral history, digital humanities 1
Chelsea Larsson University of Guelph PhD Scotland crime, gender, homicide, violence, Scotland, legal culture, conflict resolution, feud Media Contact
Kathryn Lasdow Suffolk University
Caroline Laske University of Louvain (UCLouvain) PhD legal history, legal linguistics, gender Media Contact
Carol Lasser Emerita Professor of History, Oberlin College PhD 19th century women; antislavery women; activist women;, history of women's education/co-education; race and woman suffrage; temperance, gender and racial respectability; history of race in Oberlin, Ohio Media Contact
Amanda Lastoria Simon Fraser University PhD England, America, Canada Book design, Publishing history, Book history, Print culture, Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll Media Contact
Rachel Laudan Institute for Historical Studies, University of Texas at Austin PhD Food history, especially Mexico, Hawaii, Britain, processed food, industrial agriculture, appropriation Media Contact
Aubrey Lauersdorf Auburn University PhD United States Native South, Early America, Spanish Florida, Expeditions Media Contact
Vivian Laughlin Wake Forest University, Department of Classics PhD Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan Ancient Cultures and Religions, ANEE Archaeology, Digital Archaeology, Eastern/Western Mediterranean, Egypt, Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Historiography, Imperial Villas, Isis, Serapis Media Contact
Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz Eastern Illinois University PhD United States Civil War, women, antislavery, reform, United States, women's rights, antebellum, history wars, memory, abolitionism Media Contact
Alison Laurence Stanford University PhD United States Cultural History, Environmental History, Museums, Public History, Animals, Anthropocene, Deep Time Media Contact
Amanda Laury Kleintop Elon University PhD United States US Civil War, slavery, emancipation, Reconstruction, legal history, Atlantic World Media Contact
Amy Lauters Minnesota State University, Mankato PhD United States media, media history, American farm women, culture wars, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Rose Wilder Lane, fan culture, 20th century Media Contact
Brittany Lavelle Tulla BVL Historic Preservation Research and College of Charleston other credentials architectural history, historic research, historic preservation, national register nominations, historic tax credits, property history, historic rehabilitation, historic restoration, house history, architectural evolution reports Media Contact
Kate Law University of Chichester PhD South Africa Zimbabwe, South Africa, Colonialism, Women's History, Gender History, Activism, Reproductive Histories, Depo-Provera. Media Contact
Ruth Lawlor University of Cambridge PhD United States U.S. history, U.S. foreign relations, military history, WWII, gender, race, sexual violence, transnational history, European history Media Contact
Adrea Lawrence University of Montana PhD education history, American Indian history, colonialism, intellectual history, history of the American West Media Contact
Sarah Lawrence University of New England PhD exemplarity, Valerius Maximus, declamation, Stoicism, Seneca the Elder, Race, blood, externality, pedagogy Media Contact
Jennifer Lawrence Janofsky Rowan University
Ashleigh Lawrence-Sanders University of Colorado PhD United States Civil War, Memory, Monuments, African-American history, Emancipation, African American Memory, Reconstruction, Lost Cause, Black Radicalism Media Contact
Erin Lawrimore UNC Greensboro other credentials archives, oral history, beer and brewing, North Carolina, social and cultural history Media Contact
Jessica Lawson United States Air For e
Ellie Lawson IUPUI other credentials Public history, Holocaust, genocide, education, gender, memory, oral history Media Contact
Stephanie Lawton University of Virginia
Jo Laycock Manchester University PhD Armenia, South Caucasus, humanitarianism, refugees, memory, diasporas, repatriation, Soviet Union, First World War, Cultural History of War Media Contact
