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University of Warwick, Hispanic Studies Department
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Maritime History, Naval History, Anglo-Spanish Empire History, Prize Law, 18th Century, Strategy, Political History, Diplomatic History
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About Me

Anna was awarded her PhD from King’s College London Department of War Studies in July 2017. Her PhD focused on 18th century Prize Law as an instrument of British foreign policy towards Spain and Holland. Anna has taught several undergraduate courses at King’s College London, and also on several Junior Officer Development courses at the Joint Services Command and Staff College. She is currently working on the AHRC project at the University of Warwick ‘Imperial Entanglements: Transoceanic Basque Networks in British and Spanish Colonialism and their Legacy’ (July 2016- June 2019)

Recent Publications
Media Coverage
Country Focus
Britain, Spain
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, Latin America, Spain, United Kingdom
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century, Early Modern
Expertise by Topic
American Revolution, Diplomacy, Military, Slavery