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University of Vienna
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Christians in the Middle East, Christian-Muslim relations, Syriac Church in Latin America, minorities
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About Me

As a recipient of the Hertha-Firnberg-Fellowship of the Austrian Research Council (FWF) at the University of Vienna, Ausria, I am currently conducting a research project on the Syriac Orthodox Community in Lebanon (1918-1982).

I have held postdoctoral positions at the Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University, the Institute of Eastern Studies/Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, and the Catholic University Lyon, France.

I completed a doctorate in Arabic Studies and a MA in Islamic Studies at the University of Vienna. I graduated in History at Paris-Sorbonne University and in Iranian Studies at the Inalco in Paris.

Recent Publications

“Die Christen in Jordanien nach 2011”, Ostkirchliche Studien 69:1 (2020): 103-116 (in Druck)

“When Ephrem Meets the Maya: Defining and Adapting the Syriac Orthodox Tradition in Guatemala.” Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 23:2 (2020):

“The emergence of a Syriac Orthodox Mayan Church in Guatemala”
International Journal of Latin American Religions 3:2 (2019): 370–389

“The Orthodox Issue in Jordan: The Struggle for an Arab and Orthodox Identity” Studies in World Christianity, 24:3 (2018): 212-233

“From ‘Polytheists’ to ‘Partners in the Nation’: Islamist Attitudes Towards Coptic Egyptians in Post-revolutionary Egypt (2011–2013)” Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 29:3 (2018): 289-308

‘Lebanon is more than a Nation, more than a Country. It is a Message.’
Lebanon as a Model of Christian-Muslim Relations,” Journal of Beliefs and Values, special issue ʻHow do we see each other? Interdisciplinary studies of relations between Abrahamic religions,’ 38:3 (2017): 286-295,

Michel Younès, Anna Hager, Laurent Basanèse, Diego Sarrió Cucarella (Hg.): Islam et appartenances, Paris, L’Harmattan 2020, Collection : Pensée religieuse et philosophique arabe

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Middle East
Expertise by Chronology
20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic