Participant Info

First Name
Last Name
Kean and MCCC, retired 2020
Website URL
Quaker abolition, Enslaved people, Wench Betty, Nj History, Violence against slaves, Human Rights. Difficult questions, Am. Rev. Liberty and who is left out, American and Atlanyic World slavery
Additional Contact Information
See Summer 2020 Wench Betty invited talk in NJS, an online journal. Write article for NJ teachers on Af. Resources during the American Rev. Era.

Personal Info

About Me

I like challenging questions that help refocus conventional ideas about historical time and events.  The Socratic Method can shatter hypocrisy.  Before I retired, I helped empower students to believe that they should not wait for a credential to change the world.  Think, evaluate, analyze, critique, and advocate with evidence.  Favorite class project I created: Can a tweet save the world?

Designated by the NJ Council for Humanities as a Public Scholar 2020-2022 for her research on the murder of a NJ enslaved woman in 1784, Wench Betty.

Recent Publications

Co-edited book with Maurice Jackson, Quakers and their Allies in the Abolitionist Cause, 1754-1808.

  • Book chapter “Thomas Jefferson’s Complicated Friends” -looks st the Quakers who were hired by Jefferson to work with him in Philadelphia or on his slave plantations.

Invited Talk, Why Wench Betty’s Story Matters: The Murder of a NJ Slave in 1784.

Will be publishing an article for NJ Teachers, 200,000 on NJ African American resources during the American Revolutionary War era and its immediate aftermath.  Fall 2020



Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, British Isles, United States
Expertise by Chronology
17th century, 18th century
Expertise by Topic
American Revolution, American Founding Era, Human Rights, Labor, Local & Regional, Public History, Race, Rural & Agrarian History, Slavery, Women