Christine |
DeLucia |
Mount Holyoke College |
PhD |
Native American, Indigenous, colonial, environmental, memory, violence, material culture, museums, decolonizing methodologies |
Media Contact |
Einav Zamir |
Dembin |
University of Texas at Austin |
PhD |
Greece |
Ceramics, textiles, gender, Ancient Greece |
Media Contact |
helene |
demeestere |
self |
hélène |
demeestere |
PHD candidate Paris Panthéon Sorbonne (Abd) |
Lisa |
Demets |
Ghent University |
PhD |
Media Contact |
Lejla |
Demiri |
University of Tuebingen |
Amanda |
Demmer |
Virginia Tech |
PhD |
United States |
war and society, Vietnam War, U.S. foreign relations, refugees |
Media Contact |
Bathsheba |
Demuth |
Brown University |
PhD |
Russia, United States |
Environmental History, Arctic, Russian/Soviet History, United States History, Native American/ Indigenous History, energy, climate change, marine history, animal studies, Pacific World |
Media Contact |
Catherine |
Denial |
Knox College |
PhD |
United States |
women, gender, Native America, Indigenous, contact, Early Republic, family, sexuality, marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, divorce |
Media Contact |
Nneka |
Dennie |
Davidson College |
PhD |
United States |
black feminism, black intellectual history, 19th century black women's history, 19th century African American history, 20th century black women's history, 20th century African American history, transnational feminism, African diaspora |
Media Contact |
Dawn |
Dennis |
Cal State University, Los Angeles |
PhD |
United States |
public history, cultural preservation, curator, race, ethnicity, immigration, American history, colonialism, imperialism, project-based-learning, exhibitions, community, memory, identity, |
Media Contact |
Nicola |
Denzey Lewis |
Claremont Graduate University |
PhD |
Italy |
lived religion in antiquity, Roman social history, mourning, death, and burial, catacombs, women and gender, Gnosticism |
Media Contact |
Brooke |
Depenbusch |
Colgate University |
PhD |
United States |
Social Policy, Inequality, Welfare, Political and Social Movements, Capitalism and Work, Citizenship and Belonging, Law |
Media Contact |
Jennifer |
Depold |
PhD |
medieval, England |
1 |
Margaret |
DePond |
PHD candidate University of New Mexico |
other credentials |
United States |
women, gender, United States, leisure and tourism, environmental, beaches, nineteenth century, twentieth century, fashion, culture |
Media Contact |
Eréndira |
Derbez |
Universidad Iberoamericana |
other credentials |
México |
Mexican art, Gender, 20th century, Art History, Mexico |
Media Contact |
Lauren |
Derby |
University of California at Los Angeles |
Jessica |
Derleth |
Binghamton University |
PhD |
United States |
modern United States, social movements, political history, ephemera, popular culture, women's history, women's suffrage movement, gender norms, feminism, digital history, food history, sexuality, marriage, masculinity, race |
Media Contact |
Elise |
Dermineur |
Umeå University |
PhD |
France, Sweden |
Early Modern History, Gender History, Economic History, France, Sweden, Social History, Credit markets, social network analysis, credit networks |
Media Contact |
Alison |
DeSimone |
University of Missouri-Kansas City |
Juliette |
Desplat |
The National Archives (UK) |
PhD |
Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran |
History of archaeology, Middle East, Nationalism, International boundaries, Intelligence |
Media Contact |
Juliette |
Desplat |
The National Archives (UK) |
Melissa |
DeVelvis |
University of South Carolina |
PhD |
19th Century U.S., the antebellum South, Civil War era, women and gender studies, public history, emotions history, sensory history, political history, secession |
Media Contact |
Bangalore University, Bangalore |
Dr. M V Usha |
Devi |
Department of History, Bangalore University, India |
Elsa |
Devienne |
Northumbria University |
PhD |
United States |
Environment, California, Los Angeles, city, beach, coast, leisure, race, gender, sexuality, body, erosion, public space, muscles, bodybuilding, urban renewal, Santa Monica, Venice |
Media Contact |
Alisee |
Devillers |
NINO - University of Leiden |
Shayna |
Devlin |
University at Buffalo |
PhD |
Scotland |
Medieval, Scotland, Stewart, Family Politics, Duke of Albany, Monarchy, Absentee Authority, Britain, Ireland, Regent |
Media Contact |
Rachel |
Dewan |
University of Toronto |
Jennifer |
deWinter |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
PhD |
US and Japan and increasingly China |
Video Games, Japanese Media Industries, Japanese games, games and violence, women in computer tech industries, game design, history of play |
Media Contact |
Jessica |
DeWitt |
Network in Canadian History and Environment |
PhD |
Canada and United States |
environment, environmental history, park history, public history, social media, American West, Canadian West, Canadian History, state parks, provincial parks, parks, water history, recreation, gender, history of leisure, national parks, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Alberta |
Media Contact |
Rebecca |
DeWolf |
Independent Historian |
PhD |
United States |
Equal Rights Amendment, gender history, women's history, citizenship studies, rights, legal history, political history, ERA, equal rights, citizenship, gender, women's rights. |
