Participant Info

First Name
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Moreno Cabanillas
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
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Colonial Latin America, Early Modern History, 18th century history, Caribbean, Colonial empires, Atlantic History, Global history, Communications, Postal system
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Personal Info

About Me

Predoctoral researcher at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville (UPO) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

After graduating in Humanities in 2011 (UPO), she completed in 2013 the Master “Historia de Europa, el Mundo Mediterráneo y su difusión atlántica. Métodos y teorías para la investigación histórica” (UPO). Nowadays, she works in her doctoral thesis called Communication and empire: the reform of the postal service in Cartagena de Indias between 1713 and 1777, towards a new model of sovereignty? is supervised by the Professor Manuel Herrero Sánchez and the Professor Antonio Lopez Gutierrez (UPO).

She has participated in different doctoral schools in Spain and abroad, for instance in Argentina in 2013, in Italy in 2015 and in France in 2016. Also she has several publications and has presented her work in many national and international forums.

Rocío’s research focuses on the role by communication systems in overseas empires, particularly postal systems connecting Europe and its American colonies during the eighteenth century. Her approach aims at offering a refreshing perspective on the role played by communication systems in the British, Spanish and Portuguese empires as a way to consolidate control over their own colonies across the Atlantic. Moreover, her research is focused in the different model of sovereignty with the reform plans in the enlightenment.

Recent Publications

– “Cartas en pugna. Resistencias y oposiciones al proyecto de reforma del correo ultramarino en España y América en el siglo XVIII”, Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos [En ligne], Débats, mis en ligne le 11 décembre 2017, consulté le 12 décembre 2017. URL :

Cartas para gobernar. El establecimiento de la Administración de Correos de Cartagena de Indias (1764-1769), Alemania, Editorial Académica Española, 2017. ISBN 978-3-639-53126-8

– “Les communications outremer. Les postes comme outil de connexion entre les territoires au sein d’un espace global au cours du XVIIIe siècle” en Amérique latine globale. Histoire connectée, globale et internationale, París, L’Harmattan, 2017.

– “El deseo de renovar: instrumentos reformadores del sistema postal hispanoamericano en el Archivo General de Indias” en Archivo General de Indias: el valor del documento y la escritura en el gobierno de América, Secretaria General Técnica. Centro de Publicaciones. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2017, pp. 113-124.

– “Las comunicaciones en ultramar: obstáculos y resistencias en el plan de reforma postal”, en Arte y patrimonio en Iberoamérica. Tráficos transoceánico vol. 32, Col-lecció Amèrica, 2016, pp. 91 – 101.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Spain, Latin America
Expertise by Geography
Latin America, Spain
Expertise by Chronology
18th century
Expertise by Topic