Participant Info

First Name
Last Name
Tadeusz Manteuffel  Institute of History Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw/Poland
Website URL
Colonial history, early modern history, Atlantic World, Portuguese Empire
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Personal Info

About Me

My academic credentials include a PhD in History from the Institute of History (2021), an MA in History of the Portuguese Empire from Nova University of Lisbon (2018), and an MA in Latin American Studies from the University of Warsaw (2014).

I am passionate about a diverse range of historical subjects, including Digital Humanities, historical network analysis, global history, social history, subalterns, postcolonial theories, and gender studies

Recent Publications


Books (n.3)

A. Błoch (2022). Wolni i Zniewoleni. Głosy grup podporządkowanych w historii imperium portugalskiego. Foundation for Polish Science. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika. Toruń, p. 1-450.

A. Błoch (2022). Livres e escravizados. As vozes dos subalternos no império colonial português. Museum of the History of the Polish Popular Movement in Warsaw: Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies at the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 2022, p. 1 – 468 A. Błoch (2019).

Cabo Verde: Paraíso do Atlântico colonial. Editora Fi: Porto Alegre. Brazil, p. 1-184.

Refereed Journal Articles (n. 7)

A. Błoch (2022). The “miserable vassals” of the Empire. The androgynous codes of behaviour of Blacks and Indigenous in late colonial Brazil (1775-1808). Canadian Journal of History 57.3, p. 94-131.

A. Błoch, M. Bojanowski, D. Vasques Filho. “Networks from archives: reconstructing networks of official communication in the early modern Portuguese Empire“. Social Networks, Volume 69, May 2022, p. 123-135. A. Błoch (2021). “Lojalni portugalskim monarchom – militarne oddziały czarnoskórych w kolonialnej Brazylii”. Studia Historica Gedanensia, Tom 12 (2021)/1, p. 158-176.

A. Błoch (2021). “Um frei carmelita no mundo de intrigas eclesiásticas – uma tentativa de reconstruir o crime de assassinato cometido pelo padre Manuel da Madre de Deus e seu escravo António Fernadnes”. Revista Eletrônica de História Social da Cidade, v. 1 n. 26, PUC-SP p. 88-116.

A.Błoch, M. Vallada Lemonte (2020). “Introduction to the Meteoric Political Rise of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro under a crisis of Brazilianness”. Ameryka Łacińska, 4 (106), p. 1-22.

A. Błoch (2018). “Estudar, entender e falar polonês na Polônia. As possíveis linhas de investigação pelos pesquisadores poloneses”. Revista Nordestina de História do Brasil. Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, p. 7-27.

A. Błoch (2018). “Dos bárbaros selvagens no oeste tropical aos “bárbaros do sul” no Extremo Oriente. Brasil e Japão nos olhos dos exploradores portugueses”. Rivista di Stugi Portoghesi e Brasiliani, XX, Piza–Rome. Italy, p. 5364. Book chapters (n. 7)

A. Błoch, M. Bojanowski, D. Vasques Filho (2021). “Slaves, Freedmen, Indians, and Pardos. The Early Modern Social Networks of the Population of Color in the Atlantic Portuguese Empire”. The Digital Black Atlantic. Roopika Risam, Kelly Baker Josephs (eds.). University of Minnesota Press, p. 238-261.

A. Błoch, M. Bojanowski, D. Vasques Filho (2021). “Identidade portuguesa ultramarina – a aplicação de Digital Humaninties aos estudos historiográficos. Desafios e oportunidades de Social Network Analysis em ciências sociais. Desafios e oportunidades de Social Network Analysis em ciências sociais”. Intersecções transdisciplinares: ensaios críticos sobre o universo da língua portuguesa. Renata Diaz-Schmidt, Anna Działak-Szubińska, Samuel FigueiraCardoso, Jakub Jankowski (red.). Instytut Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberioamerykańskich Uniwersytety Warszawskiego. Warszawa, p. 251-270.

A. Błoch. (2020). “A historiografia colonial de baixo para cima. Ameaça, uma abordagem nova ou complementar à história escrita de cima”. História em Movimento. Thiago Cedrez, Edgar Avila Gandra, Elvis Silveira Simões(ed.) Porto Alegre: Casaletras, p. 10-25.

A. Błoch (2019). “Portraying womanhood in the feminine Portuguese Atlantic”. Distributive Struggle and the Self in the Early Modern Iberian World. N. Böttcher, S. Rinke, and N. Vallen (eds.). Verlag Hans Dieter Heinz, Akademischer Verlag: Stuttgart, p. 219 – 246.

A. Błoch (2018). ”Od dzikich barbarzyńców na tropikalnym Zachodzie do barbarzyńców z południa na Dalekim Wschodzie. Brazylia i Japonia oczami ich portugalskich odkrywców”. Studia nad odmiennością na przestrzeni dziejów. J. Żychlińska, A. Głowacka-Penczyńska (eds.). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego. Poland, p. 69-84.

A. Błoch (2016). “Historie tysiąca i jednej nocy Pierwszego Cesarza Brazylii, D. Pedro I. Wstęp do historii miłości w Brazylii”. Przyjemności duchowe i cielesne w kulturze na przestrzeni dziejów. R. Bubczyk, B. Hołub (eds.). Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowskiej. Poland, p. 139-156.

A. Błoch (2016). “A interligação como marca do Império Português”. Língua Portuguesa. Unidade na Diversidade. B. Hlibowicka-Węglarz, J. Wiśniewska, E. Jabłońska (eds.). Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Poland, p. 9-21.

Reviews (n. 3)

A. Błoch (2022). Santos, Patrícia Teixeira & Kumar, Suresh. Faith, War and Slavery: a history of the Colonial Conquest of Sudan (1881–1898). Delhi: University of Delhi & São Paulo: Editora Unifesp, 2021, 284. The Journal of African History (2022), 63 (3), 418-420.

A. Błoch (2022). “Cacicas: The Indigenous Women Leaders of Spanish America, 1492–1825”. M.R. Ochoa, and S. V. Guengerich (eds). University of Oklahoma Press, 2021. Early American Literature, Volume 57, Number 2, pp. 575-579.

A. Błoch (2020). “Histórias da África e Ásia portuguesas. D. Marques, H. Moreira, T. Sampaio (org)”. Recife: EDUPE, 2020. Via Spiritus, n. 27.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, Latin America
Expertise by Chronology
17th century, 18th century, Early Modern
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Computational, Gender, Indigenous Peoples, Migration & Immigration, Race, Rebellion & Revolution, Slavery, Women