Media Contact |
Elizabeth |
DeWolfe |
University of New England |
PhD |
United States |
Shakers, Anti-Shaker activism, 19th-century sensational fiction, factory girls, textile factory operatives (19th c), Breach of Promise lawsuits, heart balm, Gilded Age women, women's history, 19th-century girlhood, mistress, archives, archival research |
Media Contact |
Ayushi |
Dhawan |
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Ayushi |
Dhawan |
Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich |
Kelley |
Di Dio |
University of Vermont |
PhD |
Italy, Spain |
Art History, Renaissance Studies, Renaissance Italy, Renaissance Spain, Global Exchange in the Early Modern Period, Art collecting, Art and its destruction in wartime (from the ancient world to today), Women in Early Modern Europe; the Hapsburgs; Renaissance Patronage, Florence, Italy; Renaissance and Baroque Sculpture, Michelangelo, Artists' Biographies, Italian Artists in Spain, Confederate Monuments in America |
Media Contact |
Serena |
Di nepi |
Sapienza University of Rome |
PhD |
Italy |
Renaissance history; Jewish History; Italian history; Early Modernity; ghettoes; slavery; conversion; Mediterranean |
Media Contact |
Diana |
Di Stefano |
Montana Historical Society |
PhD |
United States |
American West, Environment, Disasters, Gender |
Media Contact |
Mariana Armond |
Dias Paes |
Max Planck Institute for European Legal History |
PhD |
Angola; Brazil |
Angola, Brazil, slavery, land, property, labor, law, contemporary slavery |
Media Contact |
Magdalena |
Díaz |
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona |
PhD |
Mexico; Spain |
Disinformation; History; Subaltern Studies; Slavery; poor; miserable |
Media Contact |
Maria Angela |
Diaz |
Utah State University |
PhD |
United States of America |
nineteenth century American history, Civil War era, American South, Gulf South, territorial expansion, southern imperialism, slaveholders, Latin America, Gulf Coast |
Media Contact |
Ivana Nina |
Diaz Fernandez |
Complutense University, Madrid |
Ana |
Díaz Serrano |
University of Murcia |
PhD |
Early Modern History, Latin American Studies, Indigenous communities, Comparative and global perspectives |
Media Contact |
Heather |
Dichter |
De Montfort University |
PhD |
Germany, Norway, US |
Olympics, sport, diplomacy, Germany, Cold War, international sport, Olympic bidding, mega-events, Olympic Games |
Media Contact |
Stephanie |
Dick |
University of Pennsylvania |
Bailey |
Dick |
Ohio University |
PhD |
United States |
#MeToo, Journalism History, Women Journalists, Dorothy Day, Catholicism, Trauma, First-person writing, Feminism, Gender-based Violence |
Media Contact |
Katrina |
Dickson |
Emory University, Department of Classics |
Kristi |
DiClemente |
Mississippi University for Women |
Elizabeth |
Digeser |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
PhD |
Rome, Late Antiquity, Early Christianity, Constantine, Lactantius, Religion & Philosophy, Gaul, heresy |
Media Contact |
Trude |
Dijkstra |
University of Amsterdam |
PhD |
Netherlands, China, France |
Bookhistory, Cultural History, Contacts between China and Europe 1500-1800, Early Modern Periodicals, Medical History, History of Religion and Philosophy |
Media Contact |
Lisa |
Dillon |
Dept. de demographie, Universite de Montreal |
Natalya |
Din-Kariuki |
University of Warwick |
Hasia |
Diner |
New York University |
Lilian |
Diniz |
PhD |
Early medieval history, Late Antiquity, inter-religious encounters, popular culture, popular religion, religious hybridity |
Media Contact |
Aldilene César |
Diniz |
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ) |
Deborah |
Dinner |
Emory University School of Law |
Jane Ushiyama |
Dinwoodie |
University College, London |
PhD |
United States |
American History, Indigenous American History, Indian Removal, Indian Non-Removal, Federal power & early American state capacity, Indigenous South |
Media Contact |
Audra |
Diptee |
Carleton University |
PhD |
Caribbean, Africa, Colonialism, Imperialism, Critical Applied History, Slavery, Human Trafficking, Memory, Childhood & Youth. |
Media Contact |
Menika |
Dirkson |
Morgan State University |
PhD |
United States |
African American History, 20th Century U.S. History, Urban History, Race and Culture, Crime and Policing History |
Media Contact |
Andrea |
Ditkoff |
Rutgers University |
other credentials |
United States |
female physicians, history of science, history of medicine, women's history, gynecology, higher education, biology, gender, health, women doctors |
Media Contact |
Kassie |
Dixon |
Independent Scholar |
other credentials |
United States |
history of science and medicine, women's history, gender history, Texas history, rural history, local history, public history |
Media Contact |
Helen |
Dixon |
East Carolina University |
PhD |
Lebanon |
Phoenician history, Iron Age Levant, Polytheism in the Ancient World, First millennium BCE Mediterranean and Middle East, Antiquities Trade |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Dixon Smith |
Imperial College London |
other credentials |
United Kingdom |
History of Medicine, History of Pain, Disability, Military Medicine, Prostheses, Engineering, Rehabilitation, Neurology, World War One, Applied History, Social Welfare, Veterans' Healthcare, Pensions, Military |
