Participant Info

First Name
Anja Katharina
Last Name
Protestant University Dresden
Website URL
nursing history, midwives history, history of medicine, national-socialism, World War II, eugenics, euthanasia
Additional Contact Information

Personal Info

About Me

I am a trained nurse with an academic degree in Nursing & Health and a PhD in history of medicine. The focus of my research has been on midwives and nursing history 1933-45. I am particularly interested in the biographies of perpetrators and followers among German and Austrian nurses and midwives during the “Third Reich”.

My PhD thesis about the “Reich midwives fuehrer” Nanna Conti (1881-1951) has been published at LIT in February 2018.

Recently I have started preparatory work for a new project about sustainability in nursing from a historical perspective. I am a professor of nursing/nursing science.

Recent Publications

Selective bibliography:

2018 Nanna Conti (1881-1951) – Eine Biographie der Reichshebammenführerin, Schriftenreihe der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bd. 50, 408 S.; LIT Verlag, ISBN 978-3-643-13985, 44.90 EUR, 44.90 CHF, br.

2016 Oral tradition, in: Glasper, Alan / Rees, Colin (Ed.): Nursing and Healthcare Research at a Glance, Chichester / Hoboken 2016, S. 80-81.

2014 with Wiebke Lisner: German Midwifery in the “Third Reich”, in: Benedict, Susan / Shields, Linda (Hg.): Nurses and Midwives in Nazi Germany. The “Euthanasia” Programs, New York / London 2014, S. 164-197.

2011 Nanna Conti – the Nazis’ Reichshebammenführerin (1881-1951), in: Women’s History Magazine, Issue 65, Spring 2011, S. 33-41.

2010 Nanna Conti – midwife, ideological multiplier and international propagandist, in: Medicine under ideological pressure. Swedish-German contacts in medicine during 1933-1945. International symposium in Lund, Sweden, on 4-5 November 2010, Enheten för medicinens historia Lunds universitet, Lund 2010, S. 43-53.

2006 with Peter M. Nilsson, Göran Bergquist, Wolfgang Köpp: ’Ärzteführerschule Alt-Rehse’ – the main educational centre for promotion of Nazi medicine ideology in Germany during 1935-1943, in: Svensk Medicinhistorisk Tidskrift volym 10 #1 2006, S. 199-211.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Germany, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, Early Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Gender, Medicine, Politics, Sexuality, Women