Participant Info

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Arcadis, Inc.
Website URL
Architectural History, Midwest, Michigan, Genesee County, Flint, Flushing, Wesley Bintz, Swimming Pools, Railroads, Bridges, Genealogy, Fort Wayne, Mid-Century Modern, Section 106, National Historic Preservation Act, National Register of Historic Places
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Personal Info

About Me

I am a senior architectural historian for a private environmental and engineering consulting firm with more than 10 years of professional experience. I have a B.A. in Public History from Western Michigan University, and an M.S. in Historic Preservation from Eastern Michigan University. I am responsible for conducting and overseeing architectural and historic resource investigations for Section 106 and NEPA projects in the Energy, Transportation, and Community Development sectors, as well as for grant- and locally-funded preservation projects, including National Register nominations, historic district surveys, and historic district guidelines development. I have 15 years of genealogy research experience, as well, and am one of the “experts” on the Bintz above-ground swimming pool, designed by Lansing, Michigan-based designer Wesley Bintz.

Recent Publications

(In addition to several technical reports for Section 106 projects)

National Register of Historic Places Nomination – Wilkinsburg Historic District, Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (listed 5/14/2018)

Documentation of YMCA Camp Conoy, Calvert County, Maryland (February 2014)

Documentation of YMCA Camp Conoy (CT-1312), Mitigation Report Appendix C Archival Materials, Mitigation of NRHP-Eligible Architectural and Historical Properties, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plan, Calvert County, Maryland (November 2010)

Media Coverage
Country Focus
United States
Expertise by Geography
United States
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, Early Modern, Modern, 20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Art & Architectural History, Local & Regional, Public History