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independent scholar
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history of American education, history of American culture, First Ladies
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About Me

I am a historian of American education (PhD, New York University, 2002; BA, University of Chicago, 1980).  My scholarly interests include history of New York City, progressive education, First Ladies, and obscure Americans of historical and cultural interest whom I write about in my blog,  My teaching experience includes Emory & Henry College (2003-2006) and my published articles have covered such subjects as the philosopher George S. Counts, the Atlanta naturalist/philanthropist Emily Stewart Harrison, the history of college debate, and the image of the First Lady.  Currently I am writing a book about a Scottish immigrant who loved American history and founded an important museum in New York.

Recent Publications

“The Bittersweet Legacy of David T. Valentine” on Gotham, CUNY Graduate Center blog: The Bittersweet Legacy of David T. Valentine — The Gotham Center for New York City History (2024)

Waking Dreamers: Unexpected American Lives, 1880-1980 (2020)

“Coming Together and Coming Apart, Formative Years of Three School Districts” in Out of the Wilderness, the Emergence of Eastchester, Tuckahoe and Bronxville (2014)

An Informal History of the Druid Hills Association (2013)

“Intercollegiate Debate and American Culture” in Argumentation & Advocacy (2009)

”Laura Carter Holloway & the First Lady’s Story” in White House Studies (2009)

”The PTA and the Good Life” in The Educational Work of Women’s Organizations, 1890-1960 (2007)

Media Coverage
Country Focus
United States
Expertise by Geography
United States
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, Early Modern, Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
American Presidents, Libraries & Archives, Literary History, Local & Regional, Museums, Urban History, Women, World War I