Participant Info

First Name
Last Name
Ávila Hernández
Freelance Researcher
Website URL
Contemporary Mexican History, Social Movements, Mentalities, Film Research, Military History
Additional Contact Information

Personal Info

About Me

(Mexico City, 1990). I studied History at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Since 2017, I have assisted in the documentary research of almost twenty national and foreign specialists; in 2017, I started participating in The Mexican Intelligence Digital Archives (MIDAS) from Northwestern University, The Center for Research Libraries, El Colegio de México and Article 19. Then in 2018, I contributed to research for the documentary feature film “Oblatos, el vuelo que surcó la noche,” directed by Acelo Ruiz and produced by the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (Mexico, 2019). In the meantime, since 2016, I was collaborating with Proceso magazine until 2022. In May 2022, I took up a public position in the Subsecretaría de Gobernación de Derechos Humanos, Población y Migración, joined as a researcher of the Mecanismo de Esclarecimiento Histórico (MEH) de la Comisión de la Verdad de la Guerra Sucia, mainly at the military archive of the la Dirección General de Archivo e Historia de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (SEDENA), until March 2024. In the second half of the same year, I returned to collaborate with the magazine Proceso.
To date, I have accumulated more than 8 years of experience as an independent researcher in Mexican public archives, with several journalistic publications about access to archives in Mexico and archives stories.

Recent Publications

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Central America, Latin America
Expertise by Chronology
20th century
Expertise by Topic
Libraries & Archives, Military, Politics, Rebellion & Revolution, Women