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SUNY at Old Westbury
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Early medieval England, law, administration, estate management, early medieval Europe
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About Me

I am currently working on a monograph on the reeve (gerefa) in early medieval England (under contract with Boydell & Brewer).

My research interests are: early medieval England (C9-C11), diplomatic, law and administration, pre-Conquest English culture and prosopography, Northumbria in the eleventh century, pre-Conquest estate management, the church in pre-Conquest England, early medieval urban history, historiography, the horse in the ancient and medieval worlds and Anglo-Norman culture (particularly in the second half of the eleventh century).

Recent Publications

Shields-Más, Chelsea and Charlie Rozier. “The Northern Limits of Norman Power: Border Policies in Northumbria, c.1050–1100.” In Borders and the Norman World. Frontiers and Boundaries in Medieval Europe, edited by Daniel Armstrong, Áron Kecskés, Leonie Hicks and Charlie C. Rozier, 43–68. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2023.

Shields-Más, Chelsea. “The Sheriffs of Edward the Confessor.” Anglo-Norman Studies 45 (2023): 61–75.

Shields-Más, Chelsea. “Royal Reeves, Royal Authority and the “Holy Society” in Archbishop Wulfstan’s Writings.” In Law, Literature, and Social Regulation in Early Medieval England. Edited by Anya Adair and Andrew Rabin, 198–221. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2023.

McMullen, A. Joseph and Chelsea Shields-Más. “Tamar, Widowhood, and the Old English Prose Translation of Genesis.” Anglia 138, Issue 4 (Nov. 2020): 586–617.

Book Review

Shields-Más, Chelsea. Review of Writing, Kingship and Power in Anglo-Saxon England, ed. Rory Naismith and David Woodman (Cambridge University Press, 2018). Speculum. Vol. 95, No. 1 (January 2020): 285–286.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
British Isles, England
Expertise by Chronology
Expertise by Topic
Diplomacy, Environment, Government, Law, Politics, Public History, Rural & Agrarian History, Women