Joanna Laynesmith University of Reading PhD United Kingdom Wars of the Roses, queenship, medieval women, royal adultery and marriage, fifteenth century, medieval piety, medieval household, good ladyship Media Contact
Katy Layton-Jones University of Leicester and Open University PhD United Kingdom Victorian, Georgian, British, urban, parks, public parks, gardens, world's fairs, expos, exhibitions, print culture, popular culture, nineteenth century, eighteenth century, engraving, visual histories, topography, landscape, landscape architecture, art history Media Contact
Leah Lazar Oxford University
Tiziana Lazzari Università di Bologna
Isabella Lazzarini University of Molise
Robyn Le Blanc The University of North Carolina at Greensboro PhD Israel, Jordan, Syria, Italy Roman coinage, ancient numismatics, Roman provinces, Roman Near East, Roman period, Hellenistic period Media Contact
Rebecca Le Get Independent scholar PhD Australia tuberculosis, sanatoria, environmental history, environmentalism, civic planning 1
Maureen O'Connor Leach Monmouth County Historical Commisison other credentials Gender & Women's Studies, Early 20th Cnetury Progressive Women. Domestic Feminist, Food & Domestic Arts 18-20 Cnetury 1
Elisabeth Leake University of Leeds PhD Afghanistan, Pakistan, India International history, South Asia, borderlands, Afghanistan, Pakistan, decolonization, global Cold War Media Contact
K. Elise Leal Assistant Professor of Early American History, Whitworth University PhD United States American Religious History, Women's and Gender Studies, Childhood and Youth, Religious Education, Social Reform Movements Media Contact
Zoe LeBlanc Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia other credentials digital history, international history, media history, Global South, history of ideas, urban history, news, networks, international organizations, Cairo, Arab world, decolonization, data mining and visualization 1
Christina LeBlanc Tulane University
Angela LeBlanc-Ernest Independent Scholar
Anjuli Lebowitz National Gallery of Art PhD art history, photography, archaeology, women's history, #pocarthistory, race, science Media Contact
Ann Leduc Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre
Michel Sun Lee Southern Adventist University PhD Media Contact
Minji Lee Montclair State University PhD Media Contact
Minji Lee Montclair State University
Michel Sun Lee The University of Texas at Austin other credentials United States Jewish and Protestant Sabbath-keeping; sacred time; 19th and 20th c. United States; California; migration; American religious history Media Contact
Jessica A. Lee Independent Scholar PhD United States feminism, social justice activism, economic development Media Contact
Shelley Lee Oberlin College
Alex Lee University College London PhD Italy, France popular religion, plague, medieval, Italy, epidemic disease, Bianchi 1399, pilgrimage Media Contact
Lynton Lees Columbia University PhD Britain education, democracy, liberalism, citizenship, migration, Britain, British empire, modern Europe, 1914-1945, Britain since 1945, political history, intellectual history Media Contact
Grace Lees-Maffei University of Hertfordshire PhD UK design history, heritage, national identity, mediation, methodology, writing Media Contact
Hannah Leffingwell New York University other credentials Lesbian feminism, LGBTQ history, history of sexuality, social movements, intersectional politics, feminist theory 1
Alison Lefkovitz New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers University-Newark PhD United States gender, law, sexuality, feminism, marriage, men's rights activism, welfare, family, class Media Contact
Erin-Marie Legacey Texas Tech University PhD France France, Paris, French Revolution, Catacombs, Cemeteries, the Dead, Museums Media Contact
Ayanna Legros Duke University PhD Media and technology, Caribbean history, social movements Media Contact
Elizabeth Lehfeldt Cleveland State University PhD Spain gender, convents, nuns, queens Media Contact
Charlotte Leib Yale University
Austen Leigh Rutgers University
Helen Leighton-Rose Northumbria University
Julia Leikin Royal Holloway College, University of London PhD Russia, Eurasia, Eastern Europe Russian empire, international law, Eurasia, global and maritime history, Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, Russia and the West Media Contact
Gillian Leitch CDCI Research Inc PhD Canada British Identity, Canadian Immigration, Nineteenth Century, Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Genealogy Media Contact
Stephanie Leitzel Harvard University
Kate Clarke Lemay Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery PhD United States and France D-Day, memorials, francophone studies, death studies, trauma studies, French history, American history, transatlantic relations, Franco-American relations, World War II, war cemeteries, monuments, memory studies, art history, art of the United States, portraiture, midcentury modernism, neoclassicism, Art Deco, American architecture, mourning, material culture Media Contact
Tracy (T. M.) Lemos Huron University College, Western University PhD Ancient Israel, Ancient West Asia, Hebrew Bible, Early Judaism, History of Violence Media Contact
Camelia Lenart State University of New York at Albany
Mary Elizabeth Lennon Fordham University other credentials Ireland, United States Ireland, Irish America, Southern US, Irish diaspora, Eamon de Valera, Irish revolution, Americanism Media Contact
Eleanor Lenoe Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Katharina Lenski University of Jena PhD Socialist States, GDR, Bureaucracies, Space, East Europe, Culture History, Dissidence, Intelligence, Education, Science History, Borders, Methods, Oral History, History of Universities Media Contact
Adriane Lentz-Smith Duke University Department of History
Ana María León University of Michigan
Sharon Leon Michigan State University PhD United States digital history, public history, US Catholic history, 20thC US women's history, history of scientific racism, digital cultural heritage Media Contact
Victoria Leonard Royal Holloway, University London PhD United Kingdom Late Antiquity, Ancient History, Early Christianity, Roman History, Religion, Historiography, Gender Studies, Feminist Theory, Women Studies, The Body, Sexuality, Social Network Analysis, Digital Humanities, Media Contact
Kendra Leonard Silent Film Sound and Music Archive PhD USA, UK, France music, film music, silent film, silent film music, television music, Shakespeare, Shakespeare on film, women in music, twentieth century music, contemporary music, American music, gender, music and the supernatural Media Contact
Candy Leonard Independent researcher PhD USA Beatles, sixties, pop music, hippies, counterculture, gender, sexual revolution, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Yoko Ono, Abbey Road, peace movement, second wave feminism, baby boomers, boomers. Media Contact
Amy Leonard Georgetown University PhD nuns, monasticism, sexuality, Protestant Reformation, women Media Contact
Alice Leonard University of Warwick, UK PhD England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Germany early modern culture, book history, error, correction, early science, medicine, Shakespeare, drama, metaphor Media Contact
Anna Morgan Leonards Tulane University other credentials United States of America Women, Gender, Race, Whiteness, Women's Organizations, Voluntary Associations, U.S. South, Twentieth Century U.S. South, Public Health Media Contact
Elaine Leong University College London PhD History of Knowledge, Book History, Medicine, Science, Gender, England, Early Modern, Europe, 17th century, Family, Material Culture, Technology 1
Ayla Lepine Independent PhD UK Anglicanism Church of England Christianity in UK Art History Architectural History Gothic Revival Church Architecture Christian Art Media Contact
Jessica Lepler University of New Hampshire PhD History of Capitalism, Panic of 1837, Early American Republic, Financial Crises, Early American Cultural History, History of Animals Media Contact
Sivan Lerer The Herbrew University of Jerusalem PhD Comparative Religion, Baha'i Studies, Intellectual History in Iran, Polemics, Iranian Studies, Religious Minorities in the Middle East 1
Carla Lesh Dr.
