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Information and media Fake News Revolutionary Atlantic Spanish Caribbean Slavery Rebellions and Insurgency History of Print Media
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About Me

Cristina Soriano is Associate Professor of Latin American history at Villanova University. She received her PhD in History from New York University in 2011.

Soriano’s research has focused on the analysis of dynamics of circulation of information, social networks, and political mobilization in Venezuela and the Spanish Caribbean during the Age of the Revolutions. Her research has been supported by the Frank Guggenheim Foundation, the John Carter Brown Library, The Albert R Lepage Endowed Professorship in History, the Wissenchaftkolleg of Berlin, the National Center of Humanities, and the Latin American and Iberian Institute of University of New Mexico. Her first book Tides of Revolution: Information, Insurgencies, and the Crisis of Colonial Rule Venezuela, will come out with the University of New Mexico Press, Diálogos series in 2018. She has recently published the articles “Remembering the Slave Rebellion of Coro: Historical Memory and Politics in Venezuela” Ethnohistory, 62:3, 2016, 327-350, and “‘A True Vassal of the King:’ Pardo Literacy and Political Identity in Venezuela during the Age of Revolutions” Journal of Atlantic Studies, Global Currents, 14:3, 2017, 275-295.

Recent Publications

Tides of Revolution: Information, Insurgencies, and The Crisis of Colonial Rule in Venezuela.  Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, Diálogos Series,  2018.

“ ‘Avoiding the Fate of Haiti’: Negotiating Peace in Late-Colonial in Venezuela” in Michael Goode and John Smolenski (eds.), The Specter of Peace: Rethinking Violence and Power in the Colonial Atlantic. Early American History Series, Vol. 9, London: Brill, 2018.

“‘A True Vassal of the King:Pardo Literacy and Political Identity in Venezuela during the Age of Revolutions” Journal of Atlantic Studies, Global Currents, 14:3, 2017, 275-295.

Co-authored with Krisna Ruette-Orihuela, “Remembering the Slave Rebellion of Coro: Historical Memory and Politics in Venezuela” Ethnohistory, 62:3, 2016, 327-350.

“Librerías, Lectores y Saber en Caracas durante la Segunda Mitad del Siglo XVIII” in Idalia García y Pedro Rueda (edit.): El Libro en Circulación de América Colonial: Producción, Circuitos de Distribución y Conformación de Bibliotecas en los Siglos XVI al XVIII. Ciudad de México: Editorial Quivira, 2014, 239-258.

Comprar libros en una ciudad sin imprenta. Redes de circulación de libros en la Caracas de finales del siglo XVIII.” in Pedro Rueda (ed.): El Libro en Circulación en el Mundo Moderno en España y Latinoamérica. Biblioteca Litterae, Madrid: Edit. Calambur, 2012, 108-127.

 “Revolutionary Voices: The Presence of Visitors, Fugitives and Prisoners from the French Caribbean in Venezuela (1789-1799), Storia e Futuro, Rivista di Storia e Storiografia, No. 30, November 2012.

“La Esclavitud en la Obra de Acosta Saignes: Estudios Subalternos y el problema de construir las historias del otro” Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales. Vol.16, No. 1 (January-April 2010) Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 145-156.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Venezuela, Colombia, Spanish Caribbean
Expertise by Geography
Caribbean, Latin America
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century
Expertise by Topic
Book History, Colonialism, Emancipation, Government, Politics, Race, Rebellion & Revolution, Slavery