Participant Info

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Brown University
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Environmental History, Arctic, Russian/Soviet History, United States History, Native American/ Indigenous History, energy, climate change, marine history, animal studies, Pacific World
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Personal Info

About Me

I am an environmental historian, specializing in the lands and seas of the Russian and North American Arctic. My interest in northern environments and cultures began when I was 18 and moved to the Village of Old Crow in the Yukon. For over two years, I mushed huskies, hunted caribou, fished for salmon, tracked bears, and otherwise learned to survive in the taiga and tundra. In the years since, I have lived in and studied Arctic communities across Eurasia and North America. From the archive to the dog sled, I am interested in the how the histories of people, ideas, places, and non-human species intersect.

Recent Publications

“Grounding Capitalism: Geology, Labor, and the Nome Gold Rush,” chapter in A Global History of the Gold Rushes, eds. Stephen Tuffnell and Benjamin Mountford (Berkeley: University of California Press, forthcoming fall 2018)

“More Things on Heaven and Earth: Modernism and Reindeer in Chukotka and Alaska,” chapter in Northscapes: History, Technology, and the Making of Northern Environments, eds. Dolly Jørgensen and Sverker Sörlin (Victoria: University of British Columbia Press, 2013)

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Russia, United States
Expertise by Geography
Pacific, Russia, United States
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, 20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Capitalism, Environment, Indigenous Peoples