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Georgetown University
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Namibia, South Africa, environment, water, agriculture, race, borders, colonialism, gender, ethnicity
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Recent Publications

“Talking About the Weather: The language of environmental crisis in South Africa, 1915-1945,” Environmental History (Jan. 2018).

“Theories of ‘Reprecipitation’ and Climate Change in the Settler Colonial World,” History of Meteorology (Jan.  2018).

“Making Rain, Making Maps: Competing geographies of water and power in 19th-century southwestern Africa,” Journal of African History 58:2 (July 2017) 187-212.

“An Empire of Rivers: Climate anxiety, imperial ambition, and the hydropolitical imagination in Southern Africa, 1919-1945,” Journal of Southern African Studies 41:3 (2015),  485-504.

“Industrial Agriculture,” in Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Global Environmental History, John McNeill and Erin Stewart Maudlin, eds. Wiley-Blackwell 2012, 411-432.

“Landscapes of Power: Ownership and identity on the Middle Kavango River, Namibia,” Journal of Southern African Studies 34:4 (2008), 785-802.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
South Africa Namibia, Botswana
Expertise by Geography
Expertise by Chronology
20th century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Environment, Gender, Race