Nora Lessersohn University College London other credentials USA, Armenia, Turkey (Ottoman Empire) U.S. history, Armenian history, Ottoman history 1
Fiene Leunissen Duke University other credentials Art Markets, Social Economic History, Data Visualization Media Contact
Lois Leveen Public Humanities
Lisa Levenstein University of North Carolina Greensboro PhD United States US feminism, multiracial feminism, black feminism, recent US history, social movements, online feminism, global feminism, women and public policy, feminism and economic justice. Media Contact
Eve Levin University of Kansas PhD Russia Russian Orthodoxy, medieval Russia Media Contact
Deborah Levine Department of Health Policy and Management, Providence College
Emily Levine The University of North Carolina, Greensboro PhD Modern European intellectual and cultural history, German history, university history, transatlantic history, higher education, sociology of knowledge, history of ideas, German-Jewish emigres, Weimar Republic Media Contact
Kathrin Levitan William & Mary PhD United Kingdom nineteenth-century Britain and empire, gender, migration, state and society, communication and technology Media Contact
Carolyn Levy The Pennsylvania State University other credentials United States of America US 19th Century, Early America, Antebellum America, Incarceration, Respectability, Criminality, Prisons, Reform Media Contact
Jessica Levy University of Virginia PhD United States, South Africa Modern America, Southern Africa, Race and Racism, International Business, Corporate Politics, Black Empowerment, Urban History, Media Contact
La TaSha Levy University of Washington-Seattle
Alexandra Levy American Historical Association other credentials World War II, Holocaust, Nuclear History, Manhattan Project, Public history, Oral history Media Contact
Juliette Levy Univeristy of California, Riverside
Beth Lew-Williams Princeton University PhD USA Migration, Immigration, U.S. West, 19th century, Race, Ethnicity, Asian American, Chinese America, Exclusion, Borders, Border Control Media Contact
Julia Lewandoski University of Southern California PhD Indigenous North America, United States, Canada indigenous, Native American, Atlantic, legal, California, Quebec, Louisiana, borderlands, cartography, STS Media Contact
Devon Lewars West Virginia University other credentials Public History, 18th & 19th Century American History, Families and Communities During the American Civil War Media Contact
Sarah Lewin Mississippi State University other credentials Britain, France Early Modern Europe, History of Science, History of Medicine, Body Politics, Women's History, Gender History, Occult History, Witchcraft, Sexuality Media Contact
Elaine Lewinnek California State University, Fullerton PhD United States housing, suburbs, urban history, California, Orange County, Chicago Media Contact
Johanna Miller Lewis University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Julie Lewis De Anza College
Jan Ellen Lewis Rutgers University-Newark
Mary Lewis Harvard University PhD France France and the World, Comparative Empires, Colonialism, North Africa, Atlantic World, Modern Europe, Immigration, Citizenship, Social History, Legal History, Economic History, Modern Europe Media Contact
Megan Lewis The Johns Hopkins University PhD Mesopotamia digital humanities, assyriology, mesopotamia, topic modeling Media Contact
Shalisse Lewis Johnstun
Abena Lewis-Mhoon Coppin State University
Amanda Lewis-Nang'ea SUNY Geneseo PhD Kenya, Madagascar Africa, East Africa, nationalism, pastoralism, Wildlife and Natural Resource Management, environment, conservation, animal studies, history of science, oral history, empire, decolonization, development Media Contact
Anna Leyrer Universität Basel/Universität Wien PhD Germany friendship, intellectual history, feminism, 19th and 20th century, cultural history Media Contact
Elizabeth Lhost Dartmouth College PhD India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka Legal history, Islamic law, paperwork, documentation, identification, data, privacy, marriage, family, critical finance studies, food studies Media Contact
Aries Li Rutgers University other credentials the United States, China, East Asia U.S. and the World, U.S.-East Asian relations, U.S.-China relations, World War II, memory studies Media Contact
Cate LiaBraaten Austin Peay State University PhD Twentieth-century US history, late 19th century US history, public history, museum education, parks, playgrounds, and public spaces, history of education, children's history, the Great Depression, World's Fairs, women's suffrage, temperance movement. Media Contact
Lena Liapi Keele University PhD England early modern history, print culture, history of crime, rogues and highwaymen Media Contact
Emily Libecap University of Kentucky; National Park Service
Justina Licata University of North Carolina Greensboro
Amy Licence independent other credentials England Tudor, late medieval, queenship, maternity, sexuality, gender, renaissance, Henry VIII, Edward IV, women's lives, cultural social and material history, biography, childbirth, childrearing, adultery, courtship, fornication, modernism, bohemianism, Bloomsbury Group, Woolf Media Contact
Emily Lieb Matteo Ricci Institute, Seattle University PhD United States 20th century U.S., cities, urban planning, urban policy, segregation, schools, education, Baltimore, Seattle Media Contact
Susan Liebell Professor, Saint Joseph's University
Jennifer Lieberman University of North Florida PhD literary history, history of technology, electricity, American culture, gender, race Media Contact