Participant Info

First Name
Louisa A.
Last Name
Middlebury College
Website URL
Medieval, heresy and inquisition, alchemy, southern France, Montpellier, Franciscans, monasticism, apocalypticism, religion
Additional Contact Information
On leave until September, 2019

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About Me
Recent Publications

So Great a Light, So Great a Smoke: The Beguin Heretics of Languedoc (Cornell University Press, 2008).

“Unusual Choices: The Unique Heresy of Limoux Negre” in Michael D. Bailey and Sean L. Field, eds., Late Medieval Heresy: New Perspectives. Studies in Honor of Robert E. Lerner(York Medieval Press, 2018), 96-115.

“The Angel with the Book,” in Pietro di Giovanni Olivi: Frate Minore. Atti del XLIII Convegno internazionale Assisi, 16-18 ottobre 2015(Spoleto, 2016), 363-393.

“La crise spirituelle de 1316: Les franciscains de Narbonne et leurs relations avec les habitants de la ville,” in Moines et religieux dans la ville (XII-XVe siècles), Cahiers de Fanjeaux 44 (2009), 469-491.

“‘Just Talking about God’: Orthodox Prayer among the Heretical Beguins,” in Franciscans at Prayer, ed. by Timothy Johnson (Brill, 2007), 249-270.

“Reliques et résistance chez les Béguins de Languedoc,” Annales du Midi118 (2006), 353-368.

“The Visionary Authority of Na Prous Boneta” in Alain Boureau and Sylvain Piron, eds. Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298): Pensée scolastique, dissidence spirituelle et société (J. Vrin, 1999), 319-339.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
France, Mediterranean, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
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