Media Contact |
Laura |
Doak |
University of Dundee |
PhD |
Scotland and the British Isles |
seventeenth century, early modern, Scottish history, British history, political culture, print, proclamations, executions, performance, progresses, political participation, petitions, rebel declarations, crowds, protestations, James duke of York and Albany, Charles II, James VII, James II, Covenanters, ballads, progresses, psalms, communication, Bothwell Bridge, protest, intertextuality, multimedia, debate, Glorious Revolution, Union 1707, Scottish Privy Council |
Media Contact |
Natalia |
Doan |
University of Oxford |
Cara |
Dobbing |
University of Leicester |
PhD |
United Kingdom |
Lunatic Asylums, Asylum Patients, History of Psychiatry, Insanity, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Idiocy, Imbecility, Pauper Insanity, Poor Law, Poverty, Nineteenth Century |
Media Contact |
Caroline |
Dodds Pennock |
University of Sheffield |
PhD |
Mexico, Atlantic world |
Aztecs, Mesoamerica, Indigenous American history, Native American history, Atlantic history, human sacrifice, violence, gender, Spanish America, exploration, discovery, encounter, migration, slavery |
Media Contact |
Angela |
Dodson |
Independent |
other credentials |
woman suffrage women's rights votes voting women black African American suffragists suffragettes |
Media Contact |
Helen |
Doe |
University of Exeter, UK |
Maria |
Doerfler |
Yale University |
PhD |
late antiquity, ancient Christianity, death of children and migrants, gender and sexuality, law and justice in ancient Christian communities |
Media Contact |
Petra |
Dolata |
University of Calgary |
Brianne |
Dolce |
Yale University |
Jenifer |
Dolde |
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum |
other credentials |
Chesapeake Bay history, maritime history, women's history, agricultural history, Maryland history, foodways, oral history, exhibition research and development, archival management and research, collections care and management |
Media Contact |
Sonja |
Dolinsek |
Universität Erfurt / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
other credentials |
Prostitution, Sex work, trafficking, Global history, Transnational history, Gender and Sexuality, Law, German History, |
Media Contact |
Katy |
Doll |
Nova Southeastern University |
PhD |
United States |
United States, Twentieth Century, Culture, Military, Cold War, Propaganda, Psychological Warfare, Vietnam War, Korean War |
1 |
Melissa |
Dollman |
Deserted Films |
PhD |
audiovisual archives, film archives, American women's history, oral history, American Studies, television archives, archives, archival research, research, footage research, footage, sound |
Media Contact |
Patricia |
Dolton |
Crandall Public Library |
Paulina |
Dominik |
European University Institute |
PhD |
Poland, the Ottoman Empire, Turkey |
Media Contact |
Emma |
Donaghy |
Indiana University Indianapolis |
other credentials |
public memory, socio-cultural, historical memory, social justice, |
1 |
Darcy |
Donahue |
Miami University emerita |
Emily |
Donald |
Cornell University, Department of History |
other credentials |
modern Thailand and Southeast Asia, queer history, trans history, sound studies |
Media Contact |
Anni |
Donaldson |
University of Strathclyde |
LeTrice |
Donaldson |
The University of Mississippi |
Savannah |
Donnelly |
Montana State University |
Kathleen |
Donnelly |
Retired |
Savannah |
Donnelly |
Montana State University |
other credentials |
yellowstone, yellowstone national park, ynp, montana, western history, US west |
Media Contact |
Corinne |
Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University and Sciences-Po Paris |
PhD |
France, US,Italy |
History of medicine; disability studies; European history; history of philosophy |
Media Contact |
Kate |
Dorney |
University of Manchester |
Anna |
Dorofeeva |
University of Göttingen |
PhD |
Western Europe |
Palaeography, Digital Humanities, history of writing, scribes, book history, Caroline minuscule, Middle Ages, manuscripts, Carolingian, knowledge exchange, intellectual history |
Media Contact |
Courtney |
Dorroll |
Wofford College |
Kate |
Dorsch |
University of Pennsylvania |
other credentials |
History of Science, Expertise, U.S. Science Policy, Scientific Activism, Cold War, technoscience, pseudoscience, scientific objects, knowledge creation, credibility, witnessing, science fiction, STS |
Media Contact |
Jennifer |
Dorsey |
Siena College |
PhD |
New York, Founding Era, Religion, Labor, Public History, Academic Service Learning, |
Media Contact |
Sabina |
Dosani |
University of East Anglia |
Kate |
Dossett |
University of Leeds |
PhD |
U.S. and U.K |
Black cultural history, Black Theatre history, Women's history, feminist archives, Black cultural archives, Harlem Renaissance, United States history, Federal Theatre Project, New Deal |
Media Contact |
Porsha |
Dossie |
National Park Service |
other credentials |
African American history, Sunbelt, Florida history, Urban history, Miami, |
Media Contact |
Catherine |
Doucette |
University of Virginia |
Catherine |
Doucette |
University of Virginia |
other credentials |
Jamaica, British empire, early America |
Early modern Caribbean, Slavery, Material Culture, Art and Architectural History, British empire, Atlantic World, Global History |
