Participant Info

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University of Manchester
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English Colonialsm, Gender, Women, Families, Trading Companies, Trade, Investment Practices, Finance, Forced Migration, Material Culture, Consumption, Early Modern English Society and Polities
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Personal Info

About Me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Manchester, working on the histories of women, trading companies and English colonialism in the seventeenth century.

Recent Publications

‘Women Investors and the Virginia Company in the Early Seventeenth Century’, The Historical Journal, (2019)

“Poore Soules”: Migration, Labor, and Visions for Commonwealth in Virginia’, in P. Musselwhite, P. Mancall, and J. Horn, eds., Virginia 1619: Slavery and Freedom in the Making of English America (OI/UNC, 2019)

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
British Isles, Caribbean, North America
Expertise by Chronology
17th century, Early Modern
Expertise by Topic
Capitalism, Colonialism, Economic History, Family, Gender, Labor, Material Culture, Migration & Immigration, Women