Participant Info

First Name
Erika Denise
Last Name
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Website URL
Latin America, African Diaspora, Afro-Latin America, Argentina, Gender, Women, Education, Slavery, Motherhood, Race
Additional Contact Information

Personal Info

About Me

I am an expert of the black experience ( slave trade,  “black disappearance”, and today’s black power movement)  in Argentina, a country known more for its European than African past.  I have  been cited and consulted by in the New York Times and National Geographic. I have also been  interviewed by La Voz del Interior, an Argentine newspaper in  regarding her research.   I have published articles in the African the Black Diaspora: An International Journal,  Oxford Bibliographies, History Compass and various book chapters. Moreover, I have given numerous talks at various institutions and organizations some of which include University of South Carolina, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and University of California- Irvine.  Most recently I published my book Hiding in Plain Sight: Black Women the Law and the Making of a White Argentine Republic (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press) 2020.

Recent Publications

Hiding in Plain Sight: Black Women the Law and the Making of a White Argentine Republic (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press) 2020.

“María Remedios del Valle – 19th century Argentina” in As If She Were Free: A Collective Biography of Black Women and Emancipation in the Americas edited by Erica L. Ball, Tatiana
Seijas, and Terri L. Snyder (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) forthcoming
-co-authored with Florencia Guzmán

“Un regalo de la madre, libertad: maternidad y el proceso de manumisión en Córdoba, Argentina””
in Esclavos. Estudio interdisciplinario en territorios periféricos en la antigua monarquía Hispania. Siglos XVIII a mediados del XIX (Córdoba, Argentina: Baez Impresiones) 2019.

“A Tale of Two Cities: Buenos Aires, Cordoba and the Disappearance of the Black Population in Argentina” The Metropole, the official blog of the Urban History Association, May 2018  A Tale of Two Cities

“Pardo is the New Black: The Urban Origins of Argentina’s Myth of Black Disappearance” Global Urban History Blog Dec 2016. Pardo is the New Black

“An African Tree Produces White Flowers: the disappearance of the black population in Argentina” New York: Oxford University Press Blog Nov 2015. An African Tree Produces White Flowers

“Slavery in Argentina” In Oxford Bibliographies in Latin American Studies. Ed. Ben Vinson. New York: Oxford University Press (online) updated June 2017.Slavery in Argentina

“Mestizaje Cordóba’s Patria Chica: Beyond the Myth of Black Disappearance” in African and the Black Diaspora: An International Journal’s special issue “There are No Blacks in Argentina: Policing the Border”  Vol. 7. No. 2, 2014.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, Latin America
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century, Early Modern, Modern
Expertise by Topic
Emancipation, Family, Gender, Race, Rebellion & Revolution, Sexuality, Slavery, Urban History, Women