1 |
Abigail |
Doull |
Aberystwth University/Tufts University |
other credentials |
Media Contact |
Kelly |
Douma-Kaelin |
The Pennsylvania State University |
other credentials |
Germany |
Religion, Pietism, Migration, German, 18th-Century, Early Modern |
Media Contact |
Gillian |
Dow |
University of Southampton |
Abigail |
Dowling |
Mercer University |
PhD |
France |
Environmental History, Landscape History, History of healthscaping, disease, Black Death, gender, History pedagogy |
Media Contact |
Lynn |
Downey |
Independent Scholar/Consultant |
other credentials |
United States |
California, Local history, American West, Arizona, Dude ranching, Tuberculosis sanatoriums, Women, American art pottery, Denim, Jeans |
Media Contact |
KayCee |
Downey |
Independent Public Historian |
other credentials |
United States |
gender history, women's history, political history, cultural history, urban history, historic preservation, architectural history |
Media Contact |
Nora |
Doyle |
Salem College |
PhD |
United States |
Early America, women/gender/sexuality, history of medicine, history of motherhood, history of race/ethnicity |
Media Contact |
Suzanne |
Doyle |
University of East Anglia |
Finola |
Doyle-O'Neill |
University College Cork |
Amalia |
Dragani |
Laboratoire d'Anthropologie sociale |
PhD |
Sahel - Sahara; Tuareg; ; history of anthropology (poets anthropologists) anthropology and history; oral history; oral literature; oral traditions; gender; Saharan student mobilities in URSS and Cuba. |
Media Contact |
Theodora |
Dragostinova |
Ohio State University |
Janine Giordano |
Drake |
University of Providence |
Mary |
Draper |
Midwestern State University |
PhD |
Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua, colonial North America, Atlantic world |
early America, Caribbean, Atlantic world, urban, environmental |
Media Contact |
Jane |
Draycott |
University of Glasgow |
PhD |
United Kingdom |
Roman history, history of science, history of technology, history of medicine, impairment and disability, prostheses and assistive technology, Graeco-Roman Egypt, Cleopatra Selene |
Media Contact |
Catherine M. |
Draycott |
Durham University |
Jacqueline |
Drayer |
Mulberry History Advisors |
other credentials |
United States |
Architectural history, historic preservation, urban history, American history |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Dreller |
PhD |
Data Management, Digital humanities, Historic preservation |
Media Contact |
Madge |
Dresser |
University of the West of England and University of Bristol ( where I am Hon Professor of Historical Studies) |
Diana |
Dretske |
Bess Bower Dunn Museum of Lake County |
other credentials |
United States |
Lake County IL history, women's history, African American history, Civil War, immigrants in Civil War, 96th Illinois Infantry |
1 |
Dr Tracy |
Drew |
Independent research |
Aurore |
Drouhin |
Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté |
other credentials |
France |
Jully-les-nonnains, bénédictines, cisterciennes, nuns, moniales, nunneries, monastères, femmes, genre, réseau, territoire, network, space, Ombeline diocèse de Langres |
Media Contact |
Donna |
Drucker |
Columbia University |
PhD |
United States, United Kingdom, Germany |
Science, Technology, and Medicine, Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Contraception, Reproduction, Fertility |
Media Contact |
Elizabeth |
Drummond |
Loyola Marymount University |
PhD |
Germany, Poland |
Germany, Poland, nationalism, imperialism, gender, public history and memory, cultural history |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Dry |
Independent Scholar |
PhD |
United Kingdom and USA |
History of science, climate science, epidemics, public culture of science, science museums, environmental history, history of oceanography, history of meteorology |
Media Contact |
Kristin |
Du Mez |
Calvin College |
PhD |
United States |
American history, women's history, gender, politics, religion, American evangelicalism |
Media Contact |
Yasmin |
Dualeh |
University of Cambridge |
Anna Mae |
Duane |
University of Connecticut, English Department |
PhD |
History of Childhood, 19th C New York, Slavery, 19C African American Education, Childhood Studies, African American Studies, African American childhood, child trafficking, modern slavery, Disability studies, 19th C American Studies, |
Media Contact |
Regina Horta |
Duarte |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais |
Alejandra |
Dubcovsky |
University of California, Riverside |
PhD |
United States |
Early America, (North) America South, Native American History, War, Gender, Spanish Borderlabds |
Media Contact |
Zoë |
Dubus |
TELEMMe - Aix-Marseille Université |
PhD |
France |
drugs, medicine, psychedelics, LSD, morphine, cocaine, doctors, history of medicine, history of drugs, psychiatry, psychotherapy |
Media Contact |
Elena |
Duce-Pastor |
Phd applicant |
PhD |
Greece, Spain, England |
Ancient Greece, Gender, Marriage, Dowry, Women studies, History, Reception |
Media Contact |
UW-Eau Claire |
UW-Eau Claire |
Tara |
Dudley |
The University of Texas at Austin; HHM & Associates, Inc. |
Hannah |
Dudley-Shotwell |
University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
PhD |
Women, Gender, Sexuality, Feminism, Reproductive Health, Women's Health, LGBTQ Activism and Health, Feminist Self-help |
Media Contact |
Mary |
Dudziak |
Emory University School of Law |
PhD |
United States |
Law, War, Peace, Politics, Presidency, U.S. Constitution, Civil Rights |
Media Contact |
Anna |
Duensing |
Yale University |
other credentials |
United States, Germany |
Civil Rights, Cold War, Black Radicalism, Antifascism, Fascism, Nazism, Neo-Nazism, Holocaust Studies, Racism, Anti-Semitism, World War II, Far-Right Social Movements, White Nationalism, Massive Resistance, Museums, Memory Studies |
Media Contact |
Sarah Emily |
Duff |
Colby College |
PhD |
South Africa |
modern South Africa, British Empire, childhood, age, gender and sexuality, education, nineteenth-century evangelicalism |
Media Contact |
Lisa |
Duffy |
Independent Scholar |
PhD |
United States |
film history, television history, mid-century America, Hollywood, musicals, media history, American culture, 20th century, gender & sexuality, Disney, celebrity, stardom |
Media Contact |
Monique |
Dufour |
Virginia Tech |
Noëmie |
Duhaut |
University of Southampton |
PhD |
France, Balkans |
French & Jewish history, 19th century |
Media Contact |
Kelly |
Duke Bryant |
Rowan University |
Anastasia |
Dukova |
Griffith University |
PhD |
Australia, Ireland, Canada, Great Britain |
History of Crime and Policing, Irish History, Irish Police, Dublin Metropolitan Police, Colonial Policing, Australian Police History, Urban Police |
Media Contact |
Danielle |
Dumaine |
University of North Texas |
PhD |
history of women, gender, and sexuality; 20th century, celebrity, capitalism, racial formation, cultural history, artists & poets, queer theory, history of the family, feminism |
Media Contact |
Karen |
Dunak |
Muskingum University |
PhD |
United States |
women, gender, feminism, media, celebrity, First Ladies, weddings, romance, social movements, youth |
Media Contact |
Leanna |
Duncan |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
other credentials |
United States |
Disability history, US since 1877, Early twentieth-century disability activism, Progressive Era, "crippled children." |
1 |
Natanya |
Duncan |
Lehigh University |
Ann |
Duncan |
Goucher College |
PhD |
United States of America |
American religious history, religion and politics, spiritual but not religious, motherhood and religion, new religious movements, interfaith, interreligious |
Media Contact |
Denise Felicia |
Dunn |
Kristi |
Dunn |
The History Museum |
Jennifer |
Dunn |
Montana State University |
Mary |
Dunn |
Saint Louis University |
Claire |
Dunning |
University of Maryland, College Park |
PhD |
United States |
United States, twentieth century, urban history, political history, policy history, nonprofit organizations, social innovation, philanthropy, social welfare, democracy, federalism, |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Dunstan |
University of Sydney |
Olivia |
Durand |
Freie Universität Berlin / University of Oxford |
PhD |
colonial history, settler colonialism, port cities, ukraine, black sea, louisiana, mississippi, russian empire, united states, odessa, odesa, new orleans, immigration, diaspora, unfree labour |
Media Contact |
Erikka |
Durdle |
Bishop O’Connell High School |
Pinar |
Durgun |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
PhD |
ancient Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Mediterranean and Middle East |
Archaeology, Ancient Art, Death and Burial, Feasting and Foodways, Prehistory, Bronze Age, the Hittites, Ancient Materials and Technologies, Cultural Heritage, Museums. |
Media Contact |
Lisa |
Durnian |
Griffith University |
other credentials |
Australia |
Historical criminology, criminal prosecution, history of the guilty plea, policing history, property offending |
Media Contact |
Kristina |
DuRocher |
Kennesaw State University |
PhD |
Lynching, Racism, Women's history, US South, segregation, Jim Crow, Ida B. Wells |
Media Contact |
Kristin |
Dutcher Mann |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock |
PhD |
Spanish borderlands |
Religious music & dance - Spanish empire, Franciscan & Jesuit missions, bells, local & public history, Mifflin Gibbs, Arkansas & Mexico, social studies education |
Media Contact |
Lucie |
Dutton |
Independent Scholar |
PhD |
UK |
First World War film, British cinema, Silent film |
Media Contact |
Dilnoza |
Duturaeva |
University of York |
PhD |
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, China |
History of Central Asia and China, transregional nomadic empires, Silk Road studies, Sino-Islamic relations, diplomacy, trade, and cross-cultural exchange in pre-modern Eurasia |
Media Contact |
Lauren |
Duval |
University of Oklahoma |
PhD |
United States |
Early America, American Revolution, Women's History, Gender History, Military Occupation, Household and Domesticity |
Media Contact |
Kathleen |
DuVal |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
PhD |
United States |
Media Contact |
Joana |
Duyster Borreda |
University of Copenhagen |
PhD |
Nationalism, National Identity, Catalonia, transnationalism, Modern Spain, European Cultural History |
Media Contact |
Karen |
Dybis |
Author - Detroit history writer |
Erika |
Dyck |
University of Saskatchewan |
PhD |
Canada |
medicine, psychedelics, eugenics, madness |
Media Contact |
Sierra |
Dye |
University of Guelph |
