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Georgia College
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About Me

I’m an Associate Professor of History at Georgia College. I teach courses on modern world history, Latin America, US-Mexico borderlands, oral history, global foodways, and women’s and gender studies. My current research focuses on mid-twentieth US-Mexico diplomatic and cultural relations.

Recent Publications

Opperman, S.B. “‘There Was No ‘Family Planning Movement, There Was Just Us’: The Asociación​ Pro-Salud Maternal and Birth Control in 1960s Mexico,” Journal of Women’s History (accepted May 2020)

Opperman, S.B., “Using ‘Public Health Crossings’ to Create Community-Based Rural Healthcare in Mexico: The Case of Two Health Centres in Xochimilco.” Bulletin of Latin American Research 38:1 (January 2019): 35–49.

Opperman, S.B. “Bienestar Social Rural: Improving Rural Physical and Social Well-Being in 1950s Mexico.” The Annals, special issue of The Latin Americanist 60:1 (March 2016): 79-93.

Opperman, S.B. “Modernization and Rural Health in Mexico: The Case of the Tepalcatepec Commission.” Endeavour, Special issue on Continuity and Change in the History of Mexican Public Health 37:1 (March 2013): 47–55.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Latin America
Expertise by Chronology
Expertise by Topic
Diplomacy, Politics, Women