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Freie Universiteat Berlin/Modern History
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Ottoman History, Security History, History of passports, History of Photography, History of Modern Middle East, History of Violence,History of Modern Turkey, Armenian History, State formation, Transimperial History
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About Me

Dr. İlkay YILMAZ is Einstein Senior Researcher at Freie Universiteat, Berlin. Her research specialisms are in the security policies of Ottoman Empire, Armenian Question, history of passports, history of photography, administrative history of Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic in the long nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, state formation and comparative empires. Her publications include Serseri, Anarşist ve Fesadın Peşinde, II. Abdülhamid Döneminde Güvenlik Politikaları Ekseninde Pasaport, Mürür Tezkeresi ve Otel Kayıtları, (Pursuit of Vagrant, Anarchist and Mischief: Internal Passports, Passports and Hotel Registers Through The Security Policies During the Abdulhamid II Era). She published “Governing the Armenian Question Through Passports In The Late Ottoman Empire (1876-1908), Journal of Historical Sociology, vol. 32/4, 2019,”Propaganda By The Deed And Hotel Registration Regulations In The Late Ottoman Empire”, Journal of Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, vol.4 /1, 2017 and “The Ottoman State, Police Photographs and Anthropometry”, Journal of Photography, PhotoresearcherEuropean Society for History of Photography, no: 31, (2019):90-100.

Recent Publications

“Conspiracies, Inter-imperial Police Cooperation, New Security Perceptions and the Fight Against Anarchism in the Ottoman World (1876-1908)”, Age of Rogues, Rebels, Revolutionaries, and Racketeers in Turn of the Century Eurasia Minor, eds. Ramazan Hakkı Öztan, Alp Yenen, Edinburgh University Press (in press, 2021).

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Mediterranean, Middle East
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Genocide, Law, Local & Regional, Migration & Immigration, Military, Politics, Rebellion & Revolution, Technology, Urban History, World War I