PhD |
Scotland |
Scotland, witchcraft, witch-hunts, women, gender, speech, judicial evidence and procedure, crime, early modern |
Media Contact |
Serena |
Dyer |
University of Warwick |
PhD |
shopping, buy british, material culture, consumers, dress, fashion, eighteenth century, women, nationhood, patriotism, nationalism |
Media Contact |
Joanna |
Dyl |
Pomona College |
PhD |
United States |
natural disasters, urban environmental history, San Francisco, earthquakes, beaches |
Media Contact |
Taylor |
Dysart |
University of Pennsylvania |
other credentials |
History of science, history of medicine, modern Latin American history, history of plants, Amazonian history, settler colonial studies, post-colonial and feminist science and technology studies. |
1 |
Tiffany |
Dziurman |
Athena Research Consultants LLC |
MA |
United States |
historic preservation, historical research, women's history, architecture |
Media Contact |
Helka |
Dzsacsovszki |
Technical University of Munich |
Tiffany |
Earley-Spadoni |
University of Central Florida |
PhD |
Armenia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Azerbaijan |
Ancient Near East, warfare, spatial analysis, GIS, archaeology, digital history, digital storytelling, digital humanities |
Media Contact |
Laura |
Earls |
Delaware Historical Society |
PhD |
material culture, Atlantic world, women, gender, and sexuality, history of the body, public history, museum studies, early America |
Media Contact |
Averill |
Earls |
St. Olaf College |
PhD |
Ireland |
History of Sexuality, LGBTQ, Same-Sex Desire, Homosexuality, Policing, History of Policing, Ireland, Gender, Masculinity, Urban History, Dublin, Imperialism, Colonialism, Postcolonialism |
Media Contact |
Jodi |
Eastberg |
Alverno College |
Carolyn |
Eastman |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
PhD |
United States |
history of the media; gender; women; sexuality; political culture; history of celebrity; print; oratory; epidemics; history of disease; history of New York City; SHEAR |
Media Contact |
Stef |
Eastoe |
Myisha |
Eatmon |
University of South Carolina - Columbia |
PhD |
United States of America |
Legal history, Jim Crow, African American, a United States, 19th Century, 20th Century |
Media Contact |
Oline |
Eaton |
University of Memphis |
PhD |
United States |
celebrity culture, life-writing, biography and life-narratives, gossip, 20th and 21st century American culture, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Hillary Rodham Clinton, American affect, AIDS, neoliberal subjects, intimate publics |
Media Contact |
Shannon |
Eaves |
Rutgers University |
Lisa |
Eberle |
University of Tuebingen |
Munazza |
Ebtikar |
University of Oxford |
PhD |
History and historiography, memory, the middle east and Afghanistan |
Media Contact |
Susan |
Eckelmann |
University of Tennessee Chattanooga |
PhD |
Media Contact |
Astrid M. |
Eckert |
Emory |
PhD |
Germany, Central Europe |
Modern German history, 20th-century Germany, history of the Federal Republic of Germany, history of the German Democratic Republic, Modern European history, history of Nazi Germany, history of German archives, environmental history, borderlands, Iron Curtain/inter-German border, nature conservation |
Media Contact |
Sandra |
Eder |
University of California, Berkeley |
PhD |
Gender and Sexuality, History of Medicine and Science |
Media Contact |
Brittany |
Edmoundson |
New York University |
PhD |
US in the world, US-Latin American relations, capitalism and political economy, history of drugs and drug wars, history of development, history of policing and militarism, empire and indigenous politics, environmental history, transnational and global history |
Media Contact |
Kathryn |
Edwards |
University of South Carolina |
PhD |
Germany, France |
early modern Europe, medieval Europe, popular religion, ghosts, devils, frontiers, daily life |
Media Contact |
Allyson |
Edwards |
Bath Spa University |
PhD |
Militarism, Russia, youth, Militarisation, culture, society, Yeltsin, Putin, war, patriotic education, memory |
Media Contact |
Jennifer C. |
Edwards |
Manhattan College |
PhD |
Europe, England, France |
Medieval Europe, Women and Gender, Religion, Nuns, Saints, Leprosy, Authority, Poitiers, Radegund |
Media Contact |
Kathryn |
Edwards |
Tulane University |
PhD |
France |
Modern France, French empire, French Indochina, colonial reform, historical remembrance |
Media Contact |
Erika Denise |
Edwards |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
PhD |
Argentina |
Latin America, African Diaspora, Afro-Latin America, Argentina, Gender, Women, Education, Slavery, Motherhood, Race |
Media Contact |
Elodie |
Edwards-Grossi |
University of Toulouse, France |
PhD |
United States; France |
race; medicine; slavery; ethnography; historical sociology; history of racial science; history of psychiatry; ancestry; recreational genetics; African-American History; archives; |
Media Contact |
Carolyn |
Edy |
Appalachian State University |
PhD |
United States |
History of Women War Correspondents, Journalism History, Media History, Women Journalists |
Media Contact |
Bonnie |
Effros |
University of British Columbia |
PhD |
history of archaeology, early medieval history and archaeology, late antique and early medieval gender, colonial archaeology in the Maghreb, nineteenth-century France, French historiography, Christian archaeology; medievalism |
