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Rocky Mountain College
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Russia, former Soviet Union, sport, Olympics, cultural diplomacy, Cold War
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About Me
Recent Publications


Jenifer Parks, The Olympic Games, the Soviet Sports Bureaucracy, and the Cold War: Red Sport, Red Tape (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2016).


Refereed Journal Articles

“Promoting Authority through Sport by States and Societies of Eastern Europe,” Handbuch der Sportgeschichte Osteuropas, (2014).

“‘Nothing but Trouble’: The Soviet Union’s Push to ‘Democratise’ International Sports during the Cold War, 1959-1962,” The International Journal of the History of Sport 30.13 (2013).


Book Chapters

“Welcoming the Third World: Soviet Sports Diplomacy, Developing Nations and the Olympic Games,” in Heather L. Dichter and Andrew L. Johns, eds., Diplomatic Games: Essays on the International History of Sport and Foreign Relations since 1945 (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2014).

“‘Za Druzhbu: Auf die Freundschaft!’ Sowjetisch-Amerikanische Sportbegegnungen in der sowjetischen Sportpresse,” in Evelyn Mertin and Christoph Bertling, eds., Freunde oder Feinde? Sportberichterstattung in Ost und West während des Kalten Krieges (Köln: Gütersloh Medienfabrik Gütersloh, 2013).

“Verbal Gymnastics: Sports, Bureaucracy, and the Soviet Union’s Entrance into the Olympic Games, 1946-1952,” in Stephen Wagg and David Andrews, eds., East Plays West: Sport and the Cold War (London and New York: Routledge, 2006).


Book Reviews

Review of William D. Frank, Everyone to Skis!: Skiing in Russia and the Rise of Soviet Biathlon, Sport History Review 45.2 (2014).

Review of Gold, John R.; Gold, Margaret M., eds., Olympic Cities: Urban Planning, City Agendas and the World’s Games, 1896 to the present. H-Urban, H-Net Reviews. May, 2011. URL: http://www.h

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Russia and former Soviet Union
Expertise by Geography
Eastern Europe, Russia, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
Modern, 20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Diplomacy, Politics, Sports