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University of New Brunswick (Saint John campus)
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social history of English seafarers in 16th and 17th centuries
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About Me

Prof at a Canadian uni. Regular visitor to the UK for research & travel study with my students. Social Science & Humanities Research Council research grant on Diet, Disease & Disorder in the Early East India Company Voyages. Wife & mom of human & furry children.

Recent Publications

BOOKS:Tides in the Affairs of Men: A Social History of Elizabethan Seamen, 1585-1603 (2002);

The Social History of English Seamen 1485-1649 vol. I (2012) & The Social History of English Seamen 1650-1815 vol. II ( 2017)

PRINTED KEYNOTE ADDRESS: “Disease & Discontent: The Impact of Seamen’s Health on Shipboard Order in the Early East India Company”. London: Hakluyt Society, 2019.

SELECTED ARTICLES: “To Sett Downe All the Villanie”: Accounts of the Sodomy Trial on the Fourth East India Company Voyage” in Mariner’s Mirror, vol. 102 (1) (Feb. 2016 ), 74-80; “Good Wills Hunting: Tracking Down the Men of the First East India Company Voyage, 1601-3” The International Journal of Maritime History, vol. 27(3), (2015), 506-27;“The First English East India Company Voyage: The Human Dimension” in The International Journal of Maritime History, vol. XXIV (2) (Dec. 2012), 69-96; “Entering that Darkness: One Canadian Professor’s View on Studying the Perpetrators of the Holocaust”, Teaching History: International Perspectives (Holocaust edition) International Institute of Education, University of London (2012); “Education and Training in the Elizabethan Maritime Community” in Mariner’s Mirror 85 (May 1999), 147-161.”Elizabethan Seamen: Their Lives Ashore” in International Journal of Maritime History 10 (1998), 1-40.

FORTHCOMING: “’Men Whose Vocation Calls us to Dangers Substantial’: Healthcare in the Early English East India Company, 1601-1611” in The Ashgate Research Companion to Marine and Maritime Worlds, 1400-1800: Oceans in Global History and Culture. Edited by Claire Jowitt, Craig Lambert, and Steve Mentz ; ““Wicked Actions Merit Fearful Judgments”: Capital Trials aboard the Early East India Company Voyages, 1601-1611”, The Maritime World of Early Modern Britain. Edited James Davey and Richard Blakemore (Amsterdam Press, forthcoming).

Media Coverage
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British Isles
Expertise by Chronology
Pre-17th century, 17th century
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