Media Contact |
Raina |
Egan |
Independent |
other credentials |
United States |
Civil War, American women's history, Civil War women, early American history, Allegheny Arsenal, Confederate States Laboratory, Washington Arsenal, Jackson Arsenal |
Media Contact |
Sara |
Egge |
Centre College |
PhD |
United States |
woman suffrage, rural women's history, citizenship, agricultural history, food history, United States' history, ethnicity, immigration, naturalization, Midwestern history, gender |
Media Contact |
Nicole |
Eggers |
University of Tennessee-Knoxville |
PhD |
Media Contact |
Christine |
Ehrick |
University of Louisville |
PhD |
Uruguay, Argentina |
Radio History, Women and Radio, Sound, Gender, Argentina, Uruguay, Border Radio, Voice, Vocal Gender, Women's Voices, Radio Preservation, |
Media Contact |
Julia |
Eichenberg |
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin |
PhD |
Eastern and Western European History, World Wars, Peace and Conflict |
Media Contact |
Carolyn |
Eichner |
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee |
PhD |
France, New Caledonia, Algeria |
France, women, gender, imperialism, colonialism, empire, feminism, feminist, socialism, anarchism, radicalism, New Caledonia, names, naming, anti-Semitism, Louise Michel, nineteenth-century, early twentieth-century, revolution, social unrest, prison colony, Kanak, race, class. |
Media Contact |
Christine |
Eisel |
The University of Memphis |
PhD |
United States |
colonial America, colonial Virginia, early American policy history, gender and law, gossip |
Media Contact |
Amanda |
Eisemann |
Erin |
Eisenbarth |
Bard Graduate Center |
Carolyn |
Eisenberg |
Hofstra University |
Stefanie |
Eisenhuth |
Center for Contemporary History Potsdam / Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (ZZF) |
PhD |
Germany |
Contemporary German History, Cold War, German-American Relations, East Germany, GDR, German Democratic Republic, Socialism, Communism, West Berlin, East Berlin, Berlin Wall, Memory Studies, Cultural Studies, Public History |
1 |
Elisabeth |
Eittreim |
Rutgers University |
PhD |
Media Contact |
Meral |
Ekincioglu |
scholar in architecture, MIT, Harvard, Columbia universities, former visiting scholar. |
PhD |
intersectional feminism and politics of gender in (postwar) architecture history, diversity, equity and inclusion in (the history of) architecture education and the profession, historical documentation practice on these subjects. |
1 |
Lulie |
El-Ashry |
Senior Research Fellow , Vienna University |
Lorren |
Eldridge |
University of Oxford |
other credentials |
legal history; law; medieval history |
Media Contact |
Claire |
Eldridge |
University of Leeds |
PhD |
Modern France, French Empire, Postcolonial France, Algeria, Memory, Pieds-Noirs, Harkis, First World War and the French Empire, Colonial Veterans |
Media Contact |
Cagla |
Elektrikci |
Mrs |
other credentials |
Exclusion, Gender, Climate, Social movements, multimedia journalism |
Media Contact |
jessica |
elfenbein |
University of South kCarolina |
Megan |
Elias |
Boston University Gastronomy Program |
Allison |
Elias |
Vanderbilt University |
Alexandra |
Elias |
Independent Scholar, Syracuse City School District |
PhD |
United States |
women in america, women in the military, women in defense, women's army corps, uniforms, clothing, dress |
Media Contact |
Hannah J. |
Elizabeth |
London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine |
PhD |
Britain, England, Scotland |
Public health, emotion, HIV, AIDS, childhood, adolescence, sex, sexuality, sexual health, representation, children's media, sex education, safer-sex, teenage culture, teenage magazines, 1980s, 1990s, activism, lesbians |
Media Contact |
Sarah |
Elkind |
San Diego State University |
PhD |
Environmental history, urban history, environmental policy, energy and petroleum development, water resources policy, waste disposal and pollution, air pollution, urban infrastructure, federalism, government capacity, business influence in American politics. |
Media Contact |
Catriona |
Ellis |
University of Strathclyde |
PhD |
India |
childhood, children, late colonial India, British imperialism, education, health, juvenile justice, autobiography |
1 |
Heather |
Ellis |
University of Sheffield |
PhD |
Britain |
history of knowledge, history of higher education, history of science, gender history, history of academic mobilities |
Media Contact |
Elizabeth |
Ellis |
New York University |
PhD |
North America and U.S. |
Native American, Indigenous, Early America, Louisiana, Atlantic |
Media Contact |
Sara |
Ellis Nilsson |
Linnæus University and Lund University |
PhD |
medieval studies, cults of saints, lived religion, hagiography, history, archaeology, medievalism, use of history, historical reconstruction |
1 |
Elizabeth |
Ellis-Marino |
California State University, East Bay |
PhD |
Germany/Holy Roman Empire |
Catholicism, German Catholics, Northwest Germany, Westphalian History, Global Catholicism, Society of Jesus, Baroque Culture and Art, Material Culture and Politics |
1 |
Amy Noel |
Ellison |
American Philosophical Society |
PhD |
American Revolution, Invasion of Canada, military history, political history, |
Media Contact |
Jenny |
Ellison |
