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History, Immigration, Migration, Arab Americans, Middle East and North Africa, Ethnicity
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Recent Publications

Fersan, Eliane, Ramirez, Blanca, Solorzano Lizette. 2020. “Three Key Considerations for Saving DACA During COVID-19”. CSII Immigrant Integration News Wire.

2. Fersan, Eliane, and Kai Golden. 2020. “Trump’s Xenophobia will Exacerbate Crisis.” TheProgressive.

(re-published in 53 newspapers with 3.2 million subscribers in 22 States)

3. Fersan, Eliane, and Kai Golden. 2019. “Three Reasons to Reverse the Department of Homeland Security’s Migrant Protection Protocol.” CSII Immigrant Integration News Wire.

4. Fersan, Eliane, Blanca Ramirez, and Jody Agius Vallejo. 2018. “The New Executive Order is No Solution: Three Facts on Family Separation and Detention.” CSII Immigrant Integration News Wire.

5. Fersan, Eliane. 2010. “SyroLebanese Migration (1880Present): “Push and “Pull” Factors.” Middle East Institute Viewpoints, Special Edition: 13-17.

6. Fersan, Eliane. 2007. “Soie et émigration, impact socio démographique sur le village de Zouk Mikaël.” Anwale Magazine 2: 7-9 .

7. Fersan, Eliane. 2006. “L’émigration libanaise aux ÉtatsUnis, d’après les archives du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères de France (1920 – 1931).” M.A. Thesis, Université Saint Esprit de Kaslik.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
United States, Lebanon, Syria
Expertise by Geography
France, Middle East, United States
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Diplomacy, Gender, Human Rights, Migration & Immigration, Sexuality