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University of Leeds (UK)
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France, Empire, Colonisation, Second World War, Colonial Soldiers., Harkis
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About Me

Lecturer in French at the University of Leeds with research interests in France’s colonial history, especially the Second World War and the Algerian War of Independence.

Current research project – Colonial subjects in the French Resistance – commemoration and memory.

Although there has been an increasing amount of research on the role played by colonial soldiers in the Free French Army and the Provence landings and subsequent liberation of France, the presence of colonial subjects in the French Resistance remains marginalised. Initial research has revealed that there were at least 5,000 colonial resistance fighters in groups throughout France.

My research examines the memory of this contribution at a national and local level in France and in cultural depictions (graphic novels, films and novels).

I blog on this topic at


Recent Publications

• ‘The documentary as a site of commemoration: Filming the veterans of the Resistance in the French Empire’, European Review of History, March 2018.

• ‘News from the Paddy Fields: Narratives of Indochinese Workers in Wartime France’, Essays in French Literature and Culture, 54, November 2017.

• (with Alison Fell), ‘The Colour of War Memory: Cultural representations of Tirailleur Sénégalais’, Journal of War and Culture, 9(4), August 2016.

• ‘The Roman Maghrébin in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring’, in a special issue on ‘The contemporary Roman Maghrébin: Aesthetics, Politics, Production 2000-2015’, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies: SITES, 20 (1), January 2016.

• ‘Faire entendre la voix de la mère marginalisée: les (auto-) biographies des écrivaines harkies’, Migrances, 24, Janvier 2014.

• ‘Trois continents, une guerre, un empire: Francophone Narratives of War and ‘Occupation in the French Empire’, French Cultural Studies, 22(3), August 2011.

• ‘La Figure du traître et du bouc émissaire: l’instrumentalisation des harkis par l’état algérien’ in Algérie vers le cinquantenaire de l’indépendance. un bilan, edited by Naaman Kessous, Christine Margerrison and Andrew Stafford (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009).

• ‘The Role of French Arab Women in Constructing a Postcolonial France’, Al-Raida, XXIV (116-117), Winter/ Spring 2007. (Also published in French and Arabic).

• Harki auto-biographies or collecto-biographies? Mothers speak through their daughters’, Romance Studies, 24(3), July 2006.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
France, Middle East
Expertise by Chronology
20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Migration & Immigration, Race, Women, World War II