Canadian Museum of History |
PhD |
Canada |
Canadian sport history; women's sport; fat activism; history of obesity; history of physical fitness in Canada; Terry Fox; hockey; sport in advertising. |
Media Contact |
Katherine |
Ellison |
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Saginaw Valley State University |
PhD |
United States |
U.S. History, U.S. Politics and Government, Judicial Behavior in History, Cold War, Harry Truman, Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Presidential History, Modern U.S. Political History. |
Media Contact |
Maggie |
Elmore |
Sam Houston State University |
Elizabeth |
Elsbach |
other credentials |
Legislative History, World War I, America's Entry into World War I, Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, Law, Suffrage, Immigration, Military History, Race Relations, Politics, Juvenile Law, The Spanish Influenza, World War I Espionage, Rationing, Russia Revolution, |
Media Contact |
Brenda |
Elsey |
History Department, Hofstra University |
PhD |
Argentina, Brasil, Chile |
sport, popular culture, Latin America, women, gender, sexuality, Chile, Argentina, soccer, World Cup, |
Media Contact |
Lama |
Elsharif |
Purdue University |
other credentials |
Tunisia, Libya, Algeria |
North Africa, Mediterranean, Maritime History, Corsairs, Environment, Economic History, Empires, Global History, Colonialism, Diplomatic History, Social History |
Media Contact |
Carole |
Emberton |
University at Buffalo (SUNY) |
PhD |
United States |
slavery, emancipation, Civil War, southern |
Media Contact |
Theresa |
Embrey |
Pritzker Military Museum & Library |
other credentials |
United States and Canada |
World War I, World War I Music, World War II in the Pacific, American Civil War, Spanish American War, Women and the military |
1 |
Pinar |
Emiralioglu |
Sam Houston State University |
PhD |
1 |
Rebecca |
Emmett |
University of Plymouth |
PhD |
Early Modern History, Book History, Publishing, Printing, Scottish History, English History, Elizabeth I |
Media Contact |
Janet |
Emonson |
York Region District School Board Museum & Archives |
Kimberly |
Enderle |
University of Massachusetts Amherst |
MA |
Women, Women Veterans, Gender, Sexuality, Veteran, Military History, Social History, MST, PTSD, Trauma, Feminism, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan |
Media Contact |
Christine |
Engels |
Archives Manager, Cincinnati History Library and Archives, Cincinnati Museum Center |
other credentials |
Cincinnati, archives, women, handwriting, paper, genealogy |
Media Contact |
Rachel |
Engl |
Lehigh University |
other credentials |
US |
American Revolution, history of emotions, manhood, Atlantic World |
Media Contact |
Beth |
English |
Organization of American Historians |
PhD |
United States |
Labor, Class, Gender, Economy, Culture, Globalization, Unions, US South, Global South |
Media Contact |
Linda |
English |
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley |
PhD |
United States |
Gender, Race, Texas, Texas Revolution, Indian Territory, Nineteenth Century, General Stores |
Media Contact |
Sophia |
Enriquez |
The Ohio State University |
other credentials |
United States, Mexico |
Ethnomusicology, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Folklore, Appalachian Studies, Latinx Studies, Border Studies, Cultural Hybridity, |
Media Contact |
Sandra |
Enríquez |
University of Missouri-Kansas City |
PhD |
United States |
Latinx, urban history, public history, borderlands, social movements, digital history |
Media Contact |
Kristen |
Epps |
Kansas State University |
PhD |
United States |
Bleeding Kansas, slavery, sectionalism, Civil War, abolition, emancipation, Fugitive Slave Law, John Brown/Harpers Ferry, the Secret Six, reform movements, western expansion, Upper South, Kansas, Missouri, early Kansas City, 19th century U.S. |
Media Contact |
Nora |
Epstein |
University of St Andrews |
other credentials |
England & Scotland |
Printing, Book History, Bookbinding, Woodcuts, Metalcuts, Relief Printing, Reformation, Religious Print, Devotional Images. |
Media Contact |
Immacolata |
Eramo |
Università degli Studi di Bari |
PhD |
Military history, Roman history, Greek history, Thucydides, Appianus, Syrianus Magister, stratagems, tactics, poliorcetics, military manuals |
1 |
Rebecca |
Erbelding |
US Holocaust Memorial Museum |
PhD |
United States |
World War II, Holocaust, Humanitarian aid, Rescue, US Government, Roosevelt, Presidential History, Immigration, Refugees |
Media Contact |
Tabitha |
Erdey |
National Park Service |
Julia Gül |
Erdogan |
PhD |
Germany, Western Europe, USA, France, GB |
history of technology, computing history, environmental history, hacker cultures, gender |
Media Contact |
Ansley |
Erickson |
Teachers College, Columbia University |
PhD |
United States |
20th Century United States, Education, Urban, African American |
Media Contact |
Amy Louise |
Erickson |
University of Cambridge |
PhD |
early modern, women, economic, labour, property, entrepreneur |
Media Contact |
Stephanie |
Erlenbach |
PhD Fellow |
other credentials |
1 |
Cindy |
Ermus |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
PhD |
France & Atlantic |
18th-Century France & Atlantic World, Age of Revolutions, History of Epidemics, Disaster History, History of Science & Medicine |
Media Contact |