Participant Info

First Name
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University of Pennsylvania
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economic history, financial history, monetary history, central banking, international currencies, foreign exchange reserves, colonial history, British history
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Personal Info

About Me

I am a postdoctoral fellow and invited lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania. I hold a PhD in Economics and History from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.

My research interests are 19th and 20th century financial history, monetary economics and banking. My current projects focus on measuring the rise and fall of international reserve currencies under the Bretton Woods era, especially the decline of sterling, and analyzing central banks’ monetary policies through the case of the French central bank in the late 19th century.

Recent Publications

Please see my attached webpage.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
UK, France and Western Europe
Expertise by Geography
France, United Kingdom, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Capitalism, Economic History